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Rocky is a 13 year old springer spaniel.  (Lifespan of a Springer is 12 - 14 years, according to Google.)  He seems happy.  He's alert, is moving fine, eating etc.  But he does have labored breathing at times.  Today he's been having really labored breathing for the past couple of hours but only when he lies down.  It sounds like he's snoring while wide awake and his belly is heaving with each breath.  Do I take him to the vet?  I don't mind taking to the vet but if it is simply old age or even cancer (which I'm not going to pursue heavy testing and treatment for at his age) then could a vet even do anything?  If he seemed like he was in pain it would be a no brainer.  I would have him at the vet in a heartbeat. 


Yes, go to the vet. First step to find out what can be done is to find out what is going on.

Edited by Critterfixer
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We lost but the guys seemed ok since it was such a good team. Going home tomorrow. 


Sorry about the loss, but glad everybody got a chance to play their best and enjoy being part of the team. Be careful driving home. You know, treacherous roads and dangerous seas and all that!

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For our 3rd quarter academic celebration, we had a smorgasbord of activities in the gym. It ended up a big dance party with Whip Nae Nae and other songs. Then, we taught them Thriller. It was highly educational. ;)

Those kids have mad skills. I have no skills. haha


Have you ever participated in a Thrill the World event? We did it here in Austin in 2008, with almost 800 people. I can be seen in this video. :hat:

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Oh, and FTR, I had never seen the video until I did Thrill the World, and then I watched it just because. :-)


Dh just walked in while I was watching your video.  He was like  :huh: "What are you watching?"   :lol:

Edited by Junie
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So....its....3:22 AM...and I've been up since 1AM (hmm...actually more like 12:30) working on all of the tasks that require a quiet house....you know...garden planning, science curriculum developing, setting assignments in Prodigy Math....


Couldn't help but swing by here again...ya'll look like you have so much fun!  I feel like that awkward new kid on the playground wanting to join an already formed social group...lol.  


Wait...I thought homeschooling was to help avoid all that social stuff?  


I saw some chatter about smoke alarms?  We had our hard-wired smoke alarms go off randomly for the first two years we lived here...then we discovered one of them was "bad" and replaced it...problem-solved.


Still though...nothing like a 2AM fire alarm that would last for a good 30 mins or more.  Well...unless you count the NEXT random fire alarm at 4AM.  Surprisingly, I was the only one that ever woke up.  Hubby who "can't sleep without ear plugs because the slightest noises wake him up" would keep right on sleeping like a baby.  Turd.  Dogs...kids...hubby...*snore*    

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Good Morning all!


Hi Sweet Pea, I hope you're sleeping soundly now (at 6:45).  I'm impressed with your use of quiet time.  Garden planning (what's that? :hat: ), science curriculum developing (definitely above my pay grade :svengo: ), and assignments in prodigy math (no math prodigies here!  :smash: ), would not cross my mind.   :svengo:   (But I might be tempted to make a spreadsheet of possible history and literature combinations for three different children cross referenced with potential morning time resources, :leaving: .)  Welcome!



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Good Morning.


Hi, Sweetpea, and welcome.


I have to pick dd16 up at a friend's house later. She has an appointment to get her hair trimmed at noon today. Then I have to pick up some stuff for tlih because she forgot to tell me she was almost out of some things.


I told little dd that I would make her chicken and dumplings for supper today. That's about it.


Hope y'all have a good day. :) and I hope everyone travels safely.

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So....its....3:22 AM...and I've been up since 1AM (hmm...actually more like 12:30) working on all of the tasks that require a quiet house....you know...garden planning, science curriculum developing, setting assignments in Prodigy Math....


Couldn't help but swing by here again...ya'll look like you have so much fun! I feel like that awkward new kid on the playground wanting to join an already formed social group...lol.


Wait...I thought homeschooling was to help avoid all that social stuff?


I saw some chatter about smoke alarms? We had our hard-wired smoke alarms go off randomly for the first two years we lived here...then we discovered one of them was "bad" and replaced it...problem-solved.


Still though...nothing like a 2AM fire alarm that would last for a good 30 mins or more. Well...unless you count the NEXT random fire alarm at 4AM. Surprisingly, I was the only one that ever woke up. Hubby who "can't sleep without ear plugs because the slightest noises wake him up" would keep right on sleeping like a baby. Turd. Dogs...kids...hubby...*snore*

Smoke alarms do not wake young children up. I don't know why. A fireman tired of finding dead children's bodies has created one that goes "Beep beep beep. Everyone get up, there's a fire!" because the second part wakes kids up.


Welcome to the ITT. :)

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Couldn't help but swing by here again...ya'll look like you have so much fun!  I feel like that awkward new kid on the playground wanting to join an already formed social group...lol.  


Wait...I thought homeschooling was to help avoid all that social stuff?  



Girl friend, there's no awkwardness here. Just jump right in. :hat:

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Ikslo, I think nothing planned would be better than my to-do list which has things like laundry (mountains), tax return related stuff (still!), and other such unpleasantries. You have a great life with appropriate amounts of rest and downtime!

Oh, well I guess I do have laundry I can do. And I have to make me somes coffee.
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Awwww, yay!  A nice social group!  


We use to have one of those talking fire alarms back at our old home.  I don't recall it ever going off at night, but I do remember it led to my oldest two children walking around sounding like Beavis and Butthead...


"Fire!  Fire!"  


(I did get some sleep...I went up around 5:30 or so and just got up at 9).  Sleep is overrated!


