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I'm so glad I got that trundle. I still do my weekly make the nursery absolutely perfect because it's easier for them to keep up on it routine, but they clean their rooms themselves again.


I'm thinking of witching prenantal vitamins because I'm still. so. tired. Opinions?


Everyone share a good tip. Mine: If you allow 30 minutes to get ready in the morning create a 30 minute playlist. People will get used to keeping up with the music and you'll never leave late. I brush my teeth to "It's My Life."

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I sometimes wonder if my own fantasy writing contains too many dark elements to be marketable. Sometimes I find it difficult to write some of the nastier elements in the backstory that don't show up in the actual story itself. My main character can be and has been very cruel, and his work is dark and disturbing. 

Then I read History of the Renaissance World and our own human backstory is far more bloody and disturbing than I could ever invent.  :glare: We are a deeply unpleasant species.

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What is your chosen profession?  I'm thinking lawyer, but maybe I'm mistaken.


quit teaching when ds15 was born.  I think that it would have been really difficult to do both, although many people do accomplish this.

I wish I knew the secret to doing both successfully. I feel like my mom did it, but I also just remember when we were older students. I find it incredibly hard to give both 100%. If one gets 100%, the other gets nothing; but, I feel guilty give 50% to both. It's hard (as I'm sure it's hard for all working moms). 



I think I would recommend something in which you were not vitally important to the success of whatever.  For instance, a classroom without a teacher can be a disaster.  Substitutes often do not get the job done.  A physician cannot just find a replacement if her own child is sick and she has to stay home.

This is the hardest part. If I stay home to be a mom and take care of my sick child, I feel like I'm neglecting my class. It's even worse when it's a prolonged illness. You can only give dummy-proof. 


Flexible schedules such as those who work in an office and can telework might be better for moms.  A job where you are given sick days is obviously beneficial, but only if the office/whatever won't fall apart if you don't go in.



If anybody is looking on a fantastic read for why we need fairy tales (including the dark kind) read the essay On Fairy Stories by J.R.R Tolkien.

I need to find this. :D 

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Answering above the quote because it got smashed into the next quote.  I don't recall anyone ever telling me a thing about the occult or ouija boards.  My parents were naive in every way possible so anything I knew, I had to figure out on my own.  I thought it was a funky game.  Nope.  Not a game.  I was a rule breaker so it is possible I would have messed around with it even with the information, but I truly did not know.  

I grew up doing all sorts of occulty stuff and even *I* knew not to do that. Bad Tex! I can't believe they sell those in game sections at stores. So sad.




If anybody is looking on a fantastic read for why we need fairy tales (including the dark kind) read the essay On Fairy Stories by J.R.R Tolkien.

I am 100% all in regarding the fairy tales are important issue.  We read Grimm's, too.  Fabulous stuff.


I'm speaking on a panel at church tonight to young women about preparing for and balancing a career and motherhood. My church encourages mothers to be home with their children but acknowledges it's not always a financial possibility as disability, death, or the economic realities of life happen...


Anyway, I'm curious---knowing what I know now as an adult about my chosen profession, it's not motherhood friendly.  Is/was your choice? What would you recommend instead?


I am in a very flexible, motherhood-friendly career.  It is also low-paying so there's that.   However, I've done all sorts of things part-time or contract since becoming a mother. 


I would recommend dental hygiene, sonographer, nursing, and other allied health/health careers.  Also, Starbucks and many banks offer benefits including health insurance to part time employees.  These require no college or special training.  I think women should also look into careers such as electrician, plumbing, and home inspection.  Some homeowners might prefer a woman in their homes doing this work.

I find that a lot of people want their food predigested for them....the clear lines between good and evil drawn already before them.  I agree Mary, life is much messier than that.  I don't mind the shades of grey, or even my children reading about evil within a storyline.  The reality is that we are all beams of light in a fallen world with Satan and his dark spirits trying to make us go to the dark side.  In the words of Gandalf: "Some believe that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I've found. I found that it is the small things. Every day deeds by ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay."

I almost universally live in the gray areas.  I am the very opposite of black and white.  So yes, I think things are very complex and difficult to parse out.  

Edited by texasmama
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We aren't enjoying Sonlight 5/4. :( I'm thinking of placing an order for FIAR vol. I on the 15th. If we like it I can carry it through kindergarten and not worry about adding anything. It seems like high input/low output which is what he needs.






