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I am ready to SCREAM!!


I have just spent HOURS trying to rework next year's schedule. Wtma posted their AOPS sequence. They are sequencing Alg 2 before Geometry for various reasons (which after weeding through countless aops posts in the boards, I have determined to be fine. However, I had planned our schedule around the Geometry class as scheduled. The Alg 2 class is at a different time, wait for it...


It falls at the same time at the LTOW 1 tutorial I had been so happy to find a while back :willy_nilly:


I can't believe it :crying:


I just sent an email to Jessica at Coram Deo Tutorials practically begging her to open another section. (She could also move the time to an hour earlier, lol. But I thought suggesting that would fall under the category of psycho, world-revolves-around-me mother :D


I have to go with the math because... Math.


I know I could still look at Circe, but I really liked her setup.


I just feel all upset right now so I came here. Because you guys are like therapy:-)

Edited by Professormom
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I miss our shelter dog that we adopted. :(. Makes me sad to think that his family didn't want him and that he might have been killed had we not adopted.


I never liked dogs until this dog.


But DS and DH are both allergic so no more pets for us. But if we did, it would be a shelter dog.

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I am ready to SCREAM!!


I have just spent HOURS trying to rework next year's schedule. Wtma posted their AOPS sequence. They are sequencing Alg 2 before Geometry for various reasons (which after weeding through countless aops posts in the boards, I have determined to be fine. However, I had planned our schedule around the Geometry class as scheduled. The Alg 2 class is at a different time, wait for it...


It falls at the same time at the LTOW 1 tutorial I had been so happy to find a while back :willy_nilly:


I can't believe it :crying:


I just sent an email to Jessica at Coram Deo Tutorials practically begging her to open another section. (She could also move the time to an hour earlier, lol. But I thought suggesting that would fall under the category of psycho, world-revolves-around-me mother :D


I have to go with the math because... Math.


I know I could still look at Circe, but I really liked her setup.


I just feel all upset right now so I came here. Because you guys are like therapy:-)

I vote scream. Go ahead, let it out. Totally scream worthy.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

I think more hugs for everyone are in order.


I find this group to be great therapy too. I appreciate your genuine, authentic stories. I feel a lot less alone in the trenches since joining ITT.

This exactly. We are an oddly cohesive group. It's hard enough to find that IRL but really unusual online :wub:

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Junie...uh, because migraine!


I'd consider the day a success if you kept down food and everybody is still alive.  Or heck, keeping everybody alive to try again tomorrow should be enough.


I've actually been sick only one time with a migraine.  And I immediately felt better.  Last night I was wanting to get sick...


And everybody is still alive because dh took the day off work.   :D


The house is quiet now because everyone went to church.  I'm watching over the 'net.  I can adjust the volume and I don't need to be pleasant to anyone.   :P

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I vote scream. Go ahead, let it out. Totally scream worthy.

Lol. I kind of did that when I discovered the problem. It was more like a squak. Anyway, Ds13 knew I was trying to figure out his schedule. A little voice comes from the other room, "Poor Little Miss Momma". (That is one of my many, many nicknames.) Cracked me up.

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Lol. I kind of did that when I discovered the problem. It was more like a squak. Anyway, Ds13 knew I was trying to figure out his schedule. A little voice comes from the other room, "Poor Little Miss Momma". (That is one of my many, many nicknames.) Cracked me up.


I love this!!

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

I think more hugs for everyone are in order.


I find this group to be great therapy too. I appreciate your genuine, authentic stories. I feel a lot less alone in the trenches since joining ITT.

I agree. ITT is my home. I'm comfortable here. I genuinely like everyone here, and I think of you all often.


:grouphug: to all.


I hope everything's ok with Lynn.

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BTW, Tex, one of the things I love about where we live now is the animal shelter.  It's a no-kill facility; there are a couple of dogs who have been there close to 10 years.  There are plenty of volunteers, though, so all the dogs get out to play and go for walks.  The old, calm dogs get to hang out in the thrift store during the day.  This was another major point in this community's favor when we looked for our destination.  Our old home place where we lived has one of the highest kill rates in the nation.  They airlift dogs from there to here. :glare:


Long story short:  You get a medal for lying today.


