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*~Crafterthoughts! Share your projects!*~


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I don't craft for holidays, usually, but I can tell you what I've been working on here lately.  My kids and I dyed yarn with some friends and I volunteered to make something for each of the kids from "their" yarn.  I did hats for 3 of them, leg warmers for one, and fingerless mitts for another.  The last kid will get fingerless mitts, too.  Leg warmers were knit, the rest were crochet.  I also have a never-ending cross stitch monogram project that I really hope to finish this month.  Here's hoping! 

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I only craft for my immediate family. Dh and both sons are getting hand-knit socks. Dd has asked for hats and fingerless mitts. I've already finished the boys' socks and 2 Brainwave Beanies for dd thanks to a challenge in one of my Ravelry groups. So only 2 more gifts to go!

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I go to a local assisted living facility and knit with the ladies there every Friday.  We have coffee and chat and knit.  :001_smile:   Small of us work on our own projects but most of the ladies knit 6 x 6 squares that I (and some other volunteers) piece into baby blankets. We add hats and booties and donate the sets to one of the local high schools and to some area shelters. 


On my own projects, I am making scarves and fingerless gloves for one of my daughters.  I also plan to make knitted cotton dishcloths, crocheted tulle pot scrubbers and lined sandwich bags for myself and for house warming gifts. 


I just took a spinning class and bought some wool roving and a spindle. That will be my next thing. 


ETA:  In non-yarn news, I am also making homemade liqueurs, does that count?


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Wow! Everybody is so ambitious!


I just finished these quick hats for boy/girl twins, and am working on two gift blankets, headwarmers which dd wears under her riding helmet, a few other hats to put away as gifts.


I love all of these ideas and really sweet gifts. I am always looking for inspiration.


And liqueur always counts! Please share a recipe if you'd like. Those are always great to have on hand for neighbors and drop-ins.


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I'm working on a quilt to give my sister for Christmas. It's made from these fabrics and I'm using this pattern. I am also slowly working on my "Dear Jane" quilt, although I've not done much at all this month. I start a new block of the month club in October and I'm really looking forward to it because I will learn a lot of new things. This is the quilt pattern and this is the fabric. 

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I just finished a queen sized quilt for my dad for Christmas in honor of his military service.


Now I'm working on ornaments and a tree skirt for the tree. There are 4 females in my family.   That means 4 people with very specific ideas about how the tree should be decorated, so we take turns each year.  This year is my year, so I'm doing all handmade ornaments in red, white and brown.  We make them while waiting for my youngest at PE and TKD classes and she helps me while watching TV. Some are from previous years. 


Already done:

Quilled snowflakes (not quilted)

cinnamon/Elmer's glue dough cookie ornaments in snowflake patterns with white bubble glue and pearl decorations

Polish stars

stiff felt cardinals

red work embroidery


In Process:


no sew quilted ornaments

paper pine cone ornaments


Fall Break Project:


Stack n' Wack quilted tree skirt




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I've been knitting a fish hat during my son's football practice.  I'm about 2/3rds done - it's just the perfect project for a chilly evening.  Next I'm going to knit a big chunky scarf, I have some yarn, but I'm not sure if my needles are big enough - may have to make some out of dowels.


Lion Brand has a US 50 which might work for your scarf. The needle is about 12" long total; about 10" can hold stitches. It holds more stitches than you might think, once you get them all squashed on there.

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I go to a local assisted living facility and knit with the ladies there every Friday. We have coffee and chat and knit. :001_smile: Small of us work on our own projects but most of the ladies knit 6 x 6 squares that I (and some other volunteers) piece into baby blankets. We add hats and booties and donate the sets to one of the local high schools and to some area shelters.


On my own projects, I am making scarves and fingerless gloves for one of my daughters. I also plan to make knitted cotton dishcloths, crocheted tulle pot scrubbers and lined sandwich bags for myself and for house warming gifts.


I just took a spinning class and bought some wool roving and a spindle. That will be my next thing.


