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:( That just makes me so sad. 


I know my dd will tell me that she doesn't like a certain girl, but I think that's mainly because girl is older and bossy and tells dd 'no' which doesn't fly with my bossy girl. haha But, I would be furious if she was making fun of another student. (I don't think she's mature enough for that yet, but maybe in a year? Heaven help me.) 


Yes, it is true. The more dominant girls are usually the ones with older siblings - learned behavior.


That IS sad.


Yes. I have zero tolerance. Nip that right in the bud. (in a teaching way. Many have little idea what they are actually doing.)

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So, I put in a call last week to the dermatology clinic because dd16 said one of the creams was causing her condition to worsen faster. She had started it a Monday and stopped it by Friday. The doctor confirmed to stop the steroid cream saying that not everyone responds well to it. NO KIDDING??? Dd16 is to continue the vitamin-D derived cream. Other options she talked about a chemo pill or light therapy. They got an appointment in for her for next month.

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And the drama starts young, too. Dd (4th grade) was telling us tonight how her Awana friends who go to the local Christian school are all fighting over the cute boy in the class and how L wore black to Awanas last week because the boy J didn't like her but liked A instead. Fourth grade. I was just disgusted. I'm glad I'm homeschooling my girl and she can spend her time chasing the cats in the backyard during her free time instead of chasing boys.

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And the drama starts young, too. Dd (4th grade) was telling us tonight how her Awana friends who go to the local Christian school are all fighting over the cute boy in the class and how L wore black to Awanas last week because the boy J didn't like her but liked A instead. Fourth grade. I was just disgusted. I'm glad I'm homeschooling my girl and she can spend her time chasing the cats in the backyard during her free time instead of chasing boys.


A lot of that comes to a head in 3rd grade, actually. Dd16 could tell you some stories about the month she spent in 3rd grade public school. Sigh.


I remember student teaching first grade. One day we had to combine two classes, and they were watching an educational video. Three girls came to me and the one in the middle said, "Both of these girls want to sit by me, but it's not fair because I've known her since kindergarten, but known her (other girl) since preK!" I looked confused and asked, "can't you just sit in the middle?" Oh, yeah.

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And the drama starts young, too. Dd (4th grade) was telling us tonight how her Awana friends who go to the local Christian school are all fighting over the cute boy in the class and how L wore black to Awanas last week because the boy J didn't like her but liked A instead. Fourth grade. I was just disgusted. I'm glad I'm homeschooling my girl and she can spend her time chasing the cats in the backyard during her free time instead of chasing boys.

At Awana?!? Oh, Krissi, that's awful! I am so, so grateful for Jo's Awana group. They are just a super nice, well-parented group of kids. I only wish they didn't all live so far away. :(

Edited by JoJosMom
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Okay, well... I had the biggest crush of my life on a boy in Kindergarten. No really. He lived In my neighborhood. He had the most gorgeous curls. Gary F. My goodness I was obsessed.


Alas, he just wasn't that into me. LOL.


Never wore black though. I wasn't allowed to wear black until I was 12.

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I was such an awkward geek with greasy hair, bad glasses, and floodwater pants in elementary school. Kenny didn't know I existed. Sniff.

I know, right? I was so far from popular. Our house got egged one Halloween. Pretty sure that it was aimed at my mother who had called the cops on some teens with dirt bikes, but it doesn't help one's social status any, kwim?

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Good Morning!


Thanks everyone! :grouphug: I will go and see her. I really felt as if I should, but my thoughts have been jumbled lately. So thanks again for helping me think clearly. I think I will go one day next week when things will have settled a bit for her. I will go to the funeral services which will be later this week probably. She will be making arrangements today or tomorrow. So I think it would be best to go when she doesn't have as many coming to visit.


In other news, no public school today. There is a little bit of snow, but it is cold, 12F. A friend (first cousin) and her little girl is supposed to come today and get stuff the twins have outgrown. Yesterday, before hearing about my foster dad, I had been decluttering some more in my closet. I got 3 more black trash bags, a laundry basket of shoes and a box of purses out of there. I wish I would've taken a before and after picture. I'm not done yet, but it looks so much better. Now to get it out of the house.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday.

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Good morning! Schools are closed again. Dh is going into work if he can get up past the hill out of the neighborhood, mainly because it was so empty at the office yesterday that he was able to actually take care of several urgent issues. The kids are hoping there is enough snow on the hill at the park across the street to sled down.

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I have paid bills. I hate paying bills. I am very thankful that I have the ability and the means to pay them, but I don't like doing it.


In other news, social security finally got the lady I help finances straightened out. I checked her account this morning, and the checks from this month and last month has been deposited. Thank goodness.


