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I think you are more tolerant than I am, Tex.  If I heard that an adult who worked with youth was fired for an inappropriate relationship, I would want to know the details.  Esp. I would want to know if the other party was an adult.  Unfortunately there have been too many cases where it hasn't been - even with women teachers/leaders. 

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I pruned my list down to 750$. I do this: I put together the list of everything that would make me rolling-around happy, to soberly pleased, to grudgingly contented. Most of the time I get my soberly pleased list and one item extra from the rolling-around happy option.


This is also my strategy.

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I currently have skin care items I will never use courtesy of MIL and a nice, cast iron griddle I cannot use with my stove so I will look for opportunities to regift those, too.


ETA:  It's a blatant regifting booya(h)!!!


I can use a cast iron griddle on my stove. 

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That is so true.


Confession:  We don't eat pork.  So the AHG troop decided to have pulled pork for the Father Daughter banquet.  It was donated and smoked by someone.  We are already so weird about not eating gluten so I didn't even say anything and thought on it awhile.  I decided to donate some smoked turkey. :lol:


Imma stay in the closet about pork since we are already flying our freak flag with gluten and homeschooling.


Around here I'm a freak for NOT being GF.  

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I think you are more tolerant than I am, Tex.  If I heard that an adult who worked with youth was fired for an inappropriate relationship, I would want to know the details.  Esp. I would want to know if the other party was an adult.  Unfortunately there have been too many cases where it hasn't been - even with women teachers/leaders. 

It was a second hand story so I'm not all in with the deets at this point - and may never be.  

Edited by texasmama
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This one comes compliments of Mr. Susan in TN. :D

Dh pipes up now and then. His most recent was the story of Mary and the prepubescent colleagues who wanted to have a group political discussion with her. His wanted her to ask them if they thought they may change their minds based on the wisdom Mary would offer them. Because that would be only thing that would make it worth her time. :D 



Dh was out late seeing a building - like 1 am or something.  So I went to bed without him, slept fine and woke up at 7 am.  The kitten heard me and was scratching to get out of little dd's room, which bothered the dog, who was crated fifteen feet away.  So I let out the dog and the kitten, and the dog tried to bother the kitten - not eat her but chase her.  Then I had to chase the kitten while stage whispering "Leave it!" to the dog so as not to wake up the whole house, which is not effective since she needs a firm hand/voice.  Then I dumped the kitten in the room with sleeping ds13 and older cat to cool her heels.  She was probably grateful.  And I have been sitting on the couch with the naughty, cat-bothering dog since.  I can't let her out because she will bark and wake up dh.  She is a couch hog, FYI.


Today, I will see my therapist.  It has been a long time.  My bucket got full.  It is less full than when I made the appointment, but I am going.


Chuck the repair dude is coming back today to finish odds and ends.  I do have a working bathtub faucet, which is nice.  I like Chuck.  He and I gang up and give dh a bad time.  They work at the church food ministry together so they know each other well.


OH!  Talked to the dude who took over the church business affairs after the guy who was a bad person was fired, and he gave us carte blanche to present them with our own record of giving for 2015, and the church would sign off on it.  Now I have to ask the bank if they can help me do this.  If not, we will piece it together using dh's records.  Don't tell dh, but I threw away the check registers. :leaving:   (I promise not to do that ever again in the history of ever.)


OH!  So that dude who quit his son from our bball team and sent ugly emails blind copying everyone - remember him?  A parent who has wanted to stay in touch with that family because she feels sorry for the kid asked for the uniform back, and the dude who quit wrote a rude and nasty email threatening legal action about this uniform which was theirs. :confused1:   So he's nuts.  Like super, duper, bat guano nuts.  Even nuts-er than we had thought.  And I'm done, yo.  So the lady who does the scheduling (wife of assistant coach and mom to the young lady with cancer) wrote him a beautiful email killing him with kindness.  It was perfect.  So he can sit in his little hovel with nothing but a uniform knowing he was a jerk to a lady whose dd has cancer.  And maybe the other mom won't have such a soft spot in her heart for this family now since she was quoted and misquoted in the rude email, which contained information that only could have come from her family.  Maybe she will figure out who she can trust.  


