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Jean:  I love you very much.  Sadly, however, I must inform you that your Magic Whip seems to have lost some of its power.  The deluge sneaked past you and is dumping on our heads.  There is a half inch of SLUSH on my back patio.


And we must drive for 8 hours today. On treacherous roads.  If I ever get packed.







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Did I mention that, yesterday, as I staggered around doing laundry and trying to get our house fit for company, DH looked at me and said, "Don't you think you're overdoing it?"


Now, here's the deal. (Don't quote this part) I don't really have a bazooka. (You can quote now.)  But, inspired as I was, a bazooka was neither necessary nor desired; hands on throat would have been JUST the tool for the job.  Tragically, however, I lack also an excavator attachment for the tractor so...disposal...would have been extremely difficult.  And I would have to drive today.  Which I hate.  I won't tell you which was the deciding factor in allowing him to live.

Edited by JoJosMom
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Has anyone ever had a traumatized cat? One of our cats (not Tabby who recently came home), but Snowflake, who is a youngish kitty and used to be so playful and affectionate seemed very sick and droopy on Monday, but had no injuries. Now, she's paranoid and skittish and does not want to be touched. We have no idea what happened to her. 


Get her checked out. Top on my list would be a cat fight. The wounds close over so quickly that they can be difficult to find. The cat has a fever and is often painful "everywhere" from the closed over bite. 

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Good Morning.


It is dh that has fallen to the flu virus/strep/whatever. He missed work Tuesday, he is generally off on Wednesdays, and he is missing today. He is going to the Dr. later this morning. We may take little ds to the Dr. too. His cough is terrible.


It is raining here today. I think it's going to rain for the next several days.


Oh, poor Mr. Openhearted!! He gets the bunny slippers...



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:grouphug:  Glad you had afternoon help and hope things are looking up.




(and a pregnancy test)

I saw that!!!  :thumbdown: 

Why ya keep tryin' to get me knocked up? lol 


I'm not pregnant. Sorry to bust your bubble. ;) I know you want another ITT baby. 


This is the culmination of 3rd quarter grades due tomorrow, needing to grade massive piles of papers, having something every afternoon (yay, today's got canceled, so I can work late and grade!), being gone the next 4 weekends, and feeling like I can't catch up at school or home. I've been feeling this way for about 3 weeks and it just finally enveloped me.

Plus, with being stressed, I haven't paid as much attention to my diet, so I've not been 100% gluten free. That makes my anxiety and weepiness shoot through the roof. 


So, yesterday, I said I was upset because I felt like I was being double reprimanded by my principal during collaboration. Well, at the end of school, she stopped me and made sure I knew that she was not aiming her comments to me. She said she was needing to address the situation with multiple teachers, but had talked to me about it since I was in her office. She apologized for not giving me a heads up that she would be bringing it up. 



Today is MUCH better, though. I don't feel minutes away from a panic attack. 

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Dh sleeps in his undies but he threw on some clothes. The poor lad did not have his contacts in and put a blanket over his head to block out the light. It woke up ds13 on the couch but I think ds15 may have slept through it.


Their whole family will be staying on Friday night since they didn't get a hotel for that night. Ten people in 1500 sq feet. We will get to know each other well.


I heart this family and their kids. I would adopt the kids if they had no parents.

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Yay, Junie!


Glad things are going better, Ivy!


JJM, I agree with your assessment that such an endeavor does require a tractor.


Sorry for your nighttime adventures, tex!


Day 3 of no caffeine for me.  I am expecting a catastrophic crash of self either today or tomorrow. On a happy note, the birds have found the bird feeder. I have a cardinal pair and a blue jay pair visiting. At some point soon we shall have the talk about how I will provide the good seed with bonus sunflower seeds if they will do their part in eating bugs, not pooping on me or my children, and being sure to greet me on the deck when I am eating breakfast so I can watch them.  

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Yesterday, ds stopped by his workplace on our way back from the doctor, talked to the manager on site and gave her the doctor's note that said that he needed to be off today as well.  He was assured that he did not have to call in sick this morning.  This morning the phone rang and it was today's manager wanting to know where ds was.   Apparently the other manager hadn't even left a note about ds' absence.  Sigh.  I explained and I hope that was enough. 

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Get her checked out. Top on my list would be a cat fight. The wounds close over so quickly that they can be difficult to find. The cat has a fever and is often painful "everywhere" from the closed over bite.

