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21 muleteam borax (sp*, it is in the laundry supplies) mixed with sugar. 1 box:1 cup of sugar. Mix well sprinkle around outside of  house. I put it in a gallon size baggie and cut out a corner. Safe to use around pets and children. It has taken care of all ant species here. You could put some in a plastic lid and put under couch if they are really bad.



You are welcome to come up here. Love to have ya.  


Last week sucked major.....I was miserable, but doing better now.


The weather is beautiful; sunny with a breeze, clear blue skies, and 80F.  Bbq ribs and fried potatoes for supper tomorrow night. 

I could totally do that borax thing.  I do think we will need to deal with the syrup rug.  We have been completely slammed by other things so the syrup rug fell to the bottom.  Since it attracts destructive pests, it will need to float to the top.


P.S.  I am very sorry that your week sucked.  (((hugs)))

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First "official" day of school.  We played Trivial Pursuit using 6 categories of Professor Noggin's card games.  5 were review topics, with one being a new topic that we are studying this year.  It was so much fun.  Why didn't I think of doing this before?  I even got him to do some German, read a chapter in a book, and practice math facts.


We're off to a good start. :party:

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And so tomorrow, I'm going to be a background actor for a season 2 episode of American Crime. This time it will be indoors, so I shouldn't fall over from heat exhaustion. On the down side, call time is 6 a.m.; I'll have to leave my house a little before 5, which means I'll have to get up at 4. AT 4. What??!!!

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My maid never shows up either.  It is sooooo hard to find good help these days.   :toetap05:


My maid forgot to switch out the load of laundry and now I have to wait for the sheets to dry before I can go to bed.  If she had just not shown up the sheets would be dirty, but they would be on the bed and dry, and I could go to sleep. 

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My maid forgot to switch out the load of laundry and now I have to wait for the sheets to dry before I can go to bed.  If she had just not shown up the sheets would be dirty, but they would be on the bed and dry, and I could go to sleep. 



Yeah.  You need a new maid. 



But at least she didn't forget them and leave them to mold in the washer.  Mine does that all.the.time.  Grrrr.   Dh is too much of a pushover to get rid of her, though.   :sneaky2:

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Yeah.  You need a new maid. 



But at least she didn't forget them and leave them to mold in the washer.  Mine does that all.the.time.  Grrrr.   Dh is too much of a pushover to get rid of her, though.   :sneaky2:


When my maid does that (often), the butler has been known to remove them to do his stinky work laundry AND THEN PUT THEM BACK IN THE WASHER for me the maid to deal with.  No, he does not run the load again.  He just shoves them back in.


But I guess the key here is that the butler does his own laundry. 

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So, I'm reading a book on the sinking of the Lusitania. It's such good book, but I can't read it anymore. I can't stand the suspense. I'm sitting here with it on the table and the author is just building this up, the U-Boat is cruising like a shark and all the passengers on the Lusitania have no clue..... I can't stand it. I have to get through this. I am not one for suspense in a book. Even though I know how it's going to turn out. I want to skip to the end. But I won't. Maybe I'll go kiss the kids goodnight first.

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When my maid does that (often), the butler has been known to remove them to do his stinky work laundry AND THEN PUT THEM BACK IN THE WASHER for me the maid to deal with.  No, he does not run the load again.  He just shoves them back in.


But I guess the key here is that the butler does his own laundry. 





ETA:  In my sleepy stupor I was going to add that we must have the same butler, but when my delayed processing kicked in, that weirded me out too much.    :ohmy:  :smilielol5:




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Working hard to get homework in on time tonight, which means a lot of reading before I post a discussion. I think I'm almost done.


In other news, here's the outline of my next presentation I'm doing that is due on Saturday: http://prezi.com/qjhnq5sft_o8/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share


OOOooooo!  Love your design choice.  


Best wishes finishing everything tonight!

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I paid the bills.  I think.  Dh "cleaned up' around here and I will have hours of work to go through the bags where he threw things including papers that I had carefully stacked in an order that only I could make sense of.  


I am going to start to get ready for bed now so that as soon as this t.v. program is over, I can threaten the kids with dire bodily harm if they do not go to bed.  I love my kids but I really really need some good sleep.  

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Good morning! I'm having coffee on the deck of a beach house looking out at the ocean. Beautiful!


Tex - you're welcome anytime.


Renai - keep up the good work!


Jean - good for you getting back in the swing of things. (You too, ducklings!)


Ikslo - wow! Sounds like a great first day back!


Krissi, I'm the same way with suspense, even when it's historical. :-)


Winter mom - great job on the re model!

