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She doesn't even know.


No, I don't.  I'm going to drive the girls to the talent for causing things pain dentist now.  I hope you have cleared up this misconception by the time I return.



Why won't this stupid underlining turn off???????

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Unkers had essential oils before essential oils were cool. The old packaging didn't even say essential oils. It's an Amish thang.





There's a healing salve for horses called Zephyr's Garden which is magic.  I wonder if they're similar?

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Yes you did.



A pretty one.






And it continues long past AMJ's treason.



She doesn't even know.



May 15th 2015. The day you stopped being my favorite boardie. :crying:


SlashabooYA, you were ON FIRE last night, girlie!  Sorry I missed it!


How's my pseudograndbaby John this morning?

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Time to whine a little, so I get it out of my system.


Time should simply STOP when I am sick until I can recover and take care of things again.  Trying to think clearly and stay on top of everything when I am stuffed up or feeling crappy just doesn't do it for me.  It should stop for EVERYONE dealing with more than they can handle.


You'd think after so many years down here I'd have it all planned out for the last quarter of every year, but no, I never do.  6 birthdays, 3 holidays requiring prep time (4 if you count New Year's), our wedding anniversary, autumn allergies, educating kids, NaNoWriMo -- it's all a bit much.  The things I CAN unload from my schedule I am unwilling to let go of, and the things I want to go away are perennially unavoidable.  Of course.


I don't wanna have to do laundry right now!  So I made myself fold and put away the clean towels.

I don't wanna have to worry about food and meals right now!  So I cooked breakfast for my kids.

I don't wanna have to drive anywhere cuz I'm stuffy!  So I have taken some meds to be in fit shape to drive the kids to the dentist.


I've made lists of what has to happen between now and Christmas.  I've broken the lists out into specific days, to emphasize which things have earlier deadlines and which can wait until early next week.  I've plotted and planned and communicated the timing necessary for various things so the immediate family is not taken by surprise and can't complain that I didn't let them know.


I have been responsible, and will continue to be responsible.  But I don't wanna.




Okay, fuss fest over.  Time to stop feeling sorry for myself over minor troubles and get on with life.  Thanks for listening.


It's not fair, AMJ.  It's just not fair.





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Little ds vomited this morning. He has been sneezing a lot, and now seems to be congested in his lungs. No fever. It is kind of odd unless the mucus drainage caused the vomiting. However little dd has been nauseous as well. She went to the bathroom twice feeling like she needed to vomit, but didn't.

This is my kids. They throw up and then they're fine. We're all drowning in mucus around here, so I'm thinking that's it!
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Make - up - I know I'm late to the party.  I always do a moisturizer and under-eye concealer, even if I'm not wearing make up because without that it's scary.  A normal day also adds a tinted moisturizer for base, very neutral/light eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara (because otherwise, no eyes), and lip stick - usually neutral ish, sometimes towards berry (see avatar).  I used a mineral foundation for awhile but the make up brush would leave little hairs behind and that was a total pain.  Yes, I washed the make up brush a gazillion times.  It wasn't even a cheap one.  #aintnobodygottimefordat.

You can join Prof and me in our group cuz we are make-up triplets.




Instead of getting breakfast ready, I am reading the late night edition of ITT. Breakfast is Greek yogurt with blueberries and granola. Except we're out of granola so it will be Cheerios.


Dentist, post office, Aldi. Home, lunch, story. Science lesson, library, dinner.



Everybody is going to the dentist!


My favoritest picture of me ever was lost in a flash flood in the late 1990's.  It was of the back of me, standing atop a dune at Great Sand Dunes, with my arms raised.  My friend took it when we made a trip there, and the framing and light was beautifully captured.  

This is a sad story!   :grouphug:


Omigosh, you all have to go check out Google today!  I went to google "Unkers" (thanks, Slashie-poo!), and saw lots of Google Beethoven fun!  They have little composition puzzles -- a little video plays, then you have a puzzle.  Once you complete the puzzle more video clip plays, and then another puzzle!



ITT and Google are raising my spirits quite well right now!   :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:


So much fun!  I did it, too.

"Twit" is one of my favorite appellations to use towards people who can't hear me and who have done some numbskull maneuver.  (Well, "twit" and "idiot".)  I will have to inform the girls of this definition so we can laugh together the next time I call someone a twit!