You're probably right. We have a nasty black tom cat wandering around (he's a stray, I believe). Even though all our cats are fixed, I wonder if he was throwing his weight around. We did hear some noise the other night. Usually it's just posturing, but I wonder if there was an actual fight.
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On a happy note, the birds have found the bird feeder. I have a cardinal pair and a blue jay pair visiting. At some point soon we shall have the talk about how I will provide the good seed with bonus sunflower seeds if they will do their part in eating bugs, not pooping on me or my children, and being sure to greet me on the deck when I am eating breakfast so I can watch them.

Awww! I wish we had pretty birds. Our birds are all of the grey and brown variety. Although we do love them.
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Jean:  I love you very much.  Sadly, however, I must inform you that your Magic Whip seems to have lost some of its power.  The deluge sneaked past you and is dumping on our heads.  There is a half inch of SLUSH on my back patio.


And we must drive for 8 hours today. On treacherous roads.  If I ever get packed.


It did not sneak.  It gusted and blasted by me.  In fact it is still gusting, though there is no rain at this precise moment. 


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Please do not quote.  I will be deleting.  I have spend most of the morning dealing with this issue below: 


Okay, I deleted it.  If any regular ITTers want to see what I had up and offer follow up advice or opinions, just pm me.


Thanks for letting me put it up and then take it down.  I know that's annoying! 

Edited by Another Lynn
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Anyway, I don't know that I want to say a lot about all this on a public forum.  I am more frustrated with the discrepancies in her narrative about grading the lab reports than anything on his part.  I know he's not a perfect student and I know he doesn't care a great deal about chemistry.  But I know he cares enough. 


I'm not really mad, I'm just a bit worn out from all this. 

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Is there anyone else you can check with to see if the mysterious problem with the system is a real thing? Sounds to me like you called her out on her failure to do what she needs to do, and she's trying to cover.

Edited by ikslo
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Might be a good time to brainstorm with your ds on how to handle this particular teacher and situation. He's going to run into people who don't communicate well, or won't communicate well, people who lose things that they shouldn't lose, and he'll probably have to work with some of them. A good strategy for the rest of the class could be helpful. I'm assuming he just wants to get this over with and be done. Sometimes it does become necessary to have a strategy for a class that takes the teacher into account. Good thing to learn.

So, study hard, bug the living daylights out of the teacher for assignments, extra credit and due dates and write everything down. And I do think I'd be insisting on that meeting, because clearly communication isn't happening, and that's not acceptable.


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Yeppers. Hard wired into the house. It looked like the Keystone cops up in here at 4 am.


I get kind of psycho when smoke alarms go off.  And then when they all go off, I don't even know where to look to see if there really is a fire.


Dh got kind of tired of me freaking out, so he now changes the batteries in all of them every time we have a time change.  It's cheaper than anxiety meds. ;)



(Note to self:  remember to buy 9 volts this weekend)

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Is there anyone else you can check with to see if the mysterious problem with the system is a real thing? Sounds to me like you called her out on her failure to do what she needs to do, and she's trying to cover.


Yes!  Thank you.  I'm glad it's not just me that felt that way!  I'm trying to decide whether to ask for an appt. with the principal.  (Yikes!  makes me nervous!)


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Might be a good time to brainstorm with your ds on how to handle this particular teacher and situation. He's going to run into people who don't communicate well, or won't communicate well, people who lose things that they shouldn't lose, and he'll probably have to work with some of them. A good strategy for the rest of the class could be helpful. I'm assuming he just wants to get this over with and be done. Sometimes it does become necessary to have a strategy for a class that takes the teacher into account. Good thing to learn.

So, study hard, bug the living daylights out of the teacher for assignments, extra credit and due dates and write everything down. And I do think I'd be insisting on that meeting, because clearly communication isn't happening, and that's not acceptable.


Yes!  That's really helpful.  I did a little bit of that, (but not as well as you stated it here).  When he got a little defensive, I tried to explain that in the real world, justice is not perfect.  When teachers mess up, students can still be the ones who pay the consequence.  I talked a little bit about self-advocating and taking responsibility beyond what is his fair share. 


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Oh, strategy for courses is a huge deal! It becomes very important to seek out good professors where you can in college, and to quickly figure out what you need to do to be successful. A good strategy can save a grade, can give you the opportunity to learn what you need or want to learn, and give you opportunity to learn from those same professors later on. (Or teach you which ones to avoid later if you must!)

