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We'll, I'm back from the basketball games. Boy #1's team lost by 1 point, boy. #2's team lost by 31 points. It's just rec league, but they are usually pretty good games.


Regarding constipation, When dd was young, about 3 years old, she had very painful and difficult movements, so I gave her 1/2 tsp mineral oil and it really did the trick. I don't hear about that a lot, so sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing, but I didn't do it too long and it worked well.

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Good Morning friends! 


The plan is for oldest ds to drive himself to school today.  Yesterday we figured out where he could park.  (Some of the side streets are no parking.) 


Gotta go make his lunch, take care of kitty, and jump in the shower so I can take 14yo to his make up tutorial since it was cancelled Monday. 


Have a good one!

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Good Morning friends! 


The plan is for oldest ds to drive himself to school today.  Yesterday we figured out where he could park.  (Some of the side streets are no parking.) 


Gotta go make his lunch, take care of kitty, and jump in the shower so I can take 14yo to his make up tutorial since it was cancelled Monday. 


Have a good one!


Points for quoting myself.  I'm delaying shower until I've said good bye to oldest ds.


So, I almost added to my post above to pray for ds, and then I was thinking afterwards why I didn't.  (Some of my crazy ramblings ahead....)  First, I guess I generally don't request prayer for the "smaller" things of life, though I do pray for the "smaller" things myself all the time.  Secondly, I thought it implied that I was unreasonably worried or anxious about him driving, which I'm not.  Thirdly, I thought it implied that this was somehow beyond his capability, but I don't believe it is. 


So, anyway, I'm praying for him to have a smooth morning because driving himself and searching out a parking place is new and it is a bigger step into the world of adulthood and responsibility and I hope he feels a real sense of accomplishment and confidence afterwards.  (I'm also praying for him as he takes his chemistry test later today - and that just MIGHT be beyond his capability!  But I hope not!  :D )


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Good Morning!!!


Lynn, I said a prayer for your ds and will remember him today as well. It is a big step letting them do things on their own. :grouphug: to you Lynn. It is not always easy. But I am sure he is capable and will do great.


Today I will take the lady I help to the heart doctor.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day.:)

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Points for quoting myself.  I'm delaying shower until I've said good bye to oldest ds.


So, I almost added to my post above to pray for ds, and then I was thinking afterwards why I didn't.  (Some of my crazy ramblings ahead....)  First, I guess I generally don't request prayer for the "smaller" things of life, though I do pray for the "smaller" things myself all the time.  Secondly, I thought it implied that I was unreasonably worried or anxious about him driving, which I'm not.  Thirdly, I thought it implied that this was somehow beyond his capability, but I don't believe it is. 


So, anyway, I'm praying for him to have a smooth morning because driving himself and searching out a parking place is new and it is a bigger step into the world of adulthood and responsibility and I hope he feels a real sense of accomplishment and confidence afterwards.  (I'm also praying for him as he takes his chemistry test later today - and that just MIGHT be beyond his capability!  But I hope not!  :D )


I remember the first time I drove on the highway/interstate, when I went out on my own and had to find parking to take the ACT, etc. While I knew I was capable, it was definitely a huge step and a bit nerve wracking. 

Asking for prayer doesn't have to be a sign of worry or lack of belief. It's a sign that you love your son. :) 


Sending prayers for a safety and a good brain day for testing. 


I was just thinking the same thing. GMTA. ::pinky-finger-shakes::


So, it has taken me 10 hours to figure out GMTA. Granted, I was asleep for some of those, but that's still really sad that it took me that long. 

Also, I was wondering why you were shaking your pinky at us. I apparently needed a lot of sleep last night. 


Mary, I never planned things for John, I just want him to be challenged and I'm happy. For math and phonics we do the next thing, other than that he does what he wants.

I guess I should clarify so I don't end up looking like a Tiger Mom :) 

I'm more looking at the plans and schedules for when she gets older and I am required to keep a record. Legally, I don't have to keep one until she's 7, but I figure I may as well start at the beginning when it's easier. Get in the groove and all. 