You can add "anus" to your rude word list.  Apparently it is all the rage in the teen boy world. :huh:

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Instead of getting breakfast ready, I am reading the late night edition of ITT. Breakfast is Greek yogurt with blueberries and granola. Except we're out of granola so it will be Cheerios.



Your breakfast sounds good and healthy. I am so tired of eating the carp we eat for breakfast (boxed cereal), but that's about all I can manage at this time in life.
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You can join Prof and me in our group cuz we are make-up triplets.



I second the motion :hurray:


Boys can be icky... Teenage boys more so.


I am hoping that our dental victims have zero trauma. I would have prescribed a pre-visit Valium or cocktail (or both) myself :D


So sorry for all of the little sick ones. Ds11 was feeling crummy yesterday, and now has a fever :frown: He is really bummed because we had all kinds of fun planned for this afternoon and tomorrow and now he basically gets to do none of it:-( He is also sneezing and snotting all over creation. If we had gone, I would have been warding off glares of death from the other mothers, lol.


Today I will tackle the much-procrastinated-upon Mount Laundry. I will get the kitchen in order. I will make my daily list for between now and Christmas. We host the entire family plus have various house guests on various evenings so I really need to get on it.


I will also print about 60 pictures. Dh had the idea to buy some pretty French doors and paint them white (because our woodwork is white) and put pictures in the panes. Then we will hang them on a big wall that has always been too empty anyway. They are turning out to be lovely, but now I have to go through our thousands of digital photos and find the good ones. This is definitely a task that falls into a pain-in-the-butt but totally worth it:-)



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Up so early?

Everyone is very sick.


  Sounds amazing. I will have to get some. I haven't heard of it before.

It was recommended to me by an older lady with chronic health problems. She was able to drop 3 medications because of it. One for arthritis, one for a lung problem and I forget the third. Once I didn't need percocet this stuff was enough for my back, and I've never put it on my feet and felt as bad or worse the next day, always much, much better.


I am at the dentist. Waiting.


Little ds vomited this morning. He has been sneezing a lot, and now seems to be congested in his lungs. No fever. It is kind of odd unless the mucus drainage caused the vomiting. However little dd has been nauseous as well. She went to the bathroom twice feeling like she needed to vomit, but didn't.

That's us. Coughing, sore throats, runny noses, vomiting and dry heaving.


Moi?  What was moi?  It couldn't have been.  I'm innocent, I tell you!

You started putting an h at the end of booya. You started a friggen civil war!


There's a healing salve for horses called Zephyr's Garden which is magic.  I wonder if they're similar?

I've never tried it. :lol:

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Yes, more the class division.


I think that AoPS Intro to Algebra A will work okay for ds12, but I think we will need to jump ship after that and look for a different provider, potentially WTMA. He will need a slower pace. He is bright and mathy, but he is low confidence and so very much NOT a math contest kid. He thinks he will be doing geometry with AoPS at home alone. Nope. I don't see that happening. One step at a time.

Did you see that they have a Stretch Intro to Algebra A? 22 weeks (at 2 hours each) instead of 16 weeks (at 90 minute each.) They don't have one for b yet, but I would think they will add that in as they move the first A class through.




That might help him get over this hump and still use the program he wants?


I am going to get Tex's kid through his math classes if it kills me:-) cuz :wub:

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SlashabooYA, you were ON FIRE last night, girlie!  Sorry I missed it!


How's my pseudograndbaby John this morning?

Still both bad. John slept though. I'm calling the pediatrition about nyquil because I'd like to keep the option open.


I skipped the dog mats this morning.  Looking for unpleasant tasks to assign myself since my toothbrush is already tossed out.  Maybe a deep clean of the half/guest bathroom?  I also have to force  cajole  cause ds12 to take the AoPS pre tests for the online class.  I met with great resistance this morning.  I countered with the suggestion to review by using alcumus.  


JJMom, yes, we have the same caught in the middle kid, not public schooled and not PG.  His large attitude is the thing most in his way at present. :willy_nilly: I will win this, though.  I always do.  Because Mom.

You know they make doggy detanglers, right?


For the record, I love pre sweetened box cereal for breakfast, and sometimes even supper. I eat it without any guilt.

