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I wish I could sing tenor. As it is I'm an alto that finds some low alto notes hard to hit, but can't sing soprano to save my life. What do they call that? Aside from "cacophonous discord"?


Some of the men in the choir can hit higher notes than I can.  Kind of embarrassing.

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We started our day with recess (or was it PE?)  Because now our beautiful 4-5 inches of powdery snow is being rained on.  :(


You are a lovely woman, Jean, but would you please stop sending warm deluges our way?  They're messing up our winter.


On the upside, peppermint marshmallows go very nicely with hot chocolate. :001_smile:

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1.  Maybe.  I think my singing voice has always been on the low side.  I can get down to the C below middle C pretty comfortably (though I don't have much volume down there).  If I have a cold, I can get even lower.


2.  Yes, but the dc say I sing funny because tenors don't get the melody often either.


I can sing tenor as well. I used to have a wider range, including some lower soprano. But, it's since dropped. Because kids.

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I hit 40 and went downhill so I think Slache might have another good decade.



Well, you know what They say: 40 is not the end of the world....but you can see it from there.... :smilielol5:


I've never heard that.


As it is, I'm doing quite well with my going-on-42 self. 

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I think so. We don't have any good orthopedic doctors around here. So I will have to call the insurance and get a referral. Because lazy. Also I don't want to be out of commission right now. Because life. I think the spring would be better if I can deal with it that long. Because painful.


Everyone I know who had surgery for carpal tunnel regretted it. I'm not saying that it never works, but make sure you get a good guy (which can be challenging because it's hard to vet doctors at all as a patient. Online reviews are meh.)

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I do take the blood very seriously. I simply haven't got anything left to sell and giving up our family home and moving back into an apartment somewhere just so that I can afford $1000/month for medication would not only be hugely disruptive to our family and cause stress that could make things worse, it's not even guaranteed to be a solution because the price could go up again, our insurance could change again, etc. Let alone that we'd have to give up our rescue animals and so on. Very few CT rents allow pets and our dogs could never be apartment dogs, etc.


Even if we had cancelled our vacation last month, that would have bought like, 5 more months of meds at most. Going on and off of them again is worse than just not taking them.


It's pretty much a lose/lose situation. One that in the first world could only exist in the US. It shouldn't cost a third of somebody's salary to not die.


So it goes.

This isn't really the first world. Every country has nice areas and poor areas. First world status is determined by how the poor are treated, not the rich.


I'm sorry your meds are so much. That's truly insane. I just spoke w/my second job about why I couldn't do more. First job gives me teacher's union insurance for $100/mo. I can't lose that... It would cost me $1k/mo to replace.

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I wish I was turning 30 and not 40.

I know, right???.


Well, you know what They say: 40 is not the end of the world....but you can see it from there.... :smilielol5:

:lol:   There is truth in that.


Ellie, thanks for sharing that the Fixer Upper store in Waco is disappointing. I had thought of traveling there to check it out.

(Shhhhh, everybody freeze.  Someone came through the secret portal.)

Edited by texasmama
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Good morning all! For those of you with inclement weather.... It is a beautiful morning in Central California. Deep blue, cloudless sky, a little frost on the pumpkin, trees in full autumn colors! Just gorgeous!


Mark... You need to take that blood seriously. And the baby story... Broke my heart.

Ellie.... I, too am an alto. I love it. What I don't love is all the new songs out that don't have parts. I can read music and harmonize that way, buy I can't do it by ear. So, it's hymns from the hym book for me.

Critter... I have 12 year old boy. You have my complete sympathy!

Dawn.... Sorry about the wrist thing! Hope it feels better soon!

Lynn... Kudos for exercising. I need to get at it again!


And the rest of you ITT people, and you know who you are.... Have a good day!


Me too!  I love to sing alto, but I have to see the notes.  Love hymns!


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This isn't really the first world. Every country has nice areas and poor areas. First world status is determined by how the poor are treated, not the rich.


I'm sorry your meds are so much. That's truly insane. I just spoke w/my second job about why I couldn't do more. First job gives me teacher's union insurance for $100/mo. I can't lose that... It would cost me $1k/mo to replace.