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Prayers for Lynn's DS and Dawn and tlsh.  :001_smile:


Susan:  I have only had one pastor who I didn't think was nuts.  I think the job itself tends to look attractive to certain personality types-for all the wrong reasons.  It's one of my issues with church; I too frequently find myself having difficulty separating the words from the person.  I find it frustrating.  


Hi, everyone.



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Yesterday, dd and I went to Big Five Sporting goods in the early afternoon.  She'd already done some school at my doctor's appt. and had more to do at home so it was still a school day for us.  Anyway, the cashier asked us if we were on break, because some schools in the area are off this week.  I said, "No, we homeschool and are doing school today."  As we went out the door with our purchase we heard him say to the other cashier, "Wow, they get to go shopping as part of school!"  :lol:

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I boldly went and looked at state requirements for graduation again. This time I stayed and read for over fifteen minutes. I'm getting bolder about this homeschooling high school bit. I asked the boys this evening. They both want to do high school at home.  :o They seem to have a lot of faith in me.

I also asked them if they had any idea of what they might like to work at after school. One wants to be an engineer that builds computers (physically constructs circuit boards, I think) and the other wants to go into microbiology. Somehow I think I might have to be looking ahead to exceeding the graduation requirements. 

It's a good thing I've got two more years to try and figure this thing out is all I've got to say!


ETA: Higher education Booyah!


Your state has requirements for homeschoolers to be graduated?

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Good morning! Well, one of the side effects of all this rain is that everything and its mother is in full bloom. The hills are covered with wildflowers, the orchards are blooming and it is absolutely gorgeous. And my allergies are absolutely out of control. What I thought was a sinus infection last week, I think was just severe sinus pressure. Took the mucinex (and am still taking it) and am living on Sudafed, but I am still incredibly dizzy this morning.

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Your state has requirements for homeschoolers to be graduated?


They have requirements for public school graduation. I don't know exactly how it works out for home-school students. I'm a little hyper-sensitive to it due to some personal reasons. I need to find out exactly how much it applies to the home-school population. Quite frankly, I don't think I'm going to have any problem meeting the requirements for graduation in the state, except for this little funny requirement for a 1/2 credit of economics!? Of all things! (I'm not qualified to teach economics according to the state. And I just might agree with them on that one!) I suspect that should that be an issue, I would find a way around it. Perhaps by outsourcing it via distance education or maybe having them take beginning econ at a community college. I had econ in college--loved it! Super fun teacher. She fed us peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwiches during the final because we had never had them! I actually remember quite a bit about economics because she was such a good instructor with a wonderful sense of humor.

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My kids have had allergy testing done as early as 18 months.  We were trying to decide whether we needed to get rid of the carpet in our basement (we did--mold allergy came back positive) and a few other things.


My kids have all been able to start nasal sprays by about 3.  Nasalcrom is approved for those 2+.  Nasonex is approved for those 3+ and Flonase is approved for 4+.  Nasalcrom is now available OTC.  I find it doesn't work as well as Nasonex.  Nasonex is still by Rx only (and my insurance no longer covers it). Flonase is now OTC as well.


zyrtec and other pill antihistamines really only help with the itchies. They don't help nearly as much as a nasal spray in dealing with drippy nose issues.


I think it's time to go to a ped and talk about the allergies + poo issues. :)

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Susan: I have only had one pastor who I didn't think was nuts. I think the job itself tends to look attractive to certain personality types-for all the wrong reasons. It's one of my issues with church; I too frequently find myself having difficulty separating the words from the person. I find it frustrating.


Hi, everyone.



Fortunately, it's not my pastor or anyone at my church. And we are soon removing ourselves from the situation. I read an article on "narcissistic triangulation" that very adeptly describes part of what is happening lately. It's actually a great relief just to have a name to put to the situation.



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If your child is planning on going to college, shoot for general college admission requirements.  Most (if not all) state public school graduation requirements are lower than that, since many kids do not go on to college at all. 


That's my next place to look. I have a few colleges in mind to check out general admission requirements. Baby steps. :laugh:



ETA: The new bed frame arrived today for the devil mattress. Finally I have something that looks like I picked it out. Which I did. So there. 

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What we did in high school.