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And I know it is annoying, and hard, but what an awesome opportunity to figure out what to do when a class isn't going the way it should. This is people problems as much as it is course content and computer glitches. This is real world stuff.  :hurray:

(This is where the kid rolls his eyes and says "Shut up, already!" But it's true. :lol: )

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I get kind of psycho when smoke alarms go off.  And then when they all go off, I don't even know where to look to see if there really is a fire.


Ours is right in the hall off the kitchen. It goes off whenever one opens the oven. MIL gets a kick out of the boys telling her that the alarm goes off every time Mom is cooking. :laugh:

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Critter, I know you're right, but have I already interfered so much that I have robbed him of that opportunity?  I did leave a message with the asst. principal requesting a face to face.  For one, I want something documented about how long we went without knowing the true situation with his grade.  And that ds didn't have much better information about it than we did - whether it was a computer thing or teacher issue.  Secondly, this is private school, and I feel because we are paying so much, I should expect better and have a right to ask for better.  I might see it differently if it were public.   

Edited by Another Lynn
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Anyway, I don't know that I want to say a lot about all this on a public forum. I am more frustrated with the discrepancies in her narrative about grading the lab reports than anything on his part. I know he's not a perfect student and I know he doesn't care a great deal about chemistry. But I know he cares enough.


I'm not really mad, I'm just a bit worn out from all this.

:grouphug: to you and your ds :grouphug:


I'm sorry he has to deal with this on top of being sick too. I hope he feels better soon, and no one else in your family catches it.


Too much pressure is put on our children, I think. When dd was sick last week she was so worried about getting behind in her classes, especially chemistry. She should've missed Thursday as well as Friday, but she refused. I really hope things get straightened out. More :grouphug:

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I don't think so, Lynn. For one thing, this is still his problem. And you are there to help him solve it, and so (probably) is this teacher. There are people out there who don't want to be understood, who live to make things difficult, who willfully fail to communicate, but they are not terribly common. I like to believe that most of us would like to be understood, would like to see people work well and enjoy success, and don't want bad outcomes. I do think that you have the right to make sure that everyone is on the same page as far as those goals are concerned.

But it is still going to come down to your ds working out a system to help him succeed in this class with this teacher. And that is something that he can be guided in, and should be. I think very few people come to strategy easily--it's nice to have help figuring it out.

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Is there anyone else you can check with to see if the mysterious problem with the system is a real thing? Sounds to me like you called her out on her failure to do what she needs to do, and she's trying to cover.



Yes!  Thank you.  I'm glad it's not just me that felt that way!  I'm trying to decide whether to ask for an appt. with the principal.  (Yikes!  makes me nervous!)



I used RenWeb when I worked at my first teaching position. While I hated the program, I never had anything like that happen. Not once did my grades just randomly disappear. Glitches happen, but that seems off. 

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Back from the funeral. It was nice. I've really been thinking about funerals and such since that thread on the Chat Board. I have never been to a funeral that was not positive. And perhaps that's because I've only been to Christian funerals. I mean, they're sad, of course, but they are not miserable, horrible affairs, like some people mentioned on that thread. And I've also, along those lines, been thinking about the idea of rituals. Someone in that thread mentioned that rituals bind us together as a community. I've been thinking a lot about that, as I have been kind of lonely lately and not feeling so much like I belong anywhere. But coming home from the funeral today, I felt more of a sense of belonging. I guess when people get together and share with eachother in life experiences.... Weddings, funerals, etc. it gives people a sense of belonging.


Anyhow, my deep thoughts for the day!

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I have no cavities.  I think it is only fair that dd takes me out for frozen yogurt since I took her out for frozen yogurt when she got a cavity free report.  Can I get some Amens from the ITT crowd? 



Guess who #2ed in the potty! She came to me and said "Mama I have to poop. Can I poop in the potty?" Go Mooies!



I'm not lenting well am I?

YAY Mooies!!!  That's fantastic!

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I have no cavities. I think it is only fair that dd takes me out for frozen yogurt since I took her out for frozen yogurt when she got a cavity free report. Can I get some Amens from the ITT crowd?

Amen! Preach it, Sister!


And there you go! A Frozen Yogurt Booha/h for me!

Edited by KrissiK
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