The kicker is that we're not really poor by any metric. Just can't afford absurdly expensive medicine. 5 years ago this same medication from the same pharmacy prescribed by the same doctor was $45/month. The only change is how much our insurance will cover and how much they've shifted to us.

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Mark, my former office mate has Crohn's, and her meds (monthly injectibles) are paid for by the manufacturer.  She is not indigent.  The manufacturer has a program for this.


The manufacturer of my medication will pay a portion, but only after my deductible is met. This means that after I've paid $5000 out of pocket for the first 5 months of the year (basically impossible), they'll reduce the cost of my medication post-deductible from $50/month to $10/month after insurance. In other words, the sum total of the assistance from the manufacturer for a year is $280.


Many manufacturers of biological infusions for Crohns are currently sponsoring all sorts of subsidy programs for patients. They vary in their requirements. I can't take any of those drugs. One of them almost killed my oldest. As in, after she reacted badly to the medication, she was getting blood transfusions, her joints were locked in place, her hair was falling out, and she developed psoriasis over her entire body. Her blood pressure was dropping and we were discussing whether to notify the extended family. 


Thankfully, she recovered.


Mostly the manufacturer's sponsor these patients for a variety of self serving reasons. It's not really charity. It's a combination of PR, marketing (driving adoption of their new and expensive medication), and post-FDA-approval research (they get the clinical data in exchange for their subsidies, which also helps them market the drug and work on their next profitable patent.)


I appreciate the advice, believe me, but I've been all around this bush and back again. I've had Crohn's for a LONG time. People think that there are adequate programs for these things in the US and the simple truth is that there is not. Not even after the ACA.

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The manufacturer of my medication will pay a portion, but only after my deductible is met. This means that after I've paid $5000 out of pocket for the first 5 months of the year (basically impossible), they'll reduce the cost of my medication post-deductible from $50/month to $10/month after insurance. In other words, the sum total of the assistance from the manufacturer for a year is $280.


Many manufacturers of biological infusions for Crohns are currently sponsoring all sorts of subsidy programs for patients. They vary in their requirements. I can't take any of those drugs. One of them almost killed my oldest. As in, after she reacted badly to the medication, she was getting blood transfusions, her joints were locked in place, her hair was falling out, and she developed psoriasis over her entire body. Her blood pressure was dropping and we were discussing whether to notify the extended family. 


Thankfully, she recovered.


Mostly the manufacturer's sponsor these patients for a variety of self serving reasons. It's not really charity. It's a combination of PR, marketing (driving adoption of their new and expensive medication), and post-FDA-approval research (they get the clinical data in exchange for their subsidies, which also helps them market the drug and work on their next profitable patent.)


I appreciate the advice, believe me, but I've been all around this bush and back again. I've had Crohn's for a LONG time. People think that there are adequate programs for these things in the US and the simple truth is that there is not. Not even after the ACA.

Yep, not much help from the manufacturer.  I do realize that anything they do for free is not altruistic.  It's all marketing-related.  My friend got her meds free by exchanging clinical data.


I think there are some programs for some people, but many people fall through the cracks.

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We had an excellent school day. :hurray: No whining from little ds. Math was completed. We even got a science experiment in. It was fabulous. They were rewarded well. Little dd had an ice cream sandwich and little ds had a dove chocolate bar. :drool:


They loved the science experiment as well. We melted crayons in the oven (in muffin tins) so they learned about changing a solid to a liquid. We then put them in the fridge to solidify and colored with them.:hat:

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The kicker is that we're not really poor by any metric. Just can't afford absurdly expensive medicine. 5 years ago this same medication from the same pharmacy prescribed by the same doctor was $45/month. The only change is how much our insurance will cover and how much they've shifted to us.

Yeah, I get it. We aren't poor either. Except no property. Because expenses.

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Band banquet is tonight. I am making a peach cobbler and pasta salad.


All of the helpers will be recognized. Awards will be given. We (band moms) also have a special surprise for the instructors. Shhhhhh, it is a framed portrait of the marching band with all of their signatures. I hope they turned out nice. I haven't seen them yet.


I believe we will watch the performance from the state finals. I hope they have a copy that we can purchase as we were not allowed to record that day.


