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Good morning!!


Our internet has been acting weird: in and out, slow, and really slow. So the guy came Tuesday and put us on a different frequency. It helped but not much. Our signal is 100%, but the quality is poor. So someone is coming tomorrow to put a disc on our tower to see if that helps. I hope so because we really have no other choices.


Today should be a normal day. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.:)

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Good morning.  The head feels better today, but I feel kind of... fuzzy.


Lots to do today, since we did exactly no school yesterday.



ETA:  Clarification:  I did no school yesterday.  Ds15 and dd13 are largely independent learners, so they got some school done.  Don't want to sell them short.  :)

Edited by Junie
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Thanks to everyone for hugs and prayers. Oldest ds had a fine day - driving, parking and all. And he said he's sure about the first three questions on the chemistry test; after that - not so much, lol. But they also turned in lab reports today, so maybe that will help his grade, lol.


It was a crazy day today, but not as crazy as Tex's. (((Tex))) Hope your ds is feeling better!!! :grouphug:


Did I tell y'all about our sweet dog? I think I did. So, he's been hanging out in the garage (to keep his wrapped leg dry and let it heal) and he's doing pretty well, but he broke his cone tonight. Bummer. So, I guess we'll see about getting another one tomorrow. The one they sent home with him was very flimsy, imho.

Ah, the cone of shame. Every dog's nemesis. Poor little guy :grouphug:

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For years, I wanted a retired greyhound.


Don't tell ds13 it is Derek Owens for him. He doesn't know. He wants AoPS at WTMA, but I think we have too many barriers to overcome. Plus, DO has quite an impressive resume!



Greyhounds are awesome. If I had a dog, it would be a greyhound or a papillon.


Tex, our kids must be on the same wavelength. I was thinking Wilson Hill for geo, but he really loves doing aops at WTM. I am still undecided on the alg 2 vs geometry for next year. I think it is because it is different from the normal sequence. As homeschoolers, we already do so much that is different from the rest of the world, lol, that I sometimes get a little apprehensive.


High school feels so permanent :lol:


DO looks great though...

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I thought messy buns were outlawed on another thread?


Oh, wait. That was the same thread where it was suggested that the ITT go away. So never mind. What do they know? Carry on with your (occasional) messy bun self, and I shall do the same. Only mine's an every day thing. Don't judge me too harshly.



Who dared to suggest such a thing? (Not the messy bun thing... I am personally a fan when I don't have a nasty short haircut:-) I mean the ITT thing. People need to get a life. :grrr:

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Krissi, is this the same kitty you didn't think dh would be happy about? If I remember that correctly, here's a happy dance for your dd: :party:


Yes, it is! Really, there's not a lot you can do when a stray cat moves in. Animal control doesn't pick up cats, we aren't going to talk the poor thing down the road and dump it, and the only other option is to take it into the country and shoot it. So... we kept it. The kids names it Cowie (because it has cow-like markings). DH named it Spike. So, there you go. We have another cat!
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They just left them.  We had met all the pets when we looked at the house, so they knew we liked animals.  I still can't imagine leaving little kids' pets behind.  They took their dog, though.


There is just no h*ll hot enough for people who purposely leave pets behind.

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Who dared to suggest such a thing? (Not the messy bun thing... I am personally a fan when I don't have a nasty short haircut:-) I mean the ITT thing. People need to get a life. :grrr:


It was the thread about trends that need to die, or something like that.  I can't find it now.  Maybe it got deleted?

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Who dared to suggest such a thing? (Not the messy bun thing... I am personally a fan when I don't have a nasty short haircut:-) I mean the ITT thing. People need to get a life. :grrr:

"Oh pish," said her mother. "They're just jealous."

"And envious and begrudging and discontented and jaundiced," said her father.


I just thought those lines from one of my favorite books (Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes) was apropo.

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It was the thread about trends that need to die, or something like that. I can't find it now. Maybe it got deleted?

I read part of that thread. It got more heated than I think the subject matter deserved. The poor OP. I think she was trying to bring some levity into her day.


I had no idea someone put us on there... I would have opened a can of... Well, you know :D


I reserve that can for people who insult ITT or leave their pets.

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My son is trying to avoid doing his proof problem for Algebra by doing chores :lol: "mom, should I unload and reload the dishwasher?" "Mom, should I take out the garbage?"


This is hilarious. I keep letting him think he is getting away with something. He is going to do the proofs anyway. I may as well get a sparkly house out of the deal :hurray:

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I read through it just now and apparently missed the thought that ITT needs to be a dead trend.

I don't remember seeing it either. Apparently, I had kept up with it to the end. Maybe it was that "weird things" thread. I didn't even step foot into that one. I am not re-reading though, lol. I do remember thinking that I needed to tell Tsuga that she is awesome sauce and beautiful and all of the good things because she felt a little bashed by that thread. I was going to pm her and forgot. So the ITT-dissed actually did me a favor :hurray:

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I thought messy buns were outlawed on another thread?


Oh, wait. That was the same thread where it was suggested that the ITT go away. So never mind. What do they know? Carry on with your (occasional) messy bun self, and I shall do the same. Only mine's an every day thing. Don't judge me too harshly.


Wait.  WHAT???  How do I not know about this?!?  Why did we not Elephant Ninja duct tape, stomp, and bazooka those heretics???

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I'm kicking myself now for not mentioning it when I saw it.  I think either the person deleted the comment, or I am losing my mind.


I saw it also.  And Slache's post defending us.  But I read it long enough after the post that it seemed too late and unnecessary to comment.  Boy, some folks on that thread were sure taking things personally.  I could care less about trends, but I still thought it was a funny thread. 


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I read that ITT dissing post.  I got a bit hot under the collar and decided to take a break before I said something (because the thread was intended to be lighthearted).  While I was cooling off, Slache defended us in a very nice way. 


Oh, thank goodness I wasn't imagining things! 


Yay!!!  My sanity is intact!!!  :party:

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I'm kicking myself now for not mentioning it when I saw it. I think either the person deleted the comment, or I am losing my mind.

Probably for the best. Can you imagine the kerfluffle?


More math. I am so sick of math.


I need to knit. Maybe I will knit today. It calms the beast within. :leaving:


Lookie there, a kerfluffle BOOYAH!


Dedicated to us... Because...


This is the TREND that never ends...

Edited by Professormom
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Probably for the best. Can you imagine the kerfluffle?


More math. I am so sick of math.


I need to knit. Maybe I will knit today. It calms the beast within. :leaving:


Lookie there, a kerfluffle BOOYAH!


Dedicated to us... Because...


This is the TREND that never ends...


Aw, man, what a time to run out of likes.  LIKE!  :001_tt1:


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I'm kicking myself now for not mentioning it when I saw it.  I think either the person deleted the comment, or I am losing my mind.



I read that ITT dissing post.  I got a bit hot under the collar and decided to take a break before I said something (because the thread was intended to be lighthearted).  While I was cooling off, Slache defended us in a very nice way. 



I saw it also.  And Slache's post defending us.  But I read it long enough after the post that it seemed too late and unnecessary to comment.  Boy, some folks on that thread were sure taking things personally.  I could care less about trends, but I still thought it was a funny thread. 




I saw it too, but didn't care enough to respond. I knew we weren't going away just because someone was JEALOUS they weren't in on the ground floor to be a part of it. 

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I know.  It's like people wanting to eat.  They think they should get to do it everyday.  What's up with that? 



Teach them to cook young. Then, if they want to eat everyday, they have to do it themselves. Otherwise, self-imposed diets for all.  :lol:

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