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Exercise Thread ~ January 4th-10th


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Today was upper body weight training. I'm a day behind now, but I bet I can get my plyo and yoga in tomorrow and be caught up.


Neign, I'm sorry. Been there, done that. Too many times.


LOLLIE!! WOOT!! You go girl!!


I do push ups with the tops of my feet flat on the carpet because I'm prone to ingrown toenails and I swear push ups cause them.

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Yesterday did some random things with weights for the upper body. I'm all jazzed about that article I posted recently about how most of the benefit comes from the first set of reps so if you're short on time, just skip the next sets.  That's right up my alley...

Today I plan a lower leg yoga stretch class after I walk the dogs.

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WO stretch roll. I'm really committed to passing two progressions this month. I can do this. I'm ready. 💃

Progressions in your martial arts? Are they new katas- or something we call stripes that mean you are that much closer to testing for a new belt?


I'm in bed recovering from a stomach flu.... Ugh. Reading all of the posted workouts makes me smile.

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Seems stomach bugs are rampant this season. 



Today was upper body strength again but this was chest and tri. Didn't feel like it though cause my shoulder was protesting pretty much through all the "chest" exercises. So I used really light weights. Really light. My chest felt nothing, but my shoulder sure did. 


I will try and go for a run with my dog later today. 

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Yesterday was another day of taekwondo for me.  Unfortunately, I've hurt a muscle in my upper back.  It's been tweaking out on me for about a month, but yesterday the pain level was almost bad enough to head to the doctor.  Instead I practiced.  Stupid endocrine system needed a hit of endorphines.  I did some research last night, it's my push up muscle. :glare: I'll be good just long enough for it to stop hurting this time, but it is just going to have to get over itself, girl push ups are gone in 2015.

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Today is a gym day! I'm looking forward to it. I'm just going with my standard workout. i can only afford the trainer once a month so I don't change things up much in between. Right now I'm just focusing on getting into the routine of going and doing the best that I can. Tuesday I was there during the crossfit class, so I was able to observe. I don't think I'm too far off from joining. They look like they are having FUN!!!

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Wednesday- I did manage my 100 swings but TGU's were out on occasion of dizziness.


Snicker doodle- loved the video of the Stadler move. I'm both impressed and challenged. Ivan only hold a handstand for a short bit. In watching the strength and body control that move takes and breaking it down I have a new goal for 2015- I'll be working up from head, crow, and forearm stand to a perfect handstand. For one i can only imagine the power your kicks must have.

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Today is a gym day! I'm looking forward to it. I'm just going with my standard workout. i can only afford the trainer once a month so I don't change things up much in between. Right now I'm just focusing on getting into the routine of going and doing the best that I can. Tuesday I was there during the crossfit class, so I was able to observe. I don't think I'm too far off from joining. They look like they are having FUN!!!

Care to share your standard gym workout? ;)

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Hi friends, do you mind if I join in? 2014 was hands down the worst year of my life, so I decided to make 2015 MY year! I have exercised on and off for years, but this year I am really committed to losing 15 pounds. I ordered a Fitbit Charge HR yesterday, and have set a goal to go to the gym a minimum of 20 times in January. It will be nice to have a little accountability here.


So, today I walked on the treadmill for 65 minutes, did C25k week 1, and then did some pull downs, chest presses, and rows. Once I finish Couch25k, I'm thinking about starting T25. Slache, I would be interested in hearing your review of the program: do you love it/tolerate it, have you seen significant results in how you feel/look, etc.


Thanks for letting me be a part of your group!

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Hi friends, do you mind if I join in? 2014 was hands down the worst year of my life, so I decided to make 2015 MY year! I have exercised on and off for years, but this year I am really committed to losing 15 pounds. I ordered a Fitbit Charge HR yesterday, and have set a goal to go to the gym a minimum of 20 times in January. It will be nice to have a little accountability here.


So, today I walked on the treadmill for 65 minutes, did C25k week 1, and then did some pull downs, chest presses, and rows. Once I finish Couch25k, I'm thinking about starting T25. Slache, I would be interested in hearing your review of the program: do you love it/tolerate it, have you seen significant results in how you feel/look, etc.


Thanks for letting me be a part of your group!

Sorry it was a horrible year but welcome.


It has warmed up from -8 to 2 but still frosty so I did 4 miles on the treadmill.  It was all I could stand.  I may go to yoga tonight if I think my back can take it.