And my cousin will not be coming today. She didn't want to get her little girl out since it is so cold. I told her to stay in, snuggle and read books. :) I may drop this stuff at her house later. It has got to go.

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And the drama starts young, too. Dd (4th grade) was telling us tonight how her Awana friends who go to the local Christian school are all fighting over the cute boy in the class and how L wore black to Awanas last week because the boy J didn't like her but liked A instead. Fourth grade. I was just disgusted. I'm glad I'm homeschooling my girl and she can spend her time chasing the cats in the backyard during her free time instead of chasing boys.

Ahh, 4th grade. The year Amanda Bush got a bracelet from Caleb Craig. We were all devastated. I wrote in my diary about how horrible Amanda was - in reality, she's incredibly sweet. 

My girl drama with my best friend started in 3rd grade. Our parents made us stay away from each other the entire year. We were brutal to each other. 

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I'm dealing with cat weirdness. Again. The new mattress evidently is a monster. At least that is what the kitten says. The old cat hopped right up and curled up--I think she appreciates how nice it is for old joints. But the kitten took one look at it, hissed like a snake, vanished under the bed in the boys room and not nothing, not nohow is going to get her out from under there. She is legitimately afraid of it. Like shaking mad afraid. 

Right now I'm hopeful that it is the smell, which should go away pretty quickly. In the meantime I'm feeding her under the bed and spraying everything with happy-cat Feliway.  :blink: Never seen any cat react so badly to a piece of furniture. 

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Dh was out late seeing a building - like 1 am or something.  So I went to bed without him, slept fine and woke up at 7 am.  The kitten heard me and was scratching to get out of little dd's room, which bothered the dog, who was crated fifteen feet away.  So I let out the dog and the kitten, and the dog tried to bother the kitten - not eat her but chase her.  Then I had to chase the kitten while stage whispering "Leave it!" to the dog so as not to wake up the whole house, which is not effective since she needs a firm hand/voice.  Then I dumped the kitten in the room with sleeping kid and older cat to cool her heels.  She was probably grateful.  And I have been sitting on the couch with the naughty, cat-bothering dog since.  I can't let her out because she will bark and wake up dh.  She is a couch hog, FYI.



Edited by texasmama
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I'm dealing with cat weirdness. Again. The new mattress evidently is a monster. At least that is what the kitten says. The old cat hopped right up and curled up--I think she appreciates how nice it is for old joints. But the kitten took one look at it, hissed like a snake, vanished under the bed in the boys room and not nothing, not nohow is going to get her out from under there. She is legitimately afraid of it. Like shaking mad afraid. 

Right now I'm hopeful that it is the smell, which should go away pretty quickly. In the meantime I'm feeding her under the bed and spraying everything with happy-cat Feliway.  :blink: Never seen any cat react so badly to a piece of furniture. 

The mattress is of the devil.  Anyone can see that. :lol:

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GOOD LORD! I can't get away from the drama in this room! 

The 3 kids yesterday were told if they were in the office for bullying again they would be suspended. Then, this morning, a different student tells another kid "You're not the boss of me and if we weren't at school, I'd slap your face now." 

ETA: At recess, she will be writing sentences. "I will not threaten to assault my fellow students." :D 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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The mattress is of the devil.  Anyone can see that.  :lol:


Then hot coals are really comfortable! :laugh:

But I hate to see her so upset. I will put her through my frightened cat protocol and hopefully she'll come out of her funk. Nothing special about frightened cat protocol: just Feliway, time and a lot of patience. If we get a warm spell I think opening up all the windows will help to blow out the funny smells.

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Dh was out late seeing a building - like 1 am or something.  So I went to bed without him, slept fine and woke up at 7 am.  The kitten heard me and was scratching to get out of little dd's room, which bothered the dog, who was crated fifteen feet away.  So I let out the dog and the kitten, and the dog tried to bother the kitten - not eat her but chase her.  Then I had to chase the kitten while stage whispering "Leave it!" to the dog so as not to wake up the whole house, which is not effective since she needs a firm hand/voice.  Then I dumped the kitten in the room with sleeping ds13 and older cat to cool her heels.  She was probably grateful.  And I have been sitting on the couch with the naughty, cat-bothering dog since.  I can't let her out because she will bark and wake up dh.  She is a couch hog, FYI.


Today, I will see my therapist.  It has been a long time.  My bucket got full.  It is less full than when I made the appointment, but I am going.


Chuck the repair dude is coming back today to finish odds and ends.  I do have a working bathtub faucet, which is nice.  I like Chuck.  He and I gang up and give dh a bad time.  They work at the church food ministry together so they know each other well.