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Rusty is playing with his new forts - the ones I made and used at camp for our mini marshmallow catapults. He likes to hop through the holes I cut through the cardboard appliance boxes. I think the bunny rescue lady was right when she accused us of spoiling him. ;)

A spoiled bunny is better than having a bored bunny who's favorite past-time is to tear off strips of paint in the stairwell.

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Good morning! I'm having coffee on the deck of a beach house looking out at the ocean. Beautiful!


Tex - you're welcome anytime.


Renai - keep up the good work!


Jean - good for you getting back in the swing of things. (You too, ducklings!)


Ikslo - wow! Sounds like a great first day back!


Krissi, I'm the same way with suspense, even when it's historical. :-)


Winter mom - great job on the re model!

I've always wanted to visit Kentucky.  Horse country.  :D

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I dreamed I rode a lion, and it was made of paper. It looked like nothing until it got moving. Then I woke up and thought of this:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." Marianne Williamson (The entire quote deserves a read.)



A few days ago, I dreamed I was at a pool and went into the locker room, only it was underground and scary and big and like a series of tunnels so I got lost.  But then I found SWB there with her daughter so we sat on a bench and had a nice, long chat.  I don't think we need Freud for that one.  (or the lion one, though I am still chewing on it)



My dream-life is awesome.  :D


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I had your typical "I'm taking a shower at a church/thrift/gift store and about halfway through, when I realize I forgot the shampoo and step out to look for it, and a tour bus of people come waltzing in because, of course, the doors are not locked" dream. I had to do a lot of indignant yelling to get them all out out there.

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I had your typical "I'm taking a shower at a church/thrift/gift store and about halfway through, when I realize I forgot the shampoo and step out to look for it, and a tour bus of people come waltzing in because, of course, the doors are not locked" dream. I had to do a lot of indignant yelling to get them all out out there.

:lol: Usually I dream I'm naked in the mall and sitting on a toilet next to the top of the escalator while people pass by so I feel your pain. 

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It makes me very very grumpy when someone comes into the room at 6:30 in the morning demanding that I find a paper that I didn't even know I had.  I hate filing things.  I can never find things when I need them.  And needing things immediately is the ultimate in stress for me.  Can you believe that a very long time ago I actually worked as a file clerk?  I hated that job. . . . .  (I have now forgiven that family member since he found the paper on his own.)

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Good morning! I'm having coffee on the deck of a beach house looking out at the ocean. Beautiful!


Tex - you're welcome anytime.


Renai - keep up the good work!


Jean - good for you getting back in the swing of things. (You too, ducklings!)


Ikslo - wow! Sounds like a great first day back!


Krissi, I'm the same way with suspense, even when it's historical. :-)


Winter mom - great job on the re model!


I puffy heart our cheerleader, Lynn.   :001_wub:

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I had your typical "I'm taking a shower at a church/thrift/gift store and about halfway through, when I realize I forgot the shampoo and step out to look for it, and a tour bus of people come waltzing in because, of course, the doors are not locked" dream. I had to do a lot of indignant yelling to get them all out out there.


That's typical?  My dream life is boring and a-typical, apparently.

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This wasn't a dream.  We were hiking in a wilderness area.  I had to go to the bathroom, badly.  This was an area without much vegetation or big rocks or really anything to hide behind.  There was a bathroom available.  It was a seat - out in the open.  I had no other choice.  I was sitting there and a group of cubscouts went by.  I tried to pretend that I was just sitting on a bench enjoying the view while telling myself over and over again. "I'll never see them again.  I'll never see them again."  (I did have my shirt pulled down.  You really couldn't see anything but still . . . "

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This wasn't a dream.  We were hiking in a wilderness area.  I had to go to the bathroom, badly.  This was an area without much vegetation or big rocks or really anything to hide behind.  There was a bathroom available.  It was a seat - out in the open.  I had no other choice.  I was sitting there and a group of cubscouts went by.  I tried to pretend that I was just sitting on a bench enjoying the view while telling myself over and over again. "I'll never see them again.  I'll never see them again."  (I did have my shirt pulled down.  You really couldn't see anything but still . . . "




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Also, I told my kids this morning that I was going to put them in front of the house and have them hold signs that say, "I am the reason we can't have nice things."