Thank you for my medal.  I will cherish it always.

One more unwanted animal vent and I promise to shut up.  I think this is one of those topics that affects the ethos of an area.  Shortly after we came here I had to take Buddy to the vet (it's a theme.)  When we were there, a lady came in with a basket of kittens.  The mama cat was a feral who got hit by a car.  The lady had been trying to feed them, but the round-the-clock thing was getting to be too much.  She told the lady at the vet's office that she just wanted the kittens checked before she took them to the shelter.  DD freaked. out. She was nearly crying and begged the lady not to do it.  I had to calm her down and explain that the shelter wouldn't kill them, but would take care of them.  The lady and the clerk were horrified at my poor child's terror and also explained how our foster system works.  It was such a relief to her.  I really think that knowing that our community values companion animals and will protect them is a value that is internalized and seriously increases our quality of life.


So there. 

I found out when volunteering at the animal shelter that some parts of the country have a gross over population of pets and some actually do not have enough to meet adoption needs.  For instance, Texas has a gross overpopulation.  The northeast has an underpopulation.  There are programs to take adoptable pets from overcrowded places to undercrowded places.  I do understand why a shelter has to put down animals.  There is just not enough space or adopters.  It makes me sad, but it is true.  We have foster care here, too.  We have lots of individual rescues run by volunteers.  Animal rescue is a sad business full of heartbreak, as we found out during out time at the shelter.  BTW, the shelter I lied to is the one I am hoping to volunteer at with the kids.  I left the dog with a volunteer so I hope the lady in charge will not remember my name when we want to volunteer.   Cuz here's the deal - I posted the dog and where I found him on a FB page local to the area that the shelter will check. :mellow:  :leaving:


I am ready to SCREAM!!


I have just spent HOURS trying to rework next year's schedule. Wtma posted their AOPS sequence. They are sequencing Alg 2 before Geometry for various reasons (which after weeding through countless aops posts in the boards, I have determined to be fine. However, I had planned our schedule around the Geometry class as scheduled. The Alg 2 class is at a different time, wait for it...


It falls at the same time at the LTOW 1 tutorial I had been so happy to find a while back


I can't believe it


I just sent an email to Jessica at Coram Deo Tutorials practically begging her to open another section. (She could also move the time to an hour earlier, lol. But I thought suggesting that would fall under the category of psycho, world-revolves-around-me mother :D


I have to go with the math because... Math.


I know I could still look at Circe, but I really liked her setup.


I just feel all upset right now so I came here. Because you guys are like therapy:-)


I remember when I was worried a lot recently about something math and Spanish related, and now I need to look into it more because I think I decided to wait until WTMA came out with schedules or something.  Now, it all seems like a vague bad dream.  But I recall being in the same pickle with schedules.  I don't think I have a solution.  There are no solutions for our problems.  I think it works out okay in the end.  I read it somewhere.

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

I think more hugs for everyone are in order.


I find this group to be great therapy too.  I appreciate your genuine, authentic stories.  I feel a lot less alone in the trenches since joining ITT.

I know, right???  And we think we are losers and going to hell for lying and stuff but then we find out we are actually heroes!


I don't think I spelled squak right. My brain is mush.

Squawk.  Because mad spelling skills.

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There is a footnote describing what certification is needed to have that 1/2 credit under social studies. If you don't have the required degree you must put that credit under the elective credits. It's an interesting thing.


I'm just trying to figure out what the status quo is. Once I've done that I get to figure out all kinds of creative, interesting things to do with it. Like a physics course that involves building a small guest house on the property. Or an earth science course that includes a trip out west to see some of those wonderful places that we have only visited via documentary. Or an economics course that involves working for a family member in the summer to see how a small business is actually run. You know. Cool stuff. :laugh:


How stupid.


Nevertheless, unless your homeschool statutes specify requirements for homeschoolers to be graduated, or state explicitly that they must follow requirements for public schools, then you are free to do whatever the heck you want.

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Thanks to everyone for hugs and prayers.  Oldest ds had a fine day - driving, parking and all.  And he said he's sure about the first three questions on the chemistry test; after that - not so much, lol.  But they also turned in lab reports today, so maybe that will help his grade, lol. 


