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When I finally show up, everyone else disappears.


Sorry Renai.  I was in a water aerobics class and then watched Spider-Man with ds15.



Oh, Lynn.



I just bought giant brownies from a bakery to pass out to all my ITT friends when I get home from this trip. (They are huge; I texted Jean a picture.)


You get to be first in line for yours.  




Hope dd recovers quickly.   :grouphug:


And the good part about virtual brownies is that their gluten-free!!  Thank you!!

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Not at home so can't refer to the recipe and be exact, but you'd love this one:  Sear all sides of a rump roast.  Throw it in a pot or crockpot and season it with salt and pepper.  Pour a jar of horseradish sauce on top, along with some water (1-2 cups? I forget how much, but just to keep it moist).  Add a bag of baby carrots, a bag of frozen pearl onions (thawed), and some baby potatoes cut in half.  Cover and cook for how ever many hours needed to leave it melt-in-your-mouth tender. (About 4-5ish for stovetop; longer for crockpot.)  Remove meat and veggies to a platter to keep warm; use remaining juices for a gravy.  




I'll try to get details more accurate when we are home from travels, if you want. 


That is how we make pot roast in our family. New England Pot Roast. Delicious!!!

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Not at home so can't refer to the recipe and be exact, but you'd love this one: Sear all sides of a rump roast. Throw it in a pot or crockpot and season it with salt and pepper. Pour a jar of horseradish sauce on top, along with some water (1-2 cups? I forget how much, but just to keep it moist). Add a bag of baby carrots, a bag of frozen pearl onions (thawed), and some baby potatoes cut in half. Cover and cook for how ever many hours needed to leave it melt-in-your-mouth tender. (About 4-5ish for stovetop; longer for crockpot.) Remove meat and veggies to a platter to keep warm; use remaining juices for a gravy.




I'll try to get details more accurate when we are home from travels, if you want.

Sounds wonderful!

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Good morning!


I have a horrible headache.


Lynn, so sorry about the vomit mess. That is one of the worst parenting jobs there is. We need to be able to hire someone to clean up vomit like we can hire someone to paint walls. But it won't happen, because who would apply.....no one!:D


I hope your dd is feeling better. :grouphug:


I was woken up by dd6 around midnight. She was coughing so badly she was gagging. However, no vomit. Thank goodness. Then about an hour later ds6 woke me up. Hence and thus the horrible headache. And the dog barked all. night. long.


Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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There's a massive crane outside lifting elevator parts to the roof of our 5 story office building this morning. The only way in or out is through a narrow path marked with cones and caution tape that goes directly under the crane.


I'm not feeling that this is such a safe arrangement, but what do I know?


2 hours late this morning--don't care. This can't be healthy.


Thawed my turkey last night while totally flouting the "safe thawing" instructions as per usual. Should be good to go by Thursday as it finishes up in the refrigerator. 


My wife told Izzy this morning that she could make a turkey headdress and she got very excited... until my wife said "and you can write something you're thankful for on each feather!".


"Awww mom I don't wanna do that it'll mess it up!!" Whine whine whine.


So then my wife told her she could write her thankful items on a separate sheet of paper and leave the headdress pristine, which elicited more whining about not wanting to write. So then we told her that at home school, you still have to listen just like you would to a teacher (never mind your mom in the first place), without whining and drama and much more respect.


So the response to that was "I miss regular school!!" followed by sobbing.



Edited by MarkW
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I refuse to eat at Taco Bell. And I will eat anything. The last time I had it was at an airport. I was pregnant. Then I remembered why I don't eat at Taco Bell. If I was starving and went to Taco Bell I would order a soda and plain tortilla chips.


I think that about covers my feelings about Taco Hell, as we call it.

I agree. Taco Hell and McBarf are the worst.

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I agree. Taco Hell and McBarf are the worst.


I just had Taco Bell last night. I enjoyed it.


I could make better faux Mexican at home, but I didn't have to work very hard and it cost me about thirteen bucks. Win win.


McDonald's, I really can't eat anymore unless I'm famished.

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Dawn, Hope your headache is better soon and you get a nap!  DD felt fine and slept soundly after the voluminous vomit fest of 2015.  <Sorry Junie!!!>


Critter, sorry my dd gave your kitty the throw-ups.  Hope she's all better!


I'm back from my run.  10k app day 2.  It wasn't pretty, but I did it.


Yay. So glad dd is feeling better.


:hurray: on the run. Woo hoo!

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Oh, Lynn.



I just bought giant brownies from a bakery to pass out to all my ITT friends when I get home from this trip. (They are huge; I texted Jean a picture.)


You get to be first in line for yours.  




Hope dd recovers quickly.   :grouphug:


Since there are brownies involved, I really wish I was on the text tree. :crying:

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This morning I bought three books for my grandson for Christmas from ebay: The Borrowers, The Borrowers Afield, and The Borrowers Afloat. With any luck, I'll get them in time to repackage them and send them to the Pacific Northwest by Christmas. Because procrastination. ::bangs head on desk::

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Okay, seriously.... Fun things to do at home for Dawn and the twins....


Watch a new or favorite old movie together with popcorn.


Make cookies (even if they're slice and bake - who cares?) and have hot chocolate.


Play music while you..... draw pictures?  (or do something crafty - I don't know what because I'm not crafty.)


ETA:  or play a game(s).