History/ Lit. all 4 years.  9th grade included some actual grammar.  Other years were straight lit.  The history was taught along side and got it's own grade on the transcript.  I planned it as History/Lit. because I used the 4 year cycle still in high school and it was easier to plan the two classes together.


Science 4 years

Math was supposed to be 4 years but really ended up being 3 (which still fits most schools requirements)


Fine Arts / half a year  (we did classical guitar and then ds added a music theory class which will end up being an elective)

Health / half a year



Foreign Language 4 years though really it ended up being counted as 3 years.  (most colleges only require 2 years anyway)

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My kids have had allergy testing done as early as 18 months.  We were trying to decide whether we needed to get rid of the carpet in our basement (we did--mold allergy came back positive) and a few other things.


My kids have all been able to start nasal sprays by about 3.  Nasalcrom is approved for those 2+.  Nasonex is approved for those 3+ and Flonase is approved for 4+.  Nasalcrom is now available OTC.  I find it doesn't work as well as Nasonex.  Nasonex is still by Rx only (and my insurance no longer covers it). Flonase is now OTC as well.


zyrtec and other pill antihistamines really only help with the itchies. They don't help nearly as much as a nasal spray in dealing with drippy nose issues.


I think it's time to go to a ped and talk about the allergies + poo issues. :)

Good to know. We've had allergy testing due to an egg reaction, but if I remember correctly, the dr didn't want to test for environmental allergies at that point. We haven't discussed it since then, but I may bring it up at our next allergy follow up. 

I'm home with dd today. She's running 100.5 - high enough to make her miserable and keep her out of school, but not enough for me to take her to the dr. She does this when her allergies start to flair up.

If she's this way tomorrow, I'll take her to the dr and we'll just discuss everything. 

I hate when she feels bad. 



(((Junie))) I'm sorry. :( 

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Hugs and prayers for everyone!  


My brain is feeling super scattered this morning.  I slept in and am slowly becoming functional with some medicine from the doctor--Dr. Pepper that is.


I'm a few weeks behind on grading oldest's work. I'm trying to catch up on that this morning and get him back on track. Apparently chatting online with his BFF is way more fun than doing algebra. Ahem.  His laptop has been put into lockup and he has to scribble out his work old school style for a while.

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I have a print out that goes over each credit unit required. I seem to remember that they calculate these things using the standard for a unit, but the number of hours escapes me at the moment.

22 Units are needed to graduate (and 26 for the higher level that has to include at least 8 AP courses--don't know that I'll be up for AP stuff!)

4 units of English

1/2 unit of Speech

4 units of math (and Algebra 1 and 2 only count as 1 unit for one group, but you can count it for two in another group)

3 units of science

3 units of social studies (and you can't count economics unless you are certified as part of this)

1/2 unit of phys. ed.

1/2 unit of health/safety

1/2 unit of fine arts

6 units of approved career focus programs (that's a weird one-my guess is that this is or was once electives)

A computer science unit can either replace the 4th unit for math or the 3rd science unit, or can be used as part of the 6 career focus units

Every high school student has to take at least one digital learning course.


For the 26 hour group they add a unit each for science, social studies, and 2 units of foreign language.


Anyway, I found it interesting to look at the print out and think about how I would accomplish those things with the boys. I honestly don't feel very overwhelmed by anything but the AP course requirements for the 26 hour scholars program and that funny economics 1/2 credit. :laugh:


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Sunday I didn't feel well and got behind in life.

Monday I was gone all day on a much needed all day date.  Enjoyed it but got even more behind in life (ie.  the housework mainly)

Tuesday I had a doctor's appt. in the a.m. and while I did get back into the swing of things, I'm still way behind. 


:willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly: :willy_nilly:


This morning we are at the library for school.  We were only 15 minutes late and scored the library conference room for a "free" 15 minutes that won't count towards my reservation limit.  I was able to hand in my overdue Teaching Company class that has maxed out it's renewals and get another copy of the exact same class so that ds won't get behind in lit.  Another score! 


Now I have to calm down and do my math. 

