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She was a psychologist, but she must have had some sort of cross training. She believed I had a physical problem that resembled a mental problem tied up with attachment issue because of childhood abuse. She hit it on the noggin, she just didn't know what my physical problems were so she treated the symptoms. Everyone wanted to medicate me so the symptoms would go away, but they never did. Most adults thought I was retarded, but she gave me some tests that proved I was brilliant, hence my aptitude for languages. I don't know why she thought what she did, but she made me be able to walk straight, along with many other physical gains, but she also helped me understand how to act normally. I used to hum a lot and often speak in quotes and poetry. I find it comforting, but she taught me to use my own words. She was great. But then my mom got tired of having a retarded daughter so she moved me to another state and told me never to speak of my therapy and stop doing my exercises.


I am not so fond of your mom, Slash.


You should move here so I smother mother you.

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I have left my home with no money and no plans and wound up in another part of the country 3 times, so yes. But no, not with kids. People be crazy.


Well, when I left for traveling, I had some money with the plan to just keep driving and see sights until I ran out. Then I was going to work until I got more money to keep going. Dd16's grandfather worked for the park service and told me about the annual park card I could get to stay at any national park in the US for a period of time. Yep, that was the plan. I only made it one state over. Oh, well.


I'd do it again, with kids. But, I'd like to get one of those rv vans; I don't like those big rambling things. What can I say? I was a military brat, but we didn't move around much. I've a got moving bug.

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I am not so fond of your mom, Slash.


You should move here so I smother mother you.

Aren't you 46? I suppose you could be my mom. Technically. I do have lots of second mommys that love me bunches. :wub: You have horses though, right? Hmmm... I'll have to think about this.

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Well, when I left for traveling, I had some money with the plan to just keep driving and see sights until I ran out. Then I was going to work until I got more money to keep going. Dd16's grandfather worked for the park service and told me about the annual park card I could get to stay at any national park in the US for a period of time. Yep, that was the plan. I only made it one state over. Oh, well.


I'd do it again, with kids. But, I'd like to get one of those rv vans; I don't like those big rambling things. What can I say? I was a military brat, but we didn't move around much. I've a got moving bug.

I like my home and dependable schedule. 16 and 4 is different than 5 and 2 though. Maybe I'll feel differently in a few years.

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That's my problem. I don't always know what to create. Back when we had to create our curriculum and go only off of the state standards, it was easy to come up with stuff.  Now that we HAVE to follow a specific curriculum, it's incredibly hard. 

I'm thankful that my new principal actually trusts us and lets us teach how we teach best, but after years of being told to NEVER deviate from the curriculum, it's hard to get back to that creative process. 

I have a few things in my store, though. 

Mainly things I had the idea for or things that my homeschooling friends have asked me to create. 


I only have one thing that I posted years ago when dd16 was little. I had made it for her. I considered doing more Spanish projects.

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Aren't you 46? I suppose you could be my mom. Technically. I do have lots of second mommys that love me bunches. :wub: You have horses though, right? Hmmm... I'll have to think about this.


Horsies and doggies and kitties.  And I'm open to anything mammalian, except rodents. :thumbup1:


DEFINITELY no reptiles. :thumbdown:

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I like my home and dependable schedule. 16 and 4 is different than 5 and 2 though. Maybe I'll feel differently in a few years.


I may be thought irresponsible, but I've always thought this. When dd16 was young, I figured I could do it because it was just us two. With Gymnast, it would be harder, but I could make it work. I figure I can make anywhere I am a home. I'd need need wifi to continue working; I worked from home many years and know where and how to make that work. I'd let my kids run around in the woods, while dd16 also does college prep...


Yep. I'm weird like that.

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Me! I'm in Vancouver. 


My knowledge of US geography is - I'm embarrassed to admit -  kind of limited to the perimeter. So you guys are either West Coast, East coast, Florida, Texas or "somewhere in the great big middle" 




That rather matches my knowledge of Canada!  Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta are big and in the middle, but I don't know the order.  British Columbia is on the west coast -- I know this because it shares coastline with Alaska, and I love the idea of Alaska.  Yukon Territories are next to Alaska and north of provinces, and Northwest Territories is east of that.  NW Territories used to take up the rest of northern Canada but got divided a few years ago.  I don't know where the dividing line is, but I think the new territory is called Nunavut.  Newfoundland isn't pronounce "new found land" (I got this from a Murdoch Mysteries episode recently).  It and Nova Scotia are part of the eastern seaboard, I think.  Ontario and Quebec (just "k", not "kw") are north of the great lakes.  I get the feeling I'm forgetting a province or two.


