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Talk about coming full circle - the irony just struck me.


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Guess what I'm going to do tonight?  I'm going to buy CUPCAKES for my kid to distribute at school for her birthday tomorrow.


(I did get the teacher's permission first.)


ETA:  I should specify that these will be MINI cupcakes.  Not full-blown cupcakes.

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I don't know. Even with the teacher's permission I think you should send a courtesy email to the entire class spelling out exactly whay kind of cupcakes so they can be prepared with an appropriate healthy treat to combat the evil cupcake.

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Guest submarines

I figure since the previous birthday treat in their class was chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes shouldn't make people too angry....

Or they could be the last straw... :leaving:








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I figure since the previous birthday treat in their class was chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes shouldn't make people too angry....


I like birthday treats, but another side: My dd has celiac, she's fine with not eating shared birthday treats. However, more than once she's been eating lunch (the time when treats are generally passed out) and a birthday child has dropped treats right on her food or in her lunch box (after dd has refused the treat), thus causing her not to be able to eat anything. So, just a PSA, when someone says "no" it does not mean "give me one anyway to eat later."



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I like birthday treats, but another side: My dd has celiac, she's fine with not eating shared birthday treats. However, more than once she's been eating lunch (the time when treats are generally passed out) and a birthday child has dropped treats right on her food or in her lunch box (after dd has refused the treat), thus causing her not to be able to eat anything. So, just a PSA, when someone says "no" it does not mean "give me one anyway to eat later."

This, and it's also disappointing when someone says, "I got a special one for you!" only to see that it was packed up in the same container as the rest of the batch containing the allergen.

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Guess what I'm going to do tonight? I'm going to buy CUPCAKES for my kid to distribute at school for her birthday tomorrow.


(I did get the teacher's permission first.)


ETA: I should specify that these will be MINI cupcakes. Not full-blown cupcakes.

Hopefully the bakery has NEW eggs to use in those cupcakes.



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As a preschool teacher, for the love of God, parent, pls teach your kids how to eat a cupcake.

Not "Step 1: Smash face into the 2 inches of neon frosting. Step 2: Eat the paper and leave the cake."


We've had 3 birthdays in our class this month, two involving the above sort of cupcakes. 2 kids had rings on top of the cupcake. One mom made homemade cupcakes without paper. God bless this mother.


I'm not whining about teaching preschool. I'm just saying cupcakes, while yummy bits of delicious happiness, are also a pain in the...well, just about everywhere, because that's where they end up.


Have mercy.


YMMV, and this doesn't apply to older kids.

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