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I'm sorry. I hate that. I'm an adult. I just sleep or watch a movie. There's all sorts of over the counter things we can take and my neti pot really is great, but kids are just so sad. I wish you could just make them sleep until it was over.


I usually love my netipot. The last time I used it, though, I swear it made my sinus infection worse. It felt like it put more stuff in than took it out. It was a sad day. 


I don't get it. there is no where to click on the _____ replies, or am I missing something?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused about where to find it. haha


absolutely not. Stay home, just to be sure.  My rule of thumb is the same as my daycare uses...person must be symptom free for at least 24 hours.  Meaning a fever, even low grade today, means staying home tomorrow even if it has broken.  While it would be lovely to see that service, it is not worth risking infecting scores of other people.  This will come across as harsh, so be warned.  But to be honest, I would consider someone who came to something like that with a fever or other symptoms to illness to be selfish, plain and simple.


Not harsh - at least, not to me. My friend and I discuss this type of selfishness all the time. Someone at her church does it all the time and it drives her crazy. I feel the same way. My main confusion was coming from my doctor and her nurse stating that they don't consider it to be a fever until it's 101. 


We are definitely keeping her home. 

I checked her temp just an hour later and it was down to 98*, but even dh agrees (FINALLY!) that we need to keep her home so she stays well for our trip and so we don't get anyone else sick. 



Been at a hysterical annual Christmas party with some very old friends.  It is the only party dh and I go to.  It is always a trip.



I flipped off everyone.  (church crowd) :gnorsi:

I almost jokingly flipped off another teacher at school...in front of kids.  :ohmy: 

I caught myself and waved instead. I looked like an idiot, but crisis averted!


Good Sunday Morning!


My likes are still not back. 

It's Sunday. It's a day of rest. They're taking a sabbatical. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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The years you aren't feeling it are always the hardest to get stuff done. 
My mom has only bought for my daughter and my nephew - and the only reason she has my daughter's gift is because she made a comment about how she wished she had thought to give that particular gift to dd, so I let her buy it off of me and I found another gift. She's desperately behind this year. 

I think I'm going to find a really cheesy movie on Netflix and veg today. i have little desire to do anything else. 

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Good morning all! I hope all sick children feel better. And Lynn, I keep forgetting to comment, but your family picture is just beautiful! What a lovely family you have! Thanks for posting that. I'd post my family picture except that every time I've ever tried to post a picture, except for my avatar for some reason, it won't let me.

Edited by KrissiK
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The thermometer tells ds nothing. When he feels really bad his temp registers around 97.


We go by symptoms here, too.  DD may be feverish at 100-ish and not feverish at 101.  I go by glazed eyes, hot to touch but feeling cold, and general malaise.


(Oh, and Ivy, we follow the fever-free for 24 hours rule here.  FWIW. :001_smile: )




ETA: Hyphen.  Allow we don't charge for fevers, we do try not to share.

Edited by JoJosMom
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Good morning, all!


DD and DDBFF are at Nana's house following a "dress up the nekkid gingerbread people" party.  I had many chores to accomplish last night.  I read a novel and went to bed.  Bad me.


I've been up since 5:30.  I had many chores to accomplish.  I laid in bed for an hour hoping to go back to sleep, and I have wasted time on the Internet since.  Bad me.


Since the ponies cannot feed themselves, I shall now suit up and go outside and chore.  But not with a happy heart.  Still bad me.


Oh, and we're playing hooky from church. More bad me.


I want a vacation. :wacko:

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I'm not going to church (health issues). But I'm giving my laptop to the kids this morning so they can listen to the lesson I had scheduled for them anyway - listening to my parent's testimony's of how they went to the mission field. So I won't be able to hang out with the ITT crowd.

No worries. We'll be here when you get your laptop back. :)

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I usually love my netipot. The last time I used it, though, I swear it made my sinus infection worse. It felt like it put more stuff in than took it out. It was a sad day.

I thought you weren't supposed to use them when you have a sinus infection? I've never had one to my knowledge. When I first got mine water came out of my eyes and ears. Apparently that's a thing. I'm much better at it now.

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Good morning!


Christmas panic time. After church dd16 and I are going to do some shopping. I will be glad when it is all over with. I'm just not feelin' it yet.

I do mine online. I'm considering dropping the kids second gifts and running into target for some magnatiles, but I don't "go shopping" in December. Nope.