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Thanks for your support. In 2014, we had: 4 broken bones, stitches, influenza, a flooding refrigerator that ruined our kitchen floor and the basement ceiling, two separately leaking pipes that flooded two separate rooms, two cars that completely died and had to be replaced, three family members starting medication for depression, and my oldest son was diagnosed with hip dysplasia which required two surgeries where his pelvis was broken in three places, the bone fragment was rotated around, and four six-inch screws were placed to hold it all together.


I am ready to say good riddance to 2014, and welcome to an amazing and healthy 2015! YAY!

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Hi friends, do you mind if I join in? 2014 was hands down the worst year of my life, so I decided to make 2015 MY year! I have exercised on and off for years, but this year I am really committed to losing 15 pounds. I ordered a Fitbit Charge HR yesterday, and have set a goal to go to the gym a minimum of 20 times in January. It will be nice to have a little accountability here.


So, today I walked on the treadmill for 65 minutes, did C25k week 1, and then did some pull downs, chest presses, and rows. Once I finish Couch25k, I'm thinking about starting T25. Slache, I would be interested in hearing your review of the program: do you love it/tolerate it, have you seen significant results in how you feel/look, etc.


Thanks for letting me be a part of your group!

I'm sorry you had a crappy year. It was one of the best years of my life. Welcome to 2015 :)


Mkay, so... I've done Cathy Smith, Tae Bo, P90X, P90X3 (not harder than P90X, just 30 minute workouts), Insanity, and now a modified T25. I'm mixing the T25 Gamma wight training workouts throughout the entire program because I like to lift, and I'm doing Tony's (P90X) Yoga because I find Shaun's (T25) recovery to be poorly designed and not as safe, not that I know what I'm talking about, I'm just responding to what I feel my body is trying to tell me. T25 is nifty. I don't love it, but I do love Shaun. He gives clear instructions, repeats often, and isn't afraid to physically touch and correct his people so you are absolutely sure what you're supposed to be doing. He's also the creator of Insanity which I like better than T25. Insanity is extremely easy to modify, so don't be intimidated. Shaun say's oh my G*d like 10 times in each workout and we don't say that in our house so I don't do the workouts in front of my kids.


I will swear up and down that P90X is the best workout a person can do at home. I recommend it over absolutely anything else. The workouts are up to an hour and a half long, so some people can't or won't do them. They are safe, effective and changed the way I see fitness. Nothing I've done has come close, and I will always go back to it. 


T25 will work though, if that's really what you want. I'm currently interested in Les Mills Combat, but we'll see if I actually get it. Let us know what you choose. :)



Eta: Sorry, I forgot. I am seeing constant progress, but I believe that losing weight has more to do with what you eat than how you exercise. Also, I may or may not also take Hdroxycut SX7, which I would never admit to, but if I did I would say it works fabulously. I was still around 60 pounds overweight when I started that. I don't know if it would be worth it for you.

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I just started working out this week for the first time in a long time.


I've been doing about 30 minutes on the treadmill and then some stretches at the gym.  Tuesday I also did some weight machines (mostly legs/knee stuff) and last night I did a one hour belly dancing class.


I've done around 8,300 - 8,800 steps each day so far this week.  I set my goal at 6,000 so that works.   :001_smile:


I'm trying to start out really slow because I have plantar fasciitis which has been really bad lately (evidently the Keens I wear all summer are actually perfect for it so it didn't flare up until I was wearing Uggs all the time) and I don't want to make it any worse.  I haven't had a chance to go and get fitted for good sneakers yet so I'm wearing old ones with some Dr. Scholl's type inserts (that I'm also wearing with all my other shoes).


I'm about 50 pounds overweight and have not been active at all since I started working.  I sleep like crap most nights so I'm always tired but I'm hoping that eventually the exercise will help with the sleep and the 50 pounds.

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I doubled up today and tomorrow I'm going to do your WO.    :D


That's very kind of you, Snickerdoodle. I shall return the favor and double up and eat your portion of chocolate ;)


I have a seemingly endless supply so never fear there'll be some waiting for you after your, er, our wo :D

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Slache, it sounds like you are in way better shape than I am if you have done all of those! I would put myself currently on the beginner end of things, and I have heard that T25 is doable for more beginner types. Also, I have previously had trouble with my right knee, so I will probably end up modifying things a little to protect that. But first things first: 20 days in the gym this month!


And sympathies to everyone not feeling great right now - two of my kids have had /are having influenza A right now. Not fun!