As for Mexico, I wasn't even aware until recent years that it has states of its own.  Pretty sad, considering how close I live to that country now.  More holes in my/our education to address!

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I may be thought irresponsible, but I've always thought this. When dd16 was young, I figured I could do it because it was just us two. With Gymnast, it would be harder, but I could make it work. I figure I can make anywhere I am a home. I'd need need wifi to continue working; I worked from home many years and know where and how to make that work. I'd let my kids run around in the woods, while dd16 also does college prep...


Yep. I'm weird like that.


Dd16 has just informed me she is down with this plan. :D

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Trying to despam my inbox. It is taking for-evah.


I'm feeling too sick to do this right now.  I need to, desperately, but I am more inclined to drink my soup and watch more Murdoch Mysteries.  If the girls watch with me we can count it as dramatic arts AND geography lessons!  I'd be tempted to call it history, too, but I suspect they are playing fast and loose with a few facts.

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I may be thought irresponsible, but I've always thought this. When dd16 was young, I figured I could do it because it was just us two. With Gymnast, it would be harder, but I could make it work. I figure I can make anywhere I am a home. I'd need need wifi to continue working; I worked from home many years and know where and how to make that work. I'd let my kids run around in the woods, while dd16 also does college prep...


Yep. I'm weird like that.

Not irresponsible, just not as high maintenance as me. ;)

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As for Mexico, I wasn't even aware until recent years that it has states of its own.  Pretty sad, considering how close I live to that country now.  More holes in my/our education to address!


Many people think New Mexico is not part of the US.  :glare:

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Countdown is on: dd's last exam is today.


By extension, today is ds's last day of school & then I'm dismissing him till Jan 4. I predict he'll finish Just Cause 3 & put in some serious time on Fallout 4 over the holidays. 


Tomorrow night we're going to Mythbusters live show, yay! 


I suppose I should think about buying some presents now & sort out where we're going for the various family dinners. There's some tension about how to do things this year.... 



I didn't know they did live shows!  Wear protective gear!

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We've had a few quiet hours here, and I hope we are past the worst of things with dd and the :ack2: .


So, in sum, we're wrapping up Ellie as a Christmas present to Slache, watching the new Star Wars movie with Mark as Chewie, and then going out for drinks? I'm game for that.


Don't forget cookies at Susan's!

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I wish. It, unfortunately, is not a funny or happy story. I decided to travel; I dropped out of university. I was probably also depressed as a close friend that I considered a brother died. I did have a destination(s) though, and was going to visit another friend in another state. Met a friend of a friend at the starting point. He needed a ride and it was along my route. He raped me, I got pregnant, did not want to travel pregnant, and stayed here - between where I came from and where I was going. That's pretty much it. I love my daughter though. Even though she's a teenager. :lol:

Wow, Renai. That is such a journey. And so many, many hugs to you. So very many.

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I'm going to start practicing with royal icing. I have seen so many SAHM's who decorate cookies year round. They sell gorgeous cookies (6-12 cookies) for $26-$45!!!

I'm thinking, I need to learn to decorate and sell those bad boys. I figure I have a better chance at that business than the lottery. (Though one of our lunch ladies won $1,000 yesterday with a scratch off ticket.)



ETA: A girl I follow on Instagram sold 10 sets of 6 Christmas Mickey Mouse cookies. SUPER cute.

6 cookies for $40!!

She made $400 on 60 cookies.

I'm baffled that 1) she made that much and 2) that people pay that much! But, looking on Etsy, people pay a lot for specialty cookies.

I pay for cookies. Because the ones that I make are neither pretty nor taste good. It is pathetic and I am ashamed. :crying: Edited by Professormom
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Providing we do get over this..... I need to plan a campfire meal for the beach. Any ideas? Sandy beach, decent wind, temps in the 70s....


