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Amazon Echo


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Am I the only one creeped out by the video?  A device that's always on, and always connected to Amazon, with a super-sensitive microphone -- sure, I'll put one of those in my bedroom.


Oh dear, heavens to Betsy, the things I am now imagining showing up at my house in amazon boxes. Not good, not good.

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Am I the only one creeped out by the video?  A device that's always on, and always connected to Amazon, with a super-sensitive microphone -- sure, I'll put one of those in my bedroom.


Um....no. Reminds me more of 1984 than 2001, though.


ETA: PSA Fix Ubuntu <------not necessary unless you use Unity

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I talked to DH about it and he said that Fire TV does all that and more, and that if you want the Enterprise computer in your house, you can connect XBox 360's, which have cameras and voice response, and can be set up to control the lights, etc. in addition to the voice response computing.


Privacy? That's so last century.

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A device that's always on, and always connected to Amazon, with a super-sensitive microphone -- sure, I'll put one of those in my bedroom.

The fire phone already does that. You can always turn Echo off but you are less likely to turn your cellphone off.


I need Alexa's software engineers to do a port to my fire phone and kindles. That would make my kids happy. Siri does math for them :lol:



Hubby's Lumia has Cortana. So now left fire phone without a electronic PA.

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so, I signed up for an 'invitation' and we'll see what happens next. I would try it for 99$, but not 200$. And I am not interested in it if it is a subscription service.

Same here! I didn't even think of the possibility of it being a subscription.

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Oh that creeps me out!  It's like a spy in the house!  lol. 


I can see the history books 100 years from now. "And the unsuspecting people of the former United States actually paid to have these in their homes. The fact the company wanted to deliver them by drones should have been the first sign."


It will be called "Amazon Wars - Welcome to the Jungle" 



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I'm equal parts intrigued and disturbed. I know dh and the kids will want one, and there are aspects that I find really cool - homework help, kitchen help (I'm constantly running to my laptop to look up substitutions and measurements, and I'm terrible at keeping a running shopping list), even the music is pretty great. But the fact that it's always on and always listening...super creepy.



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thought these might be interesting








Lots more out there if you like.  I think I might go back to my default position about new technology: waiting at least a year to see how it does. 


Sigh... I just wanted something cool. Why did it have to be creepy as well?

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My kids want to get one and name it Jarvis, so they can pretend they are Iron Man.

We want to call ours Computer so we can pretend like we're battling the Borg, chatting with Q, playing on the holodeck...

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We want to name it Manuel...like from Fawlty Towers. MANUEL!


I wanted to go with Carson, but was outvoted.  If we do get it, I might just have my way, lol.


My older son wanted to call it Baldrick, so you can tell what he has been watching.


And, yes, yes I do have my Siri speak in a British accent and it calls me Ma'am

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I'd call mine Big Brother... lol. 


Just htink of the marketing data they *could* be collecting through the technology...


But seriously, I've been reading a book about how as a society we are externalizing our memory- because everything is now at our fingertips, we no longer bother to learn by heart dates, names, poems, quotes... and how it affects us as people/learners, whether or not we can "know" something if what we actually know is just how to access it, etc.  Sure it would be great for homework help, but if we assume this technology will soon become ubilquitous, will things like memorizing math facts become a thing of the past?  Spelling rules?  Looking up a quote for a paper will become "Find a quote about democracy" and voila.  How does this change the landscape of "knowing"/ the definition of "educated"?


More and more studies show that not having content knowledge in one's BRAIN is a huge hindrance.  We cannot learn analysis, synthesis, and other high level skills without having the content knowledge, but devices like this give the false sense that content knowledge is not necessary.  Curoius how this will all play out long term... 

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Fortunately, I can play the poor card to opt out of having to have one of those things in my house, but I will definitely be cautious of play dates with friends in higher income tax brackets and faster to recommend getting together at the park or other public places.


RMS is cool. Trisquel is cool. Debian is cool. Amazon is just plain getting creepier and  creepier.


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Since getting Prime, I'm approaching uncomfortably dependent on Amazon. Great for them, not so good for me (but it feels so good!). I'm both intrigued by and nervous about this whole Echo thing. Right now you can only add things to your cart, but I don't imagine it will be too much longer before you can say "Alexa, order me some coffee." Or, worse yet, my son could say "Alexa, order all of the lego sets."  :laugh:


And THEN Alexa starts saying "Hey, I noticed it's been 3 months since you've ordered birth control. I took the liberty of ordering a pregnancy test for you. You're welcome."


