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This is just horrifying.


I concur.

This is similar to the position we are in, with the exception that ds12 lacks a mother who is ready, willing, or able to take a class with him. Not gonna happen. He is stale with Algebra. Very stale. I asked questions for a long time. He got defensive and assured me everything was under control. I backed off because he is 12. It is time to pay the piper, though. He will be 13 on Saturday, and the gloves come off. (Totally kidding! It is time to move forward again in math, though. I will not admit how little math he has successfully done in almost a year. :leaving: All the time, I am telling myself, "Self, he is TWELVE YEARS OLD. Stop pushing." It's rough being inside my head, yo. I finally have the other two settled in math plans that work for them. Three's a charm. :D)





If he is really stuck and only 12 and wants aops, you could do probability or number theory for a while. It might be a hormone glitch. Just a wild thought. I know that prolly doesn't help because it just gives you another book to consider, lol.

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I am not sure what the sequence is different means? I think you might mean that WTM runs the Intro to Algebra book for chapters 1-10 for Algebra I. (I think I would go ch 1-13 so we will keep going a bit after the class ends.) Then, you can go into geometry. But, for a geometry class, you do not have to do the whole book. There are math competition chapters and some that just go above and beyond the traditional scope for geometry. Then, for Algebra 2, you pick up the second half of the Intro to Algebra book plus some of the Intermediate book. Then, Precalc.


I think the aops classes go through the whole Intro to Algebra book at a crack, if I recall correctly. In a scary, short time frame. Maybe that is different now? I haven't looked in a few months.


Is that what you mean? (I am sure that is clear as mud.) I have a list of chapter splits somewhere. If I can find it, I will send it to you.

Yes, more the class division.


I think that AoPS Intro to Algebra A will work okay for him, but I think we will need to jump ship after that and look for a different provider, 

Edited by texasmama
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If he is really stuck and only 12 and wants aops, you could do probability or number theory for a while. It might be a hormone glitch. Just a wild thought. I know that prolly doesn't help because it just gives you another book to consider, lol.

One of his biggest weaknesses is that he will not admit defeat.  It is failure.  

Edited by texasmama
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Easy way to know if you're warm or cool:


Go to your friendly neighborhood department store that has a make-up counter. On one side of your face, do warm colors for lipstick and blush. On the other side, do cool colors for lipstick and blush. If you're a warm season, the cool colors will look awful; if you're a cool season, the warm colors will look awful.


If you're a Spring, you can wear orange, and lime green, and bright turquoise. If you're an Autumn, you can wear Century 21 gold, avocado green, and khaki brown..

I am full on Winter. I rock the jewel tones. :) 


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Algebra 1 with my now 13 yo has been a rough year this year.  There are days when I look at him and clearly there are no neurons firing.  Other days, he races through. Inconsistency seems to be par for the course for young teens, I think.


Ok, I feel like shouting, "Students Out of Bed" a la Harry Potter. My night owl kids are going to be the end of me. I'm gonna go make sure their electronics got turned in to the family charging station and then head to bed myself...

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If he is really stuck and only 12 and wants aops, you could do probability or number theory for a while. It might be a hormone glitch. Just a wild thought. I know that prolly doesn't help because it just gives you another book to consider, lol.


Probability ain't so easy, according to DD.  And AoPS recommends it AFTER Intro to Algebra A.


Really, the AoPS classes are just really, really fast-paced.  You've got to remember that their target audience is brick and mortar school kids.  So kids taking the Intro Algebra classes have already had algebra. So I think Tex's kid and my kid (I think; Tex can correct me if I'm wrong) are in kind of a no-man's land; they're behind the BM school kids and can't really keep up with the PG freaks of nature.


On the upside, at least here, for the first time my kid has had to REALLY WORK at something.  And not do brilliantly.  It's been humbling.  Which is not a bad thing.


(And lest you think I'm torturing the poor darling, she did well in Algebra and is doing okay in Counting and Probability.  But it's been a struggle.)

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No. I'm dyslexic. Reading is hard. It will never not be hard. Let me learn it in my own time and present it the way I want. Maybe that's why I'm such a fan of Hunter's ONE math curriculum, ONE language arts curriculum etc. quote. I don't have the patience to teach Strayer Upton AND Beast Academy AND RightStart. I'm just not doing that. I know many do, but not me.




Teach Barton. 

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He hasn't slept in 3 days because of coughing. Bottle says ask a doctor.