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I did yoga yesterday - a new practice that did more upper body than my usual.  not particularly hard, but I felt it.

I also walked yesterday and today ( so, 4/4)


I plan on doing an evening yoga practice, as too much chaos to do it earlier.

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Hi all, I am sorry to hear some of you are sick. It's nice to see some new faces as well, welcome!


Negin, are you doing any better these days? I am thinking of you.


Sickness has been here as well, but not me. DH has...not The Flu but he is a sad puppy. This is a guy who hasn't missed a day of work due to illness in .... gosh, it could be 10 years. Now he is on day 3 of being out of work. It is aches, congestion, and a headache with low grade fever at night and a constant cough. And now today it it seems that he has coughed so much that he has thrown his back out. He is in so much pain and keeps coughing.  All in all, not a good situation. And today I am supposed to drive 6 hours to my mom's to celebrate her 70th birthday. Needless to say, dh isn't going with us. Part of me feels terrible for leaving him, but part of me think he might enjoy the peace and quiet.


So, I did get in one more Tonique cardio session the day before yesterday, but I think I am done with exercise this week. I get my next chance on Monday, so I will see you all then!

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Negin, are you doing any better these days? I am thinking of you.


Sickness has been here as well, but not me. DH has...not The Flu but he is a sad puppy. 

Thank you for thinking of me.  :grouphug:

Sorry about your dh. Hope he feels better very soon. Happy Birthday to your mom. Yes, hopefully your dh can get some rest while you're all gone. 

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I was just thinking that you have a never ending supply. I need to know who your supplier is cause I rarely have chocolate.

Here's the thing you need to know about chocolate...it's a state of mind ;)


And thanks to yesterday's chocolate and tea wo I did not, for the first time in eight days, reach my 10,000 steps! Today I'm back to hill hiking and yoga-Pilates.

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I finally feel human- in reference to all the above chocolate posts- the last thing I ate before my lovely illness was chocolate.


It will be a looooong time before I can face my dear friend chocolate again- cocoa stocks may plummet.


Today 20 yo dd and I are hitting the gym for kettle bell, 30 minutes elliptical and then katas, Thai combos and stretching.

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I hope to start joining this thread daily.  I really enjoy reading it.  Thanks for the motivation!  I have a goal to exercise 5 days a week.  In particular, I am planning to run (or at least walk) each day after I drop my son off at the bus stop.  I'm outside already. I may as well wear running shoes and get a little fresh air.


This week:

Mon: run - 2.5 miles

Tues: long walk in the snow

Wed: 7 min. workout x3  (that was a killer) plus a little walk after the bus came just to keep the habit going.

Thurs: nothing

Fri: 2 mile run (with a little walking due to icy sidewalks) + 7 min workout (I almost died and I just did one time through the 7 minute)  I'm still laying down feeling rather ill after that...


Plan for saturday - go jogging with dd13 


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I finally feel human- in reference to all the above chocolate posts- the last thing I ate before my lovely illness was chocolate.






It will be a looooong time before I can face my dear friend chocolate again- cocoa stocks may plummet.





Today 20 yo dd and I are hitting the gym for kettle bell, 30 minutes elliptical and then katas, Thai combos and stretching.




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Slache, it sounds like you are in way better shape than I am if you have done all of those! I would put myself currently on the beginner end of things, and I have heard that T25 is doable for more beginner types. Also, I have previously had trouble with my right knee, so I will probably end up modifying things a little to protect that. But first things first: 20 days in the gym this month!


And sympathies to everyone not feeling great right now - two of my kids have had /are having influenza A right now. Not fun!


I recently realized that I'm not a beginner anymore and MAN it was an amazing feeling. Someday I'm not even going to be in between anymore, just a fit, healthy person. Tis exciting.


T25 has a modifier named Tania aka The Machine. She's a beast. You won't get to know her very well with T25, but she's incredible. My husband has either a torn meniscus or arthritis, we have yet to find out, and he follows Tania with no problems. He does not do "Lower Focus" though. I'm serious about not liking Shaun's recovery, and if you don't like it I advise you get a $10 Yoga DVD from Target. Good luck.  ;)

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My dd is recovering from her oral surgery, and my ds now has his braces off.  Wednesday was a long day.  But I came home and took a nap, then ran on my treadmill and did kettlebell.  I even got to spend some time doing yoga.  It was nice.


Thursday was yoga day.  I was back in the city and was able to attend a class.  Loved it.


Today I ran and did kettlebell.  I may try and do some yoga later.  

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