I feel like that, too! My kids thrash our house. Not deliberately, but out of carelessness.
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This wasn't a dream. We were hiking in a wilderness area. I had to go to the bathroom, badly. This was an area without much vegetation or big rocks or really anything to hide behind. There was a bathroom available. It was a seat - out in the open. I had no other choice. I was sitting there and a group of cubscouts went by. I tried to pretend that I was just sitting on a bench enjoying the view while telling myself over and over again. "I'll never see them again. I'll never see them again." (I did have my shirt pulled down. You really couldn't see anything but still . . . "

We were hiking once and came across a young couple, in their 20's probably, and as we rounded a bend we heard a shout and saw the man pulling up his trousers really fast. He was shirtless. His girlfriend had a camera and was rolling on the ground laughing. Apparently they'd been doing nudie shots. We all though it was pretty funny! Except for the guy.
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You all have such funny hiking stories. I don't have anything that funny. One time, I was sitting down by the creek munching on an apple that I had brought for a snack. I was not done with it, until this dog came romping along and walked over to me and took a bite of my apple! The owners were mortified, but confessed that the dog was accustomed to taking their apple cores when they were done and gnawing on them. I said she could have it.

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I don't know what to do next.  There are no big fires right now in my schedule.  I have tons to do.  I am not all ready for school.  Though in my defense public schools haven't even started  here yet and most of my plans are "get this book for this subject and do the next thing" type of plans.  I just haven't done anything about it.  My schoolroom has been trashed for a number of years and would send the minimalists into a permanent fetal position.  But I look in there and then close the door because it is overwhelming.  Don't tell me to do the konmari thing on it.  You would have to sort for days just to get things in categories.  The dogs need to be groomed.  It took us 20 min. today to do one of Rocky's paws with dd finally lying across him so that he wouldn't buck and twist and try to lick where the scissors were cutting.  (My plan is to do one of his paws a day so I have the next 3 days planned for that.)  The yard is. . .  well, let's just say that I hope our neighborhood's property values don't depend too much on the state of our yard.  Dd needs to pay off some credit to me though so she's been working out there for about 20 min. a day right now.  I go out and inspect and help her load up the yardwaste bin when she's ready.  Dh cleaned the house while we were gone to camp.  He did it by shoving everything into bags.  It takes me so much more time to just find where he put things.  It took me 20 min. yesterday to find the dog's leash.  I think I might be just whining.  I do a lot better when there are fires to put out.  But that's probably not a healthy way to live.  ;)

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We were hiking once and came across a young couple, in their 20's probably, and as we rounded a bend we heard a shout and saw the man pulling up his trousers really fast. He was shirtless. His girlfriend had a camera and was rolling on the ground laughing. Apparently they'd been doing nudie shots. We all though it was pretty funny! Except for the guy.




My dh had a similar experience while hiking with a group of colleagues.  Except there was no camera involved.   :svengo:

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I don't know what to do next.  There are no big fires right now in my schedule.  I have tons to do.  I am not all ready for school.  Though in my defense public schools haven't even started  here yet and most of my plans are "get this book for this subject and do the next thing" type of plans.  I just haven't done anything about it.  My schoolroom has been trashed for a number of years and would send the minimalists into a permanent fetal position.  But I look in there and then close the door because it is overwhelming.  Don't tell me to do the konmari thing on it.  You would have to sort for days just to get things in categories.  The dogs need to be groomed.  It took us 20 min. today to do one of Rocky's paws with dd finally lying across him so that he wouldn't buck and twist and try to lick where the scissors were cutting.  (My plan is to do one of his paws a day so I have the next 3 days planned for that.)  The yard is. . .  well, let's just say that I hope our neighborhood's property values don't depend too much on the state of our yard.  Dd needs to pay off some credit to me though so she's been working out there for about 20 min. a day right now.  I go out and inspect and help her load up the yardwaste bin when she's ready.  Dh cleaned the house while we were gone to camp.  He did it by shoving everything into bags.  It takes me so much more time to just find where he put things.  It took me 20 min. yesterday to find the dog's leash.  I think I might be just whining.  I do a lot better when there are fires to put out.  But that's probably not a healthy way to live.   ;)




Just know that I am commiserating with you.  I AM a minimalist, and usually very organized, but right now?  Overwhelmed, unprepared, and uncertain where to begin (or when to begin it, because the only time I can complete a single thought is when the husband and kids are tucked away for the night. I was up until 2:30 last night and barely made a dent in spite of non-stop work.)   I begged my sister to take the kids for a week.  Offered to pay her, even.  Haven't got an answer back yet.   :toetap05:


Fetal position sounds great to me.    And coffee.  (Except that I've had three cups already today.)

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I would have been the couple stumbled upon in my misspent youth.  :leaving:








(The sad thing in this case was that dh found out later that the trail (in a park just outside a city) was known for... ahem.... selling this sort of activity.  So lots of brokenness was probably involved.   :sad:   However, it was a rather comical encounter nevertheless, at the expense of a very embarrassed middle-aged man.)



ETA:  Booyah!  

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