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Oh, uh, whoops


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Today DH did a wonderful, nice, sweet favor for me.  As he was doing it he asked me, "So, what do I get for doing this?" (accompanied with his version of a lecherous leer).  I told him I was about to ask if he wanted me to cut his hair for him, as we have time before supper.  He accepted.


As we were preparing for that he told me he was hoping for more, though I told him that anything I could promise would be something he would get anyway, since he is so wonderful and deserving (and our anniversary is this month, in the midst of the inundation of family birthdays).  We passed a few more sweet nothings while I put a towel around his neck and picked up the clippers.


As I made the first pass up the back of his head, he said, "Did you remember to put the comb on the clippers?"



OOPS.  :bored:



We tried using a shorter comb, and then blending to try to make it less obvious.  Nope, didn't work.  Still looked like a reverse mohawk.  So, the comb went away and I cut it all again, without the comb, what DH says is called a "0".  It actually was easier to cut (after I stopped laughing at the initial oh-so-visible result of the blunder), easier to clean up around the edges, and easier to find the sneaky little hairs that try to lay down and hide when I usually cut his hair.


Now his eyebrows and mustache are longer than the hair on his scalp, and he's dreaming up all sorts of outlandish excuses to tell people if they ask what happened.  He doesn't think they will, but with the scalp laceration from yesterday's head bump clearly visible I think they will.



Nope, no sexy hair-cutting scene a la Phenomenon and other movies (more like something Leslie Nielsen would dream up).  But I am SO, SO LUCKY to have married this man!


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I did that!!! I went straight down the middle, like a reverse mohawk! DH asked what was wrong when I said "Oh NO," and he saw the look on my face. He laughed; I cried. He always wants me to go shorter.... He was a very good sport about it, and doesn't bring it up, thank goodness!


Your DH should be grateful that if you were going to have a big oops, it wasn't while doing his other idea!

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We've been giggling about it ever since.  We also realized that he's "doing a Garibaldi", in a sense.  DH's hair when it has "grown out": Michael Garibaldi (Babylon 5 character) in season one.  DH's normal haircut: Michael Garibaldi a couple seasons later.  His haircut today:  Michael Garibaldi in the final season.

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My dh has done this to himself twice, once on the top of his head and once while doing the back.  Then he comes to me to fix it.  I have asked him not to ever do the back again because, as I tell him, I am a psychotherapist, not a hairdresser or a miracle worker.  ;)  It does grow quickly, but the time he did it on the top and had to go supershort was about a week before family pictures, the only pictures we have ever had of our entire family.

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I did that once!  I shaved a stripe up the back of my husband's head and then I realized the horrible truth!  My excuse is that I was pregnant at the time and not thinking clearly!


I still show the clippers *with the comb thing on* to everyone *before* each haircut.

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Don't tell, but I have made mistakes and not told dh, either.  What is the point, really? 


It does matter where he works, as he is in frequent contact with customers.  They might think that an engineer who can't handle a haircut might not be so reliable on other things, too.


But cutting it ALL to the same short length looked just fine!

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It does matter where he works, as he is in frequent contact with customers.  They might think that an engineer who can't handle a haircut might not be so reliable on other things, too.


But cutting it ALL to the same short length looked just fine!

Well, my mistakes weren't horrible, and I did my best to fix them.  I got pretty good at doing a fade.  After I did what anyone could do to even it all out, I decided there was not any point in telling him.  He is not an engineer.  :)

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