I have an ideal diet and don't feel guilty when we fall short because we eat well *most* of the time. I've recently discovered Frosted Flakes. They were quite good.

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Time to whine a little, so I get it out of my system.


Time should simply STOP when I am sick until I can recover and take care of things again.  Trying to think clearly and stay on top of everything when I am stuffed up or feeling crappy just doesn't do it for me.  It should stop for EVERYONE dealing with more than they can handle.


You'd think after so many years down here I'd have it all planned out for the last quarter of every year, but no, I never do.  6 birthdays, 3 holidays requiring prep time (4 if you count New Year's), our wedding anniversary, autumn allergies, educating kids, NaNoWriMo -- it's all a bit much.  The things I CAN unload from my schedule I am unwilling to let go of, and the things I want to go away are perennially unavoidable.  Of course.


I don't wanna have to do laundry right now!  So I made myself fold and put away the clean towels.

I don't wanna have to worry about food and meals right now!  So I cooked breakfast for my kids.

I don't wanna have to drive anywhere cuz I'm stuffy!  So I have taken some meds to be in fit shape to drive the kids to the dentist.


I've made lists of what has to happen between now and Christmas.  I've broken the lists out into specific days, to emphasize which things have earlier deadlines and which can wait until early next week.  I've plotted and planned and communicated the timing necessary for various things so the immediate family is not taken by surprise and can't complain that I didn't let them know.


I have been responsible, and will continue to be responsible.  But I don't wanna.




Okay, fuss fest over.  Time to stop feeling sorry for myself over minor troubles and get on with life.  Thanks for listening.




At the risk of giving advice where it wasn't asked for (lol), I would eliminate or reschedule some of those.  Anniversary - move to January when I'd like a nice supper out and no one else is clogging up roads and restaurants.  Birthdays - depending on closeness and age of relative - seriously downscale.  Only cook for one of the holidays.  Make the other ones catered or finger foods or whatever.  Allergies - can't help you there.  Educating kids - isn't so bad once you eliminate the other things.  NaNoWriMo - #aintnobodygottimefordat.  :leaving:


Mostly, I'm kidding with you.  I know I'm well qualified for the Humbug award, but I also know my limits.  Which is why I pulled everyone out of piano lessons this year, even though it was really one of the most important things to me.  There's only so much time in a day, a week, and I say keep cutting until life fits in that time.  I say all this, not because I'm running for the title bossypants <ahem>  but because I'm justifying the decisions I've made.   




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Did you see that they have a Stretch Intro to Algebra A? 22 weeks (at 2 hours each) instead of 16 weeks (at 90 minute each.) They don't have one for b yet, but I would think they will add that in as they move the first A class through.




That might help him get over this hump and still use the program he wants?


I am going to get Tex's kid through his math classes if it kills me:-) cuz :wub:

I saw that.  He is resistant to working through the entire summer.  He and I actually had a good talk just now, and he has calmed himself down a few notches.  He asked to review via alcumus all weekend and take the placement tests on Monday, which I found reasonable.  He was calm enough to here my goals, options and the whys.  He seems to accept that the days of him self-teaching higher math are over.  Whew.


You know they make doggy detanglers, right?


Hornblower hipped me to that.  Things are actually coming along nicely in the mat area.  I just skipped today cuz I didn't feel like wrestling with her. :lol:

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I had to eat my oatmeal with a fork this morning.  Where have all the spooooons gone?  Long time missing?  Where have all the spoooooons gone, Long time ago!


.... Young knives dishes have picked them, everyone..... Oh, when will they ever learn?   Oh, when will they ever learn?



Edited by Another Lynn
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I got an email from Ulta. The following products are 50% off today only.


Bareminerals top of passion lip oil balm in crimson pop ($8) and precious gems ball trio ($13).


Urban decay cosmic travel size set of 5 ($19).


Stila sealed with a kiss lip glaze 6 piece deluxe set ($14).


Real Techniques gold medals essentials set with exclusive metallic clutch ($34.50).


Essie & China glaze holiday collection ($3.75-7.48).


Strivectin skin renewing favorites collection ($44.50).


Philosophy select sets fresh cream duo set and snow angel duo set ($13.50ea).


Any recommendations?

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I have discovered a huge, unpleasant task!!!