How about an astronaut-themed meal in which all of your consumables are in pouches?  That should keep the sand out!

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<Crying> because Ellie quoted my "might skip the field trip" post and didn't comment on "we're going now" post.  :hat:



No, actually, we're home now, and I'm thankful for two pages of ITT posting to help lull me back to a false sense of security.  For the record, I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, signing up for a field trip again.  First of all, the information email came so late last night that I didn't get it until this morning - you know the one that tells you where it is and when it starts (even though I had emailed the host/coordinator mom two days ago asking for this information.) 


Secondly, (no fault of the hostess), parking was difficult.  (But I did learn about a new parking system at one of the downtown garages.  Tokens!  Who knew?  Instead of tickets.  So they don't have to hire people to take your money when you leave - it's all on credit card or at a kiosk.  But I didn't know that, so, yes, that was me hitting the "help" button on the ticket-thingy - former ticket-thingy, now a token-thingy - and talking to the person over the intercom "Do you see a yellow token?"  "A what?  Do what with my credit card?  You time stamp my credit card?  Really?"  "You can go through now, the gate is open."  "But you said to put my card in?"..... Turns out you can take a token OR put your credit card in, but you don't need to do both.  Fun.)  Anyway, later, you pay for your token at a kiosk right before you leave if you want to use cash.  Then your "paid for" token goes in at the exit gate which opens for you.  If you pay on your way out, at the gate you have to use your credit card.  Did I mention how fun it was learning about the new parking system? 


Anyway, I digress.  The email said we were to meet coordinator mom in the lobby for our tickets.  When I got there, I waited and waited and waited.  When she came out of the bathroom she was all like "You all didn't want to go in yet?"  And I was like "Well, your email said to meet you in the lobby for tickets."  And she said "Oh, you know me, did I say that?"  Evidently, there are no tickets, you just go in and sit wherever they told your group to sit. 


Do people really live their lives like this?  With no plan, or at least no plan they intend to act on? 


Did I mention I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever, signing up for another field trip ever, ever, ever, again?


If y'all need me I'll be curled up in the fetal position, sucking my thumb, rocking back and forth, and drooling slightly. 


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


FTR, I should be the one planning your field trips, because I always provide detailed information with the initial field trip sign-ups and would never, ever send an e-mail at the last minute. ::thinks uncharitable thoughts about the coordinator mom::


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Dh asks me what I want for Christmas repeatedly, but I never want anything. I am not into stuff really. I am also cheap and one year I asked him to buy me some silver hoop earrings because mine broke. I pictured him going to Kohl's and spending $15. He went to James Avery and spent $50 on a very thin, flimsy pair with an odd clasp.


I think I actually want cowboy boots. (Do not make fun.) I have some from college when I taught horseback riding as a good Texan should, but after I had babies, my feet grew and they no longer fit. Oddly, dh was with me when I bought that pair, as well.

I would never make fun of that, Cowboy boots are great. Plus you are from Texas. It is the law that you must own cowboy boots. I have a Frye pair that I have had and will keep forever. I love them.


And moving further back in the time machine, I do think you and Renai should run for president/vp. We would be your cabinet. This country would never be the same. :D

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I love that Mark has dropped out of the phonics conversation. I picture him cruising the internet with his jaw on his desk.


Took a break to make a one serving fruit salad for little one and do some laundry.


I maintain that English phonetics are a clown show no matter how you try to pretend otherwise.

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Took a break to make a one serving fruit salad for little one and do some laundry.


I maintain that English phonetics are a clown show no matter how you try to pretend otherwise.

Read The Writing Road To Reading. Unless Ellie corrects me, then do whatever she says.

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Storage space is the reason my lights stayed up all year (although I did not turn them on!).


DH wants to put up a certain type of LED lights that can be remotely controlled to display different colors and sequences.  Then we can beat our across-the-street neighbor in getting our lights up (good-natured gotta-beat-him attitude here, and a real appreciation of the nice display he always erects), never have to take them down, and can use them throughout the year for various events.


There have been some years in which we did very little with our display, and just gazed across the street whenever we wanted a light fix.  His display always wins prizes in the local competition.  I have thanked him more than once for footing the bill and performing the work for the lights we enjoy so much!

