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DD8 was suspended from school for the 3rd time this year today......UPDATE post 1


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I'm glad you feel open enough to tell us, TAP. It's important for SN parents to have somewhere they can vent their frustrations.


We care about you, and some of us are in a similar place. You're not alone. We do the best we can with what we're given. Some of us have a lot fewer choices. We try new things and look for what will help, even a little bit. I hope and pray this change will be a help for your child. It's okay to mourn when we're forced to make changes. We live with enough insecurity.


I wish you time to mourn, strength to love and follow through, and hope in the morning. 

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Things are just getting worse and worse with her. Daily Huge tantrums at school, being restrained daily, and now yet another suspension. This is all with an IEP for behaviors, so they don't punish her for things that NT kids would get in trouble for. Today, it took 3 adults to wrangle her into the quite room and in the process she drew blood on 2 and bruised the 3rd. They are getting ready to move her to the program in the area that houses the worst of the worst for behaviors. Nothing like hearing your kid is getting moved out of the special needs program because they are too mean to be there, to make a parent feel like a failure.


It is overwhelming and exhausting. I haven't even told dh that she was suspended yet, because I can't deal with him on top of everything else. I will tell him in the morning when she doesn't leave for school. She didn't even bother to ask to go outside when she got home, she knows she is in trouble and really doesn't even care.


Don't know why I am posting this, I guess I just needed to throw it out to the world so I can let it go a little bit.

I am sorry. I totally get not wanting to tell DH, because that dynamic happens here sometimes.

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Coming in late.


Where are you? Clearly the setting and support is not working. Do you need help with advocacy? Every state has a Protection and Advocacy agency (some are state agencies and some are nonprofits). Some P&As are better than others. In my state the P&A does not make a lot of progress for clients, but state next door has a P&A that is amazing (I've referred people to them and had calls back saying schools bent over backwards to do everything once the P&A was mentioned). So, it's a state by state thing, but getting in touch with them may help you get some resources.


I think you are in Washington State:Disability Rights Washington  www.disabilityrightswa.org

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I have been there. (((Hug))) it was the beginning of 5th grade for DS, (he's 23 now) and he had been been in a classroom for behavior and emotional disturbed students with an IEP and behavior plan. His dx's are FAS, somewhere on the autistic spectrum, bipolar and ADHD. He as too verbal to be in the multineeds needs room or autistic room, and too out-of-control to continue in a regular classroom with a 1-1 aide. When they kicked him out, they wanted to do a private placement, up to 1 1/2 hrs from our home. And they made it sound like a horrible place (in hind sight, I don't think they really wanted to pay.)


Thus began our homeschool journey....which I am grateful for, esp. For all the kiddos that came after him.


However, we moved school districts during his teen years, and when he turned 18 we decided to enroll him again, since he could attend to the day before his 22nd b-day.


Our new school dist. Allowed us to very very involved in the decision and let us visit several schools. The school he ended up going to was WONDERFUL! I can't say enough good things about his experience there. And to be honest, it made me kind of sad that he hadn't had that experience all along.


So even though this feels like a sad, traumatic, turning point, it may turn out to be the best thing ever.


Feel free to pm me if you like.

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Sorry to hear you are still struggling so much.  Sounds like you have a very involved psychiatrist..........otherwise I might suggest a hospitalization and med wash to see if you could get a better handle on things that way.


I know in our area many kids do very very well in the type of school you mention.  The staff is better trained and able to handle their needs and they can really progress.  Hopefully it will be a very positive experience for her.

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