OH!  Talked to the dude who took over the church business affairs after the guy who was a bad person was fired, and he gave us carte blanche to present them with our own record of giving for 2015, and the church would sign off on it.  Now I have to ask the bank if they can help me do this.  If not, we will piece it together using dh's records.  Don't tell dh, but I threw away the check registers. :leaving:   (I promise not to do that ever again in the history of ever.)


OH!  So that dude who quit his son from our bball team and sent ugly emails blind copying everyone - remember him?  A parent who has wanted to stay in touch with that family because she feels sorry for the kid asked for the uniform back, and the dude who quit wrote a rude and nasty email threatening legal action about this uniform which was theirs. :confused1:   So he's nuts.  Like super, duper, bat guano nuts.  Even nuts-er than we had thought.  And I'm done, yo.  So the lady who does the scheduling (wife of assistant coach and mom to the young lady with cancer) wrote him a beautiful email killing him with kindness.  It was perfect.  So he can sit in his little hovel with nothing but a uniform knowing he was a jerk to a lady whose dd has cancer.  And maybe the other mom won't have such a soft spot in her heart for this family now since she was quoted and misquoted in the rude email, which contained information that only could have come from her family.  Maybe she will figure out who she can trust.  


Why are people so stupid?


:ohmy: :scared: :eek: :svengo:   I cannot like this post.  (Hopefully you didn't hear me gasp all the way from KY.)  Thankfully you seemed to have learned your lesson.  :Angel_anim:


By the way, can you see your account activity on line?  If so, and if you usually give the same amount to the church every time, try doing a search for every check of that amount.  Depending on how much you write checks it might not be that hard for you to remember if all those were to the church or not. 

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You know, I can't find relate to the girl drama stories. I've got enough unpleasantness associated with school, but I was evidently spared this particular issue. Probably because I wasn't even on the social ladder anywhere. No, I was creeping around the base of the ladder, until I got bored and wandered off on my own path.  :laugh:

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:ohmy: :scared: :eek: :svengo:   I cannot like this post.  (Hopefully you didn't hear me gasp all the way from KY.)  Thankfully you seemed to have learned your lesson.  :Angel_anim:


By the way, can you see your account activity on line?  If so, and if you usually give the same amount to the church every time, try doing a search for every check of that amount.  Depending on how much you write checks it might not be that hard for you to remember if all those were to the church or not. 

I know.  I deserve your gasp.


I have thrown them away for 20 years and have never once needed them.  Dh hoards paper, and I couldn't stand it anymore.  I just did this, btw.



Edited by texasmama
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You know, I can't find relate to the girl drama stories. I've got enough unpleasantness associated with school, but I was evidently spared this particular issue. Probably because I wasn't even on the social ladder anywhere. No, I was creeping around the base of the ladder, until I got bored and wandered off on my own path.  :laugh:

It started in middle school for me.  Until then, I just had my bff and other nice girls I hung out with.  I was a nice girl, and it was a shock to encounter the mean girls in middle school, always scheming to make me look stupid and such.

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And yes, that bball dad is nutso.  Someone needs to discover some kind of nut-detection device to avoid this kind of intrusion.  :D

I plan on personally conducting parent interviews next year.  Also, I told dh we must have tryouts of some sort.  A kid with no size, strength, skills, speed or ability does not belong on a JV competitive basketball team.  It will not end well. 

Edited by texasmama
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You know, I can't find relate to the girl drama stories. I've got enough unpleasantness associated with school, but I was evidently spared this particular issue. Probably because I wasn't even on the social ladder anywhere. No, I was creeping around the base of the ladder, until I got bored and wandered off on my own path.  :laugh:

Outside of my one issue with my friend (and the Caleb Craig drama, because DANG he was cute), mine didn't start until middle school and high school. I was on the cheerleading squad, but unless you played basketball at my school, you were a nobody. By then, I had only one good friend and that's who I still keep in touch with. We weathered a lot of dramatic storms together. 


I see some of the girls from that time and a few of them have changed into pleasant human beings. It gives me some hope for a few of my students. 

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At Awana?!? Oh, Krissi, that's awful! I am so, so grateful for Jo's Awana group. They are just a super nice, well-parented group of kids. I only wish they didn't all live so far away. :(

Oh, the Awana group. And I am leader of this group. And it's all this catty, "I'm a princess", I go to a private school, I'm better than you attitude. And last week.... we had two "bathroom girls." You know the type. Don't participate in the games, always asking to "go to the bathroom" so they could hang out away from supervision. These two girls have apparently been there before, but are not regulars. Sigh!