And the drone drops it off within the day.  And the pregnancy test is somehow tied into the heath care system and so you then Alexa sets an appointment for your first prenatal exam, except you've already reached your personal population quota, so you're carted off to the governmental holding facility....


Wait. Too far?? Apparently I've been reading too much dystopian fiction. :lol:





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I'd call mine Big Brother... lol. 


Just htink of the marketing data they *could* be collecting through the technology...


But seriously, I've been reading a book about how as a society we are externalizing our memory- because everything is now at our fingertips, we no longer bother to learn by heart dates, names, poems, quotes... and how it affects us as people/learners, whether or not we can "know" something if what we actually know is just how to access it, etc.  Sure it would be great for homework help, but if we assume this technology will soon become ubilquitous, will things like memorizing math facts become a thing of the past?  Spelling rules?  Looking up a quote for a paper will become "Find a quote about democracy" and voila.  How does this change the landscape of "knowing"/ the definition of "educated"?


More and more studies show that not having content knowledge in one's BRAIN is a huge hindrance.  We cannot learn analysis, synthesis, and other high level skills without having the content knowledge, but devices like this give the false sense that content knowledge is not necessary.  Curoius how this will all play out long term... 


I think the world has much bigger problem than Amazon knowing what brand of deodorant I use or whatever.  And that ship sailed with the advent of Google and smartphones.  Speaking a question instead of typing it into a computer or a phone isn't going to make that big of a difference.  

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I think the world has much bigger problem than Amazon knowing what brand of deodorant I use or whatever.  And that ship sailed with the advent of Google and smartphones.  Speaking a question instead of typing it into a computer or a phone isn't going to make that big of a difference.  


Oh I definitely agree that Echo is just the newest and fastest permutation of a system that already exists.  But I think if I sat next to my son and simply answered every math fact and spelling question he asked, he would eventually stop even trying to think for himself... echo is just that extremely patient mother who is willing to sit and answer each question... lol.


And no, I don't htink any secret government agency really cares what I buy off amazon, but sometimes I let that little paranoid voice in my head take over the keyboard for a while.  But we all know Amazon has great marketing techniques.  Every time I sign in to look up one little thing, I end up with eight new books in my basket because the "You might also like..." suggestions are so spot-on. 

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Serving ads is definitely different than the type of spying that Microsoft has in mind, but we seem to be quickly moving toward a world in which almost 
every action — in public and at home — is viewed as a marketing opportunity.



The part I bolded above hits the nail on the head for me.

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The name Alexa comes from this which i used to clean off of my Windows (XP) machines with Ad-Aware and/or Spybot SD back in the day.


Not sure if you're joking or not, but I read that the wake word being Alexa is a reference to the Library of Alexandria.  And that we'll be able to change it at some point.

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Does this do anything more than Siri?


I guess I am not getting it.  I can do most of those things with my phone.


And the family said they would keep it in one location, but it looked like in order to use it for what they wanted, it couldn't stay there.  It had to move from the living room to the kitchen and then to the bedroom.


And when you add things to your "to do list", I assume it won't add them to a Mac product, so where can it be added?


I am still confused.

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Does this do anything more than Siri?


I guess I am not getting it.  I can do most of those things with my phone.


And the family said they would keep it in one location, but it looked like in order to use it for what they wanted, it couldn't stay there.  It had to move from the living room to the kitchen and then to the bedroom.


And when you add things to your "to do list", I assume it won't add them to a Mac product, so where can it be added?


I am still confused.


I doubt they moved it. I am sure Amazon would like us to have more than one. One upstairs, one downstairs, one in each kid's room so each one can listen to their own music, lol.


And I am guessing there are apps that work on a number of platforms and it puts 'to do' things on an app that you have on your phone.


And it is the idea that you don't need a phone in your hand. That is the part that I find intriguing. I hate that I am always having to pick up my phone to look something up, to put something on my shopping list, to put on some music, look something else up, change the music etc.  I bet you will be able to use it to send texts. I could just say "send text to son, tell him to bring home milk on the way home" and I wouldn't have to stop what I am doing. 


And I doubt that anyone who requests and 'invitation' won't be 'allowed' to buy one. I mean, do you really think Amazon won't try to sell one to everyone? I think they are just gauging preliminary interest and creating an aura of exclusivity.

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