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We just spent the last little bit learning the play Candy Land. It's becoming very obvious already that dd is horribly competitive in games. She did not like when I went ahead of her and pouted until I had to go back to one of the very first spots.


It's like I'm watching myself at that age. Rather scary. 

This stage bites.  IMO, the purpose of playing Candyland is to teach kids to deal with the unfun parts of games and to drive moms slowly mad.  The worst is Chutes and Ladders.  I used to cheat at that so my kids would win and it would be over, damn the lesson. :leaving:

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This stage bites. IMO, the purpose of playing Candyland is to teach kids to deal with the unfun parts of games and to drive moms slowly mad. The worst is Chutes and Ladders. I used to cheat at that so my kids would win and it would be over, damn the lesson. :leaving:

I did, too. I'd out the picture cards throughout the deck in the order they appeared in the game. So they'd never come to the end and then get the gingerbread man and have to start all over!
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We are hosting my family on Christmas Eve so I am slowly cleaning things up.  

You will all be proud that last night as I was talking to my middle aged friends about not having time and patience for a lot of nonsense as we get older, I offered up my dh and two other men for throat-punching practice.


Also, several men were packing heat, and I asked to see all of their guns.  I did not touch them.  I just wanted to see where they were stashed on their persons.



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Oh you guys!!!!  I forgot the best part.  I wore a nice, new, shiny red, draped neck shell under a black sweater, and the very first bit of food I took, I manage to spill hummus awkwardly on my right boob.  I was sitting next to a man in his 60's, who offered to get me another  napkin when he saw me dabbing delicately at myself. :001_huh:

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Oh you guys!!!!  I forgot the best part.  I wore a nice, new, shiny red, draped neck shell under a black sweater, and the very first bit of food I took, I manage to spill hummus awkwardly on my right boob.  I was sitting next to a man in his 60's, who offered to get me another  napkin when he saw me dabbing delicately at myself. :001_huh:


It's embarrassing to be us, isn't it?  :lol:


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I have a headache and a sore throat. 


I need to clean the kitchen and do laundry.


I would like to wrap everything this afternoon. 


I already went back to bed once, but I'd like to do it again, lol.  After I eat something.  Something yummy that I don't fix.  Like Panera.  I'll probably settle for cheese and crackers. 

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I did, too. I'd out the picture cards throughout the deck in the order they appeared in the game. So they'd never come to the end and then get the gingerbread man and have to start all over!

hahaha.  I play candyland with my little group at daycare, they are 3-5 years old (I play with 2-3 of them at a time).  I don't let them win, I do leave the cards as is so if they have to go back to the beginning they do.  I even laugh at them when that happens (and they laugh at me when I do).  We never stop playing when just the first person gets to the castle, everyone has to get to the castle so we can have a candy party.  The best part is, that no matter what position they are in when they make it to the castle they all cheer that the person is a winner.  There is one little girl who told everyone she saw the other day that she is a winner, she got to the castle.  She was the last one there, for a good half of the board she was the only one playing because everyone else had finished.  But she got to the castle and that made her a winner.


With my big kids at afterschool care we do not play candy land, we play connect 4, battleship, apples to apples, uno etc.  I still don't just let them win, if I win I if do a little song and dance, if I lose I do a fake pout and then start laughing and challenge them to a new game.  What I am seeing in both groups is that they are okay with losing, even my really competitive ones (who used to have a fit and stomp off in a huff if they lost), because I have been making it fun to not just win but to lose as well.  The big kids we speak about being a good sport which includes losing gracefully and winning gracefully.  I think that when they have gotten used to winning some and losing some as preschoolers it is easier for them to be a good sport when they are older (some are still crazy competitive and we watch for that, like they are fine with a board game but a game of floor hockey and they get too rough), but I have noticed a difference between the kids I played with when they were preschoolers and now they are in my older kid group vs the ones I did not, and who did not have experience losing games.


Just some food for thought.  

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I woke up with a low grade headache today, think it had to do with how I was sleeping because my neck has cracked like 3 times already this morning.  On today's agenda get this damned portfolio finally finished and submitted and do a major deep clean of my kitchen.  It needs it. Badly.  But first tend to my puppy, I slept in compared to usual, so she has been in her crate like 3.5 hours longer than usual.  I am sure her bladder is about to burst, and yet here I am checking in here first.  

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I have a headache and a sore throat. 