It was a crazy day today, but not as crazy as Tex's.  (((Tex)))  Hope your ds is feeling better!!!  :grouphug:


Did I tell y'all about our sweet dog?  I think I did.  So, he's been hanging out in the garage (to keep his wrapped leg dry and let it heal) and he's doing pretty well, but he broke his cone tonight.  Bummer.  So, I guess we'll see about getting another one tomorrow.  The one they sent home with him was very flimsy, imho. 



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Apparently a day for migraines. Assistant didn't show up to school, but day was ok. I nursed a headache all day, hoping it wouldn't turn to a migraine, and a child (mine) ran into me head first. So the headache moved to a concentrated spot on the left side. I came home and went to bed. Now I'm eating kfc. In bed. Cuz tired.

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Elephant Ninjas are just as good with hugs and sympathetic chocolates as they are with duct tape and bazookas. And they know which is needed, and sometimes deliver both.




We adopted a retired greyhound once - she was so beautiful. We had her for three months and then had to give her back to the rescue because dd17 (then 3yo) kept breaking out in rashes whenever she touched the dog. Dd is still severely allergic to dogs and cats.

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I am allergic to most animals and severely allergic to cats.  When we bought the home we now live in, the owners had 2 cats.  When we moved in, there was a note on the kitchen counter telling us that they couldn't catch the cats, so we could take care of them instead.


Um, no.


I called my realtor, who called their realtor, who called the previous owners.  They came and were able to find one of the cats, but it immediately clawed her and ran off.


Animal control ended up getting involved.  I doubt that these cats were adoptable.  They were wild.

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For years, I wanted a retired greyhound.


Don't tell ds13 it is Derek Owens for him.  He doesn't know.  He wants AoPS at WTMA, but I think we have too many barriers to overcome.  Plus, DO has quite an impressive resume!


How is ds feeling now?


I used to know folks who had a retired/rescued greyhound - she was the sweetest dog. 


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Junie, that is so crazy!!


These people were crazy.


During our first week, we got to know most of our neighbors on the cul-de-sac.


I was talking with one lady, and was obviously expectant w/ dd5.  She found out that we had 5 other children and we homeschooled.


After talking with us for about 5 minutes, she looked at her husband with a big smile on her face and said, "They're normal!"   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Our family doesn't get called "normal" very often.  It made me wonder what kind of people had moved out.  Over the next several weeks we learned plenty.   :huh:

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For years, I wanted a retired greyhound.


Don't tell ds13 it is Derek Owens for him.  He doesn't know.  He wants AoPS at WTMA, but I think we have too many barriers to overcome.  Plus, DO has quite an impressive resume!


Derek Owens is awesome sauce with a cherry on top.  Jo is taking Physical Science this year and loves, Loves, LOVES it.  (And, being the geek she is, when she got frustrated with a lab, she made up a whole story in her head about it.  She wrote it down-like 8 pages worth-and sent it in with the lab sheet.  Not only did Mr. Owens read it, he sent her a note complimenting her on the story and congratulating her on getting the science right, too.  :001_wub: )

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I am allergic to most animals and severely allergic to cats. When we bought the home we now live in, the owners had 2 cats. When we moved in, there was a note on the kitchen counter telling us that they couldn't catch the cats, so we could take care of them instead.


Um, no.


I called my realtor, who called their realtor, who called the previous owners. They came and were able to find one of the cats, but it immediately clawed her and ran off.


Animal control ended up getting involved. I doubt that these cats were adoptable. They were wild.

Who even does this???
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How is ds feeling now?


I used to know folks who had a retired/rescued greyhound - she was the sweetest dog.


He has stopped throwing up and ate something. I doubt he's playing tomorrow!s game since he gets exercise induced headaches. Need to get him on the straight and narrow first. State tourney is in a week.


I'm surprised he's still upright given he's had an Imitrex and a phenergan

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We inherited 3 cats from the people who were here before us.  The people had twin boys who were 7.  Two of the cats were their pets.


Did they ask you first?  Or did they just leave them?


These people knew that I had severe cat allergies, just from the short time that I spent looking at the house before we bought it.  