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They have requirements for public school graduation. I don't know exactly how it works out for home-school students. I'm a little hyper-sensitive to it due to some personal reasons. I need to find out exactly how much it applies to the home-school population. Quite frankly, I don't think I'm going to have any problem meeting the requirements for graduation in the state, except for this little funny requirement for a 1/2 credit of economics!? Of all things! (I'm not qualified to teach economics according to the state. And I just might agree with them on that one!) I suspect that should that be an issue, I would find a way around it. Perhaps by outsourcing it via distance education or maybe having them take beginning econ at a community college. I had econ in college--loved it! Super fun teacher. She fed us peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwiches during the final because we had never had them! I actually remember quite a bit about economics because she was such a good instructor with a wonderful sense of humor.


If the homeschool law does not state graduation requirements for homeschoolers, then you do not have to follow public school requirements. If you want to use them as a guideline, that would be fine, of course, but do NOT feel compelled to do so.


Wouldn't you do some sort of economics with your dc, even if there wasn't a law or requirement somewhere? Of course you would. Most schools today do U.S. Government and economics in the senior year. Get a book and let your dc read it (BJUP has a good one). It's not like teaching calculus or something, KWIM? What makes you think the state says you aren't qualified??

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Wouldn't you do some sort of economics with your dc, even if there wasn't a law or requirement somewhere? Of course you would. Most schools today do U.S. Government and economics in the senior year. Get a book and let your dc read it (BJUP has a good one). It's not like teaching calculus or something, KWIM? What makes you think the state says you aren't qualified??


There is a footnote describing what certification is needed to have that 1/2 credit under social studies. If you don't have the required degree you must put that credit under the elective credits. It's an interesting thing.


I'm just trying to figure out what the status quo is. Once I've done that I get to figure out all kinds of creative, interesting things to do with it. Like a physics course that involves building a small guest house on the property. Or an earth science course that includes a trip out west to see some of those wonderful places that we have only visited via documentary. Or an economics course that involves working for a family member in the summer to see how a small business is actually run. You know. Cool stuff. :laugh:

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ds10 REALLY wants to eat out for lunch.  Our budget can't cover that right now.  It's a tight month after a bunch of planned for spending and a bunch of unplanned for repairs.  (Momma needs a new microwave & is waiting until the next paycheck for it!)  I gave him three good options of things he could eat here that I know he likes. He wants to eat out still. 


Would you take him out if he offered to buy lunch for everyone? His restaurant choice would be about $20 for everyone, and he has enough cash on hand to do that.


Should I even open this door? I suspect he will ask again in the future if I allow it.  I have really mixed feelings about this.

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If the homeschool law does not state graduation requirements for homeschoolers, then you do not have to follow public school requirements. If you want to use them as a guideline, that would be fine, of course, but do NOT feel compelled to do so.


And yes, from what I've read "ain't nobody the boss of me."  :lol:

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 She can pee on the potty, but has lots of accidents. 

I can't speak to the constipation issues but regarding the pee accidents: I'd grab a urine sample and get it screened for a uti. When kids - girls esp - are having incontinence issues & constipation issues & pooping in a diaper, it's really easy to get a bladder infection.  It's a simple and non invasive way to rule out a simple cause of pee accidents... 





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I am home. The cardiologist just said the same things: bad heart valve, doesn't recommend surgery, believes that her lungs is more of the problem than her heart. Tlih won't use her breathing treatment machine (nebulizer) at home because "it tastes bad", and she won't take oxygen because she "don't like anything on her face". So going to a pulmonologist is pointless. She is doing good right now, so we will let it go until we can't.


She picked out some new tennis shoes, New Balance, which is what her old ones were. We had gotten her a pair of Nike last fall, but then after a month decided they were too heavy. So new ones today with socks.


She needed a coffee pot so I ran in Wal-Mart and got one of those. I took her home; she was worn out. Then I went to get her groceries and medicine, and took that to her. I sorted her medicine for the week. So she is taken care of for a bit. We see her primary doctor next Wednesday.


So all in all, a good day. I got everything done I set out to do. The twins even done some school work I set out for them. So yay!

