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I merged Spanglish with "ebonics"* and Latin. I should get an award.







*ETA I hate the whole ebonics thing... it really demeans the variety of dialects of American English... but still. That's the only word I know for it.

Edited by Tsuga
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I'm home. I'm beat. I'm going to bed. Now to translate that into Latin. 

The boys did school with Nana today. Apparently they blew through their work in a record four hours. Shows on parasites and bacteria for hours on end seem to be highly motivating.


Veni, Vidi, Vici.  :lol:


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Ellie's feeling better!!!


Junie, how have your migranes been?


Thanks for thinking of me!


The migraines are still almost daily, but the intensity is much decreased.  I still have some days where it would not be wise to drive (so I don't), but they do seem to be getting better.


I am hoping that upping the meds (per neuro's instructions) will help.  I have a follow-up appointment in April.

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Good moooornin', ITT! (Said in the Good Morning, Vietnam voice)


Ellie, so glad you are feeling better :hurray:


Tsuga, your language skills leave me in awe :lol:


Susan, so do your lifting skills;-)


Now that History Day project is turned in, we shall turn our attention to math and history. We need to get proportions retaught today and work on an exam for next week. (I use the term 'we' loosely, lol.) We also need to have a discussion on WWI. We are a few weeks behind in discussions, so I am combining material. We will be discussing prohibition and the Scopes Monkey Trial tomorrow.


My house is also a wreck and needs some serious attention.


That is all.

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Another ridonkulous day running around, but I have shorter, more layered, highlighted hair to do it with.


Plus, my mental burden has been lightened by not being the World's Mediator so already I'm ahead. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:



You know how I have been exhausted from talking to people lately? This is why. It isn't really the talking (well, it is a little bit:-) It is exhausting because it is mediating. Instead of just shooting the breeze, it requires me to be thoughtful and wise and a very thorough listener. And diplomatic. And careful. The energy suck from mediating is exponentially bigger than just chatting.


Hashing it out with your hairdresser was probably just the thing:-)



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I don't do mediating. I do advocating, and that's tough enough. I'd make a terrible mediator...I'm not good with feelings. For instance, my quiet boy is thrashing himself about over a Latin quiz. Had he not thrashed, I feel confident that he would have scored quite well based on how he has performed over the week. Instead, he had a minor tantrum about the whole thing, barely scraped a B and is currently out on the front porch, where I sent him to cool his head. 

I'm at a loss as to what to do about his quiz anxiety. Latin seems to stir him up more than math, but when he gets all frazzled he really can't think. It's somewhat random, but he always gets a big, puffy tail whenever it happens. :willy_nilly: Having never suffered from test anxiety of any kind, I really can't empathize with the situation, and apparently I'm supposed to. :001_huh: This is very difficult, as I'd far rather help him come up with a solution than sympathize.


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It is snowing.  :svengo:



I am sorry. We got dumped on two days ago after a 50 degree weekend (which brings out the shorts around here :D ) It was disheartening.


We got snowed on over the weekend; back down into the 30s for highs.  Brrr.  Now it's back to sheets of rain.  Possibly more snow in a couple of days.


Hmmm....Snow?  Check.   Rain?  Check?   Gobs and gobs of icy mud?  Check.


Yep.  It's getting to be spring.  :glare:


I am a very crabby tabby. 




Good morning, all! It's Thursday! Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to the pungent smell of fresh skunk! I accidentally left a window open and at 3:25am the smell was so bad it woke me up.


:ack2:  I feel your pain.  It's fairly common for that to happen in the summer here.  :ack2:

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Dd17 was up extra early to work on a chemistry assignment and made coffee for dh and me. :)


(I heart dd17)


Was making coffee a chemistry experiment?  I might be able to get on board with this!  (I don't drink coffee, but the smell is amazing.)

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I don't do mediating. I do advocating, and that's tough enough. I'd make a terrible mediator...I'm not good with feelings. For instance, my quiet boy is thrashing himself about over a Latin quiz. Had he not thrashed, I feel confident that he would have scored quite well based on how he has performed over the week. Instead, he had a minor tantrum about the whole thing, barely scraped a B and is currently out on the front porch, where I sent him to cool his head. 

I'm at a loss as to what to do about his quiz anxiety. Latin seems to stir him up more than math, but when he gets all frazzled he really can't think. It's somewhat random, but he always gets a big, puffy tail whenever it happens. :willy_nilly: Having never suffered from test anxiety of any kind, I really can't empathize with the situation, and apparently I'm supposed to. :001_huh: This is very difficult, as I'd far rather help him come up with a solution than sympathize.


Is he the one feeling unsympathized with?  Sympathy doesn't have to be more than "how frustrating" or "that sucks big time, dude".  "Now, let's figure out what to do about it!"

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I don't do mediating. I do advocating, and that's tough enough. I'd make a terrible mediator...I'm not good with feelings. For instance, my quiet boy is thrashing himself about over a Latin quiz. Had he not thrashed, I feel confident that he would have scored quite well based on how he has performed over the week. Instead, he had a minor tantrum about the whole thing, barely scraped a B and is currently out on the front porch, where I sent him to cool his head. 

I'm at a loss as to what to do about his quiz anxiety. Latin seems to stir him up more than math, but when he gets all frazzled he really can't think. It's somewhat random, but he always gets a big, puffy tail whenever it happens. :willy_nilly: Having never suffered from test anxiety of any kind, I really can't empathize with the situation, and apparently I'm supposed to. :001_huh: This is very difficult, as I'd far rather help him come up with a solution than sympathize.


Remind me...are you an INTJ?  Because that last line there is the me that gets me in heaps of trouble.



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Despite there being two different species of skunk in this state, I've never actually seen one. 

I never have, either, but we live by the river and there are all kinds of critters down there - raccoons (that come in our backyard) and skunks and coyotes and owls (like those best) and who knows what else.  We've been having more skunk action lately, though.

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Is he the one feeling unsympathized with?  Sympathy doesn't have to be more than "how frustrating" or "that sucks big time, dude".  "Now, let's figure out what to do about it!"


I expect so. Hard to say. To me it sounds like he would like to wallow in self-pity. :mellow: Certainly he does not wish to hear my variety of useful solutions for calming down so that he can concentrate. For me, once one has concluded that one is frustrated, the next thing one does is figure out how to get out of that funk! 



Remind me...are you an INTJ?  Because that last line there is the me that gets me in heaps of trouble.


Yes. This boy leans the same way, and typically will try (with success!) many of my solutions. However, it does seem to take him some time to adopt a method. It took me almost a month to convince him that a good walk out in the fresh air clears many a plot-related writer's block. He now uses that method for himself without any prompting. 

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In honor of Critter, I'm going to get up off of my butt and do something about my problems.  Tackling things head on is a big part of my personality.  (Which is not always the best tactic but it works in this case.)


I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes crack my head on brick walls when I get off my butt and tackle things head on! :laugh: It's my stubborn streak, which I think my quiet child (bless his heart) got from his dear old mum, along with all my curious facial expressions. It's like looking into a mirror sometimes!

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I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes crack my head on brick walls when I get off my butt and tackle things head on! :laugh: It's my stubborn streak, which I think my quiet child (bless his heart) got from his dear old mum, along with all my curious facial expressions. It's like looking into a mirror sometimes!


There's a big difference between cracking our own heads on brick walls (which I've done more times than I want to count) and cracking someone else's head on brick walls.  I can have a bulldozer personality at times and have to rein myself in so that I don't bury others six feet under! 


(This is not saying that you do that.  It is admitting my own flaws and tendencies.)



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