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Did they ask you first?  Or did they just leave them?


These people knew that I had severe cat allergies, just from the short time that I spent looking at the house before we bought it.  


They just left them.  We had met all the pets when we looked at the house, so they knew we liked animals.  I still can't imagine leaving little kids' pets behind.  They took their dog, though.

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I got migraines a few times as a reaction to an infused medicine I had to have when I was pregnant.  It was the worst pain that I ever experienced (Ask me about the D&C in the ER after my first miscarriage that they did without even a tylenol.  On second thought, don't.)


Lots of :grouphug:  and sympathy from me to all migraine sufferers.  That's awful. :sad:

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I am finished with high school research for the day and have been focused on small hive beetle for the last hour or so. I'm not one to cuss, but those darned bugs can make me lose my religion in a hurry. I'm compiling as much research as I can for preparing my next apiary site. 

:grouphug: and dim lights, quiet surroundings and good pain medications for all migraine sufferers.

And for Tex, because her day would give me a migraine.



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Wow.  I got as far as Tex's ridonkulous day post in ketchingup.    


That's quite a day, there, Texie.  How did your gorgeous hair hold up?  






Which reminds me that I need y'all to remind me to use a bandana tomorrow, for I now have drywall hair.  I have been drywalling all day, and must


rise and shine bright and early tomorrow for more....drywalling.   :huh:   


Ellie never showed up.


We ate pizza.  (Yet again.)


The house is a wreck.


Somebody smells and it isn't me.  


And, finally, I finished The Hiding Place last night so I am reminded again of how much I have to be thankful for.  





Hugs to Junie and Dawn and Tex and everyone else needing hugs!  Howdy to Slache!  And trophies for everyone because we are 17 days through February!




*Edited three times to correct 32 stupid formatting errors plus leaving Tex's name off the hug list even though she prompted the whole post in the first place, all of which tells me that I MUST GO TO BED.  




Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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The hair was shoved into a messy bun or pushed back with sunglasses. I had no make up on all day even though I went everywhere in the world. This is unlike me. It was an official bad hair day.

I thought messy buns were outlawed on another thread?


Oh, wait. That was the same thread where it was suggested that the ITT go away. So never mind. What do they know? Carry on with your (occasional) messy bun self, and I shall do the same. Only mine's an every day thing. Don't judge me too harshly.

Edited by ikslo
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I remember when I was worried a lot recently about something math and Spanish related, and now I need to look into it more because I think I decided to wait until WTMA came out with schedules or something. Now, it all seems like a vague bad dream. But I recall being in the same pickle with schedules. I don't think I have a solution. There are no solutions for our problems. I think it works out okay in the end. I read it somewhere.

I know, right??? And we think we are losers and going to hell for lying and stuff but then we find out we are actually heroes!


Squawk. Because mad spelling skills.

Schedules are up, but no registration til next week. It will work out. But it is funny that you used the word pickle. That is what I told Jessica, lol.


Squawk. Duh. You make it seem so easy :D

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I thought messy buns were outlawed on another thread?


Oh, wait. That was the same thread where it was suggested that the ITT go away. So never mind. What do they know? Carry on with your (occasional) messy bun self, and I shall do the same. Only mine's an every day thing. Don't judge me to harshly.

Who even does this??? Outlaw the ITT? No messy buns?


Sorry, but I was too busy being a BA to do my hair. ;)

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Schedules are up, but no registration til next week. It will work out. But it is funny that you used the word pickle. That is what I told Jessica, lol.


Squawk. Duh. You make it seem so easy :D

A pickle, for sure.


I broke the news to the kid about Derek Owens.

Edited by texasmama
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Hi everyone! Back from Awanas. It's supposed to rain tonight. That's good. We need it.


We have an adopted pet. Actually 3/5 of our cats are former strays. No, 4/5. Socks was found by a friend on the woodpile in back of the Fastrip Gas Station as a kitten. I forgot about that. So, most of our kitties are rescues. Our latest adoption is Spike, the teen-age kitty.


Got a bunch of curriculum today via UPS. Was very happy. UPS guy is cute!


My dizziness is gone, thanks to Sudafed.

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