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s/o: Baby names you are happy to see being revived


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I also really like a lot of the older fashioned names...some particulars that stand out are...Ruby, Laura, Ida (pronounced eeda), Henry, Harry, George, and many more.


I had never heard of Ida prounounced eeda before that other thread. It sounds so pretty! If that became the popular American pronunciation, I could definitely see it being used more.


Hazel. I love that name. It's one of the reasons I wanted to have one more, so if it was a girl I could name her Rosemary Hazel. I'm still sad I won't get to use it.


A friend had a daughter named Hazel about 6 years ago. At the time it seemed unusual (at least in my area), but it seems she was just ahead of a trend. I've since heard of quite a few other baby Hazels.


Florence, Percival, Charlotte, Maude, Berkeley, Hazel, Amelia, Grace


Charlotte was the name I was thinking when I started this thread. I think that is such a beautiful, classic name.

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I love old-fashioned names. I just don't like when they get popular again.  My #2 and  #3 have "old-fashioned" names that are suddenly really popular and it bugs me. We used them because they are family names and I love them.


Names of kids I know-- Henry, Ezra, Asher, Grant, George and for girls Cordelia, Penelope, Mabel, Hazel, 


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My new niece was named Evelyn, named after my MIL's middle name. That is another name that I think is really pretty and has cute nickname potential--I think BIL/SIL are going to go with Evie (ee-vee) and one of DD's BFFs is Evvie (ehv-ee).

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I love old-fashioned names. I just don't like when they get popular again.  My #2 and  #3 have "old-fashioned" names that are suddenly really popular and it bugs me. We used them because they are family names and I love them.


Names of kids I know-- Henry, Ezra, Asher, Grant, George and for girls Cordelia, Penelope, Mabel, Hazel, 


My youngest son was almost Ezra. It's a family name and we'd told my in-laws that we were considering using it. The next thing we know, all of DH's family believes that is definitely what we were naming him. They were shocked when he was born, and we decided to go with a different name.  :huh:  :laugh:  

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My daughter is June after my maternal grandmother and her middle name is Evelyn after DH's maternal grandmother. I think both of these are coming back around and I can't decide if I like that or not! I kind of like my kids not having super popular names. Although my oldest is Tucker, so I kind of lost on that one, lol! I do like a lot of the "old lady" names that are coming back, I think many of them are very pretty.

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I would love to see Lisa and Laurie come back, especially if my granddaughter was on the "cutting edge" and everyone oohed and aaahed about how creative she was to think of using an overused name from the '70s.


Jennifer, Nicole, and Heather from the '80s not so much.


I like "Hippie names" but I don't have a kid the right age to be a Sage; it was way too overused in my area by the time ds2 came along. Maybe it will come back in time for a great-grandchild, although it may be for the best if s/he never has any younger siblings who get stuck with monikers like "Sunshine" or "Legend" if someone like dxh is there to tone down the creativity or suggest that a better use for it would be the family pet or a character in the great American novel. ;)


It took getting a hippie name flamed by someone on a mommy board who bragged about being the proud mother of Khourtnee and Brittnee for me to see that. I'm sure my parents tell the same kind of tasteless jokes about my kids' names as I do about "Madysyn-Mykenzi-McHaileigh" among friends at retirement community events and one of my ancestors was horrified to have a grandkid saddled with a nonsensical faddish name like John or Mary.


So if I ever get this "life" thing straightened out enough to be a responsible pet parent, I'll post pictures of Legend Sunshine while she's still a cute fluffy little kitten and if not you'll wind up forgiving your dil for naming your grandbabies after her when my novel makes the bestseller list and you find the time to read about all of her adventures. :D


And Brittnee and Khourtnee can always have their names legally changed to Brittany and Courtenay when they're adults, so it's really not worth losing any sleep over it.

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I have to say that any time I see an actual name -- not a made up name or a "unique" spelling kind of name -- I am glad.  As long as it's not Audrey, because that's a craptacularly fugly name and I weep for all the other little innocent girls who are burdened by it.

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I've always liked Audrey better than Audra. 


I like the ethnic names being revived by the 3rd or 4th generation. The first generation immigrants usually had a name from their home country. The second generation had a popular American name. It's nice to see the swing back (family names or just like them) because unusual names are more acceptable. 


Examples from my life: 














Or using the foreign pronunciation with what would otherwise be a common American name (Ee-sa-bell rather than Is-a-bell). 

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I like the older names.  I don't like it when people change the spelling so much that you can't even tell what the name is.  I also don't care for names that can be pronounced more than one way.  Having my name mispronounced my entire life has been annoying.

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I love old-fashioned names. I just don't like when they get popular again.  My #2 and  #3 have "old-fashioned" names that are suddenly really popular and it bugs me. We used them because they are family names and I love them.


Names of kids I know-- Henry, Ezra, Asher, Grant, George and for girls Cordelia, Penelope, Mabel, Hazel, 


Me too! This happened to my mom, she named me Amanda after an old woman in the nursing home she volunteered at....and then every other woman named her daughter Amanda (or Ashley or Britney) in the 1980's too. Ugh! I hate my name.


So I was super careful when naming my kids, like insanely cautious about potential new popular names. I was so far successful with my boys (Tobias and Peter) and sort of successful with my girl (Tahlia) though I've been excited/concerned to meet several young Tahlia's recently, though I think most were spelled Talia. If we have another baby they will be Atticus if a boy or Charis if a girl I think, Abraham and Charlotte are two other names on my short list of favorite baby names but Charlotte is getting too popular for me to risk.