Answering above the quote because it got smashed into the next quote.  I grew up typical, safe, mainstream Southern Baptist.  I don't recall anyone ever telling me a thing about the occult or ouija boards.  My parents were naive in every way possible so anything I knew, I had to figure out on my own.  I thought it was a funky game.  Nope.  Not a game.  I was a rule breaker so it is possible I would have messed around with it even with the information, but I truly did not know.  I don't know why my neighbor had a ouija board.  He was/is Christian.  (still in touch with him on FB)

Yep. That's very common. I don't understand why.

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I'm speaking on a panel at church tonight to young women about preparing for and balancing a career and motherhood. My church encourages mothers to be home with their children but acknowledges it's not always a financial possibility as disability, death, or the economic realities of life happen...


Anyway, I'm curious---knowing what I know now as an adult about my chosen profession, it's not motherhood friendly.  Is/was your choice? What would you recommend instead?


Teaching is fairly motherhood friendly.  You can have summers off.  Your schedule tends to mirror your own kids esp. if they are in the same district.

Working at an engineering firm was not too motherhood friendly.  Neither was working in the corporate offices of a bank. 

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Teaching is fairly motherhood friendly.  You can have summers off.  Your schedule tends to mirror your own kids esp. if they are in the same district.

Working at an engineering firm was not too motherhood friendly.  Neither was working in the corporate offices of a bank. 

Except for professional development days. Then, you're left scrambling for a babysitter. :/ This is a big reason why I'm not putting dd into the public preschool. With her current preschool, I have my babysitter built in for those days when kids are out and teachers aren't. 


Otherwise, it's probably one of the easiest to accommodate motherhood. 

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It is after 10 am and dd is not up yet.  I told her last night that she could stay in bed as long as she wanted today.  She was feeling very poorly when she went to bed and I am afraid that she is getting the flu.  Or maybe she was just over tired.  Either way, sleep is good for  her. 





Don't tell her but I kind of like the silence around here this morning too! 

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Teaching is fairly motherhood friendly. You can have summers off. Your schedule tends to mirror your own kids esp. if they are in the same district.

Working at an engineering firm was not too motherhood friendly. Neither was working in the corporate offices of a bank.

I am a teacher by profession. I've only taught in Christian schools, though. With all that's going on in education, I would not recommend teaching as a profession. I suppose it would work well with child-rearing, but.... if I had to do it again, I wouldn't choose teaching. I would just take time off if at all possible and go back to work when the kids were grown or at least able to fend for themselves better.
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To get Rainbow Light vitamins to work, one must expose them to Rainbow Light?


Slache, if you are eating well, exercising, and are still exhausted I would make sure that you aren't anemic. Some people say that they feel a huge energy surge by switching to a premium vitamin like Rainbow Light, but I only recommend the additional expense in a few circumstances.


Are you still puking every day? How much food are you actually keeping in?  Are you still low carbing things?

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Anemia - Absolutely not. And believe me I've tried. My blood tests were fabulous. I was complemented by both the nurse on the phone and the doctor at my next visit.


Rainbow Light - Thanks.


Food - Good question! I usually throw up one to two times a day. I think I'm keeping enough down, but the quality is questionable. I have a much easier time with a bagel than eggs and an apple. I'm actually eating goldfish at the moment.


Sonlight - We adored 3/4 but are not enjoying most of the books from 4/5.

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I am a teacher by profession. I've only taught in Christian schools, though. With all that's going on in education, I would not recommend teaching as a profession. I suppose it would work well with child-rearing, but.... if I had to do it again, I wouldn't choose teaching. I would just take time off if at all possible and go back to work when the kids were grown or at least able to fend for themselves better.

I wouldn't either. 

I just recently read an article about introverted teachers burning out more quickly than extrovert teachers and a lot of it is due to the changes in the profession. I never thought of it, but my constant "ON" time at school is a huge hindrance to my success as a mother/wife. By the time I get home, I just need ME time and that doesn't happen with a 3 year old. 

I've dabbled with some other career choices, but I'm not ready to give up my summers right now. 

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I'm trying to find the like limit. Or maybe I'm just in a good mood. Sometimes I am, you know. It's rare, but it happens.

You get 50 likes within a 24 hour period. That does not mean you get 50 likes a day, but 50 likes in a 24 hour period. If you have not used any likes in the past 24 hours you will have 50 likes from now until 11:26 tomorrow. If you have run out of likes you will get another one 24 hours from your 50th like ago.

