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I am 660 posts behind Slache on this thread. I will never catch up. Well, now, I'm 559 posts behind.

I never figured out what Jean was talking about.


However, I fixed my filing cabinet AND I googled how to restart my computer when the start menu was not accessible and now it works so I will give myself a pass for today.


In addition, I made a gf cheesecake for ds13's bday.

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I don't feel good. I haven't felt good for a couple of days. (as in worse than my normal not feeling good)


Tonight I cleaned my CPap.  That might have been one piece of the puzzle.  I was really really good about cleaning it but then lately I've been overloaded and it sort of got away from me.


We are going to have a guest tomorrow night.  She's a young (ok - she's now in her 30's but dh taught her as a teen so we still think of her as really young) woman who we rarely see since she lives on the other coast.  I really want to see her but the plan was to ask if we could meet her and take her out to a restaurant.  But it worked out better for her to be dropped off at our home.  Which means that we have to clean.  Just normal clean because even that is asking a lot.  But still . . . clean. The kids will do 90% of it but still I want to cry.


  She was arguing with me that we shouldn't spend our money taking her out.  That she would "just be fine with bread".  But. . . the thought of cooking for anyone right now esp. after having to clean . . . she just really does not understand chronic illness esp. when it is moving into an acute state (hopefully not for long).  So. . . I had to argue with her in the "oh, no, we would love to" mode until I finally had to flat out say "I need for us to go out" and then when she continued to argue, had to repeat it firmly.  Ugh. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Portfolio completed and submitted.

funny aspect of small town living.  So lately the LDS boys (okay elders but they are like 20 years younger than me, they are boys) have been knocking at the door.  I didn't even know there was an LDS church in town I had looked into it when I lived in the city but then moved away.  SO anyway, they came knocking today while I was working on my portfolio and this time they brought their minister/pastor/whatever he is referred to.  THey asked if it was a bad time, so I told them nope, they were rescuing me from this assignment.  WHich got the head guy asking questions.  Long story short turns out he used to be the program head for one of the programs I am in and he still works at the college I attend and work in, and he knows my boss quite well.  So I told the kids, that's it, I have to be a mormon now because the way small towns work, there is not enough degrees of separation to safely do anything else.  If word gets round to my instructors (who he is friends with) and my boss that I blew off this guy I may face dire consequences....

Okay I jest, but really, who'd have thought it.  I told them to call me after xmas but before new year's, when all my kids will be away and I will have time to actually have an adult conversation.  I told them if they have not called by Jan 4th all bets are off and they will have to wait until summer to convert me because next term will be just as busy as the last one lol.  They thought I was joking...I wasn't. lol

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Also, we had a good day with my mom, sister and cousin though another cousin and step kids had other cousin-related commitments, and the Seahawks won, and we had yummy homemade chili, and all the kids liked their gifts. And though my cousin's wife has some serious social anxiety issues this was the first time she's come out with us and sat down and chatted in a LONG time since children and crowds and basically anything that is not her horses and the outdoors freak her out so I'm trying to overlook that she basically was not able to say one nice thing the whole time, LOL. I feel sad for my cousin but... she's getting better. And she does love him. And she has her things that make her happy.


Tonight DSS babysits and we see Star Wars. Woot.

Edited by Tsuga
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I'm 6 pages behind and therefore cheating.   I have no idea what anyone is talking about, let alone Jean.  



Many happy returns of the day to everyone here at the ITT,  plus hugs to all who need them, and 5 bucks to Lynn for a ketchup post.  








ETA:  I have a date with the market at 6:30 am (ET) tomorrow (which, incidentally, is now today).  A wake-up call from somebody would be deeply appreciated.  I will grab you a coffee in return.  

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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But.....but......KRISSI! I thought so highly of you until now!






(Go Pack Go!)


I wouldn't exactly call myself an Oakland fan. I'm a fan of Derek Carr. He's kind of a celebrity around these parts, having played at Fresno State and all. Plus, he's an all around good guy. He really is.
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I wouldn't exactly call myself an Oakland fan. I'm a fan of Derek Carr. He's kind of a celebrity around these parts, having played at Fresno State and all. Plus, he's an all around good guy. He really is.


My dh said the same thing tonight, and that's saying a LOT because he's a huge Green Bay fan.  So I'll give you a pass on this, just this once.   :laugh:


(((Derek Carr)))

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We're home!


This whole 10 chapters a day thing is really not working for me. It was my intention last year to read the Bible in a year in the mornings and read a commentary at nap time. That *egh hem* did not happen. I was a total failure by like January 15th. I think I'll do that this year. But not fail. Maybe.


Slache has been Unkered.


The bestest neighbors ever are moving! This is the 3rd set of good neighbors to move because of bad neighbors. They just moved in too. They're from Morocco.


