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Ah quiet.


Remember PMS? I so desperately wanted a piece of chocolate today. Not a box or a bag. Just one scrumptious morsel. Well, we were at piano this afternoon, and the woman who is there prior to our lesson walks into the room and offers me...


Wait for it...


A foil-wrapped Khalua truffle :party:


The Lord provideth in our time of need.


Not just chocolate, but chocolate with alcohol in it. :lol:


I didn't want to scare her, so I simply thanked her warmly.


It was lovely.


Now I am trying to decide it I want to go over to the chat board. Hmmm.

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"She goes well when she has her pull-ups on, but just won't on the potty (probably because she is usually hurting when she goes)."


Does she squat when in pull-ups?


Is her potty small enough that she can squat comfortably when on it?



Awesome! And you even got the color in there... Very artistic :lol:
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Ah quiet.


Remember PMS? I so desperately wanted a piece of chocolate today. Not a box or a bag. Just one scrumptious morsel. Well, we were at piano this afternoon, and the woman who is there prior to our lesson walks into the room and offers me...


Wait for it...


A foil-wrapped Khalua truffle :party:


The Lord provideth in our time of need.


Not just chocolate, but chocolate with alcohol in it. :lol:


I didn't want to scare her, so I simply thanked her warmly.


It was lovely.


Now I am trying to decide it I want to go over to the chat board. Hmmm.

It can be a scary place; but then again, we're talking about my child's toilet issues. So, maybe it's worth it tonight. ;)

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She gets on all fours normally or leans on the bed. She pees on the big potty, but has a stool that she can prop her feet on. Is part of the problem trying to get her to go on the big potty? 


She complains about "the poop is hurting me" and either poops "deer pellets" or a LOT of poo. Sometimes so much the she has fresh blood. :( 

Way too much info, I know. Sorry! 


This is a subset of the mommy boards, so not TMI.


I think that having a familiar position is very important to pooping. It sounds like she is using a certain position to help her poop.


But if she needs to be on all fours or leaning against the bed I don't see adapting the position as a tool for your particular case... that's not going to work with a non-pull-up solution.


Stool softening probably is going to be necessary if she's that constipated. :( Poor baby.

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Ok, another issue for my child - 
When do allergists typically test children for seasonal allergies? Poor dd is miserable almost year round. She typically has a reprieve from the second frost to the end of February. That was very short this year. 
Last year she was on 10 ml of Zyrtec and 5mg of Claritin, plus Benadryl when it was really bad. She never really got rid of her cough either (a result of constant post-nasal drip). I'm wondering if we may just have to start the poor child on allergy shots. 

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This is a subset of the mommy boards, so not TMI.


I think that having a familiar position is very important to pooping. It sounds like she is using a certain position to help her poop.


But if she needs to be on all fours or leaning against the bed I don't see adapting the position as a tool for your particular case... that's not going to work with a non-pull-up solution.


Stool softening probably is going to be necessary if she's that constipated. :( Poor baby.

So, Miralax - are you guys giving the regular or the kids? 


Also, enemas - how many and how often? 

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Sorry. <ahem> <shuffles feet, looks away> I meant it to be the good-natured ribbing one might receive from a sister. But then I don't have a sister. So I forget that what goes around..... :D


Well, see. There goes the Internet misinterpreting things again. Of course it was funny and good natured. I'm the oldest of three girls. I'm supposed to chastise. (while giggling behind my hand.)

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I did daily checklists/schedules for grades K - 3.  Then I moved to weekly checklists for grades 4 - 6.  Then by grade 7 we started to just do the next thing.  With ds, who has ADD, I did schedules longer and dabbled with syllabi for some high school classes.  For dd, she just does her own planner now and for some classes will ask me what she should put down for that subject.


I write course descriptions in high school for each class that is on the transcript.  It has a bibliography of books/ materials used but it does not include ISBNs. 

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I would *love* to drop by and take your children. I cannot promise that I would be a good role model, however. Just sayin'...



You do not have a police record (to my knowledge, which is really all that matters), and you are a movie star.  You're good to go.  





Mary Poppins (my mother's helper) is here tomorrow until just after lunch. Can you be at 1:30 (ET)? 

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So, Miralax - are you guys giving the regular or the kids? 


Also, enemas - how many and how often? 



There's a kids' kind?  Well, I'll be.  


We did regular in the past, starting with one scoop per day and then adjusting it.  


