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Anyone else starting tomorrow?

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I have everything organized and ready to go. The kids are excited and anxious, especially my sweet 5 yo :) and yet, I am dreading the morning :D. I know once we get going and into a routine things will be fine, but the first few days is always total chaos :glare:.


So, who else is starting tomorrow?

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I'm starting my oldest--he's the only one homeschooling this year, and will graduate in December. I asked him if he's ready to start tomorrow, and he got all grouchy and said he hadn't even seen his schedule yet or any of his books.


Hmm--guess I have to get that together, eh? :lol::lol::lol:


As if I've done nothing!!! Geesh.

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Me! And someone give me a kick in the pants, I need to get up and organized. I can't believe I have all my curriculum but I've been pulling things out and trying to get stuff ready for this week, books are lying all over the house and it's a MESS! How did August go by so quickly? For that matter, where did the summer go???



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very, VERY anxious to get back into a more structured day. I'm sure we will have some rocky moments but overall I am very excited. This is the first time I will do medieval history and the first time I'll teach a high schooler.


Quiver-good luck, and too anyone else starting tomorrow!

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Actually, we have had a few days already. Our homeschool support group has Friday afternoon classes, and we are two weeks along with that already. Tomorrow will be our first day of school at home for the year, though. I love this time of year -- new books, new supplies, things planned out perfectly before life comes in and throws a monkey wrench into my lesson plans.


First and third grade, here we come!

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I was planning to...but...since I haven't got everything as together as I'd like, I think we'll start with just some of the work; history, grammar and math. Maybe I'll do some art, too.


I'm shooting for next Monday for the whole deal. We'll call this week "practice". Oh wait, next Monday is a holiday. Well, just don't tell my kids and it'll be fine. :D

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I've got only one this year, and last year with just the two of us went pretty well, and I've thought and researched and purchased and planned carefully, and I have every reason to believe that things will be fine . . . and my stomach is still in knots. I'm just so nervous that we'll get off to a bad start in the morning and it will end up coloring the rest of the year.

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We're starting tomorrow. However, hubby comes home next Saturday and he's taking a week of leave after that so we're taking that week off. Next week is sort of a practice week to get our schedule in order.


You know what my dh calls that?


"Orientation Week"


seriously! We called our 1st week "Orientation Week" this year, and it was absolutely LIBERATING for me - felt like it gave me permission to tweak, and not worry if things went perfectly.


Happy first week, everyone!

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We will be starting our last year of homeschooling tomorrow. If all goes according to the plan, he will graduate at the end of the baseball season next spring. (At least baseball will keep him motivated.) Lots to accomplish this year.


Tomorrow's our last first day of school breakfast out. Our last first day....sniff, sniff.


I'm excited and nervous and a wee bit sad.

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I had planned to start at the beginning of August. Then I had planned to start the last week of August.


Hmm, maybe I am dreading it? I have everything ready. It will be my first time homeschooling without my oldest. I am just not ready for that. Or, I am just not ready to let go of summer.


It is just second grade and not-preschool. How hard could it be? I think we will go to the park and go pick blackberries instead. We can start next week or the week after. Besides, I am still waiting for UPS to bring some stuff. :D

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I have everything organized and ready to go. The kids are excited and anxious, especially my sweet 5 yo :) and yet, I am dreading the morning :D. I know once we get going and into a routine things will be fine, but the first few days is always total chaos :glare:.


So, who else is starting tomorrow?


No, no, NO! Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY. YOU SHOULD NOT DO SCHOOL ON MY BIRTHDAY. It should be a national holiday. Gah.



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We are starting tomorrow :D I have everything set up for a full week (that's really good for me!) and my 3yo is starting her first official "school work". It's a little bitter-sweet for me, so excited to get started but already missing those lazy days of summer where we would stay up super late, walk to the creek on a whim, not drive anywhere for weeks at a time. Now it's back to meetings, dance classes, drawing classes, and horror of horrors a SCHEDULE!