We stopped by the house of the family that took me in because they "had something for the kids." It was a bag bigger than Mary filled with presents, candy, homemade caramel corn, a gift for me, another for Matt, and a Starbucks gift card from their adult daughter. They are such wonderful people. I was so surprised.



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We're home!


This whole 10 chapters a day thing is really not working for me. It was my intention last year to read the Bible in a year in the mornings and read a commentary at nap time. That *egh hem* did not happen. I was a total failure by like January 15th. I think I'll do that this year. But not fail. Maybe.


Slache has been Unkered.


The bestest neighbors ever are moving! This is the 3rd set of good neighbors to move because of bad neighbors. They just moved in too. They're from Morocco.


We stopped by the house of the family that took me in because they "had something for the kids." It was a bag bigger than Mary filled with presents, candy, homemade caramel corn, a gift for me, another for Matt, and a Starbucks gift card from their adult daughter. They are such wonderful people. I was so surprised.


This just makes me happy.    :Angel_anim:

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Before I go to bed....



I have a rash on my neck, about the size of three quarters, side by side.  


Solid red. Slighty raised. 


Sorta burned feeling and looks like a curling iron burn, except definitely not a burn. (I don't curl.) 


Slightly itchy.




Been there since a few days after Thanksgiving, gotten redder but not bigger.  Dh thinks I got into poison ivy at the tree farm, but I think maybe it's a tree rosin allergy (because tree farm, and because I have lots of tree allergies already).  But he says not tree rosin because it's never happened before.  But I say so what? But he says definitely poison ivy because his dad was a doctor so HE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING.  To which I respond by throwing my slipper at him.  


Diagnosis anyone?  Am I dying of some rare illness, or do I just need to suckitupbuttercup?  


I'd attach a picture but it's too dark and I'm lazy.  

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Apparently over 100 people wished me a happy birthday on my google plus. I also had 3 angry notes from Catholics. I have 3,399 youtube subscribers with 1,749,800 views. None of it's my material so I don't make any money off of it, but I sure get a lot of hate mail!





(Sorry about all the yelling.)

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Before I go to bed....



I have a rash on my neck, about the size of three quarters, side by side.  


Solid red. Slighty raised. 


Sorta burned feeling and looks like a curling iron burn, except definitely not a burn. (I don't curl.) 


Slightly itchy.




Been there since a few days after Thanksgiving, gotten redder but not bigger.  Dh thinks I got into poison ivy at the tree farm, but I think maybe it's a tree rosin allergy (because tree farm, and because I have lots of tree allergies already).  But he says not tree rosin because it's never happened before.  But I say so what? But he says definitely poison ivy because his dad was a doctor so HE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING.  To which I respond by throwing my slipper at him.  


Diagnosis anyone?  Am I dying of some rare illness, or do I just need to suckitupbuttercup?  


I'd attach a picture but it's too dark and I'm lazy.  

You need Unkers.




(Sorry about all the yelling.)

I turned 30 3 days ago. Now I'm old.

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Oh Jean, I'm sorry. That is stressful. Would she respond to, "Please don't mention it again--it will make us happy if you accept this night as a gift that we want to give"?


Hopefully it won't come up again.  It's not like when we are at my house before going out that she can force me to cook! 


Her intention was good.  And while I'm sure when this months bills come in I will go :scared:, it is worth it for me to eat out instead of getting really sick.  The last 3 Christmases have been spent really sick with illnesses that have lasted 6 or 7 months.  What I really want for Christmas is stable health.  It's not a good sign that I'm not feeling well right now but as long as I can nip it in the bud, I'm good. 

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I'm 6 pages behind and therefore cheating.   I have no idea what anyone is talking about, let alone Jean.  



Many happy returns of the day to everyone here at the ITT,  plus hugs to all who need them, and 5 bucks to Lynn for a ketchup post.  








ETA:  I have a date with the market at 6:30 am (ET) tomorrow (which, incidentally, is now today).  A wake-up call from somebody would be deeply appreciated.  I will grab you a coffee in return.  


Sorry Ducklings.  I don't think I have it in me.


AND, I slept in.  Getting to be a bad habit this break! 


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Hopefully it won't come up again.  It's not like when we are at my house before going out that she can force me to cook! 


Her intention was good.  And while I'm sure when this months bills come in I will go :scared:, it is worth it for me to eat out instead of getting really sick.  The last 3 Christmases have been spent really sick with illnesses that have lasted 6 or 7 months.  What I really want for Christmas is stable health.  It's not a good sign that I'm not feeling well right now but as long as I can nip it in the bud, I'm good. 


Wishing you a healthy holiday!

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Diagnosis anyone?  Am I dying of some rare illness, or do I just need to suckitupbuttercup?  