I had better finish cooking, gotta be there at 6.


Oh, I got Cuisenaire rods yesterday. We played with them this morning and watched a couple of education unboxed videos. I believe they will be helpful.:thumbup:

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I was throat punched by my cello today.



Your cello was just saying, "Merry Christmas!"  You are not a klutz.  It was all in the plan.


Our next door neighbor is having a "neighborhood meeting" to organize a get together.  We were asked to bring a copy of our by-laws and restrictions.  (Ummm, I'm sure I had that around here about 15 years ago...)  

Edited by texasmama
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Oh, bleh.  Our lovely snow has been transformed into 2-3 inches of slush.  I find myself desperately wishing for more rain to hopefully wash it away before tonight's hard freeze.  I really hate ice.  And, to top it off, we're supposed to get extremely high winds tonight (as in, possibility of 60 mph gusts.)


To sum up:  Wah.

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2,174 today for a total of 43,523. Protagonist is deliriously happy right now. I hate to tell him it's going to be temporary. It's one thing to realize you have a purpose in life that is way bigger than your own, arrogant, powerful self; it is a whole different thing to have to live up to that purpose. Especially when you have to evaluate yourself and find yourself in serious want of lessons in humility, friendship, discipline and obedience. :D

I love deeply flawed protagonists on a journey to discover themselves.

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Coffee is good!


Back from DS's soccer game that wasn't. The other team forfeited. "Now we have two wins mom!" "No, you haven't won another game!" "We tied and that counts as a win for both teams!" This is where I quit the conversation. The last time he insisted that a team they tied is no longer undefeated because ties don't count as wins. Nothing more frustrating than trying to have a rational conversation with an extremely irrational person! This is the same child who is flunking math (literally) and yet argues and fights with his mechanical engineer father, who has had loads of calculus, about how to do his math homework. I am so glad I am going out tonight to a ladies night at my mom's church. I hope they have coffee!

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Power off.

Power back on.

Power off.

Power back on again.

I still got Teriyaki carry out for dinner.  The wind is still gusting and I don't know if power will stay on.  

The Y has been closed until tomorrow.  So I can't exercise tonight.  And dd can't do her volunteer gig.  She had a 3 mile run on her half marathon training schedule but I don't think she should run in gusting winds - who knows might fly across her path.

Ds estimates that tons of food had to be tossed at the grocery store.  

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We have power. So I had to work. But power flickers meant a slow server. So I just sat there accomplishing jack all.


Two months ago (three?) we had a single router go down and the entire enterprise (3 major hospitals, 4 smaller facilities, and I don't even know how many satellite sites) had no network access beyond their local office and no internet for a DAY. A DAY to get a spare and get back up.


A day.


Nobody was fired.

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Power off.

Power back on.

Power off.

Power back on again.

I still got Teriyaki carry out for dinner.  The wind is still gusting and I don't know if power will stay on.  

The Y has been closed until tomorrow.  So I can't exercise tonight.  And dd can't do her volunteer gig.  She had a 3 mile run on her half marathon training schedule but I don't think she should run in gusting winds - who knows might fly across her path.

Ds estimates that tons of food had to be tossed at the grocery store.  


ACK!!  That means that we'll be dealing with this for hours longer.  We're already flooded and the rain keeps pouring.  Nana rescinded our dinner invitation, because the wind is so bad she didn't want us driving.  Please, Miss Jean, please don't send it to us!  I don't want to share!

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DS is seriously pissed at me right now for making him look up words TWO ways - on the iPad, and - GASP!!!!! - in a gosh darn dictionary. I'm oozing evil right now, I tell 'ya.


The horror!


Truly, you are a monstrous person.







Which I find quite appealing, actually. :thumbup1:

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I should be spending my evening working.  Because, deadline.  But, power failures.


Thank goodness for a fabulous boss.




 And now the song, started by Renai and magnified by Susan:



This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends.
People started posting not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue posting forever just because...

This is the thread that never ends
You'd best come join it with your friends
'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze
And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days

This is the thread that's always there
They'll cheer you up so don't despair
The group is growing well as more people start checking in
And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive

This is the thread that never ends..

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