DD would have this problem (light at the end of the tunnel-she's outgrown it).  The cough was caused by post nasal drip and quickly could signal the beginning of a bacterial infection (more like infestation-of the clogged up gunk.)  Can you get your bathroom closed up and hot and steamy for a bit?  That and honey to suck, and maybe a kids decongestant?


I know they say the over-the-counter stuff doesn't work, but I say fie on that.  My kid battled recurrent sinus infections FOR YEARS. Our most fabulous pediatrician had us aggressively attack the symptoms.


Oh, which reminds me!  Saline spray up the nostrils.  It'll thin out any secretions and the salt will help battle the germies.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  Slash and John.  It's hard having sick littles.

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So ds11 saw a scary commercial or something and couldn't sleep so dh talked and prayed with him and suggested he think about something that makes him happy. What makes him happy? Apparently cheese. "String cheese, cheddar cheese, macaroni and cheese, parmesan cheese..."; he is quite versed in cheese, so he should sleep peacefully now. :D

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None. No booze for kids. Treat the individual symptoms. Ibuprofen for pain. Vicks on feet and spoon of honey for cough. Cough meds are ineffective anyway.

I second the Vicks on feet. One of the best night time remedies for coughs out there. 


ETA: If you have any kind of antihistamine, you could give that to help thin the mucus a bit. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I've been meaning to tell you that you look the spitting image of my niece (who is  older than you and has four kids and lives overseas and so definitely is not you) but really, the spitting image. 

Everyone has a doppleganger. :) 

I get told that I have a twin about every 2 years. It's kind of funny. Eventually, we shall gather all the "Mary look-alikes" and have a doppleganger party. haha

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The truth is I'm allergic or sensitive to just about everything, so I just look ugly. weeping.gif


Ugh.  I'm a mess at the moment because I ate a chocolate-dipped strawberry last Sunday.  Apparently strawberries are the latest addition to my no-no list, but I never got the memo.  And Burt's Bees made my lips fall off two Christmases ago.  Never again. 

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So ds11 saw a scary commercial or something and couldn't sleep so dh talked and prayed with him and suggested he think about something that makes him happy. What makes him happy? Apparently cheese. "String cheese, cheddar cheese, macaroni and cheese, parmesan cheese..."; he is quite versed in cheese, so he should sleep peacefully now. :D


He forgot cheesecake...

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I feel like this thread does what the Chat Board (or what was called the general board back in the day) purported to do.  It raises my spirits, gives me a social outlet, answers some questions, raises a whole bunch of questions(!) and helps me to keep on homeschooling. 




No more likeys.  And I really like this one.  In case SWB is eavesdropping.... I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE.   :thumbup1:

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Everyone has a doppleganger. :) 

I get told that I have a twin about every 2 years. It's kind of funny. Eventually, we shall gather all the "Mary look-alikes" and have a doppleganger party. haha


My mother, brothers and I lived briefly in Brooklyn. I was just 17. :-) People kept greeting me in the elevator as if they knew me, and finally one day I met my doppleganger. She was older than I, but still...


People don't usually tell me I look like anyone they know, except Meryl Streep. o_0

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Isn't that $$$?


Not if you know a certified Barton tutor who drives 8 hours to give you her entire 9-level set.







But seriously, it has helped ds8 tremendously, and he enjoys it.  Perhaps there are other similar programs that are cheaper... I just don't know.  

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I've mentioned unkers 3 times and nobody says anything.


Hey slache, what's unkers?


Oh nothing. Just THE CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD! It also cures sunburn, bug bites, my sore back and the weird skin rash I had for 4 years. And almost anything else you can think of. It's like God's spit or something.

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Out of honey. We gave him children's Tylenol because he needed to go down now.

Our previous pediatrician recommended delsym. We don't use it often, but it is the only thing that we have found to work on dry, irritated-throat night-time cough. I use it myself on nights like last night when I would otherwise have kept the whole house awake.

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Our previous pediatrician recommended delsym. We don't use it often, but it is the only thing that we have found to work on dry, irritated-throat night-time cough. I use it myself on nights like last night when I would otherwise have kept the whole house awake.

I knew a peds nurse who recommended delsym.
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None. Nada. Nope.


Booya(h) on phone. Booya(h) all the way.









Well, actually... that's a lie. I do now, but seriously burt made them flake off horrifically. I've never seen anything like it. Hurt like heck.

How horrible!


I did it wrong because phone.

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