But really, I'd do a clean-out first now that I know better.  The website will tell you (I think? If not, then the book) how to do a Miralax clean-out, though an enema clean-out is preferred.  The point of a clean-out is to be sure the stool burden is actually removed and the rectum is kept "clean" long enough shrink back to it's normal size, so that it can function properly again.  


The enema clean-out approach is 1 children's enema per day for a month, then taper to every other day for a month, then continue tapering until it is no longer needed.  As you taper, though, you can slowly add in "maintenance" measures like dietary changes and additional fiber plus, if needed, miralax.   You can also improve habits through therapy suggestions given, especially if holding is an issue.




I am an expert on this, as those who've been around since about Page 200 may recall.  And I am glad to once again offer my Poop Expertise on the ITT.   :lol:

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I went for my first "stick you with needles like a porcupine"  (aka acupuncture) appointment.  No, I don't know how it went.  I mean, it went fine.  But I don't know if it did anything or if I just paid to lie around with needles stuck in me while it did nothing.  Maybe time will tell? 


My friend the acupuncturist said that it works best if you go a lot at first.  So it takes awhile.

Is it a characteristic of a narcissist to surround themselves with "sympathetic" people who "protect" that person from any opposition or criticism?

This is more Borderline-ish.  Narcissists are Aholes.  Excuse me. :leaving: Some Narcissists find people to tolerate them and run interference for them.  That is pretty common.


(At least she didn't throw out her check registers.  :hat: :leaving: )



:lol:   I went to the bank today to discuss my problems, ironically.  I will now protect my check registers with my life.

The narcissist in my life has a very limited social circle.  They try to prevent being rejected by others by rejecting everyone else around them.  They also try to control what others think of them and attack and lie and manipulate others so that they will disbelieve the person who does not hold the same rosy view of the narcissist. You either toe the party line in adoring or you are thrown to the wolves.  So, I guess--yeah they have sympathetic people around them because you'd have to be bat poo crazy to want to be around them if you weren't sympathetic to their views.

This is my experience.


Sorry.  <ahem>  <shuffles feet, looks away> I meant it to be the good-natured ribbing one might receive from a sister.  But then I don't have a sister.  So I forget that what goes around.....  :D



I thought it was hysterical.  I was all, "Dude, she just zinged me good.  Savage!"

She gets on all fours normally or leans on the bed. She pees on the big potty, but has a stool that she can prop her feet on. Is part of the problem trying to get her to go on the big potty? 


She complains about "the poop is hurting me" and either poops "deer pellets" or a LOT of poo. Sometimes so much the she has fresh blood. :( 

Way too much info, I know. Sorry! 


She is constipated, and this is a medical problem.  She will not poop if it hurts.  This is not a discipline problem.  It would be good to get her a stool.  Kids can be so impacted with stool that they are not able to go at all and need to be cleaned out professionally, by doctors.  I knew a kid who had to go inpatient at a hospital because he was so impacted.  I think at this point I would push her pediatrician for some testing if the below suggestions (mine below...hehehe) don't work.  Don't let it get away from you because the colon can become so distended and lose sensation, which causes long-term issues.

Ok, another issue for my child - 

When do allergists typically test children for seasonal allergies? Poor dd is miserable almost year round. She typically has a reprieve from the second frost to the end of February. That was very short this year. 

Last year she was on 10 ml of Zyrtec and 5mg of Claritin, plus Benadryl when it was really bad. She never really got rid of her cough either (a result of constant post-nasal drip). I'm wondering if we may just have to start the poor child on allergy shots. 


My allergic kid was not tested.  No need.  It doesn't matter if the issue is pollen.  The treatment is the same.  Usually Zyrtec is the first line of defense.  Even a double dose (twice daily) did not work for him.  He had to move to Flonase, which worked great.  It takes about a week to build up in the system.  At the time it was prescription but it is over the counter now.  I would not subject a child to allergy shots for something that can be treated any other way.  Also, how much dairy does she consume?  She is kind of sounding like a dairy sensitive kid all around.  Dairy causes constipation and post nasal drip.  Before I did much of anything else, I would eliminate dairy.  Milk, cheese and ice cream are the worst offenders.   Some good quality yogurt might be tolerated but I would ditch it all at the beginning.  

I did daily checklists/schedules for grades K - 3.  Then I moved to weekly checklists for grades 4 - 6.  Then by grade 7 we started to just do the next thing.  With ds, who has ADD, I did schedules longer and dabbled with syllabi for some high school classes.  For dd, she just does her own planner now and for some classes will ask me what she should put down for that subject.