Edited by Another Lynn
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I was desperate. I had not ate anything all day due to tlih. :) So my choice was Taco B/Hell, KFC, or Long John Silvers. So I chose what I thought was the lesser of all evils. It wasn't. I chose wrong. Next time, and there probably will be a next time, I will come home and eat a ham sandwich. ;)

Those are tough odds!  KFC and LJS are both full of gluten so I would have to go to Taco Hell and order a soda and tortilla chips.  I kinda don't mind McDonalds.  


Sorry Dawn, I don't do fun at home.  :lol:

I know, right???  I am the least fun mom I know, I swear.  

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Sorry Dawn, I don't do fun at home.  :lol:



I generally don't either, hence and thus I came here to ask.:D



Okay, seriously.... Fun things to do at home for Dawn and the twins....


Watch a new or favorite old movie together with popcorn.


Make cookies (even if they're slice and bake - who cares?) and have hot chocolate.


Play music while you..... draw pictures?  (or do something crafty - I don't know what because I'm not crafty.)


ETA:  or play a game(s).

All wonderful ideas. I have been dying to try out my new stand mixer, so cookies for the win. :hurray:

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I typed an extremely long and witty reply and then the site died for a second so now you will all have to wonder. :lol:


Bottom line:  bad sleep report, odd father tires on car today, gf pie crust - ugh, wrangling 20 pound turkey - ugh, going to out of town game later, little dd cries over making pancakes in kitchen.

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I have called social security and waited for them to call me back. While I was waiting I called the rehab facility, and tlih is doing good, "chatting away" said the nurse. I also called the place that delivers meals and employs the home help aide to discontinue service for a few weeks. Called Dh and reported lung condition of the twins. Little ds is wheezy in the lower right lobe, little dd is clear. I think her cough is from sinus drainage. A doctor visit may be unavoidable. I also called dentist an cancelled my appointment for tomorrow, just ain't got time. Then social security called me back, and I took care of that. Done. I hate phone calls.

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BUT, I will say that my boys did a free throw shoot a thon for their bball organization to raise money since we consist of one team and are poor.  Ds15 got 72%, which was the best of anyone - and he is a "big", not a guard.  I'm really proud of him.  Ds12 got 62%, which is not bad, either.  My odd father pledged $2 per free throw so that will add up.

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I typed an extremely long and witty reply and then the site died for a second so now you will all have to wonder. :lol:


Bottom line: bad sleep report, odd father tires on car today, gf pie crust - ugh, wrangling 20 pound turkey - ugh, going to out of town game later, little dd cries over making pancakes in kitchen.

I don't like the bad sleep and all the ughs, but I do like the condensed version. Ikslo had a condensed post a while back and I still chuckle when I think about it. I think my mind works that way: in fragments jumping from one thing to the next.:)

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Things are going swimmingly at Junie's house today.


Dd13 is happy because I gave her a long list of short stories to read.  She is quite the reader, but she doesn't like to read the same things over and over.  And she got a B on her algebra test the other day and understood her lesson today.  Woot!


The littles just spent an hour (or so  :leaving: ) watching The Koala Brothers after a read-aloud about Australia.




False Alarm!   :scared:  :thumbdown:  :ohmy:  :closedeyes:  :mellow:  :laugh:  :lol:


Dd7 and dd5 just came into my room crying and screaming about the misdeeds of the other.  AAGH!

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I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot outside the Christian school where DD is enjoying Living History Day. That I braved icy, slushy roads to take her to. And I just checked the NWS site which informed me that I can expect the roads to progress to "treacherous."


Oy vey,


Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk

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Free hugs to all who need them.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: (Please don't get me sick.  I have a bad immune system and while I have a tradition of spending either Thanksgiving or Christmas in the ER, I'd really like to skip that this year.)


Dearest Jean, sending you lots of healing, healthy thoughts for the holidays. :grouphug:

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So, my friend M came up from San Antonio on Sunday. I met her on set a few years ago and we've stayed in touch ever since. Once she came up here and stayed with me for a day of "American Crime," and a couple of summers ago I stayed with her for "My All American." Also, last year I went down to her house and stayed for a few days and totally reorganized her kitchen :thumbup1:  and gave her my "File--Don't Pile!" book so she could get all her papers in order.


So, she has come up here to house-sit for a friend, and we were going to go to a matinee today to watch "My All American." It's 12:30, and she still has not called. She has health issues, bless her heart, and it does take her a long time each day to get up and at 'em, but I don't want to become involved in any projects around the house that I will have to stop in the middle of, KWIM? So I've washed my hair, and had breakfast, and done some computer shopping (Borrowers and all that), and I can be ready to go in an instant...but ....I'm just sitting around wasting time...

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I worked at a McDonald's in Waikiki for a couple of months when I was young. I have never been able to eat there since. :ack2:

Eh. Frankly anything you didn't grow/raise/prepare yourself has the potential to have somebody's snot on it. I also worked in a McDonald's for over a year, and in various departments of two grocery stores for almost another. What it comes down to is that you just don't want to know.

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Work is stupid.


We made the sole offer on this house. Hope they take it. It's a gorgeous area. But oh god buyers remorse. We can resell for a lot though, in good time.


To all the sickies: knock it off.

The only reason we were able to buy this house and get away from gang territory was by buying a house cheap before the bank foreclosed on it.  It was literally $100,000 cheaper than it should have been.  We came in, looked around and said "we'll take it."  Ten minutes later other buyers were trying to buy it but since it was "as is" and we agreed to full price, our offer was locked in.  Even then we haven't been able to do  much renovation in the 15 years we've lived here.  Half of my kitchen cabinets have lost their doors due to them simply coming off in my hands. 


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