I need to clean the kitchen and do laundry.


I would like to wrap everything this afternoon. 


I already went back to bed once, but I'd like to do it again, lol.  After I eat something.  Something yummy that I don't fix.  Like Panera.  I'll probably settle for cheese and crackers. 


::hands AL some aspirin and some honey-lemon tea::


::sends over the Cleaning Fairy::


::offers to keep track of scissor and tape::


::brings cheese and crackers::




::off to take a nap herself::

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hahaha. I play candyland with my little group at daycare, they are 3-5 years old (I play with 2-3 of them at a time). I don't let them win, I do leave the cards as is so if they have to go back to the beginning they do. I even laugh at them when that happens (and they laugh at me when I do). We never stop playing when just the first person gets to the castle, everyone has to get to the castle so we can have a candy party. The best part is, that no matter what position they are in when they make it to the castle they all cheer that the person is a winner. There is one little girl who told everyone she saw the other day that she is a winner, she got to the castle. She was the last one there, for a good half of the board she was the only one playing because everyone else had finished. But she got to the castle and that made her a winner.


With my big kids at afterschool care we do not play candy land, we play connect 4, battleship, apples to apples, uno etc. I still don't just let them win, if I win I if do a little song and dance, if I lose I do a fake pout and then start laughing and challenge them to a new game. What I am seeing in both groups is that they are okay with losing, even my really competitive ones (who used to have a fit and stomp off in a huff if they lost), because I have been making it fun to not just win but to lose as well. The big kids we speak about being a good sport which includes losing gracefully and winning gracefully. I think that when they have gotten used to winning some and losing some as preschoolers it is easier for them to be a good sport when they are older (some are still crazy competitive and we watch for that, like they are fine with a board game but a game of floor hockey and they get too rough), but I have noticed a difference between the kids I played with when they were preschoolers and now they are in my older kid group vs the ones I did not, and who did not have experience losing games.


Just some food for thought.

I did a similar process working with special needs behavioral kids in a therapeutic after school program at the beginning of my career. It was staffed with two therapists, two grad student interns, and two bachelors level mental health techs.
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The tape is gone. Why is the tape always gone?! 

I am, however, glad to find this out now instead of later.


This begs to be written in Haiku form.


Tape is gone again.

Glad to find out now, not then.

Where does the tape go?

Thank you Ellie!! Your gifts are perfect!

I agree!  What a lovely photo of high quality snacks.


I just figured out I have no Christmas wrapping paper, only baby shower paper. :confused1:

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We are also skipping church. We went to the ER at around 2am because Gymnast kept waking up saying she couldn't breathe and holding her throat. She has croup. They gave her a steroid for maybe swollen throat and sent us home. I hadn't slept since waking up Saturday morning, so I'm tired.


Dd16 wanted to go to church, but dh won't go without me. I can't leave him with sick child, because he's not good around sick people. At all. They're at stores looking for a glasses kit and stuff for a sore throat.


Did I mention dh bought me an exercise bike yesterday? Thankfully, he has a drill and knows how to use it - just in case we need to lower the seat a notch.


I've been wrapping dd16's small gift in successively larger boxes, wrapping each box in a different paper. I need to finish while she's gone. I am also going to clear the living room of all unnecessary stuff. It's a big job.


Dd16 made pancakes for breakfast.


That is all.

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This stage bites.  IMO, the purpose of playing Candyland is to teach kids to deal with the unfun parts of games and to drive moms slowly mad.  The worst is Chutes and Ladders.  I used to cheat at that so my kids would win and it would be over, damn the lesson. :leaving:

We also got her Chutes and Ladders. I forgot how much I hate that game. :/ Luckily, she doesn't know her written numbers, so she lost interest really fast. 


I did, too. I'd out the picture cards throughout the deck in the order they appeared in the game. So they'd never come to the end and then get the gingerbread man and have to start all over!

The new version comes with a spinner instead of the cards; but their new rule is, for a younger player, to ignore the spins that moves them far back. They just spin again. 


hahaha.  I play candyland with my little group at daycare, they are 3-5 years old (I play with 2-3 of them at a time).  I don't let them win, I do leave the cards as is so if they have to go back to the beginning they do.  I even laugh at them when that happens (and they laugh at me when I do).  We never stop playing when just the first person gets to the castle, everyone has to get to the castle so we can have a candy party.  The best part is, that no matter what position they are in when they make it to the castle they all cheer that the person is a winner.  There is one little girl who told everyone she saw the other day that she is a winner, she got to the castle.  She was the last one there, for a good half of the board she was the only one playing because everyone else had finished.  But she got to the castle and that made her a winner.