I write course descriptions in high school for each class that is on the transcript.  It has a bibliography of books/ materials used but it does not include ISBNs.

Jean likes to live dangerously.   :lol:

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I did daily checklists/schedules for grades K - 3.  Then I moved to weekly checklists for grades 4 - 6.  Then by grade 7 we started to just do the next thing.  With ds, who has ADD, I did schedules longer and dabbled with syllabi for some high school classes.  For dd, she just does her own planner now and for some classes will ask me what she should put down for that subject.


I write course descriptions in high school for each class that is on the transcript.  It has a bibliography of books/ materials used but it does not include ISBNs. 


Slacker ;)

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There's a kids' kind?  Well, I'll be.  

Apparently not. It's Pedia-Lax. I was mistaken. 



We did regular in the past, starting with one scoop per day and then adjusting it.  


But really, I'd do a clean-out first now that I know better.  The website will tell you (I think? If not, then the book) how to do a Miralax clean-out, though an enema clean-out is preferred.  The point of a clean-out is to be sure the stool burden is actually removed and the rectum is kept "clean" long enough shrink back to it's normal size, so that it can function properly again.  


The enema clean-out approach is 1 children's enema per day for a month, then taper to every other day for a month, then continue tapering until it is no longer needed.  As you taper, though, you can slowly add in "maintenance" measures like dietary changes and additional fiber plus, if needed, miralax.   You can also improve habits through therapy suggestions given, especially if holding is an issue.


I am an expert on this, as those who've been around since about Page 200 may recall.  And I am glad to once again offer my Poop Expertise on the ITT.   :lol:



She is constipated, and this is a medical problem.  She will not poop if it hurts.  This is not a discipline problem.  It would be good to get her a stool.  Kids can be so impacted with stool that they are not able to go at all and need to be cleaned out professionally, by doctors.  I knew a kid who had to go inpatient at a hospital because he was so impacted.  I think at this point I would push her pediatrician for some testing if the below suggestions (mine below...hehehe) don't work.  Don't let it get away from you because the colon can become so distended and lose sensation, which causes long-term issues.

What kind of testing?


My allergic kid was not tested.  No need.  It doesn't matter if the issue is pollen.  The treatment is the same.  Usually Zyrtec is the first line of defense.  Even a double dose (twice daily) did not work for him.  He had to move to Flonase, which worked great.  It takes about a week to build up in the system.  At the time it was prescription but it is over the counter now.  I would not subject a child to allergy shots for something that can be treated any other way.  

Good to know. I don't know if she's old enough for Flonase, but we'll talk to the ped. 


Also, how much dairy does she consume?  She is kind of sounding like a dairy sensitive kid all around.  Dairy causes constipation and post nasal drip.  Before I did much of anything else, I would eliminate dairy.  Milk, cheese and ice cream are the worst offenders.   Some good quality yogurt might be tolerated but I would ditch it all at the beginning.  

Jean likes to live dangerously.   :lol:

She likes cheese, but doesn't drink a ton of milk. We can have a half gallon for 2 weeks (even with dh using it for occassional cereal). She LOVES yogurt and ice cream though. :(

I may do an elimination diet with her to see. It'll be hard with her at daycare, but they're good to work with me. 

I also wonder if she might have some gluten intolerance. I have constipation issues when I eat gluten and this child loves her noodles and bread. 

We'll try the dairy first. 


Thanks for the suggestions. 


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An xray can show severe constipation and impaction.


I cannot believe I forgot this, but little dd's main gluten sensitivity symptom was severe constipation.  She required suppositories to go before I took her off of gluten.  She was fine once off of gluten.  Then a GI doc wanted me to do a trial of gluten, and I gave her half a bag of goldfish.  She didn't poop for a week.  I was done then.  Never looked back, and she has been gluten free since with no poop problems.

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I cannot imagine a half gallon of milk lasting two weeks.  We're lucky if a gallon lasts two full days.

We are not big milk drinkers at all. So, it was very strange when I craved milk during my pregnancy. It tasted like candy. I could easily drink 3 gallons a week. Now? I drink maybe 3-4 glasses a month. lol 

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An xray can show severe constipation and impaction.


I cannot believe I forgot this, but little dd's main gluten sensitivity symptom was severe constipation.  She required suppositories to go before I took her off of gluten.  She was fine once off of gluten.  Then a GI doc wanted me to do a trial of gluten, and I gave her half a bag of goldfish.  She didn't poop for a week.  I was done then.  Never looked back, and she has been gluten free since with no poop problems.