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ds10 REALLY wants to eat out for lunch.  Our budget can't cover that right now.  It's a tight month after a bunch of planned for spending and a bunch of unplanned for repairs.  (Momma needs a new microwave & is waiting until the next paycheck for it!)  I gave him three good options of things he could eat here that I know he likes. He wants to eat out still. 


Would you take him out if he offered to buy lunch for everyone? His restaurant choice would be about $20 for everyone, and he has enough cash on hand to do that.


Should I even open this door? I suspect he will ask again in the future if I allow it.  I have really mixed feelings about this.


Yes.  He wants a treat and is willing to pay for it.  (Treat, as in the whole eating out experience.) 

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Dd14 impresses me.  She has been doing project afternoons for part of school.  But now she's starting to do projects on her own time after school.  And she's doing them all on her own.  She just planned out a cat feeder, measured the wood, cut it, drilled it and is assembling it.  It's not advanced woodworking but it is pretty good in my book. 


Ds18 would come up with much more esoteric plans ala Caractacus Potts in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  He would start with a bang (sometimes literally) but he really doesn't have anything practical to show for all his ideas.  It's not that his stuff didn't work necessarily (he did have a working air conditioner unit) but they were bulky and impractical and after awhile got put aside.

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My ridonkulous day started at 8:30 am, when I went to the door to look at a car parked in front of our house, and a stray dog ran up to me when I opened it.  A neighbor got out to say she was trying to see if the dog was "Fred".  The dog was not "Fred", and so I got stuck with the dog, who jumped the fence of our small kennel so I crated him in the garage while I took little dd to a friend's house for a field trip day and then a kid to the orthodontist.  He drank and ate what I offered.  I put him on FB on a local lost dog page.


"Mickey, Jr.", as little dd named this friendly pit bull, was put in Daisy's harness and taken up to the vet up the road for a chip check. Yes, animal control chipped him because he was out recently and picked up.  Owners were called, and messages were left.  That took an hour.  A kid texted me while I was there to say he was having a migraine, his first in a year and a half since he was hospitalized for one.   :(


So I took the dog home, gave ds an imitrex, and then drove the dog to a local animal shelter where I lied my butt off and will probably go straight to hell for it because if I took him to the county shelter they would put him down because he's a pit.  He was not well cared for, and I had a feeling the owners would not claim him.  So I drove to a very low kill local animal control in the next town and said I found him in the Walmart parking lot in the town.  I lied for a good cause.  That took awhile, too.


Mickey, Jr./Buster (as the chip people called him) looked at me when I left.  He thought he was going with me.   :(  I cannot with another pet, though.  


During this time, college girl is texting and calling repeatedly about her medical test results, which basically says she has everything wrong with her that I do.  



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My ridonkulous day started at 8:30 am, when I went to the door to look at a car parked in front of our house, and a stray dog ran up to me when I opened it.  A neighbor got out to say she was trying to see if the dog was "Fred".  The dog was not "Fred", and so I got stuck with the dog, who jumped the fence of our small kennel so I crated him in the garage while I took little dd to a friend's house for a field trip day and then ds15 to the orthodontist.  He drank and ate what I offered.  I put him on FB on a local lost dog page.


"Mickey, Jr.", as little dd named this friendly pit bull, was put in Daisy's harness and taken up to the vet up the road for a chip check. Yes, animal control chipped him because he was out recently and picked up.  Owners were called, and messages were left.  That took an hour.  Ds13 texted me while I was there to say he was having a migraine, his first in a year and a half since he was hospitalized for one.   :(


So I took the dog home, gave ds an imitrex, and then drove the dog to a local animal shelter where I lied my butt off and will probably go straight to hell for it because if I took him to the county shelter they would put him down because he's a pit.  He was not well cared for, and I had a feeling the owners would not claim him.  So I drove to a very low kill local animal control in the next town and said I found him in the Walmart parking lot in the town.  I lied for a good cause.  That took awhile, too.