Probably not in danger of death from your rash. However, I would add ringworm to your differential diagnosis list. I would move poison ivy down because you don't have it on your hands, and I would assume that in a tree farm, you would be touching the trees with your hands before you would touch it with your face. Go see if it glows under UV light for fun. Sometimes ringworm will do that--very Christmas green. 


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Hopefully it won't come up again.  It's not like when we are at my house before going out that she can force me to cook! 



No, she can't, and if she asks again, I'd probably not balk at explaining that when a person isn't feeling well, it is a very bad idea to ask them to cook for you. And if she keeps insisting, beat her with a spatula. 

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Probably not in danger of death from your rash. However, I would add ringworm to your differential diagnosis list. I would move poison ivy down because you don't have it on your hands, and I would assume that in a tree farm, you would be touching the trees with your hands before you would touch it with your face. Go see if it glows under UV light for fun. Sometimes ringworm will do that--very Christmas green. 


Also, poison ivy should be in a line, not a roundish blob.  Okay, you didn't say roundish, but you said quarter-size.  Are they round or do they have smaller bumps in a row like a straight line?


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I turned 30 3 days ago. Now I'm old.

30. Ahhhh, 30. 30 was the birthday of liberation. 30 is the birthday when you can finally say, "this is who I am and I don't care what anyone else thinks and I don't have to wear what pop culture says I have to wear and I can listen to any kind of music I want....I can do whatever I want without having to worry about being cool! So.... Booya." At least that's what 30'said to me. It was a wonderful birthday!
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Good Morning!


My internet was screwed up this morning, but now it is fixed. I had to reset the router. The children have been fed. The animals have been fed. Now it is time to go to the store and get the tlih some fresh groceries and her medication. Then put it all away in her apartment before picking her up from rehab. I have to unload gifts from the van first. I have to hide two bicycles in the garage and put everything else in the trunk of the car (ds's old car which will be dd16' s when she gets her license) without anyone seeing me. Somewhere in there I will have to go to Wal-Mart and find bicycle gift bags. The walmart I was at yesterday was sold out. Amazon didn't have any suitable ones. Otherwise I wonder if 55 gallon trash bags would work?

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You need Unkers.


I turned 30 3 days ago. Now I'm old.


You are not old.  You are mature - and I really mean that.  At 30, I was still adjusting to being a SAHM.  I had a two year old.  I did not have a plan for housekeeping or cooking.  I did not know how to structure my days (without work or school to do it for me).  I was not working out.  (I had been to my first homeschool conference though, lol!)  Look at you!  You know so much about educational materials and how to use them.  You're successful with a budget.  You have household routines in place.  You are working out (aside from a few interruptions, lol.).  You have kon-mari'ed.  You have a Bible reading plan.  You have all the things! 


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Ok, have you watched it yet?


Sigh. Nope.  No time.  Trying desperately to get caught up on choring so I can go shopping.







Are you the Hula Queen of Middle Texas yet, Your Majesty?




But.....but......KRISSI!  I thought so highly of you until now!






(Go Pack Go!)



I liked it, but had to unlike it.  One does not hug Raiders. nono.gif


Before I go to bed....



I have a rash on my neck, about the size of three quarters, side by side.  


Solid red. Slighty raised. 


Sorta burned feeling and looks like a curling iron burn, except definitely not a burn. (I don't curl.) 


Slightly itchy.




Been there since a few days after Thanksgiving, gotten redder but not bigger.  Dh thinks I got into poison ivy at the tree farm, but I think maybe it's a tree rosin allergy (because tree farm, and because I have lots of tree allergies already).  But he says not tree rosin because it's never happened before.  But I say so what? But he says definitely poison ivy because his dad was a doctor so HE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING.  To which I respond by throwing my slipper at him.  


Diagnosis anyone?  Am I dying of some rare illness, or do I just need to suckitupbuttercup?  


I'd attach a picture but it's too dark and I'm lazy.  


I don't know what it it, but it sounds serious. I think you need to go to bed with books, magazines, and chocolate, and Mr. Mallard and the Duckies should slavishly tend to your every whim need for 48 hours.  That should fix it.




(Sorry about all the yelling.)


I can't believe Slash chose to spend her 3oth birthday with her family and not us.  hissyfit.gif


bday.gif anyway.  Because I'm forgiving and good. (Are you watching, Santa?)





Good morning, ITT!  Have a blessed two days!  I must go last-minute chore, and then we shall trek to Big City for 2 days of shopping and girl time. Umm, what does it say about me that getting caught up on this thread and posting made it to my "Must Get Done Before We Leave list?



(BTW, if anyone has spare prayers, we could use some for safe travel.  The roads are pretty snowy and slushy here.)

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10 chapters per day is a single person's Bible reading goal. You should do one in the morning for now. You can do 10 per day when the kids are older. A lot of the men who wrote the ambitious schedules were pastors or had SAHMs taking care of them. If you do one a day you're doing well Slache. Your family is your service now.

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