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You close for wind advisories and tornado watches? 

I don't think we'd have any school in the spring if we did that. :/ 


This is the first time I remember it happening. I think they're expecting the ____ to hit the fan right at the time when elementary kids would've been riding the school buses home. Closed 3 hours early.


We don't usually get this stuff this early in the year. Evidently this is the system that killed people in MS & LA earlier.

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I feel like I ought to be doing something. Like finishing up the Latin cards. Or working those last two triangle problems for algebra. Or typing up the history questions. But I am this close to calling it a day and spending the rest of the afternoon teaching both of my sweet boys to make the two different desserts that they want to learn to make. Because sweet boys. And time is fleeting and all that. :laugh:

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This is the first time I remember it happening. I think they're expecting the ____ to hit the fan right at the time when elementary kids would've been riding the school buses home. Closed 3 hours early.


We don't usually get this stuff this early in the year. Evidently this is the system that killed people in MS & LA earlier.

That makes sense. I do remember a time when we canceled after school enrichment programs because of __________ hitting the fan about the time of that dismissal. Always better safe, than sorry. 

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You close for wind advisories and tornado watches?

I don't think we'd have any school in the spring if we did that. :/

Lol, we don't close unless four wheel drive trucks can't get through and even then it is iffy, lol. Because Frozen Tundra.


Actually, sometimes they do, but every district head knows they will get called a wiener wussy pants if they do.


Tex, yes, carpet is of the devil. We are solid surfaces on the first floor now and it is glorious! Especially since we are in the woods and on a lake. The sand and mud alone were enough to do me in.


:hurray: for Ikslo the awesome and her prodigy.

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I feel like I ought to be doing something. Like finishing up the Latin cards. Or working those last two triangle problems for algebra. Or typing up the history questions. But I am this close to calling it a day and spending the rest of the afternoon teaching both of my sweet boys to make the two different desserts that they want to learn to make. Because sweet boys. And time is fleeting and all that. :laugh:

I say do it!

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I do generally ask them to tell me about their picture and make similar comments as suggested above.  I think the thing I took away from the conversation is that for older dd, making a picture for me is a gift from her soul and a huge invitation for interaction---and anything less than a meaningful conversation with a ton of praise given back as a gift back from my soul is apparently a problem.


She is next in line in the rotation of children to go out with me. 


I vote we send the cabana boy to Ellie. I hear he dances Hula Kahiko. He also makes good soup.

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I am going to spend this afternoon going through a trunk of old (1850s-1890s) photos with my kids---photographing them, telling stories to my children, and packing them away for the last time. I have them on loan from my grandparents but their estate is being divided up and this will probably be the last time that all of these photos will be together.

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So, dh did not want to do a full elimination diet (I don't know why. He's quirky sometimes.), but he agreed to eliminating dairy and gluten. She's been off both since Saturday. I can already tell a difference in her congestion, so I am sure there's something up with the milk. 
I'm glad it's making a difference, though. 

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I'm glad something is helping, but I'm sorry you're dealing with another set of food issues.

Her egg allergy isn't all that bad to accommodate. She can at least eat it baked in things. I just have to avoid plain eggs, things like mayo (or pasta salads with mayo), and I avoid homemade pancakes (unless I use a cornstarch or flax 'egg') because I'm not brave enough to try those on her yet. 


Since we're already primarily gluten free, it's not been too bad of a change there. She is not liking the lack of cheese, though. She asks for a grilled cheese quite often. I tried a grilled cheese with Daiya cheese and it was comical. She spit it out and said that the cheese was old and nasty. lol 


She thinks she's super special at school. The kids ask her about her lunch and she tells them, "I get special food because my mommy bring it for me. Your food makes my tummy hurt." So, that's at least going smoothly for the teachers. Of course, we haven't had birthday cupcakes or parties yet. 

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Her egg allergy isn't all that bad to accommodate. She can at least eat it baked in things. I just have to avoid plain eggs, things like mayo (or pasta salads with mayo), and I avoid homemade pancakes (unless I use a cornstarch or flax 'egg') because I'm not brave enough to try those on her yet. 


