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I stayed up late to finish a Star Wars book that 12yo dd wants to read after me.  The last two weren't as good as the first three.  I might be finished with that for awhile.  I guess it's back to Churchill and Birth of Britain for me. 


The dive meet went fairly smoothly.  17yo ds came in 8th (so he got a medal).  Yay. 




Hi Heather!


Nighty-night all. 

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Good morning!!


I slept poorly. I'm still achy and tired. My hand is doing that numb, tingling, thing again at night. In fact, it was worse last night than ever. It was hurting so bad, I cried out. I can usually handle a bit of pain, but this was ridiculous. I know it is because of all the cleaning and sorting I've been doing. If I just do everyday stuff, it don't bother me unless I write a lot.


So I may take it easy today.

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Good morning!!


I slept poorly. I'm still achy and tired. My hand is doing that numb, tingling, thing again at night. In fact, it was worse last night than ever. It was hurting so bad, I cried out. I can usually handle a bit of pain, but this was ridiculous. I know it is because of all the cleaning and sorting I've been doing. If I just do everyday stuff, it don't bother me unless I write a lot.


So I may take it easy today.


Sorry, I should remember, but did you go to the dr. about your hand?  Hope it feels better; definitely take it easy!


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Sorry, I should remember, but did you go to the dr. about your hand? Hope it feels better; definitely take it easy!


No, I haven't recently. I spoke to my primary doctor about it four or five years ago, and he thought it was carpal tunnel syndrome. We don't have any good orthopedic doctors here. So I'm not sure where to go. I was thinking if it is carpal tunnel then I would have the surgery when school is over, maybe sometime mid June. But just typing his out causes quite a bit of discomfort.

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My college roommates used to hate me and my snooze button.


Now, I can't use an alarm.  When I have to get up at a specific time (such as on Sundays for church) dh will wake me up and then wake me up again about 15-20 minutes later.  This works much better for me than 9 minutes.


I think that I sleep very deeply in the morning hours.  I have to wake up out of the deep sleep first.  Then after a little bit of time in a lighter sleep cycle, it is much easier for me to get up.

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It is a good thought. I know there are several people that have good results with a chiropractor.


I had a bad chiropractor. When ds20 was a baby I hurt my back, and I went weekly for about 3 months. It didn't help, and if anything it was worse.


I realize that there are good ones though so I may try again. Thanks, for recommending, Mary. I wouldn't have thought about it.

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It is a good thought. I know there are several people that have good results with a chiropractor.


I had a bad chiropractor. When ds20 was a baby I hurt my back, and I went weekly for about 3 months. It didn't help, and if anything it was worse.


I realize that there are good ones though so I may try again. Thanks, for recommending, Mary. I wouldn't have thought about it.


I went to a chiropractor for many months, initially at least three times a week, once or twice every day. I had been having back/neck/everything pain for years, and had been to chiropractors a few times, but not long enough to make a more permanent improvement. I'm so glad I finally did it, because it has made all the difference in the world.

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Good morning!


Today is Bio lab... Ds13 experiences the "dissect an earthworm" rite of passage:-)


I will be on the other side of town at a friend's, lol. She is my very Catholic friend from whom I have learned much about the Catholic faith. I was a religious mutt growing up but was from a very German Lutheran family. The Catholic/Lutheran split was huge where we lived, so I feel like I have gotten a whole new perspective through her friendship. She is also one of the truly devout (many people I have come across socially are more of the cultural Catholic variety.) I have great respect for her. So, even though I am pretty talked out from this week, I am looking forward to seeing her.


Ds13 has two Foerster's assignments this am because he didn't do one yesterday. Apparently, we have not quite resolved that whole "get the work done when it is due" thing yet. (At least he turned in his AoPS work on time.) So he is grudgingly factoring polynomials :D


Today looks like this (not necessarily in this order):

Get dressed because, I am sad to say, I am still in my pjs :blushing:

Finish and order the new company's business cards

Fix bil's email from yesterday's changeover

Do the dishes

Two loads of laundry before lab

Make dinner before I go, so I don't have to do it when I get home:-)

Empty some old emails (especially WTM notifications, lol) because my box is 98% full

Help mil get ready

Make sure kids have schoolwork to take on the road today

Finish National History Day sign up for ds13


Glad Lynn is feeling better... Hoping Renai has the most awesomest day imaginable... Hugs to Dawn on the wrist thing...warm snugly feelings to the rest of our ITT peeps.

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Oh and good luck to Tex on the coop thing.