Well, crap. (pun not intended, but it works really well here.) I was hoping she wouldn't have these issues like I did. 

I guess we're doing both. Dairy first, then gluten. 


This poor kid. Between her dad's allergies and my allergies, she doesn't stand a chance. 

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We are not big milk drinkers at all. So, it was very strange when I craved milk during my pregnancy. It tasted like candy. I could easily drink 3 gallons a week. Now? I drink maybe 3-4 glasses a month. lol 


I drink about a glass of milk every month or so.  Usually with Hershey's Special Dark Syrup.

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Well, crap. (pun not intended, but it works really well here.) I was hoping she wouldn't have these issues like I did. 

I guess we're doing both. Dairy first, then gluten. 


This poor kid. Between her dad's allergies and my allergies, she doesn't stand a chance. 

  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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An xray can show severe constipation and impaction.


I cannot believe I forgot this, but little dd's main gluten sensitivity symptom was severe constipation.  She required suppositories to go before I took her off of gluten.  She was fine once off of gluten.  Then a GI doc wanted me to do a trial of gluten, and I gave her half a bag of goldfish.  She didn't poop for a week.  I was done then.  Never looked back, and she has been gluten free since with no poop problems.





An orthopedic xray revealed the severity of my Dd's constipation (this was AFTER 3 years of miralax, and me thinking the problem was solved because she "went" every other day).    Once we truly cleaned her out, the change in her energy level was remarkable, and things I had always thought were "just her style" (like curling up with her blanket for long periods each day) were actually the result of the constipation.  Poor child.  It was her normal.  She didn't even know enough to tell me she felt tired all the time.   :crying:

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An orthopedic xray revealed the severity of my Dd's constipation (this was AFTER 3 years of miralax, and me thinking the problem was solved because she "went" every other day).    Once we truly cleaned her out, the change in her energy level was remarkable, and things I had always thought were "just her style" (like curling up with her blanket for long periods each day) were actually the result of the constipation.  Poor child.  It was her normal.  She didn't even know enough to tell me she felt tired all the time.   :crying:


This makes me feel really bad for yours and mine. :( 


Thank you, ladies, for talking me through this. I feel like I finally have a direction to go. 

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Interesting about the gluten.  I'm as careful with dairy with my kids as can be (given the fact that the top five top only kid-approved dinners on our list all contain cheese) but I have thought about eliminating it altogether.  Gluten elimination and dairy elimination would pretty much leave them... hungry.  


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  Also, how much dairy does she consume?  She is kind of sounding like a dairy sensitive kid all around.  Dairy causes constipation and post nasal drip.  Before I did much of anything else, I would eliminate dairy.  Milk, cheese and ice cream are the worst offenders.   Some good quality yogurt might be tolerated but I would ditch it all at the beginning.  



I was just thinking the same thing. GMTA. ::pinky-finger-shakes::

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Susan, yes.


Mary, I never planned things for John, I just want him to be challenged and I'm happy. For math and phonics we do the next thing, other than that he does what he wants.


No poop things here.


I wasn't really here, just wanted to answer the things.  :ph34r:

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Love you, Slache! Thanks for saying Hi!


I worry that my kids may have poop issues, but I have so many kids I choose to ignore it altogether. Except when I have to yell at them for not flushing. Then everyone has poop issues.


I hate the blue and grey rectangle that tells me I'm out of likes. It taunts me.


What I meant to say is that I don't see any Slaches around here, do you?

Edited by Susan in TN
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I boldly went and looked at state requirements for graduation again. This time I stayed and read for over fifteen minutes. I'm getting bolder about this homeschooling high school bit. I asked the boys this evening. They both want to do high school at home.  :o They seem to have a lot of faith in me.

I also asked them if they had any idea of what they might like to work at after school. One wants to be an engineer that builds computers (physically constructs circuit boards, I think) and the other wants to go into microbiology. Somehow I think I might have to be looking ahead to exceeding the graduation requirements. 

It's a good thing I've got two more years to try and figure this thing out is all I've got to say!


ETA: Higher education Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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'Twas Susan. I felt is was an important question.

Thank you - I am frequently wrestling with myself, wondering if I am crazy and imagining things, or if I should trust my instincts that are telling me something is very "off". When I read articles that talk about Christian covert narcissists in leadership positions, it all looks too familiar.


Those scales of poop are tempting, though. And how cool to have a t-shirt with all the needed info at a moment's notice!

Edited by Susan in TN
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