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Would it be weird to send a christmas card with just two of 4 children in it?


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Let me explain. Oldest are adults one lives on his own the other is in and out working, going to school, living his life.  I have a couple nice pictures of younger 2 from vacation that I'd like to put on a Christmas card.    Would that be wrong or weird?

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If you could include the older ones in a collage type setup, would that work?


I don't think it's terrible to leave the adult kids out.  Eventually as adults they need to be sending their own cards anyway.  :)


You could always just buy generic cards and insert the photos.  That's what I do.  (When I get around to sending cards at all.)

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If the older two are out of the house, I think it's perfectly fine. 


I still like to include my older kids that are married and living somewhere else, but it's not always possible. 


This year I'm doing kind of a collage of photos, since we haven't all been together since last Christmas.  (Which is weird, because we have all seen each other quite a bit, just never all of us at once.)


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I would be so happy to receive your card that I would not think it weird if you left the kids off entirely and just sent me a picture of your dog.


ETA: I draw the line at cats, though. Putting your cat on the card would just be wrong.

Gasp! How rude! :)


I agree that it's not weird to send only the kids still in the nest. If you had 4 young children and only sent a pic of 2, that would be weird. Mine may have 3 and a blur, but such is our life!

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I would do a collage. If I didn't have photos of the adult kids, I might try getting clever by putting something that represented the adult child. So, if a child was living in another state or country, I might put a symbol of that in the collage. :)


That said, I don't think anyone finds it weird to not have grown, independent adults on the family card.


P.S. One of the best photos I have received was one the parents had taken at Thanksgiving, when the family had been shooting clay pigeons. All the family members had rifles and the photo was in sepia tones. It was SO cute!

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I would use the picture of your youngest two from vacation, but I would also include a picture of your college ds if you could. Inset it, or do a collage. If I'm reading it right it sounds like he lives at home. It feels weird to me to not put a picture of him if he still lives at home (of course this analogy only stretches so far--I wouldn't feel the same about a 32 year old who lives at home because he was still only working at McDonald's, ect.)

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I think it's fine.  Or do the collage - that would be nice, too.


We've had to go the kids-living-at-home route before.  DS (23) can be hard to pin down for pictures.  And he lives far away now, so it's tough. We'll probably have to do a card with only the kids who are home this year, too.  Or maybe I'll just pick up regular cards and throw in a few pics of the kids, so it's not the card itself.  Really, though, I think our 23 year old DS is old enough that he needs to send a card on his own.  Does that make me a mean mom?

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Do the card with the children who live at home!  When you only had one child, you didn't *not* take photos for Christmas cards because all of yur children hadn't been born/adopted/etc. yet, correct?  So now we have the reverse.


Unless it was a huge extended family group photo, I would think it was weird that you made your adult-on-their-own kids come home and pose for a Christmas card.


Especially if you all wore matching sweaters and included the dog. In a matching sweater. :leaving:



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Another vote for fine - collage if you have good pictures of the older two or think that could work.


You could also have something in the note like... "From Mom of the family, Dad of the family, younger kid names, and older kid names (who are off on their own adventures but still wish everyone a Merry Christmas!)"

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Another vote for fine - collage if you have good pictures of the older two or think that could work.


You could also have something in the note like... "From Mom of the family, Dad of the family, younger kid names, and older kid names (who are off on their own adventures but still wish everyone a Merry Christmas!)"


I like the acknowledgement of the older kids this way.


My mom sent out cards "signed" from me for a couple of years after I moved out. (I was signle and doing nothing on my own)

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Another vote for fine - collage if you have good pictures of the older two or think that could work.


You could also have something in the note like... "From Mom of the family, Dad of the family, younger kid names, and older kid names (who are off on their own adventures but still wish everyone a Merry Christmas!)"


I would certainly not be offended or think bad things if I got a card like that, but why not let the adult-on-their-own children do their own thing, or not?


I usually do a family newsletter.  A paragraph for each person and a general one for the entire family. 4x8 photo card, and usually a few pictures on the newsletter. When one of mine is out of the nest, the first year I will probably write something like "Diamond is excited to begin her new job __________. (short decription hre) Her new address is _______________."


And then she'd be out of the photos and newsletter.

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