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Now they both have fevers. Little dd is 102.1 and little ds is 102.3. They have been given 10ml of children's ibuprofen @ 6:15 p.m. They are now eating. Dd is having chicken flavored ramen noodles, and ds is having chicken noodle soup with Ritz crackers. They are also drinking sprite which is a treat since they usually don't have soft drinks. :)


It is going to be a long night, but at least I will know when their last dose of medicine was. I will probably have to alternate with Tylenol at about 8 p.m. if the fevers haven't subsided some.


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So for the Christmas service, I am looking at dd17 singing the Wexford carol accompanied by me on violin and ds on cello in sort of the Alison Krauss/Yo Yo Ma style. Then there is this cool Cardiphonia arrangement of Savior of the Nations, Come, but no one knows how to play guitar, so I'll have to mull over that one. Maybe I could transcribe the guitar part to piano. Dd wants us all to sing Rutter's Gaelic Blessing, but I just don't know if it will work - we are not a professional choir. Good Christian Men, Rejoice would be an nice and easy one for all the kids to do together, and more upbeat and in a major key.


Publix has Turkeys on sale for 59 cents/lb. Guess where I am going tomorrow. I will probably go twice and get 4 24lb turkeys.





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I'm sorry that your babies are sick, Dawn.  :sad:


I grew up poor, but Nana was a nurse so we NEVER went to the doctor.  Cracked bones will heal all on their own (as opposed to real breaks that will for reals need help.)  Sprained ankle? Suck it up, Buttercup.  And, no, you probably DON'T need reconstructive surgery; just let Mother Nature do her thing.  All real things from my childhood. 


Renai, you should take notes as you go.  I finally figured that out a few pages ago.  And then promptly forgot.


God only gave me one baby.  I'm glad she's a she.



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The bamboo is so soft....like softer than silk/fluffy bunny/wrapping yourself in clouds/smooth as soft butter soft. I didn't realize that fabric came in such a soft and amazing texture.  You MUST try it if you are an aden + anais fan. Seriously. Must go buy on amazon now. I have the one in the print on the left that I bought from a local store: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VFJC3XC?keywords=aden%20%2B%20anais%20bamboo&qid=1447909992&ref_=sr_1_7&sr=8-7


I am coloring my grey hair next week. My dd told me my hair was sparkly. I told her it was my princess hair growing in like Elsa's. She seemed to think that was cool but still insists on pointing out my sparkles to everyone. I apparently am not aging subtly.



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The bamboo is so soft....like softer than silk/fluffy bunny/wrapping yourself in clouds/smooth as soft butter soft. I didn't realize that fabric came in such a soft and amazing texture. You MUST try it if you are an aden + anais fan. Seriously. Must go buy on amazon now. I have the one in the print on the left that I bought from a local store: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VFJC3XC?keywords=aden%20%2B%20anais%20bamboo&qid=1447909992&ref_=sr_1_7&sr=8-7


I am coloring my grey hair next week. My dd told me my hair was sparkly. I told her it was my princess hair growing in like Elsa's. She seemed to think that was cool but still insists on pointing out my sparkles to everyone. I apparently am not aging subtly.

Oh my gosh, they're twice the price of the regular ones! I shouldn't complain. Some of their proceeds go to sending swaddling blankets to China. But that's still a lot of money!

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I bought one in store for $25. I bought only one. It was totally worth it. As far as I know, it's made of the plucked feathers for the angels that are skinned for the regular ones.

:lol: This is such a horrible company!



Side note, you need a profile picture. :D

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I have a social question. Is the term mixed race a racist term? "There are many people mixing races in America." Is that a racist statement?


This has to do with another thread. I never would have assumed that to be racist.

Someone can say that they are of mixed race and that is not a racist statement.  Making the conclusion that people mixing races is a sign of the last days (which is how I interpreted things in  the other thread) is more problematic.  But that is as far as I want to go here in my happy thread place.  

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I have a social question. Is the term mixed race a racist term? "There are many people mixing races in America." Is that a racist statement?


This has to do with another thread. I never would have assumed that to be racist.


I work on this issue daily.


So, some would say that the concept of race itself is racist. Let's leave that aside for now because we know that when people hold the idea of race in their heads, they operationalize it. So people act as though it's real even if it's not.


But then you get to "mixed race". IN and of itself, I see that term in reports to the National Science Foundation, to the Department of Education, not to mention, to non-profits that demand racial-ethnic background breakdowns to prove that the population being served by this or that program is at LEAST as representative as the target areas.


However, the phrasing you bring up, "there are many people mixing races" conjures up the Klan terminology that there shouldn't be mixing of the races. They aren't "mixing races" they are falling in love and making beautiful babies. True, those babies, like myself, cannot check only one box on the form when it asks for "race" or "ethnicity" or "background". But my parents weren't "mixing races". They were making passionate love. Or possibly dispassionate love, i don't know, LOL.


I am not sure how "mixed race" came to be acceptable while "mixing of the races" sounds racist. 


But... it sounds that way to me.


I also know that many students and workers prefer to be categorized, if they must be categorized, as "X, Y and Z" and not "mixed" while someone else is "X" and someone else is "Z". That includes yours truly.


What "mixed" does is focus on the act of integration, as if that were important, rather than on the heritage of the person in question. Some people do put "mixed" in a box if they do not have the chance to elaborate on their background--say, it says "pick one". But in all my time doing statistics for a government entity I have never seen anyone, given the opportunity to choose all that apply, just say "mixed". They will give you detail if allowed.


I'm not "mixed". My grandma is one thing, grandpa is another, other grandpa is another, grandma, yet another. It's about family, it's about history. I mean, we're all mixed, but I don't view my background as one of "mixing". I view it as one of music and food and culture.


For my part, as someone who deals in these statistics, I never use "mixed" if I can avoid it. I use "more than one". I believe we are all "mixed" and "more than one" implies the fact that the above are not mutually exclusive. However, there are reports that give specific instructions on how to categorize people based on census data reporting, and I do that. Sometimes it says "mixed".


So... to sum up... "Mixing the races" sounds racist but is not inherently racist, "mixed race" is not racist nor does it sound very racist, though it's irritatingly misleading, and the ideal language would be to discuss someone's "diverse background".


Until that becomes a euphemism for "not white" as in "not good enough" and then we try to find some other way to honor people when those people are not honored by society. 


To be fair, I think that so-called "white" people (really meaning, not native or black or Asian, let's be honest) have also had their heritage stripped from them, but most came as economic migrants, so to some extent by choice, not as slaves or people who were here and suddenly had to integrate at gunpoint. Still, for all of the descendants of people who came to the continent, it's not like you feel thrilled that your ancestors made the choice to come to the US and now you have no idea where you came from, except "Europe...ish... probably... mostly."

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I have a social question. Is the term mixed race a racist term? "There are many people mixing races in America." Is that a racist statement?


This has to do with another thread. I never would have assumed that to be racist.

I know where this is coming from lol.


Eta: Booyah!


I am singing Susan's song to you all this fine morning. The wind is howling in the trees, and I get to drive to the Windy City. :glare: I wll be lucky to escape with my hair:-)

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And to think, my kids berate me because their cousins have a Lego ROOM. It's like a library. But for Lego.

We have one of these :leaving: But before anyone gets excited, dh built it in a crawl space of half of our basement. The bright folks who built our house back in the day of 'shrooms decided to leave a tree up and kill 1/4 of the basement to preserve its roots. It is a very useless space, even for storage because you need to be a mini me to do anything in it. So we painted it and added cheap shelves for bins. Wala, a Lego room.


I have no idea how to spell wala.


Eta: duh' voila. I need cafe.

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