That said...my husband rolled over when I went up to bed, sniffled and said, "I don't feel well, my throat is sore."  


People...man flu is upon me.  I covet your prayers.  

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Awwww, yay! A nice social group!


We use to have one of those talking fire alarms back at our old home. I don't recall it ever going off at night, but I do remember it led to my oldest two children walking around sounding like Beavis and Butthead...


"Fire! Fire!"


(I did get some sleep...I went up around 5:30 or so and just got up at 9). Sleep is overrated!


That said...my husband rolled over when I went up to bed, sniffled and said, "I don't feel well, my throat is sore."


People...man flu is upon me. I covet your prayers.

Oh, no! I was gonna like this, then I got to the part about the sick dh. Prayers for you both. I've been there this week.

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Hi Sweetpea!  I just hopped onto this thread a few months ago.  Welcome!


At a ceremony but quick check in.

We lost but the guys seemed ok since it was such a good team. Going home tomorrow.


:hurray:  Glad they played well.  Hope you have a safe trip home.  Also hope that no one picked up sick child's germs.


Sorry about the loss, but glad everybody got a chance to play their best and enjoy being part of the team. Be careful driving home. You know, treacherous roads and dangerous seas and all that!


(Whispers to Sweetpea on the playground:  If you don't do what she's talking about, this might help.)


So....its....3:22 AM...and I've been up since 1AM (hmm...actually more like 12:30) working on all of the tasks that require a quiet house....you know...garden planning, science curriculum developing, setting assignments in Prodigy Math....


Couldn't help but swing by here again...ya'll look like you have so much fun!  I feel like that awkward new kid on the playground wanting to join an already formed social group...lol.  


Wait...I thought homeschooling was to help avoid all that social stuff?  


I saw some chatter about smoke alarms?  We had our hard-wired smoke alarms go off randomly for the first two years we lived here...then we discovered one of them was "bad" and replaced it...problem-solved.


Still though...nothing like a 2AM fire alarm that would last for a good 30 mins or more.  Well...unless you count the NEXT random fire alarm at 4AM.  Surprisingly, I was the only one that ever woke up.  Hubby who "can't sleep without ear plugs because the slightest noises wake him up" would keep right on sleeping like a baby.  Turd.  Dogs...kids...hubby...*snore*    


We had to vacuum one of ours out because it was filthy.  It's right next to an air intake, so all of the dust was being sucked in that direction.  It took us a while (in the middle of the night, of course) to figure it out.


Good Morning.

Hi, Sweetpea, and welcome.

I have to pick dd16 up at a friend's house later. She has an appointment to get her hair trimmed at noon today. Then I have to pick up some stuff for tlih because she forgot to tell me she was almost out of some things.

I told little dd that I would make her chicken and dumplings for supper today. That's about it.

Hope y'all have a good day. :) and I hope everyone travels safely.


(whispers to Sweetpea:  tlih stands for "the lady I help" -- groceries, meds, paperwork kind of thing


Today's the big day! The short person could use some prayers, especially for peace. The State level practice test on Tuesday did not go so well, so I am mostly hoping that she remembers to have fun.

On the upside, a girl from her AoPS algebra class PM'd her; she's here too and they're planning to meet up.


(whispers to Sweetpea:  I think she's talking about MathCounts.)


JJM, hope your daughter has a great time!  

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Ds is going to go to work this morning for four hours.  He's still sick but not quite sick as before.  He still can't talk but he's in the back and doesn't interact with customers.


It is day 3 or something (I lost count) of too little sleep.  I have insomnia at night and whenever I want to take a nap.  And then I have to get up at the crack of dawn and then can't get back to sleep.  This morning I got up with ds and can't go back to sleep because the only appt. available for the car was at 8 am. 

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Morning ladies, coffee is a good thing! It's sunny and a bit foggy here this morning. Had a thunder storm yesterday. That would be a California-type thunderstorm. "Torrential rain and flooding" meaning an intersection in Fresno is under water, "hail" meaning a bit of hail fell the size of frozen peas (though the hail canons were going off for about an hour and we never got any hail in our neck of the woods). And they talked about it all afternoon on talk radio. Lol.


JJM, hope your dd does well!


IKSLO, having an empty day means you have a life and are not controlled by all the circumstances around you, being dragged from pillar to post by everyone else's schedule and demands. You are in charge of your own destiny.


Jeanie, hope yu can get some rest in today somewhere!


Lynn, I agree... Where there's coffee, there's a partay!


Tex, glad it was a good experience for the boys! Safe travels home. Treacherous roads and all that!


Sweetpea, welcome! Just jump right in and join the fun! We're celebrating our first anniversary next week!


Today, I don't have much going on. Grocery shopping (ugh) and TNT Girls ice skating trip. I do not ice skate, but I do sit around and talk with the other ladies, which will be fine.

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Dh is changing the batteries in all of the smoke alarms. It's kind of loud!


BEEP! BEEP! Warning! Carbon Monoxide. BEEP!


Happy Time Change, everyone...

Our smoke alarms have a habit of occasionally going off simultaneously at 1:00am. Talk about a rude awakening.


And this is a shrieking loud Booya/h to everyone out there in ITT land.


I knew I'd get a Booya/h soon if I kept posting enough.


Post-padding Booya/h too!

Edited by KrissiK
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Hi, Lynn! I'm glad someone else is here on ITT. It's kind of creepy. Just sitting here, waiting for others to come and play! I've been sitting in a quiet kitchen for an hour now, drinking coffee and thinking, maybe..,, just maybe I should get up and make breakfast.

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