For years, every night the parrot flew to the fan in the living room, where he pooped on the blades. :huh:   Yes, we have years of dried parrot poop on the fan.  Why, you ask?  Because I refused to clean off the poop of an animal I did not want and have it just come back.  But he stopped doing that and now will put himself to bed in his cage when you open the door at night so I can clean it off.  So I will be balancing precariously on a ladder chipping dried parrot poop off the fan and if that does not qualify as unpleasant I don't know what does.

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I have discovered a huge, unpleasant task!!!


For years, every night the parrot flew to the fan in the living room, where he pooped on the blades. :huh: Yes, we have years of dried parrot poop on the fan. Why, you ask? Because I refused to clean off the poop of an animal I did not want and have it just come back. But he stopped doing that and now will put himself to bed in his cage when you open the door at night so I can clean it off. So I will be balancing precariously on a ladder chipping dried parrot poop off the fan and if that does not qualify as unpleasant I don't know what does.

Breathing that day in and day out can give you a lung infection. I know that because my mother in law is now $80,000 in debt for lung cancer surgery the turned out to be a lung infection from bird poop.



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I actually have real life friends.  I'm going to leave to have lunch with one of my friends in 30 minutes.  I guess I'd better put some clothes on. . .


Just cause I'm in a sharing mood, she's one of my Japanese friends and we shared a house together in seminary - so about 25 years ago.  She moved to this area to be closer to me.  :)   But now we rarely see each other! 

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I saw that.  He is resistant to working through the entire summer.  He and I actually had a good talk just now, and he has calmed himself down a few notches.  He asked to review via alcumus all weekend and take the placement tests on Monday, which I found reasonable.  He was calm enough to here my goals, options and the whys.  He seems to accept that the days of him self-teaching higher math are over.  Whew.



Hornblower hipped me to that.  Things are actually coming along nicely in the mat area.  I just skipped today cuz I didn't feel like wrestling with her. :lol:

Reasonable is good. Upper level math is one of those subjects in which a good teacher matters. Some thing are easier to self-teach than others, lol.



I have discovered a huge, unpleasant task!!!


For years, every night the parrot flew to the fan in the living room, where he pooped on the blades. :huh:   Yes, we have years of dried parrot poop on the fan.  Why, you ask?  Because I refused to clean off the poop of an animal I did not want and have it just come back.  But he stopped doing that and now will put himself to bed in his cage when you open the door at night so I can clean it off.  So I will be balancing precariously on a ladder chipping dried parrot poop off the fan and if that does not qualify as unpleasant I don't know what does.



You deserve a medal for that one, chickey.



Breathing that day in and day out can give you a lung infection. I know that because my mother in law is now $80,000 in debt for lung cancer surgery the turned out to be a lung infection from bird poop.


I learn so much here.


Reading other threads on people's pain at Christmas, or their kids not being interested in being with them at Christmas, or faith crises at Christmas is making me very sad. I think I need to get off the boards and do some unpleasant tasks. At least unpleasant tasks won't make me :crying: Well, except maybe for the bird poop thing. I might cry doing that.

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I have discovered a huge, unpleasant task!!!


For years, every night the parrot flew to the fan in the living room, where he pooped on the blades. :huh:   Yes, we have years of dried parrot poop on the fan.  Why, you ask?  Because I refused to clean off the poop of an animal I did not want and have it just come back.  But he stopped doing that and now will put himself to bed in his cage when you open the door at night so I can clean it off.  So I will be balancing precariously on a ladder chipping dried parrot poop off the fan and if that does not qualify as unpleasant I don't know what does.


Come back and tell us when you have finished so we'll know you haven't fallen and can't get up.  :leaving:


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Breathing that day in and day out can give you a lung infection. I know that because my mother in law is now $80,000 in debt for lung cancer surgery the turned out to be a lung infection from bird poop.



I will look this up, but we live with parrot poop every day because his cage is in our living area.  


:hurray: Go Tex!


(I have forgotten why you're making yourself do unpleasant tasks everyday, though I remember you said you were.....  What was the impetus for this self-imposed purgatory?)