With my big kids at afterschool care we do not play candy land, we play connect 4, battleship, apples to apples, uno etc.  I still don't just let them win, if I win I if do a little song and dance, if I lose I do a fake pout and then start laughing and challenge them to a new game.  What I am seeing in both groups is that they are okay with losing, even my really competitive ones (who used to have a fit and stomp off in a huff if they lost), because I have been making it fun to not just win but to lose as well.  The big kids we speak about being a good sport which includes losing gracefully and winning gracefully.  I think that when they have gotten used to winning some and losing some as preschoolers it is easier for them to be a good sport when they are older (some are still crazy competitive and we watch for that, like they are fine with a board game but a game of floor hockey and they get too rough), but I have noticed a difference between the kids I played with when they were preschoolers and now they are in my older kid group vs the ones I did not, and who did not have experience losing games.


Just some food for thought.  

Good ideas. My parents always did stuff like that. I think it's important for them to learn that they don't always win. But, this kid is apparently a Candy Land shark. She's beaten me and her dad several times today. We've yet to win. 



Also, DH had never played Candy Land. I had to give him a quick rundown for playing it before I went to the store. I thought everyone played CandyLand. 

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We are also skipping church. We went to the ER at around 2am because Gymnast kept waking up saying she couldn't breathe and holding her throat. She has croup. They gave her a steroid for maybe swollen throat and sent us home. I hadn't slept since waking up Saturday morning, so I'm tired.


Dd16 wanted to go to church, but dh won't go without me. I can't leave him with sick child, because he's not good around sick people. At all. They're at stores looking for a glasses kit and stuff for a sore throat.


Did I mention dh bought me an exercise bike yesterday? Thankfully, he has a drill and knows how to use it - just in case we need to lower the seat a notch.


I've been wrapping dd16's small gift in successively larger boxes, wrapping each box in a different paper. I need to finish while she's gone. I am also going to clear the living room of all unnecessary stuff. It's a big job.


Dd16 made pancakes for breakfast.


That is all.

Croup is no fun. I hope she feels better soon. You need to rest to, so you don't get sick. 


We used to do the small gifts in bigger boxes a lot when we were younger. We wrapped a package of batteries like that for my dad. I think he had boxes to unwrap by the time we were done. 

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Funny, I was just teaching Izzy to play Mancala (the stone game), or a version of it, with big sister Sarah. She was all about moving the stones and scooping them up but SO not about counting them up for her score at the end and losing? Forget that.


Sigh. :)

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I went to Walmart and forgot the two primary things I needed to get - dishwasher detergent and socks for dd6. Since I refuse to go back there, I have resolved to do all the dishes by hand (which I end up doing quite a bit anyway) and knit socks. Never mind the fact that I don't know how to knit anything but dishcloths. You can form a sock-like shape from a dishcloth, right?

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A kid fixed the coffee table!!!  He and I argued about what method would work, and he was right.  He lorded it over me.  I don't care because I am so glad to not have a coffee table that shakes and drops the top shelf if you look sideways at it. :hurray:


I have put covers on one kid's outlets in his room.  They were removed a long time ago when I removed the wallpaper.  My odd father said it was a terrible hazard, so he will be proud I put them on.  I accidentally stuck a screw into the bottom prong of an outlet, and I was able to remove it and not kill myself. :hat:

Edited by texasmama
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I went to Walmart and forgot the two primary things I needed to get - dishwasher detergent and socks for dd6. Since I refuse to go back there, I have resolved to do all the dishes by hand (which I end up doing quite a bit anyway) and knit socks. Never mind the fact that I don't know how to knit anything but dishcloths. You can form a sock-like shape from a dishcloth, right?

YES.  That is okay.


I went to two stores yesterday and failed to buy paper towels, which we ran completely out of.  I did finally get some.

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Fitting if it says, "It's a Boy!"


Not so much if it was for a baby girl.



Pink and blue footprints.  Not too awesome.  Little dd has already used it, though.  I am trying to decide if I care enough to brave the under stairs closet to look for some.  


ETA:  Booya(h) Bells!  All the way, etc.

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