When I was teaching at a university, my very first class, I had to deal with cheating. Two bright young men decided to copy off of EACH OTHER :svengo: There were only about 20 people in the class. Truly, did you not think I would notice?! So, I had to lay the hammer down early and hard. I think it helped the entire class realize that I wasn't a pushover;-). It would be harder with younger kids though. I could afford to be very unconcerned with feelings.


My reviews were "tough, but fair" which was the best compliment I could get:-) That feels like aeons ago. In the years BC :lol:

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Oh and good luck to Tex on the coop thing.


When I was teaching at a university, my very first class, I had to deal with cheating. Two bright young men decided to copy off of EACH OTHER :svengo: There were only about 20 people in the class. Truly, did you not think I would notice?! So, I had to lay the hammer down early and hard. I think it helped the entire class realize that I wasn't a pushover;-). It would be harder with younger kids though. I could afford to be very unconcerned with feelings.


My reviews were "tough, but fair" which was the best compliment I could get:-) That feels like aeons ago. In the years BC :lol:


BC = Before Children.  Because children age you hundreds of years.  :D


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Good Morning, ITT! It's Friday and a three day weekend! And the weather here is beautiful. The early fruit trees are already blooming. Getting pretty around here!


My sil is a chiropractor. I've had good results with chiropractics.


Cheating in college.... My first experience was when we were taking a test and our prof was gone, so we had a proctor. I knew the material, so I went through the test fairly quickly, but about half way through the period the kids were all blatantly cheating and the proctor obviously didn't care. I plugged my ears, finished the test and ran out of the room. Made me sick, really! I hate dishonesty!


Had to remember to make DS a pb&j sandwich for school today instead of the meat sandwich he likes. He got razzed for having meat on Ash Wednesday. He's not going to be happy!

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My children are aging me quickly today.  Dd8 had a very loud temper tantrum that involved stomping, door slamming, grunting, and yelling.  She gets like this sometimes when her blood sugar gets too low.  But, she's a very picky eater and we are running low on groceries.  Which means she didn't get her yogurt.  Apparently, this is something to stomp about.


And dd11 thinks that a 3-hour school day is too long.  And it's not her fault that she ended up watching a movie instead of getting her math done.


On the plus side, I think that dd15 is straightened out about the apostrophes.  (I didn't tell him that he killed kittens; he felt bad enough.)  I hadn't seen him do this in a while.  It turns out that the problem came about trying to form the plural of platypus.


I feel better now.  We had bacon at lunch.   :D

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My children are aging me quickly today.  Dd8 had a very loud temper tantrum that involved stomping, door slamming, grunting, and yelling.  She gets like this sometimes when her blood sugar gets too low.  But, she's a very picky eater and we are running low on groceries.  Which means she didn't get her yogurt.  Apparently, this is something to stomp about.


In my house, running low on groceries is, "preparing ourselves for the rationing that will accompany the apocalypse."  I.e., learning to survive.  Because zombies.


It falls right in line with, "Suck it up cupcake."


We had bacon at lunch.   :D


Well, then all is not lost.


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In my house, running low on groceries is, "preparing ourselves for the rationing that will accompany the apocalypse."  I.e., learning to survive.  Because zombies.


It falls right in line with, "Suck it up cupcake."



Well, then all is not lost.



I've actually tried this approach with her, but I realized that her tantrums are (usually) a manifestation of an underlying health concern.  I used to have really bad emotional swings and headaches from an improper sugar level, so I can empathize with her.  But, my goodness, she can be a mean little thing.


After eating a pbj sandwich, she was a completely different person.

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I've actually tried this approach with her, but I realized that her tantrums are (usually) a manifestation of an underlying health concern.  I used to have really bad emotional swings and headaches from an improper sugar level, so I can empathize with her.  But, my goodness, she can be a mean little thing.


After eating a pbj sandwich, she was a completely different person.


In which case, the approach might be "shut up and eat".  ;)

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I've actually tried this approach with her, but I realized that her tantrums are (usually) a manifestation of an underlying health concern.  I used to have really bad emotional swings and headaches from an improper sugar level, so I can empathize with her.  But, my goodness, she can be a mean little thing.


After eating a pbj sandwich, she was a completely different person.


Oh, I totally understand.  Same here.  It was just our way of getting DS to understand that there is other food to eat, even if it is not what you were craving.

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We are going to IKEA for school.  I love Friday project day.  Bookwork is first being done at home so you don't think I'm a total slacker.  And IKEA is because this week's and most likely next week's project is transforming an IKEA end table into a cat scratching post/ bed thingie. 