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Slache--do you feel really good on a low carb diet when you are non-preggo? I wonder if your body is just on a bad carb cycle. I threw up through my whole last pregnancy (including in the hour after my emergency c-section!) and I remember feeling like crap in my second trimester because I just wasn't handling carbs well.


Can you do green smoothies?  I tried figuring out what I could eat and then finding a low carb substitute.  Greek yogurt > ice-cream. Nuts>crackers. If you can't get away from carb-ing, then add a fat too....so toast with avocado, crackers + cheese, etc.

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I am taking a break from hand sewing darts into skinny teen's jeans.  They fell off of his body on Sunday.  We need to avoid this, as it is awkward for all involved.  


I am also taking a break from planning my English class.  I got more accomplished than I thought I would before I got brain tired and decided to put darts in jeans.  


One more dart in jeans, and I am done.  Three down.  Kid has tried them on against his will, and they fit.

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Tex--you can get your kid to wear jeans? I bow in awe of you. My boys flat out no longer tolerate jeans.  Sensory kid had to try on 15 different pairs of dress slacks before he found one he would tolerate. May Lands End never go out of business!


I'm 20 weeks in to planning my ancient lit class. I'll be so glad when planning season is over!

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Tex's Deepest Darkest Secrets Revealed.  And I missed it.   :sneaky2:   


I dislike HP, but not for thematic reasons.  I read the first one, and..... meh.   Am I the only one of two people on earth who aren't impressed with Rowling's writing style?  I'd never admit that publicly, so please don't tell anyone.  I don't want anyone throwing things at me.  


I don't have a problem with evil in literature or movies at all, if presented in an age-appropriate way, with redeeming value.  Gray areas don't bother me either, because they force us to wrestle and think.  But with my kids who are still forming their understanding of the world, I do worry deeply about evil presented as actually good, or good presented as actually evil, or all-things-presented-as-perfectly-legitimate-perspectives-on-a-truth-that-is-nonexistent-or-unknowable-anyway.   


I never used a Ouija board.  I did read Pet Cemetery, and hid it in the bathroom closet because it scared me so much, but you all know that already.    :D


And speaking of cemeteries and deepest darkest secrets , I vandalized the tiny one adjacent to our property when I was a kid by writing Duckie Loves Cute-Boy on a wall there. My parents found it and made me wash it off after terrifying me with the awfulness of what I had done.   :lol:


And that is all. I have no other deep dark secrets.  <evil grin>




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Tex--you can get your kid to wear jeans? I bow in awe of you. My boys flat out no longer tolerate jeans.  Sensory kid had to try on 15 different pairs of dress slacks before he found one he would tolerate. May Lands End never go out of business!




He wears jeans only to church and special occasions when athletic shorts would be inappropriate.  Both of my boys wear shorts pretty much year-round because they get hot.  His main issue is change.  He said he was going to refuse to wear the new jeans and would only wear the old jeans which are high waters.  I took them from his closet and hid them in my closet.   :lol:

Edited by texasmama
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I dislike HP, but not for thematic reasons.  I read the first one, and..... meh.   Am I the only one of two people on earth who aren't impressed with Rowling's writing style?  I'd never admit that publicly, so please don't tell anyone.  I don't want anyone throwing things at me.  



No, you aren't the only one.  I was refraining from saying it aloud though, because I thought that Queen Ellie might throw her scepter at me and hit me between the eyes.  Ds read a bit of the first book and thought the same thing.  He never finished it.  Dd just isn't interested.  She is reading the Hobbit and has read the Narnian Chronicles. 

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No, you aren't the only one.  I was refraining from saying it aloud though, because I thought that Queen Ellie might throw her scepter at me and hit me between the eyes.  Ds read a bit of the first book and thought the same thing.  He never finished it.  Dd just isn't interested.  She is reading the Hobbit and has read the Narnian Chronicles. 



I just knew you were a kindred spirit, Jean!  Shhhh..... I won't tell if you don't tell, and we can both go hide in the corner reading Tolkien and Lewis instead.  

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Just got off the phone with the nice young man from Liberty HealthShare.  He explained the program and told me that the most comprehensive coverage would cost $529 a month.  He then prepared to launch into descriptions of the less expensive options.  I stopped him.  Umm, that's okay, sweetie.  That's less than 25% of what we're paying now.  :lol:

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