Since we're already primarily gluten free, it's not been too bad of a change there. She is not liking the lack of cheese, though. She asks for a grilled cheese quite often. I tried a grilled cheese with Daiya cheese and it was comical. She spit it out and said that the cheese was old and nasty. lol 


She thinks she's super special at school. The kids ask her about her lunch and she tells them, "I get special food because my mommy bring it for me. Your food makes my tummy hurt." So, that's at least going smoothly for the teachers. Of course, we haven't had birthday cupcakes or parties yet. 


We use Arrowhead pancake mix for our egg-allergic kiddo.  Just add oil and milk.  (I use corn oil instead of canola to mix.)  They make a GF one, too, I believe.  I think that one calls for egg to be added, but can be done with an egg substitute or probably an increase in oil.

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So, I took both dds to their sewing lesson and we had the WORST 10 minutes of weather all day right when I pulled up and walked them to the door.  I was so relieved I had two umbrellas in the car, but it was for nought because when 12yo dd tried to put one up it immediately blew inside out.  I barely kept mine from blowing inside out.  So, I held mine like a shield and they got behind me and we made our way to the door.  (Took a couple minutes because we go in the back.)  Anyway, I finally made it back in my car and decided I would just sit there a minute in the dry, warmth of the car and drink a few sips of my decaf I had brought with me..... when *something* jumped in my lap.  Luckily I had not picked up my coffee yet.  I SCREAMED!  It jumped back to the back seat.  Evidently while dd was fighting with the umbrella, our sewing teacher's cat took the opportunity to jump into the car.  Oh.my.word.  It is the ugliest, smushed face, cat I have ever seen.  I jumped back out into the rain, opened the back door, and tried shoo-ing the cat out.  It was not budging!  So I grabbed her and put her out and *quick* shut the doors back.  And then laughed my head off.  So crazy!  :lol:

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We use Arrowhead pancake mix for our egg-allergic kiddo.  Just add oil and milk.  (I use corn oil instead of canola to mix.)  They make a GF one, too, I believe.  I think that one calls for egg to be added, but can be done with an egg substitute or probably an increase in oil.

I'll look for the gluten-free one. Right now, we're using GF Bisquick. It holds together well enough, even with a cornstarch or flax egg.  

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Since I complained yesterday about teaching grammar and writing, I'll share something positive today.  I was waffling over what to give 7yo dd for copywork when she said she wanted to write a paragraph.  (For the record, I have never had a 2nd grader IN MY LIFE tell me he/she wanted to write a paragraph.)  I said okay, what do you want to write it about.  She said Rome.  So we discussed narrowing our topics.  :lol:   She suggested we write about Rome growing in power because of fighting with Carthage (which we read about yesterday).  So, we brainstormed information she remembered about that.  Then we put the list in a logical order.  Then I wrote 3 topic sentences for her to choose from.  Then she chose one, copied it, and used the list to write the rest of the paragraph.  If she had been my first born, none of the rest of them would have survived, lol.  :lol:

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In WA we disaggregate for reporting, but we are not allowed to track race for admissions, but we do have programs once you report your needs once you are in.


However I am in higher ed which is much different.


No science is so sad. :(

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Since I complained yesterday about teaching grammar and writing, I'll share something positive today.  I was waffling over what to give 7yo dd for copywork when she said she wanted to write a paragraph.  (For the record, I have never had a 2nd grader IN MY LIFE tell me he/she wanted to write a paragraph.)  I said okay, what do you want to write it about.  She said Rome.  So we discussed narrowing our topics.  :lol:   She suggested we write about Rome growing in power because of fighting with Carthage (which we read about yesterday).  So, we brainstormed information she remembered about that.  Then we put the list in a logical order.  Then I wrote 3 topic sentences for her to choose from.  Then she chose one, copied it, and used the list to write the rest of the paragraph.  If she had been my first born, none of the rest of them would have survived, lol.  :lol:




It makes you appreciate that type much more doesn't it?