ETA: In non-yarn news, I am also making homemade liqueurs, does that count?

Thank you.


My mom was a knitter my whole life. She was brilliant - at knitting and a million other things. She is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's. She can't knit anymore, but she still lives her wool and we rotate skeins for her to hold and enjoy. I know my mom would love to be involved in a knitting group, even just to watch. Thank you for sharing your gift and love with the elderly. Thank you.

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I am hosting a homeschool mom/daughter card making night tonight for 25 participants. I wanted to clean out all my old scrapbooking supplies and put them to good use - so we're making 10 different cards tonight. I've spent the last week cutting out kits for 250 individual cards! Through the process I also donated a huge box of supplies to a friend's daughter, so my craft space is 100% cleaner. It's been awesome to use everything and have no guilt about decluttering!


Next month I hope to hold a kids crafting class teaching paracord bracelets & sewing pillowcases. This way the kids will be able to make cool gifts for family members for Christmas. I figure it's a great way to use up the supplies at my house, encourage someone else and do something productive. :-)

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I finished a knit Gryffindor Quidditch sweater for ds. 


I'm knitting an Owlet sweater in Malabrigo Charrua for my 9 yo's bday and a Malabrigo sweater for my 6 yo for her bday (both coming up during the holidays). 


I'm also knitting a fox scarf for my oldest dd for Christmas.  I have a bunch more stuff I'm making that I pinned on Pinterest. :)

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I go to a local assisted living facility and knit with the ladies there every Friday. We have coffee and chat and knit. :001_smile: Small of us work on our own projects but most of the ladies knit 6 x 6 squares that I (and some other volunteers) piece into baby blankets. We add hats and booties and donate the sets to one of the local high schools and to some area shelters.


On my own projects, I am making scarves and fingerless gloves for one of my daughters. I also plan to make knitted cotton dishcloths, crocheted tulle pot scrubbers and lined sandwich bags for myself and for house warming gifts.


I just took a spinning class and bought some wool roving and a spindle. That will be my next thing.


ETA: In non-yarn news, I am also making homemade liqueurs, does that count?

I vote that it counts -- very cool!


DH is currently experimenting with peppers, like reallyreallyreally super hot ones. He's steeping them in alcohol to make homemade decongestants. I'm a bit afraid of them. :)


I have tons of hobby projects going on all the time, sigh. One year I made a patchwork twirly skirt for a niece, and she must have loved it because I saw it in pictures that her mom posted, quite often. I've made AG doll clothes and reversible knitted animals in the past too. One year I knitted a sweater for a baby niece and cowls for my MIL and sister, and another year, I knitted socks for my mom, fingerless gloves with a mitten flap for my sister (she was working on food service and asked specifically for them so that she had something to keep her hands warm while unloading a truck in the cold), and a hat for my dad (who is going bald and whose head gets cold inside in the winter).


SIL made a small quilt for DD's AG dolls one year and napkins/pot holders for me, all of which were hits.


Right now, I am knitting a sweater for my 5yo, a Renaissance man tunic. I knitted a chainmail sweater and a Robin Hood sweater for my now 9yo, and he's loved and loved them. I'm also working in a sweater for 1yo, but wow, it's taking a long time -- small needles, complex cables.

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Lion Brand has a US 50 which might work for your scarf. The needle is about 12" long total; about 10" can hold stitches. It holds more stitches than you might think, once you get them all squashed on there.

Thanks - I ordered a pair!  That should be a quick project - I hope they get here quick!


I'm getting close to finishing the fish hat - just the fins left to knit, then all of the weaving in of the ends...

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I knit now! There's a mom's knitting group during one of the kids' co-op classes. I showed up with two sticks and a ball of yarn two weeks ago. They taught me to knit! It's a real problem. I've made two and a half scarves and two cotton dish cloths. I have the supplies to learn to make some beginner socks. I'm not much of a crafter, but I'm getting sucked in. I take that stupid knitting bag everywhere! Today my 12-year-old nephew said the magic words to me: "I want a scarf like that for Christmas!"

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