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I agree. I don't think they should be doing that. I'm NOT a fan of musicals. Opera is good, though. It's the breaking into dance in the middle of a song or dialogue that I find annoying. Must be caused from bad memories of my youth. ;)

Oh, I love musicals. I can't think if how many times I've been hiking and come over a hill and start singing, "The hills are alive.... With the sound of mucks!"
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Three trash bags of joy-sucking junk thrown out after cleaning dc's shared bedroom this afternoon.  Woo-Hoo!  


And that was just a three-week accumulation of largely crafty stuff. Ugh.   I will console myself with the hope that my children are just brilliant creative geniuses in the making.









I wonder if Picasso's mom ever regretted Kon-Mari-ing all his childhood super-villian pictures and sculptures made out of the contents of the recycle bin + a fat roll of duct tape.    Bet she did.  Oh well.  


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Oh, to be a fly on your wall.....



Feel free to text me as many videos of your daily life as you want.  

You should really see the cat's eyebrows.  I will text you a pic.  I did not make them dark because of the fear of middle child wrath.


Ds12 admonished me quite soundly and then scrubbed them mostly off.


The cat was nonplussed by the application of the eyebrows.  Ds12 said she looked stupid and was embarrassed so he scrubbed her.  I don't think she liked that one bit.

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Ikslo made me laugh so hard the kids came to see if I was ok.


I slept in very late but still got a lot done. I just finished a 40 minute core workout that I decided to do for my back. I feel so good. I would do it everyday if it wasn't so freaking hard. School is done, house is done, laundry is almost done. Now for lunch, naps and reading. Good day. :)

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I wonder if Picasso's mom ever regretted Kon-Mari-ing all his childhood super-villian pictures and sculptures made out of the contents of the recycle bin + a fat roll of duct tape.    Bet she did.  Oh well.  



Not likely.  She died in 1939.  I think duct tape was invented after that.  Thus, there would have been no duct tape creations to Kon-Mari.

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Oh, I love musicals. I can't think if how many times I've been hiking and come over a hill and start singing, "The hills are alive.... With the sound of mucks!"


I like the music but the dancing is just so, I don't know, wrong (especially the dances with one lady and a troop of guys). Who are these guys? Just weird.

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I just realized today that I'm happy in a content sort of way.  For the first time in a very very long time (ie. two decades) I'm not dealing with daily pain of any significance.  If I get enough sleep (and unfortunately that can be a big if) then I have enough energy  - not tons or anything but enough.  The doctor said to me in amazement today "You're doing ok right now".  Yep, that's how I feel about it too!  Dd had to ruin things by telling him that I always get sick in October, November or December (I've missed the last two family Christmas dinners due to being really sick).  Actually, come to think of it, I think I usually do feel ok by this time of year because that is when I finally get over my fall/winter illnesses.  So let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself and that I can maintain this.  

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I just realized today that I'm happy in a content sort of way. For the first time in a very very long time (ie. two decades) I'm not dealing with daily pain of any significance. If I get enough sleep (and unfortunately that can be a big if) then I have enough energy - not tons or anything but enough. The doctor said to me in amazement today "You're doing ok right now". Yep, that's how I feel about it too! Dd had to ruin things by telling him that I always get sick in October, November or December (I've missed the last two family Christmas dinners due to being really sick). Actually, come to think of it, I think I usually do feel ok by this time of year because that is when I finally get over my fall/winter illnesses. So let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself and that I can maintain this.

That's awesome!

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I just realized today that I'm happy in a content sort of way.  For the first time in a very very long time (ie. two decades) I'm not dealing with daily pain of any significance.  If I get enough sleep (and unfortunately that can be a big if) then I have enough energy  - not tons or anything but enough.  The doctor said to me in amazement today "You're doing ok right now".  Yep, that's how I feel about it too!  Dd had to ruin things by telling him that I always get sick in October, November or December (I've missed the last two family Christmas dinners due to being really sick).  Actually, come to think of it, I think I usually do feel ok by this time of year because that is when I finally get over my fall/winter illnesses.  So let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself and that I can maintain this.  

That is really great, Jean.  :)

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I just realized today that I'm happy in a content sort of way. For the first time in a very very long time (ie. two decades) I'm not dealing with daily pain of any significance. If I get enough sleep (and unfortunately that can be a big if) then I have enough energy - not tons or anything but enough. The doctor said to me in amazement today "You're doing ok right now". Yep, that's how I feel about it too! Dd had to ruin things by telling him that I always get sick in October, November or December (I've missed the last two family Christmas dinners due to being really sick). Actually, come to think of it, I think I usually do feel ok by this time of year because that is when I finally get over my fall/winter illnesses. So let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself and that I can maintain this.

