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I need ideas for Christmas


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I have an 8yo daughter who isn't into arts and crafts, hates anything "girlie", not a fan of legos...likes to play outside, but we do not have anywhere paved for bikes/scooters/skates, etc...I have absolutely NO idea what to get her! She likes tv and the computer but I don't want to encourage any more screen time as it's already too much imo. I need 1-2 things for her for Christmas morning but I honestly have no ideas...and asking her, neither does she! 

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Do you have a couple trees you could put a slackline and guideline between

A camera

A child's wilderness survival book and a tent

pogo stick (dirt works fine for those if you have a hard packed dirt driveway)

My kids could count on their hands how many times they've ridden a bike on pavement. We live out on an acreage. They LOVE their bikes.


Is she into music? Perhaps something like a karaoke machine would be nice.

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The Daring Book for Girls & The Dangerous Book for Boys. (My dd enjoyed both & always said the Boys book had better info.) The books have a list of 'supplies/essential gear' to create a little kit (stuff like a Swiss Army Knife, thread, bandana, etc...), so maybe you could gather a few of those things for her or add the promise to help her gather the materials herself.


If she likes to build stuff outside using rocks, sticks, bark, moss, get the book Fairy Houses for inspiration. You could give it along w/ a few small items like little ceramic or plastic toadstools, etc... for creating her own outdoor scenes.

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If she likes geek/gamer stuff, you could get her a subscription to Loot Crate. I make my kids to Pinterest boards for their wish lists. If your daughter browses her interests she might see some things she'd like. Does she like to DO things? Can you get her a museum membership or a trip to the pottery painting place? An amusement park membership? Is she a foodie? Maybe a wrapped menu and a trip to a fancy restaurant or tea house?

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