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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's 5:30! My throat is killing me. Hopefully the antibiotics given during surgery knock whatever is causing the sore throat out because coughing to clear my throat after surgery is going to suck big time!



-drop kids off at my brother's house

-get this baby out of me!

-snuggle said baby and start recovering from surgery


Hope everyone enjoys their day.

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Good morning- dd1's school is closed and because of that no play practice either :)

- go back to bed- done

- dishes

- laundry- in dyer

- go to store for milk- dfil plowed us out, waiting for dh, dd2 is running a low grade fever. She's supposed to have shots done tomorrow but I will reschedule if she still has one tomorrow- got the milk

- tidy house- done

- fold clothes

- dinner- done

- anything else I decide to do- played with the girls

Prayers and gentle hugs for you and soon to be here squishy baby :)

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Happy Birth Day, hjffkj! :party:


So normal life awaits:

--exercise w trainer at 11

--school things w dd (math, chem, history, APHG)

--grocery and library visits

--usual house things and Monday-specific chores

--bday shopping for ddAlmost20

--email APHG syllabus


Dd and I had a very long discussion last night about her academic plans. I now have many topics on which to obsess :eek: including options for this summer (she'd rather attend a summer Arabic immersion camp than ballet intensive!). You know, it's a good thing I never plan out coursework more than a year in advance :lol:

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Clean kitchen

Clean master bath and pick up bedroom a bit

Scrub toilets downstairs, have kids do upstairs


New Contractor comes to give us a quote on work for the house this morning


List a few things for sale]


Help son with wording on his Eagle Project proposal for review tonight


Tonight is our Asperger group and boy scouts



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It's 5:30! My throat is killing me. Hopefully the antibiotics given during surgery knock whatever is causing the sore throat out because coughing to clear my throat after surgery is going to suck big time!



-drop kids off at my brother's house

-get this baby out of me!

-snuggle said baby and start recovering from surgery


Hope everyone enjoys their day.


hjffkj, I am sorry you are feeling so lousy.  Have you tried elderberry syrup?  It's my new go to for cough, cold, flu and immune boosting.

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Good Morning! 


Back to reality today...lots to accomplish and get done this month.  


Hffkj--hope the antibiotics will knock it out!!  I'm so excited and Happy Birth Day! :001_wub: 



  • school--lots of school work
  • quick tidy of the house
  • decide on what to cook for dinner
  • read


Have a great day everyone! :D  

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It finally stopped snowing but it's really cold. All the schools are closed and half of dh's employees haven't made it to work. 


Cancelled tutoring per dh's request- rescheduled it to later this week. 


4 borders need to be cut and pieced for a quilt in progress

nag ds to finish essay for scholarship application

clean kitchen

make dinner

hit the gym with dh after work

fold load of laundry from yesterday

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Good morning! Thinking of you today, hjffkj. Regular day here, I am hoping that dd2 is feeling better, but I just heard her cough upstairs. Sigh. Under the weather, but not enough. No fever, good appetite, just feeling poorly.  I hope she can kick this soon.


To do: 

motivated moms

school for ds3, dd2

oversee teens


pick up study

get February calendar updated

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day, everyone!

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I took my son out for breakfast and to shop for some hiking boots.  Now I am sooooo tired.  I am going to have a little rest until 1:30, and then I have to get going again.


To do:

tidy up


boots for ds

mend skirts for sister missionary (I started, mended one item, and found that I need to buy some thread to match the others...so. tomorrow.)

post missionary dd's letter to blog

hair cut for ds

work on quilt

violin lessons at 5pm

nachos for dinner


healthy habits:

water x x x x x x x 

no sugar 


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Another late day posting today.


hjffkj, so excited for the birth day!  


Didn't sleep much last night so I was already dragging when I got up.  Dropped dd off at school, got a phone call about 1/2 hour later to come pick her up.  Stomach ache.  


She ran errands with me, picked up lunch on the way home, and is now asleep.  


To do:

Finish backing for the upstairs cabinet ala Pinterest.  


Stay strong on the low carb menu.  

Grilled chicken for dinner


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Not too shabby :)


--exercise w trainer at 11

--school things w dd (math, chem, history, APHG)

--grocery and library visits

--usual house things and Monday-specific chores

--bday shopping for ddAlmost20

--email APHG syllabus


I also sent some emails and investigated the summer Arabic program at Concordia Language Villages. Oh, and drove my van to the shop to get the non-working heater looked at!


I need to start baguettes for tomorrow.

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Baby girl was born 12:22 pm! Surgery went well. Baby and mom are good. Persephone Jane is a cutie. Will post picture once dh makes file smaller

Yay!!! Can you please post a separate thread. I have looked for this all day and Persephone deserves her own thread. Congratulations!!

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