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I have a confession to make. I hope y'all can forgive me.


I was at a renaissance fair a few years back. There was this climbing wall .. and a guy scaling it .. in a kilt. Seriously.


I thought of you ladies. I even snuck a photo for you (modest in spite of angle, no face).


But still ... my conscience got the better of me. Instead of posting it, I deleted it.


There. I admit it. I'm a traitor. No grudges, K?

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I have a confession to make. I hope y'all can forgive me.


I was at a renaissance fair a few years back. There was this climbing wall .. and a guy scaling it .. in a kilt. Seriously.


I thought of you ladies. I even snuck a photo for you (modest in spite of angle, no face).


But still ... my conscience got the better of me. Instead of posting it, I deleted it.


There. I admit it. I'm a traitor. No grudges, K?


"Get thee hence, Satan!"

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I have a confession to make. I hope y'all can forgive me.


I was at a renaissance fair a few years back. There was this climbing wall .. and a guy scaling it .. in a kilt. Seriously.


I thought of you ladies. I even snuck a photo for you (modest in spite of angle, no face).


But still ... my conscience got the better of me. Instead of posting it, I deleted it.


There. I admit it. I'm a traitor. No grudges, K?


Wow. I never think of you guys when looking under a guy's kilt.











(probably because it has never happened. But, I'm decent...)

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Wow. I never think of you guys when looking under a guy's kilt.




(probably because it has never happened. But, I'm decent...)

For clarification, there was no "under" view. Only someone at the base of the wall would have had that kind of angle. There was no indecency involved. The moral conviction was over posting a photo of an unwitting stranger to a forum of kilt-lusting homeschool moms.

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For clarification, there was no "under" view. Only someone at the base of the wall would have had that kind of angle. There was no indecency involved. The moral conviction was over posting a photo of an unwitting stranger to a forum of kilt-lusting homeschool moms.


Who you callin' a kilt-lusting mom??? :zombiechase:


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For clarification, there was no "under" view. Only someone at the base of the wall would have had that kind of angle. There was no indecency involved. The moral conviction was over posting a photo of an unwitting stranger to a forum of kilt-lusting homeschool moms.


Riiiiiiiiight.  "Moral conviction." Uh-huh.



(Actually, I had something similar happen.  I was shopping at Costco and saw a magnificent, sweaty hunk of manhood gentleman in a utility kilt [complete with tools].  He was leaning against a pole and talking on his phone. I actually had my cell phone in my hand and was looking for the camera button when I thought 'Holy Smokes. I'm not actually thinking about photographing a total stranger, am I?' I walked away, choosing to be content with merely witnessing some of God's glorious Creation. :) )

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I don't personally share the kilt lust, I was honestly just thinking of all y'all who would appreciate a kilt (and then felt guilty for even thinking of encouraging it, at the expense of a stranger, no less). I know many won't believe that but I maintain it is the truth.


Im on my ipad and so cannot access the right emoticon to express my sincerity and innocence (if such a one exists).

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I admit this was just really selfish of me to come out and confess this now after all this time when y'all would never have known otherwise. Sorry.


And in another thread, I began a sentence with "So". I'm not really sorry about that.

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I don't personally share the kilt lust, I was honestly just thinking of all y'all who would appreciate a kilt (and then felt guilty for even thinking of encouraging it, at the expense of a stranger, no less). I know many won't believe that but I maintain it is the truth.


Im on my ipad and so cannot access the right emoticon to express my sincerity and innocence (if such a one exists).



See, I couldn't tell how 5c666d6a93a090ad75da641815c183e0.jpgyou were, so I took it as  ;) .




And for the record, I don't get the kilt-lust either.

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So I paint my toenails, hop on a plane, and by the time I get settled, I have 74 WTM notifications?  74?????  SEVENTY-FOUR???????


People are not taking this thread seriously. 






Points for beginning this post with "so."


Double points for using an oxford comma.  (JoJo, I want in on your club)





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So I paint my toenails, hop on a plane, and by the time I get settled, I have 74 WTM notifications?  74?????  SEVENTY-FOUR???????


People are not taking this thread seriously. 






Points for beginning this post with "so."


Double points for using an oxford comma.  (JoJo, I want in on your club)


I am only the Veep. Texasmama is the Grand Poobah. 

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Only 29 posts yesterday? No one is taking this thread seriously.


I was away for a couple of days. I spent those days trying to convince some fireman it would be in their best interest to let me photograph them in kilts. Funny how the cops kept showing up. They wouldn't do it either. 


Now I find out no one is taking this seriously? 

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Only 29 posts yesterday? No one is taking this thread seriously.


I was away for a couple of days. I spent those days trying to convince some fireman it would be in their best interest to let me photograph them in kilts. Funny how the cops kept showing up. They wouldn't do it either. 


Now I find out no one is taking this seriously? 


Wow, what a trooper you are, taking one for the team and all!  I'm thinking you need a title.  "Team member extraordinaire" just doesn't seem sufficient.  Will ponder...

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No, we just need some incentive. Or something new and creative to discuss... The merits of applesauce over apples for instance. You can drink applesauce with a straw making it a hands-free food.


Oh, but then etiquette kicks in, and I'm pretty sure that it is improper to drink applesauce with a straw.


You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd, either.

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I need to make a confession, and it is a doozy.


On Facebook, one of my friends posted something about Jesus with a representation of what he would look like (you know, because there are no photos), and I thought the image was very attractive.


<hangs head>


(This thread might be very useful for posting confessions.  While we are at it, I also ate too much cake this week.)

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Someone mentioned pop tarts in another thread and I realized that I hadn't had any in 8 years (we don't own a toaster). I asked my husband to pick some up and he came home with a 12 pack of smores.  :glare: I think I had 7 packs in 2 days.

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When I was pg with baby #4, I would wake up in the middle of the night and snack on toaster pastries with icing.  Good times.  Not so good once baby popped out and I was left with toaster pastries on my a$$.


(And for my next confession!  I am a closet curser...but not so much in the closet lately...)

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When I was pg with baby #4, I would wake up in the middle of the night and snack on toaster pastries with icing.  Good times.  Not so good once baby popped out and I was left with toaster pastries on my a$$.


(And for my next confession!  I am a closet curser...but not so much in the closet lately...)


When I'm pregnant my diet I consists of about 90% dairy products because that's all I could keep down. I gained nearly 40 pounds with my first pregnancy with milkshakes, yogurt, and eggnog as they were the most nutritious things I could think of. With Mary my diet consisted of primarily Slim Fast and I lost 14 pounds. I did all the healthy stuff I could.


I'm offended by curse words. I'm not complaining, but you'd think a woman that talks about some of my more interesting topics wouldn't be such a prude.


Two more confessions:


1.I'm extremely proud. People who know my in real life often compliment me on how sweet and humble I am. That doesn't help. It also doesn't help that I'm one of the most gorgeous women to have ever walked this earth.


2. I absolutely *hate it* when someone uses LOL. I assume the person is inarticulate. I don't mean to. I'm a snob.

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1.I'm extremely proud. People who know my in real life often compliment me on how sweet and humble I am. That doesn't help. It also doesn't help that I'm one of the most gorgeous women to have ever walked this earth.


2. I absolutely *hate it* when someone uses LOL. I assume the person is inarticulate. I don't mean to. I'm a snob.


No. That would be me. LOL.

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True confession:


I dislike nail color that is blue or orange or any other color which isn't anywhere close to a color that might actually occur on one's body.

I wear purple toenail polish, and bruises are purple so I get a pass.


Confession: Sometimes I say Imma. (Ducks head)

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