Trying to justify my existence while not working as a homeschool teacher over break by doing unpleasant tasks that I put off all year.  :D  


Oh my goodness, Tex.  :blink:  That is one unpleasant task.  :ack2:



Come back and tell us when you have finished so we'll know you haven't fallen and can't get up.  :leaving:


It was dicey for a minute, but all is well.

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Your breakfast sounds good and healthy. I am so tired of eating the carp we eat for breakfast (boxed cereal), but that's about all I can manage at this time in life.

Do not feel guilty. The only reason we don't eat cereal every day is because dh makes breakfast. Except on Wednesdays, which is yogurt day, and I "make" that one. Small bowls of Greek yogurt, fruit (usually berries), granola. Have at it.

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Really? I've never mentioned it and had someone recognize it. Think you're lying.





I knew.  Because I lived in Amish territory.  The PA one.


And I have been stuck behind enough buggies to last me a lifetime.



BUT...I have never used it or seen the packaging.  Just know the name.

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I am at the dentist. Waiting.


Little ds vomited this morning. He has been sneezing a lot, and now seems to be congested in his lungs. No fever. It is kind of odd unless the mucus drainage caused the vomiting. However little dd has been nauseous as well. She went to the bathroom twice feeling like she needed to vomit, but didn't.


So...what you are saying is you are at the dentist infecting them, who will in turn infect all of their clients.  Smashing!  Bwaaahahaha....







I often get sick after a dentist visit.  Coincidence?

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I don't ever make breakfast for my kids in the am. I'm just not functioning then (RA & joints take forever to get going in the am).  Plus, kids need to learn to feed themselves. I keep the house stocked with yogurt, eggs, toast, nuts, cereal, leftovers, fruit, veggies & dip and let them fend for themselves.  My (newly) 3 yo has her own shelf with plastic bowls and plates and cups and a stepstool. She chucks everything in the sink rather than loading the dishwasher properly, but the only thing she needs help with is opening a new container of almond milk.  I don't let her make pancakes or bacon or anything hot that can't be heated in the microwave....but when she's 5 we'll spend the summer learning to use the griddle.




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I am at the dentist. Waiting.


Little ds vomited this morning. He has been sneezing a lot, and now seems to be congested in his lungs. No fever. It is kind of odd unless the mucus drainage caused the vomiting. However little dd has been nauseous as well. She went to the bathroom twice feeling like she needed to vomit, but didn't.





How'd it go?





I was on cloud nine until about 38 seconds ago when everything wore off.  Now I want to die.*




The endo's exact words upon opening me up were, "MY.  No wonder you were taking so much Motrin."  The pulp was so badly inflammed that she then ordered an extra scan to check everything out.  But she only cleaned out the pulp, because insurance.  Out of pocket for cleaning+filling today would have been $1300.  Out of pocket for cleaning today and filling on or after January 1 = $16.  Guess what I picked.


She promises that after a few days recovery it won't hurt for Christmas.  I liked her.  I hope she's right.  





*also a lie, at the moment at least....  

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So...what you are saying is you are at the dentist infecting them, who will in turn infect all of their clients.  Smashing!  Bwaaahahaha....







I often get sick after a dentist visit.  Coincidence?

I know. Matt called the dentist yesterday to tell them he was sick and they were like "That's OK, most of our patients are sick." Oh, so the fact that were in last week for a cleaning and now my children are up all night vomiting means nothing to you?


No I didn't.*  











* Dang those bleepity bleep edit notifications....



I make three hots a day but they are not great hots, I tell you. Some are not hot at all. I have one kid who will quite literally eat nothing but tortilla chips if I don't put food in front of him. Dude.

I try to make one really great meal a day involving protein and green veggies, and they have apples with breakfast and carrots and tomatoes with lunch. If other areas fall short I think we have the bases covered.



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Netflix ticks me off sometimes. 
So, our school does quarterly academic celebrations. This quarter is a movie and snack. However, we can only show G-rated movies, which are incredibly hard to come by now days (modern movies that the 4th graders want to watch). 
The movie Home just came out on Netflix. It's a cute movie, my daughter loves it, and I see no real reason for it being PG. So, I believed the Netflix rating.
So, for the last 2 weeks, Home has shown rated G. Today? It's up to PG, so we can't show it!!
We had 3 classrooms planning on showing it and the kids were so excited. 
Talk about ruining the celebration. :/ 


Edited by Southern Ivy
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