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Rain all day here, then changing to snow tonight.


This morning, I have to take thil to an appointment in town for blood pressure and weight check. Then we may take the twins bowling to celebrate our school year thus far. I had told them we would go when they finished kindergarten, but it didn't happen.


We got snow yesterday and last night.


Isn't that supposed to say tlih?

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What do you do about middle child syndrome? We have a raging case of it here.  Older dd was in tears that she didn't get to go to the dentist, to OT, or to scouts.


Also, this was youngest's conversation to me in the car yesterday.

"Mom, you have to stop being mean to (older sister)."

"Honey, when was I mean to (older sister)?"

"When she showed you her picture and you said, "I like it; thank you."

"How was that mean?"

"You are SUPPOSED to say 'I LOVE It' Dat hurt her feelings when you say "mmmmhhhmmmmmm" You sposed to say "woo-hoo".

I totally got reprimanded by my 3 yo.  Apparently I am disingenuine in my approval of the 67th drawing I've received this month.


I'm going to go put on my mom-failure hat.


My 5yo concurs with your 3yo.

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Argh. With an H.


I rarely tell my kids that I like their pictures. Instead I use a technique I learned once that suggested that you instead make specific comments about the artwork.


"Wow! Look at all that purple!"

"I see a lot of swirls and loopy lines."

"You used a lot of colors there - tell me about this bit over here."


Avoids making continuous judgement calls which can be reserved for their very best (or worst) work, while showing genuine interest. It may also make them more aware of the "techniques" they are using that they can utilize on their next project.


Early childhood teachers are taught this as well. 

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I was an hour late to work today because my car wouldn't start and I didn't have a ride. I had to wait until I could get the car jumped.


And remember all the hype about me getting this job? Let's just say, I'm ready for it to end.


And remember all the hype with dh prior to the hype about me getting this job? Let's just say, we're back there again.


That is all.

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I was an hour late to work today because my car wouldn't start and I didn't have a ride. I had to wait until I could get the car jumped.


And remember all the hype about me getting this job? Let's just say, I'm ready for it to end.


And remember all the hype with dh prior to the hype about me getting this job? Let's just say, we're back there again.


That is all.





:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Ooh Ooh!  Can I help grade the experiments?  What did they make today?


Today we have creme brulee custards (I don't have a torch, or we'd flame them for sure!), and stovetop rice pudding. The creme brulee child sustained a minor burn during the experiment, thus turning home-ec into health while we learned how to do first aid for a first degree burn and discussed the physiology behind why newly burned skin is so sensitive to hot and cold. Rice pudding child wimped out after thirty minutes of stirring, but recovered in time to do the final addition of the vanilla extract. Also learned a little about substitutes when you don't have just exactly what the recipe calls for.

Future classes will feature GF Dinner Rolls and Chocolate Angel Pie.

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Today we have creme brulee custards (I don't have a torch, or we'd flame them for sure!), and stovetop rice pudding. The creme brulee child sustained a minor burn during the experiment, thus turning home-ec into health while we learned how to do first aid for a first degree burn and discussed the physiology behind why newly burned skin is so sensitive to hot and cold. Rice pudding child wimped out after thirty minutes of stirring, but recovered in time to do the final addition of the vanilla extract. Also learned a little about substitutes when you don't have just exactly what the recipe calls for.

Future classes will feature GF Dinner Rolls and Chocolate Angel Pie.


Sounds yummy!


ETA:  Hope your (not really very) little one is OK.

Edited by Junie
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Ahhhhhh! Our power just went out.


But not the Internet?


Do you guys use your phones as hotspots then? I am looking for a way to reduce expenses further. I suggested to the family phones as hotspots for individual laptops since we all have phones anyway.


The natives were nonplussed, but my question is WHY both?


Everyone wants data so WiFi is not enough regardless.






Proof that there is an H, otherwise how could it contain all the colors of the rainbow? And if it didn't contain all the colors of the rainbow, how could we justify a pink exclamation point?

Edited by Tsuga
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