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I give up trying to be a morning person


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Our schedule is going to be crazy this year so I thought I'd start getting up earlier and getting my workout done first thing in the morning.


I went to bed early.  I got up at 5 this morning.  My workout sucked.  I only rode my exercise bike because the idea of listening to one of my chatty exercise DVD's made me angry.  I didn't ride the bike as hard or as fast as usual.


Now, it is two hours later.  I feel like crap.  My head hurts, I'm exhausted and I want to go back to bed.


I'm going to have to come up with a new plan for getting my workout in.  I don't mind getting up early but only if I can sit in silence. 

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It can be difficult to create a new schedule.  Your body may need time to adjust to it.  I know I get up, brush my teeth, have coffee, and sit on the computer for a fuew mintues before starting to run.  It takes my body a bit to wake up.  You may not be a natural morning person, but if that is really the only time to get your time in, then I would give it 2 weeks and see how you respond.  If after a couple of weeks you still feel just as awful, then you may need to figure you when you can get your exercise time in.


But I feel for you.  It stinks to get up, but out the effort, and feel worse. 

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I feel for you. I am a morning person who has tried to be a night person because her kids are night people...I was forced into it. My suggestion would be to workout after everyone goes to bed instead. I do not believe we can actually change our natural body rhythms.

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Just reading your post made me feel grumpy and out of sorts.  I'm not a morning person, and I'm going to be bad and suggest you try working out at a different time of day also.  I have tried to change my body's schedule more times than I can count, and it always feels just as you describe.  Even when I keep it going for months at a time (in college, I'd schedule early morning work out classes, so I'd have to get up!)... Nothing worked permanently.  


Now I embrace the dark side, and sleep in.  

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I actually AM a morning person, but no way would I want to exercise first thing in the morning.

It may not be the time of day, but rather what you are doing at that time.

I can get up early, but want to start my day with coffee and breakfast and a chat or browsing the computer... maybe go for a walk a bit later. Vigorous exercise? Meh.

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I loath mornings, especially when they are cold and dark (which is my reality most of the school year). I especially hate exercising in the morning after years of early morning swim training.


I have to do most of my exercising in the evenings, which isn't always ideal for falling asleep. I find that a nice warm bath after an intense work-out is great for both the muscles and relaxes me enough to get to sleep.

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Can you workout at night? That's what I do. I'm not a morning person and while working out late is not ideal, it's better than trying to fit it in before 8.

That is what I am currently doing. It will get more complicated when school and evening activities start.

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I can't work out in the morning, even when I was regularly getting up that early. My best workout time is around 2 p.m.--I have more energy and can exercise longer. Can you give the kids some independent work while you workout nearby? Or can you make a little time between school and leaving for activities? I can take a five-minute shower after I exercise as long as I don't have to wash my hair again. Or can you jog or walk while the kids are IN the activities?


Sorry, this is one of the most challenging parts of my schedule too :(


ETA: I forgot to also say that you do need to give yourself time to adjust to such a drastic schedule change. Is there anything else you can get done in the morning to leave yourself time for a workout later? 

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I hear you.  I've tried to transition to this many times and I always revert back to sleeping in!  I am going to try and moderate this year and see if we can all get up in the 7-7:30 range?  We'll see.  I MUCH prefer working out in the afternoon or evening.


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Oh I enjoy morning workouts!! I hit the gym around 7:30-8:00 without fail!!!



Of course I am a night shift nurse and have been up all night and hit the gym right after work! Otherwise, morning workouts never ever happen. Which is why it is 1:00 and I am still in jammies at this moment. Change your workout time!

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I can't work out in the morning, even when I was regularly getting up that early. My best workout time is around 2 p.m.--I have more energy and can exercise longer. Can you give the kids some independent work while you workout nearby? Or can you make a little time between school and leaving for activities? I can take a five-minute shower after I exercise as long as I don't have to wash my hair again. Or can you jog or walk while the kids are IN the activities?


Sorry, this is one of the most challenging parts of my schedule too :(


ETA: I forgot to also say that you do need to give yourself time to adjust to such a drastic schedule change. Is there anything else you can get done in the morning to leave yourself time for a workout later?

Early afternoon is best for me, too, but for the opposite reason. It's my sluggish time. If I don't get up and get moving, I'm a total good for nothing between two and four! I can exercise mindless, though, if I beat the urge to veg out in the recliner chair (aka "I'm just gonna sit here and read ONE chapter!").


I have a hard time getting up early, I love to BE up early, but I do not like to exercise early.

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I consider myself a morning person, but anything before 5:30 is officially sleeping time in my book. I need a cup of hot tea to feel human, and the dogs prefer to go out first thing, so by the time I've walked dogs (warm up), given the diabetic cat his insulin and breakfast, fed the other ancient cats their special canned food, then gone out and treated my chickens to some greens or a little fruit, the caffeine has kicked in and I'm more ready to contemplate things like a run. 

If I had to hit the ground running straight out of bed it wouldn't happen. Thirty minutes of getting around helps.


That said, I prefer my run later in the morning or in the afternoon when the weather permits. I'm simply not at my best in the mornings.

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I tried moving my workout time and just ended up NOT working out.  I'm back to working out sometime between 7 and 9 pm.  It's the only time of day when I even remotely feel like I want to work out.  It does get more complicated with evening activities, but then maybe you could do it in the afternoon?  Morning is for reading and coffee and maybe a shower if I need to re-do my hair for the day.

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That is what I am currently doing. It will get more complicated when school and evening activities start.


Make sure you get a little "selfish" and schedule YOUR activities first, then plan your dc's activities around that. Remember that a happy, healthy and well-rested mommy is a blessing to the whole family.


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