Thank goodness for homeschooling...we can always take a stay up late/pajama day if we need one :001_smile:


Look forward to hearing all the stories!

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I have everything organized and ready to go. The kids are excited and anxious, especially my sweet 5 yo :) and yet, I am dreading the morning :D. I know once we get going and into a routine things will be fine, but the first few days is always total chaos :glare:.


So, who else is starting tomorrow?


We aren't starting until Sept 8, but I'm all ready and I wish we were. But, next week I have a bunch of meetings and I have to can peaches. I like to wait until I can have a full, normal first week so I can hit the ground running rather than limping. :001_smile:

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Of course, it won't be a regular school day, whatever that is!! :lol:


After my ds gets done with soccer practice and after everyone spends a "delightful" 30+ minutes on standardized tests from last year, then we will be officially starting the 2008-2009 school year!


It's only what we call "school-lite". I'm not touching TOG at this point at all, but I think I'll try tacking Greek and Math today.

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We officially started with a light day this morning. I've learned that easing back into our routine slowly is less painful around here. The first week always seems to be a little crazy, but you do what you gotta do.


Wishing eveyone a smooth transition and a very happy year~:001_smile:

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We are! Well, we did seeing as it's Monday afternoon. My 5yo was so excited and very sweet. We had fun and I love seeing the excitement on his face as he sounds out words! Huck on the other hand.....we made it through the morning, how's that. Best that can be expected. He cried most of the morning. I plugged along. It's a typical schooling morning for us but I still had my hopes up that it would be better/easier this year. Oh well.

One down, many, many more to go. :o)

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Okay, it's just "school-lite" and we didn't start until after lunch because of my son's soccer practice and we are still taking last year's standardized tests, but we started!!!


We did spelling, math, and Greek with the 2nd and 3rd graders.


We did spelling, math, vocabulary, and Greek with the 7th and 9th graders.


We'd been off-school for about 3 weeks and the oldest one was bored, so I decided to start up again. We are holding off on TOG until some of the rest of the fall schedule settles down.


Blessings to all of the others who kicked off the year today!

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The first day is behind us. We started out slow we just did history and our bible reading this morning than had to go and take Grandpa to his dr. appt. and then shopping so we were busy today.Got all the running around done :auto:for the week so we can add more to school tomorrow!!

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I have everything organized and ready to go. The kids are excited and anxious, especially my sweet 5 yo :) and yet, I am dreading the morning :D. I know once we get going and into a routine things will be fine, but the first few days is always total chaos :glare:.


10 kids Jean. 10 KIDS!!!!!! oh wait...part of them are raised by now....hmmmm...well, if you are still dreading the first day of school I think the rest of us are doomed.


Ds8 (my only child) and I started our second week of our 3rd year today. I worked. him. to death. My mother, a retired 5th grade teacher, told me I tortured him today. shrug. I was just trying to get ahead because my niece might come to visit for a day or two. And besides dh is out of town and we slacked off and didn't start until 11:00 a.m.


I'm thinking tomorrow should be a piece of cake.

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10 kids Jean. 10 KIDS!!!!!! oh wait...part of them are raised by now....hmmmm...well, if you are still dreading the first day of school I think the rest of us are doomed.


Ds8 (my only child) and I started our second week of our 3rd year today. I worked. him. to death. My mother, a retired 5th grade teacher, told me I tortured him today. shrug. I was just trying to get ahead because my niece might come to visit for a day or two. And besides dh is out of town and we slacked off and didn't start until 11:00 a.m.


I'm thinking tomorrow should be a piece of cake.



LOL it's just the noise and chaos of everyone wanting me at once. They all get excited or need my help at the same time, of course. It went really well and I had many moments that I gave thanks that we are blessed to be able to do this.


LOL @ torturing your son. There are days that feel like that here too, but it pays off inthe end. :)

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