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Is there a minimalist parenting group?


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I'm becoming a minimalist. I would be interested.


Fwiw, I'm minimalistic in my parenting as well. That's the easiest place to do it, for me. As in, for this baby, I will have a portable cradle, a few stacks of clothes, a few quilts, a sling, a convertible car seat and a few dozen cloth diapers. That sounds like a lot :) I only need that much because it will be cold in December and we don't keep the house very warm.

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I would be interested as well.


(Although I also would love the idea of a benign neglect parenting group.....since that is my preferred method!)


... All I need to successfully school is chocolate, wine, and my HTMC tank top!


Perhaps a little less wine would change your mind?

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I would be interested as well.


(Although I also would love the idea of a benign neglect parenting group.....since that is my preferred method!)

I would join a benign neglect parenting group. It proved to be a very successful method for me.

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I was thinking that minimalist parenting was paring down the number of kids you had, and keeping only one or two favorites.


I'm not sure what you would do with the other ones, though, unless perhaps there is some sort of "maximalist" parenting group in your area that was accepting donations.

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I was thinking that minimalist parenting was paring down the number of kids you had, and keeping only one or two favorites.


I'm not sure what you would do with the other ones, though, unless perhaps there is some sort of "maximalist" parenting group in your area that was accepting donations.

If you find one of those, let me know.


Some days I think I could do with a kid or too less!



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I was thinking that minimalist parenting was paring down the number of kids you had, and keeping only one or two favorites.


I'm not sure what you would do with the other ones, though, unless perhaps there is some sort of "maximalist" parenting group in your area that was accepting donations.


I was just thinking hire ironic it is that I naturally tend towards minimalism.... Except in this area. ;)

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I was thinking that minimalist parenting was paring down the number of kids you had, and keeping only one or two favorites.


I'm not sure what you would do with the other ones, though, unless perhaps there is some sort of "maximalist" parenting group in your area that was accepting donations.

haha that's how quiverful families get so big :lol:  They are the maximalist families

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