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  • KrissiK


I'm glad you found something that worked. I am a little late to the game, but I suppose that my suggestion of sticking it in your mouth while hopping around on one foot, at the same time letting loose with the obscenities might not have been too effective!


Oh, and it's Booya/h time!


"And I heard him exclaim as he Booyah-ed out of sight, 'Happy Booya/h to all, and to all a good Booya/h'"


Had to like this, despite the evil H.


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It is morning.  I am awake.  I cannot go back to sleep to get my much needed 8 hours because I have to go to the doctor in a bit.  Going to the doctor often cuts into my health routines.  I am working on getting pants.  They (and other clothes) are in the dryer.  My beloved Fitbit which went through the washer but not the dryer, is sitting next to me.  With a dead face.  I'm hoping for a resurrection. 

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Mondays after a holiday weekend are brutal. I have the kids in separate rooms of the house, and the littlest is watching Barbie's Life in the Dream House. I'm trying to catch up on laundry, teach rational expressions to eldest, and sort through mail at the same time. Keeping it real, folks....


Also, please, please, please, everybody get powers of attorney for medical and financial decision making drawn up, put them by your wills, and tell somebody else outside of your four walls where they are. If you own more than one house and a car---work on shielding your assets in case you need to be put into a nursing home. For realz. I just watched the implosion and then explosion of my extended family, the raiding of the family home for the "good stuff", and some very poor decision making.  All of this could've been avoided.  It's ugly.  



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I get who the purple one is, but who is the poor yellow one?





Ok, Matt's been back and forth with payroll all day. It's cyber Monday and I can buy nothing. I need my foot patches. They're 40% off. I've been waiting for today to get them!



I haven't been cramping for a while so I plan to do a beginner workout. Mama's getting fat.


Feeling human.


John's mad because I won't put toothless on.


I don't trust the coffee creamer.

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Update on critter issues: baby cat is doing well. She is eating, playing and sulking about her cone and confinement, because you can't convince a four month old cat that she is mortal. 

Old dog with aches and pains is enjoying his pain medication, old cat with the eye issue is doing a little better today and has an appointment with another eye specialist next week to see if we can get her some long lasting relief with her condition. And nobody else seems to be falling apart. For now.


I'm still tired. It's a hot chocolate kind of night.

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Matt's not getting his overtime until next paycheck. They say there's nothing they can do because payroll is in California and we aren't. Whatever. Now I'm pissy.


I am sorry. They are a terrible company but not like... relative to anywhere else my partner, my ex-h, myself, or my partner's ex-wife has worked, if that makes you feel any better. 


All the crap happening on this thread and I was going to brag about free stuff... but now I feel sad. My thoughts are with you guys. Slache, I have been there.  :grouphug:


Mark, I haven't been there and am somewhat freaking the hell out for you.  :crying:

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I get who the purple one is, but who is the poor yellow one?





Ok, Matt's been back and forth with payroll all day. It's cyber Monday and I can buy nothing. I need my foot patches. They're 40% off. I've been waiting for today to get them!



I haven't been cramping for a while so I plan to do a beginner workout. Mama's getting fat.


Feeling human.


John's mad because I won't put toothless on.


I don't trust the coffee creamer.


The purple is Monday, the yellow is me.


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I'm glad dancer can see.


Slash, I can't believe a California company is doing that.  (I believe believe it.  I'm just shocked.) California labor laws are EXTREMELY pro-employee; getting caught doing that would be very bad there.  Don't know how it works it Oregon.  I hope a little bird tells someone and a huge pterodactyl poops on their collective heads.


:grouphug: for prairiewindmomma and her DH.

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Dh just got hit by a truck on a major highway. :( So did not need this today.  He's ok, I'll check in later...


Oh my god! So sorry to hear that! Make sure he takes care of himself with plenty of TLC, hot baths... sometimes the tension can cause problems even if it wasn't at high speed. I'm just spitting out advice for no really good reason. Hugs.

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While I was at my odd father's house, someone called to tell me I had won a cruise to the Bahamas!  I was so excited.  Not.  Then my odd father told me I should change my phone number.  I told him I've had this number for 17 years, and I am not changing it because I get one call a month offering me a free cruise.  He was full of odd advice today, but he randomly gave me chicken broth which I made into a soup so all is well.


ETA:  This booya(h) is dedicated to my odd father and his odd house plans and his chicken broth (never beef).  Falalala, lalalala(h).

Edited by texasmama
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Kid pics.



Mooie pho shmooies.



I have nothing else.


If a 13 year old girl shows up and runs off with Mooies, it's NOT DD.  Just so you know.



(She's in love your kids. Not surprising since the highlight of her week is being a student leader for Cubbies.  I wish there were more jobs in our area; I'd send applications for Matt to fill out and send DD's completed babysitter app for your pre-approval!)

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