Why are people so stupid?



Oh jeepers. #headslap




and general :grouphug:  to all ITTers this morning.


My rant for this morning is on organizational leaders who announce something the DAY OF the event(please bring xyz item, or $$, or whatever).  I need a week's notice. I really do. I run a tight ship with narrow margins and I am not excited to pack up my four kids and drive all over a super congested major metropolitan area looking for xyz item with 6 hours notice.  Leader, you knew this was coming.  You had the details but you failed to communicate them.  I cannot read your mind.  Please pull yourself together, plan, communicate, and demonstrate or delegate!!

I agree with hugs for Dawn. And yes, this is crazy making.  

My third grade teacher was of the devil.  She hated children.  I never got into any trouble ever at school, and I was always in trouble with her.



My first grade teacher was of that ilk. She hated kids. She was so mean to my best friend, and I was sent to the office on many occasions for opening up a can of whoop a$$ on her. It is amazing I passed the first grade :D 


Hello....it's me.


Yesterday, I Facebook messaged the youth pastor who was let go and told her I love her and would miss her.  I also hugged my therapist and told her I love her.  I love a lot of people, yo.  And I am a true believer in telling people you love them.  Whatever if people are not used to hearing this beyond romantic stuff or immediate family.  There are other kinds of love.


I love all of you, too.



I hug people often and write them mushy notes. I may have the emotional range of a teaspoon, but I do love deeply. I think our culture can be very critical and proud of it. I feel compelled to give the love:-)



All this talk about Valentine's food in homeschool group and school settings reminds me why we homeschool, and without an IRL homeschool group for support.  People can't seem to function in groups without food.  :eek:  :willy_nilly:

:Iagree: You speak truth.

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Now that I am ketched up and out of multi-quote :lol:


I have had many deep discussions this week. Hours of them for some reason. As good as they have been, I am worn out from people's emotions. Tonight I will have some time to myself. I plan on doing as many light and shallow things as I can :-) and the children have finally earned back their devices. I plan on using that to my advantage.


Had coffee with our priest today. He is new and younger than any we have had, but is very bright and up to the task. (I am at an Anglican Church... Young to us is anyone under 40:-) We discussed Martin Luther, Genesis, and Hooker's book on Ecclesiatical Polity. It is fun to discuss esoteric things with someone, lol. I read weird things because I am profoundly curious, but I don't usually have a chance to discuss what I read with others.


We are very lucky at our church... We are all friends and most people have served on the board at one time or another and we socialize together. Very tight knit and easy. Not that we never have problems, but like family, we stick together. My cup runneth over.


I have not been involved in school much this week and am feeling guilty. My mind has been elsewhere, and it has been hard to get my head in the game. Must resolve this.

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It was a second hand story so I'm not all in with the deets at this point - and may never be.  I don't assume it means an underage relationship.  I've known this young lady a long time.  She went to school at college girl's school.  She is single and mid twenties so I would assume an affair with someone married before anything.  She is a nice lady who has provided a lot of support to a lot of people, me included.  I just want to give her the benefit of the doubt.  The only thing that would cause me to withdraw my support is a relationship with a teen cuz that stuff can't be taken lightly ever.  So that is where I'm coming from.  Her brother was just diagnosed with cancer, and her parents attend our church and are in some leadership roles.  They are understandably devastated.  Nice folks, and my heart goes out to them.  I do accept that I may never know the full story.  I'm just giving the benefit of the doubt until then and following the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Whatever she has done, the Lord loves her.  I was excommunicated from a church when I left my first marriage so tossing people out on the street is near and dear to my heart.  I believe the church had a good reason to let her go, but there are other reasons than underage relationships.


(a peek into the inner workings of my mind...don't get lost in there. :leaving: )


I was giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming it was a relationship which resulted in sex out of wedlock (with a consenting adult), which most churches do not support, especially from its leaders.