And what makes this whole thing even more difficult is that we have basically has it in our plan to send the kids to this private school for high school. My entire family (me, mom, dad, aunts, uncles and cousins on both sides of the family) have gone there, I taught there a good portion of my teaching career. It used to be a good school. Now it's full of a bunch of entitled kids. And they got an enormous land and cash donation and are in the process of building a state of the art sports complex. So now they really think they are better than everyone else. So, it's either homeschool through high school (which I would prefer) or send the kids there (public high school is worse than worse). And oldest DS and dd really want to go there.

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We didn't have much girl drama in elementary school because I went to a one-room schoolhouse.  Martha and I shared a grade all the way up to sixth grade.  She was good in math.  I was good in the humanities.  We tutored each other in what we were good at.  (One room schoolhouses mean that you don't always get the teacher.)


I was in an American classroom for 4th grade though.  But the drama there wasn't from girls.  There were two different boy bullies who bullied me mercilessly for being a "Jap".  I beat both of them up and never had trouble with them again. 


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Oh, the Awana group. And I am leader of this group. And it's all this catty, "I'm a princess", I go to a private school, I'm better than you attitude. And last week.... we had two "bathroom girls." You know the type. Don't participate in the games, always asking to "go to the bathroom" so they could hang out away from supervision. These two girls have apparently been there before, but are not regulars. Sigh!


And what makes this whole thing even more difficult is that we have basically has it in our plan to send the kids to this private school for high school. My entire family (me, mom, dad, aunts, uncles and cousins on both sides of the family) have gone there, I taught there a good portion of my teaching career. It used to be a good school. Now it's full of a bunch of entitled kids. And they got an enormous land and cash donation and are in the process of building a state of the art sports complex. So now they really think they are better than everyone else. So, it's either homeschool through high school (which I would prefer) or send the kids there (public high school is worse than worse). And oldest DS and dd really want to go there.

So annoying when it feeds into church as well. :( 

I'm sorry. I know that's so frustrating and disheartening. 


We didn't have much girl drama in elementary school because I went to a one-room schoolhouse.  Martha and I shared a grade all the way up to sixth grade.  She was good in math.  I was good in the humanities.  We tutored each other in what we were good at.  (One room schoolhouses mean that you don't always get the teacher.)


I was in an American classroom for 4th grade though.  But the drama there wasn't from girls.  There were two different boy bullies who bullied me mercilessly for being a "Jap".  I beat both of them up and never had trouble with them again. 

Good for you! There are times when the only way a bully learns is to be pounded.

A co-worker got suspended for punching a bully when she was in high school. She had been bullied all year and the administration did nothing. So, one day, coworker had enough and just socked her. When she got suspended, her dad took her out for ice cream. lol

The bully never bothered her again. 

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and general :grouphug:  to all ITTers this morning.


My rant for this morning is on organizational leaders who announce something the DAY OF the event(please bring xyz item, or $$, or whatever).  I need a week's notice. I really do. I run a tight ship with narrow margins and I am not excited to pack up my four kids and drive all over a super congested major metropolitan area looking for xyz item with 6 hours notice.  Leader, you knew this was coming.  You had the details but you failed to communicate them.  I cannot read your mind.  Please pull yourself together, plan, communicate, and demonstrate or delegate!!

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My rant for this morning is on organizational leaders who announce something the DAY OF the event(please bring xyz item, or $$, or whatever).  I need a week's notice. I really do. I run a tight ship with narrow margins and I am not excited to pack up my four kids and drive all over a super congested major metropolitan area looking for xyz item with 6 hours notice.  Leader, you knew this was coming.  You had the details but you failed to communicate them.  I cannot read your mind.  Please pull yourself together, plan, communicate, and demonstrate or delegate!!



I feel guilty if I don't leave 2 weeks cushion for my announcements. I send reminders during that time, but I like to send my letters home about 2 weeks in advance for events/parties.


Edited because I got comma happy. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I was in an American classroom for 4th grade though. But the drama there wasn't from girls. There were two different boy bullies who bullied me mercilessly for being a "Jap". I beat both of them up and never had trouble with them again.

All right, Jean, my already high estimation of you has just shot up like, 100 points this morning. You da man... er.... woman! :)


And a "Down with bullies and drama" Booya/h this morning! Woohoo!

Edited by KrissiK
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I missed all of the girl drama.  Most of my friends in middle school and high school were guys.  I was very dorky and a Christian in a public school.  The guys didn't want to date me and they knew that my religious beliefs would not allow that anyway, and so we were friends.  :) The girls in the school saw that I was no threat, and so they tolerated me (and were sometimes even nice to me).


But, I was picked on.  I learned to develop a thick skin.  (Although it still hurts a little...)

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