Awwww, Jean! I am so happy! I do worry about you, a bit, you know!
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I just realized today that I'm happy in a content sort of way.  For the first time in a very very long time (ie. two decades) I'm not dealing with daily pain of any significance.  If I get enough sleep (and unfortunately that can be a big if) then I have enough energy  - not tons or anything but enough.  The doctor said to me in amazement today "You're doing ok right now".  Yep, that's how I feel about it too!  Dd had to ruin things by telling him that I always get sick in October, November or December (I've missed the last two family Christmas dinners due to being really sick).  Actually, come to think of it, I think I usually do feel ok by this time of year because that is when I finally get over my fall/winter illnesses.  So let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself and that I can maintain this.  


:party: :party: :party:

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Just to add to the doctor thing, since I'm still processing it, when I told the doctor that my pain levels were so much better, he asked, "What did you do?"  I told him it was due to an increase in one med - an increase I had been fighting actually because it can be rather a scary med.  He said "Did I give you that?"  No, the neurologist did.  He was taking notes.  I think perhaps some other patients with chronic pain might have some med changes soon. . .   I hope it helps them too.  

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I like the music but the dancing is just so, I don't know, wrong (especially the dances with one lady and a troop of guys). Who are these guys? Just weird.

Yeah, well, if a bunch of cute guys appeared out of nowhere and sang and danced to me, I'd be pretty happy. I wouldn't care where they came from!
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Just to add to the doctor thing, since I'm still processing it, when I told the doctor that my pain levels were so much better, he asked, "What did you do?" I told him it was due to an increase in one med - an increase I had been fighting actually because it can be rather a scary med. He said "Did I give you that?" No, the neurologist did. He was taking notes. I think perhaps some other patients with chronic pain might have some med changes soon. . . I hope it helps them too.

Oh that's so great. I hope so too.

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May the record show that I never before have drawn eyebrows on the cat.


I thought you had. Maybe someone else? I have never drawn eyebrows on my cat(s). 

Back from my hairy experience. Actual comment from one of my dc, "Well, you look the same, except your forehead is hairy." Doesn't look bad. My forehead needed some hair.

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I thought you had. Maybe someone else? I have never drawn eyebrows on my cat(s). 

Back from my hairy experience. Actual comment from one of my dc, "Well, you look the same, except your forehead is hairy." Doesn't look bad. My forehead needed some hair.

:lol: about the hair cut.


No, I've heretofore only dreamed of and longed to draw eyebrows on the cat.  I was dissuaded by ds12, who is quite a little Mr. Bossypants and told me I could not draw eyebrows on HIS cat.  I guess I showed him, though they are all scrubbed off now.  <sob>

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I could have done much more with the eyebrows if I felt free to express my true creativity.  Sigh.


You should do something creatively expressive after DS12 goes to bed, and tell him tomorrow that cat liked the look so much cat begged for more.


Hair stylist for cats.  OR Spa treatments for cats.  I bet people would pay money for that.  I mean if this guy can make 10K a day...

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You should do something creatively expressive after DS12 goes to bed, and tell him tomorrow that cat liked the look so much cat begged for more.


Hair stylist for cats.  OR Spa treatments for cats.  I bet people would pay money for that.  I mean if this guy can make 10K a day...

Wow.  I should have thought up mailing potatoes with messages.  I do all my best work free.



Edited by texasmama
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Yeah, well, if a bunch of cute guys appeared out of nowhere and sang and danced to me, I'd be pretty happy. I wouldn't care where they came from!


You may have something there. I'd feel pretty special if a dozen guys came out of nowhere and carried me around the room.  :lol:  As long as they weren't munchkins, I'd enjoy the experience.  What happens after the song, though, in that awkward moment of silence when the dialogue continues. Do they just evaporate, or do I have to bring them home with me to my messy house, kids, dogs, cats and husband? ;)

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Me, too.  My brain is cluttered with things that do not bring me joy and are just taking up space.


UGH.  I see the apple does not fall far from the tree. :hat:


Your creativity is not being stifled by the 12yo. It is being stifled by all the clutter in the brain that needs to be Konmari-ed.



I'm a proud mama. :D

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Your creativity is not being stifled by the 12yo. It is being stifled by all the clutter in the brain that needs to be Konmari-ed.



I'm a proud mama. :D

I think it is all of the above to the first part.


Smart aleck (thought something else) to the second part.


ETA:  Booyah/booya



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