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Dh pipes up now and then. His most recent was the story of Mary and the prepubescent colleagues who wanted to have a group political discussion with her. His wanted her to ask them if they thought they may change their minds based on the wisdom Mary would offer them. Because that would be only thing that would make it worth her time. :D



I'm lost on this one.  But I liked your post because you agreed with me. :lol:

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I'm lost on this one. But I liked your post because you agreed with me. :lol:

:lol: wow, in reading that over, it is really jibberish, isn't it? I was talking about the problems our ITT Mary (Southern Ivy) was having with her young work colleagues. I relayed that story to Dh, and he thought it would be funny to give her something to say to shut them up. Lol. In re-reading, though, it looks like I am talking about a biblical Mary while smoking something strong :embarrassed:


And I do totally agree with you. So sick of food at everything. Everything. I do feed my kids, lol. Sometimes even junk food :svengo: They just don't need copious amounts of sugar at every activity we do, many of which take place directly after dinner:-(

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:lol: wow, in reading that over, it is really jibberish, isn't it? I was talking about the problems our ITT Mary (Southern Ivy) was having with her young work colleagues. I relayed that story to Dh, and he thought it would be funny to give her something to say to shut them up. Lol. In re-reading, though, it looks like I am talking about a biblical Mary while smoking something strong :embarrassed:


And I do totally agree with you. So sick of food at everything. Everything. I do feed my kids, lol. Sometimes even junk food :svengo: They just don't need copious amounts of sugar at every activity we do, many of which take place directly after dinner:-(


Yes, I thought biblical Mary.  But now that you explained it and I re-read it, I can't believe I didn't read it correctly the first time! 



Food.  I wonder how we will view food in 20 years.  200 years?  It'll be like, remember when people actually ate real food at each other's houses and didn't need to carry epi-pens?  Those were the days!  Back then I used to eat whatever I wanted to out in public and nobody gave me a fine or put me in jail.  IV's for nourishment.  SMH.  I miss the food, man!

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I just spent the last few hours with our web host, changing all the domain stuff to our new name, shuffling emails so that we don't lose any on the old domain and people can still receive to both. :svengo: I despise this stuff. I want to do it and have it done. But, noooo. There is always a few loose ends or something that doesn't work. I need to check a box, dag blast it! Motherhood and homeschooling apparently are anti-box checking endeavors.


Can I get an amen?! :D

Edited by Professormom
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I think I may have found my fun physics books for the boys' eighth grade year. I was at the library today and picked up some volumes of Physics in Our World and Physics Matters. I believe I'll pair those with Backyard Ballistics. Of course, I was supposed to be looking for additional reading for chemistry, but I'll look at the big library on Saturday for that.

Edited by Critterfixer
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:lol: wow, in reading that over, it is really jibberish, isn't it? I was talking about the problems our ITT Mary (Southern Ivy) was having with her young work colleagues. I relayed that story to Dh, and he thought it would be funny to give her something to say to shut them up. Lol. In re-reading, though, it looks like I am talking about a biblical Mary while smoking something strong :embarrassed:


And I do totally agree with you. So sick of food at everything. Everything. I do feed my kids, lol. Sometimes even junk food :svengo: They just don't need copious amounts of sugar at every activity we do, many of which take place directly after dinner:-(

I missed that somehow. haha I haven't had to deal with the political girl lately, so that's good. 

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JJM, you brighten my day.  :)


:hurray: Yay! I have purpose.  Granted, it's comedic relief, but it's something!





(I'm glad that I made you smile, Jean.  I wish it could be more, like waving a magic wand and making you feel well, but I guess that's a bit out of my league. I'll just send you one of these: blowkiss.gif)

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Hugs Renai.


Remember how I hate to talk on the phone? Two hours with dear, wonderful friend tonight. This person makes me want to be a better person, lol. And one of the only people I talk to on the phone because she is an ear-to-ear, face-to-face person.


But now I am uber tired. So I am off to continue in my Preparing for Heaven book. Then, blessed, blessed sleep. Or seepies, as we used to call it when the boy were little.


Nostalgic night night to all :wub:

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