Mickey, Jr./Buster (as the chip people called him) looked at me when I left.  He thought he was going with me.   :(  I cannot with another pet, though.  Ds13 threw up while I was gone.  I got home at 11:30 from all of that fun.  The best part was when a lady at the vet's office (a customer who breeds puppies and sells them) asked me if I couldn't just foster the pit bull and hook him up with a rescue.  No, lady, why don't you do that, though. :confused1:


Got home and showered and changed and ate.  Worked on paperwork stuff I needed to do, including spending an hour and a half doing research and writing up an email to the team parents because one parent is spreading a rumor and confronting another parent that her kid is "barely legal" to play and it is probably best he goes to public school.  I thought this was put to rest, but a separate parent mentioned to the first parent that he kid was "barely legal".  So I decided to do all of this research and send an email about eligibility.  The kid is perfectly legal.  The problem is someone who is a busy body with too much time on her hands.  So I sent it to dh, who nixed it because of paranoia about what if we get in trouble somehow, which will not happen BECAUSE WE AREN'T DOING ANYTHING WRONG.  Then we got into a "to do" because he knew I was going to do this and let me waste a lot of time and then nixed it for no good reason.  


During this time, college girl is texting and calling repeatedly about her medical test results, which basically says she has everything wrong with her that I do.  Her B12 was dangerously low and she refused the shot "because I don't like shots". :confused1:  I told her to call the doc back, accept the B12 script and that I would give her a shot because I give myself shots every month and have for a decade.  She argued.  I won.  That was a lot of back and forth, and it made me anxious because I thought she was going to blow off her health issues.  Did two loads of laundry.  Printed out ds15's geometry stuff.


I did some more annoying stuff I had to do, and then met a lady with little dd to take her to the orthodontist.  I never got any make up applied or a thing done to my hair, but I went back to the orthodontist for the second time.  It turns out, they wanted me to talk about signing her up for braces, but I had not discussed any of the financials with dh so it was pretty pointless.  Plus, it was supposed to be a phone call, but they told me it was an in office appointment.  Ds had asked for a hamburger when I was out so I got him one.  They forgot the fries and I had to honk at the drive through to get someone to come give me some fries.


Came home to ds13 throwing up again.  No meal for him.  Called dh and asked him to be nice to me because my day is as hard as nails.  Apologized for my part in the "to do".  Maybe that act of virtue makes up for lying about where I found the dog.  Gave fries to ds15.  Offered dh the drink.  Put the burger in the fridge.


Ds13 threw up more, and I gave him a phenergan.  Dh has gotten into poison ivy again and asked for prednisone so I found some of that.  


I am a pharmacist.  And a doctor.  And a dog rescuer.  And someone who frequents the orthodontist. :willy_nilly:




:grouphug: , Tex.


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BTW, Tex, one of the things I love about where we live now is the animal shelter.  It's a no-kill facility; there are a couple of dogs who have been there close to 10 years.  There are plenty of volunteers, though, so all the dogs get out to play and go for walks.  The old, calm dogs get to hang out in the thrift store during the day.  This was another major point in this community's favor when we looked for our destination.  Our old home place where we lived has one of the highest kill rates in the nation.  They airlift dogs from there to here. :glare:


Long story short:  You get a medal for lying today.

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One more unwanted animal vent and I promise to shut up.  I think this is one of those topics that affects the ethos of an area.  Shortly after we came here I had to take Buddy to the vet (it's a theme.)  When we were there, a lady came in with a basket of kittens.  The mama cat was a feral who got hit by a car.  The lady had been trying to feed them, but the round-the-clock thing was getting to be too much.  She told the lady at the vet's office that she just wanted the kittens checked before she took them to the shelter.  DD freaked. out. She was nearly crying and begged the lady not to do it.  I had to calm her down and explain that the shelter wouldn't kill them, but would take care of them.  The lady and the clerk were horrified at my poor child's terror and also explained how our foster system works.  It was such a relief to her.  I really think that knowing that our community values companion animals and will protect them is a value that is internalized and seriously increases our quality of life.


So there. :rant:

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Hugs to those who need them. Boo for migraines and possible UTIs and tlyh not taking needed meds.


Yay! For cool projects outside of schoolwork.

DS would rather suffer through his seasonal allergies than take medicine. He doesn't like how it makes him feel.

Lunch out-yes if he is paying.

Tex, ain't nobody got time for all dat.

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