Obligatory occasional educational post of dubious merit. 

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So, we did our ho'ike (recital) today.


They did not look as if they had been learning this dance for five weeks. :blink:


I asked them to bring whatever adornments (flowers and stuff) they had and any dresses or other costumes so that I could see what I had to work with for future possible shows or programs. None of the more experienced dancers did. A couple of the less-experienced dancers brought their things. One of the experienced dancers said oh, were we supposed to bring that? We have [names off stuff]. I said, yes, I was hoping to see everything today. Oh, she said, we can bring them next week. I said we'll have to take time out from dancing class for that; it's why I asked you all to bring everything today, since there was no class, only dancing and eating and whatnot.


I will feel better next week, I'm sure. I'm pretty disgusted with them today.


That is all.

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So yesterday, I sorted papers regarding the lady I help. I had inherited a very large box of papers when I became her guardian. Fortunately we have a wood stove in the garage because I can't imagine having to shred all of those like Tex did. I made five trips to the garage to burn trash: 10 year old bank statements, receipts from the grocery store 6 years ago, etc. I narrowed it down to three folders. One for past court documents regarding guardianship before me (I'm not even sure I need to keep those). One for current court papers, birth certificate and funeral plan. And one for her current bills and bank statement.


We had school, and I fixed supper, chili dogs and French fries. Not at all healthy, but quick and easy.


Then after I finished sorting papers, I decided to go to the grocery store. We may be getting a big snow storm Sunday into Monday, but the meteorologist are having trouble predicting. So I went on a big shopping trip. I picked up tlih's medicine and her groceries. Then I went to her apartment, put things away, and sorted her medication. By this time it was 9 p.m.


So, thankfully, dd16 helped put away groceries. Then I sorted the meat, wrapped it and put it in the deep freezer.


By this time, I was exhausted, but do you know when you start cleaning and decluttering then you notice how dirty things are? Well, then I noticed how dirty the kitchen curtains were. So I took them down and washed a load of clothes.


Then I went to bed. It was sometime after 1 a.m.


Now, today, has not been nearly as productive. I compared prices and figured out what was needed for second grade. I placed my order with Memoria Press late this morning. Then we had school. I fixed supper: chicken and noodles with gravy, mashed potatoes, sauteed French cut green beans with garlic. Healthier than last night.


The twins have been bathed, nails clipped, and little ds got his bangs cut. Little dd is now waiting for me to braid her hair.


There is still more decluttering to do. I think I may take a break over the weekend, and read some of my book. :)

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So, we did our ho'ike (recital) today.


They did not look as if they had been learning this dance for five weeks. :blink:


I asked them to bring whatever adornments (flowers and stuff) they had and any dresses or other costumes so that I could see what I had to work with for future possible shows or programs. None of the more experienced dancers did. A couple of the less-experienced dancers brought their things. One of the experienced dancers said oh, were we supposed to bring that? We have [names off stuff]. I said, yes, I was hoping to see everything today. Oh, she said, we can bring them next week. I said we'll have to take time out from dancing class for that; it's why I asked you all to bring everything today, since there was no class, only dancing and eating and whatnot.


I will feel better next week, I'm sure. I'm pretty disgusted with them today.


That is all.



:grouphug: Ellie :grouphug:


My computer has been upgraded by Tech Support.


I am lost.  dontknow.gif


And sad. sadwalk.gif

:grouphug: JoJosMom :grouphug:

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Dawn, you are amazing!


Ellie - that would be very frustrating to me, too.


I went to Hobby Lobby and 4 thrift stores with two of my girls this afternoon and am currently (at the impassioned request of my youngers) watching "Minions". Somebody please rescue me.


A Minions Rescue Booyah!


Sing it with me, Everyone!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends!

Some people started posting here not knowing what it was

And we will keep on posting here forever just because


This is the thread that never ends...

Edited by Susan in TN
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In my house, running low on groceries is, "preparing ourselves for the rationing that will accompany the apocalypse."  I.e., learning to survive.  Because zombies.


It falls right in line with, "Suck it up cupcake."



:Iagree: Running low on groceries is the norm around here. It has been better since Peapod :hooray:


Dawn has been knocking it out of the park. #yougogirl


I am officially empty. I cannot have one.more.deep.conversation. If I do, I will surely die. :lol:


Dh is picking kids up from tennis because I must be alone. I will be a better wife because of it.


Oh and that list I made this morning. Yep, pretty much none of it has been done.


I need ice cream. Or chocolate. Or hashish :snicker:

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