I love seeing names like Ava, Charlotte, Ida, Hazel, Claire, Clara rejuvenated. I've met a couple Benedicts in Catholic families and I love that name. I think a little boy named Benedict but called Ben or Benny would be so cute :) 

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I have to say that any time I see an actual name -- not a made up name or a "unique" spelling kind of name -- I am glad. As long as it's not Audrey, because that's a craptacularly fugly name and I weep for all the other little innocent girls who are burdened by it.

I agree with your first sentence!


But one of my mother's truest and most loyal friends also happens to be an Audrey, so I think it's a wonderful name! She is a feisty Cajun gal and wears it well.

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I have to say that any time I see an actual name -- not a made up name or a "unique" spelling kind of name -- I am glad. As long as it's not Audrey, because that's a craptacularly fugly name and I weep for all the other little innocent girls who are burdened by it.

Surely you jest! I think Audrey is absolutely beautiful!

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I really love Elsie, which was my grandmother's name. I love the name Clara and Clare/Claire. My baby girl who died at birth was Lydia Clare. I think that is one of the prettiest names ever. I'm a little surprised Lydia hasn't been revived, but I'm also glad because I like "hogging" the name for myself. I love Evelyn and any name that could be Ellie. I love Maggie or Meg for Margaret. It was ds9's would-be girl middle name. I like Lillian, my given middle name, but I never liked it growing up. I could reaally get behind Francis (for a girl).


Boy names I like coming back include Silas and Ezra. I like Thaddeus, too. I don't think boy names trend "out" as fast as girl's names do.

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I can't help but laughing at myself over how happy I was to see a 3 year old John and a 1 year old Mary in a sig line. Those were the ultimate vanilla names back in my day, and now they look so cool and unique.

Audrey, I honestly don't think your name is that bad but you wouldn't think mine was either if I told you what it was, so I do get it.


My plan was one extremely cool, unique, and meaningful "hippie name" and either a classic middle name or the potential for a "fade-into-the-woodwork" or classic nickname, but life didn't go according to plan. I would have liked Sage John for ds2, but I didn't like "Sage-Mylastnameinitial-in-the-purple-shirt-who-likes-cats-and-lives-near-Winco's-no-not-that-Sage-the-other-Sage" and I had too many scars from being told that I was a child abuser for even considering an outlandish name like Phoenix back in '87  to deal with being told that I was a child abuser for even considering an outlandish name like John in '07.



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Hazel. I love that name. It's one of the reasons I wanted to have one more, so if it was a girl I could name her Rosemary Hazel. I'm still sad I won't get to use it.



A friend had a daughter named Hazel about 6 years ago. At the time it seemed unusual (at least in my area), but it seems she was just ahead of a trend. I've since heard of quite a few other baby Hazels.



Charlotte was the name I was thinking when I started this thread. I think that is such a beautiful, classic name.


I have a 6yo Hazel. She was named for my great-grandmother. I could name dozen little girls with nature names. Ivy, Ruby, Opal, Fern, I love them all! 

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I have to say that any time I see an actual name -- not a made up name or a "unique" spelling kind of name -- I am glad.  As long as it's not Audrey, because that's a craptacularly fugly name and I weep for all the other little innocent girls who are burdened by it.


funny to see you say this. my sil is audrey and she HATES, HATES, HATES it. she goes by her middle name and threatens anyone who knows her real to NEVER tell anyone.

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Examples from my life: 












I like most of those names, but I sincerely hope Stosh doesn't have a sister named Mary Jane and Ping doesn't have a brother named Pong. Sometimes, you really need to run names by the 2nd graders and tweens in your life to make sure you're not overlooking something important.

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funny to see you say this. my sil is audrey and she HATES, HATES, HATES it. she goes by her middle name and threatens anyone who knows her real to NEVER tell anyone.



I would do that, if I could, but my middle name is a silly, frilly name and has never suited me or appealed to me in the slightest. 

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I really love Elsie, which was my grandmother's name. I love the name Clara and Clare/Claire. My baby girl who died at birth was Lydia Clare. I think that is one of the prettiest names ever. I'm a little surprised Lydia hasn't been revived, but I'm also glad because I like "hogging" the name for myself. I love Evelyn and any name that could be Ellie. I love Maggie or Meg for Margaret. It was ds9's would-be girl middle name. I like Lillian, my given middle name, but I never liked it growing up. I could reaally get behind Francis (for a girl).


Boy names I like coming back include Silas and Ezra. I like Thaddeus, too. I don't think boy names trend "out" as fast as girl's names do.


Ha!  My 2 youngest are Silas and Ezra! I'm doing my best to bring back the old names!  All my kids have old fashioned names.   

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A woman I know who favors more old-fashioned names said one drawback is that people invariably know pets with those names. "My dog is named Silas!" 
"There's a cat at my vet's office named Patience!" She said it doesn't especially bother her when people do this, but some people might be a little miffed. She's tempted to name her next baby Muffin just to see what happens.

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A woman I know who favors more old-fashioned names said one drawback is that people invariably know pets with those names. "My dog is named Silas!" 

"There's a cat at my vet's office named Patience!" She said it doesn't especially bother her when people do this, but some people might be a little miffed. She's tempted to name her next baby Muffin just to see what happens.


Not a good reason. My mother has a dog named Brianna. I'm sure some pet person somewhere has a dog named Aiden and a cat named Madison because some pet people think of their furbabies as children and would choose names accordingly.

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Not a good reason. My mother has a dog named Brianna. I'm sure some pet person somewhere has a dog named Aiden and a cat named Madison because some pet people think of their furbabies as children and would choose names accordingly.

When I was pg with ds9, I was talking to my hairdresser about the names we were planning to use. I said, "For a boy, we really like Mason." She said, "That's my cat's name!" Then I continued, "And for a girl, we like Maggie." She said, "Are you kidding? That is my other cat's name! Mason and Maggie!"

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