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Read The Writing Road To Reading. Unless Ellie corrects me, then do whatever she says.


I'm looking at 6th edition on Amazon. It's... well... it's a phoneme method. So.. OK. :)


I respect what works for people and I'm not out to disrespect, but it's still phonics and English still be crazy.


Colonel.  That is all. :p


Obviously anything is better than sight reading which is a horrible travesty visited upon its poor, poor victims, but there's simply no excuse for English. English is a mess.

Edited by MarkW
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i wish I was done.


So do the girls and I.  We are wimping out big-time, and I am claiming feeling cruddy as the excuse.  I'm even playing hooky from the laundry now.  Dryer can ding all it likes, I'm not coming.

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I'm looking at 6th edition on Amazon. It's... well... it's a phoneme method. So.. OK. :)


I respect what works for people and I'm not out to disrespect, but it's still phonics and English still be crazy.


Colonel. That is all. :p


Obviously anything is better than sight reading which is a horrible travesty visited upon its poor, poor victims, but there's simply no excuse for English. English is a mess.

No it's not. You are ignorant on the English language because you had poor schooling. Get the 4th edition.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


FTR, I should be the one planning your field trips, because I always provide detailed information with the initial field trip sign-ups and would never, ever send an e-mail at the last minute. ::thinks uncharitable thoughts about the coordinator mom::


Queen Ellie has spoken. All is right in the world. I will come back to like this as soon as my likes return.

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I'm looking at 6th edition on Amazon. It's... well... it's a phoneme method. So.. OK. :)


I respect what works for people and I'm not out to disrespect, but it's still phonics and English still be crazy.


Colonel. That is all. :p


Obviously anything is better than sight reading which is a horrible travesty visited upon its poor, poor victims, but there's simply no excuse for English. English is a mess.

I'm not saying use the method, I'm saying read the book. It will make you a better teacher.

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So, when I was little, we sometimes watched "The Dick Van Dyke Show." I didn't remember how good it was and so have been pleasantly surprised now that I'm watching it on NetFlix. :-)


There was a show that had a catchy song about Alan Brady, the character in the show for whom Dick and Sally and Whatshisname worked. I have remembered that song forever. So, yesterday when I came home from church, I sat down in front of the TV to veg while waiting for Mr. Ellie to be finished with his church, and when I turned on the TV it was already on CoziTV, which shows only old TV shows and movies. Guess what was on? Yes.



The kids LOVE Dick Van Dyke Show, ever since I made them watch one episode on Netflix.  We have watched all that Netflix has of it.


The short guy is Buddy and the bald guy is Mel.  The one whose face you never see is Allan Brady.

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I hate Christmas shopping. I hate it! I hate it! There! I said it! I hate going to the mall. I can't go to the mall. I have 4 kids. Actually 5, but one of them is at school during the day. I hate doing it on line. I don't know what my kids like to do. Isn't that strange? Right now, they are waiting for me to get off the iPad and get on with school and all 4 are playing some little game they made up. Which is great! But how can I buy that on Amazon? I finally got the boys bought for, now it's just my little girls! Sigh! And time is fleeting. I've got to get this done, soon!


And Booya! Humbug Booyah!

Edited by KrissiK
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No it's not. You are ignorant on the English language because you had poor schooling. Get the 4th edition.


Lady, English is a conglomeration of languages, portmanteaus, immigrant and colonial influence, and on and on. It's not a logical language in its construction at all. There are worse (German, ugh), but English is one of the sloppiest languages to exist.


The only reason I think the Japanese adopt so many English words is that their own language is so tradition focused and strict that they really haven't got a decent mechanism for introducing new words to it. 


I am a native English speaker and all but c'mon, I'm also an objective thinker. :)


I'm looking into the Spalding method and will be happy to adopt anything that makes English easier to teach or that attempts to impose some external order on it, but you'll never get me to say that English is not innately, inherently, a messy disaster of a language!!

Edited by MarkW
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There was an old facebook game, it might have even been MySpace, when you would post "If you saw me in the back of a cop car what would you think I did?" A friend of mine said "Helped a friend." :wub:


Certain people around here would assume I harangued them into letting me ride along!  I've been watching too much Bones and other shows where non-police do this all of the time.

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