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PSA: tomorrow (Saturday) is Super Pi Day!

happi duck

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I've been preparing all day.  We celebrate pi day every year, but this year since it's the ultimate once a century pi day AND it's on a Saturday, we're having a party.  We didn't ask for RSVPs, but those who have mentioned they are coming total somewhere around 50 (a lot of kids).  We (the 6 of us in our family) even have t-shirts to wear.


So far I've made 10 pizza crusts, 4 large graham cracker crusts, 6 mini graham cracker crusts, two cheesecakes, and two regular pie crusts (they need to bake still, but right now dinner is in the oven).


I need to make one more large graham cracker crust and 4 batches of cookie dough.


Tomorrow morning I'll roll out the cookie dough and make pi (the letter) cookies (about 100 or so of those).  The graham cracker crusts will turn into pudding pies (2 chocolate, 1 vanilla, 1 coconut cream, 1 pistachio, and the minis will be vanilla).  I'll make apple pie filling for the regular pie crusts.  The pizzas we'll top and finish baking just before the party.  We usually make the letter pi or 3.14 in pepperoni on pi day pizzas.


All the food is gluten free so my daughter and I can eat it :)


My daughter or I will make a pin the radius on the circle game and pi related decorations tomorrow.


We are such nerds.

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I'm so excited! I'm working on a French Silk pie right now, and for dinner tomorrow, we're having a do-it-yourself mini pizza night. I may have gotten Moon Pies as a special treat for tomorrow as well, but since I know how awful those are, just pretend you didn't see that! :)

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Oh, boy! The special Pi Day t-shirt for DD is hiding in a cupboard, we're have an egg and bacon pi for breakfast and a chicken pot pi for dinner, and we're attending Pi Day festivities at the library in between.


Nah, not that excited here. :tongue_smilie:

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I love you all.


I just knew you'd be as excited as I am! I have trouble finding IRL people who get excited about this. My husband and dd act excited, but I think they might be mocking me. 😳


But, I know they'll enjoy the pizza pie and apple pie!

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We are hosting a party! We have spaghetti pie, pumpkin pie, and all sorts of circle shaped foods. We have several math games ready and will decorate tomorrow with banners and pi placemats. I have my rainbow loom pi bracelet ready to wear!

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