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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

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Morning all!


I actually have to get a bunch of stuff done today. I am leaving tomorrow for a wedding, hanging out for a few days, and then meeting dd1 (and teammates) for LC sectionals. I am gone for 10 days  :scared: !


To do:

am practice

get bagels



pay bills

dd1 to cc for advising session

write out schedule for ds1 and dh 1 (with driving directions for both)

driving directions for me, hotel info, car info etc.

assign chores for when I am gone

finish packing

clean up study (place for the piles of mail)

clean master bath/bedroom

make appointments

make master list for things to do when I get back

pedicure if time


Have a great day!


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Whoa Jen, have a great time!


Dh woke me with news that my 30th high school reunion is the 19th---a friend of mine messaged him on Facebook (I dropped Facebook years ago). Now I need to go back on Facebook to see who is going... We have two things scheduled that weekend already. Feeling a bit melancholy.


30 years :eek:


But back to today:

--exercise early inside as the humidity is like 87%

--send dd her daily assignment

--write out developing country project (I have scribbled notes everywhere)

--buy dd's Arabic 1 books

--write out discussion questions for AP HG group tomorrow (each parent is writing two)

--drop dh at train station (going to NYC for a conference)

--run errands while out: a few groceries, library

--discuss fall ballet schedule with dd

--discuss robotics team choices w dd (she needs to put in applications)

--get takeout for dinner :D

--try to sleep without dh here (thankfully, he's only gone overnight twice a year!)

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Today I am quite busy outside the house


Meet a friend for coffee at 1pm and give her a few items she has been wanting to borrow

Drive up to another friend's house at 3pm to go to early dinner at 4pm with a mutual friend

Bring mutual friend back to my house to spend the night to head out in the am to high school reunion!   :hurray:   Very excited.

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Mail returns to Amazon

Attack the mystery pile in the Master bedroom (doesn't look promising!)


Finish section on Mass Spectrometry

play with pamphlet design project

cook lunch  (frozen pizza...its just me and I'm not putting much effort into cooking this week)

meet friends at 3 pm for Margaritas on the porch

haircut at 2 pm

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Good morning everyone!


Toaster over died on me and now I am making youngest's breakfast pizza in the oven, which I was avoiding because it is hot out!  She needs 22 grams of fat to take one of her pills and she hates eating, won't eat, and is dropping weight.  So, whatever it takes.  She is already stick thin so I really need to have her eat something.  Between feeling ill from illness and meds themselves, it's a battle.


Massive housecleaning to do today and tomorrow for company arriving Friday and I need to grocery shop.  There are some special foods I need in the house for them.

Already organized pantry and freezer.  Still need to vacuum the entire house and the kids need to clean their rooms so there is room for luggage.


Have a great day everyone!





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Some of you guys have such long lists. I feel like a sloth.

It's too hot to tackle anything here. :closedeyes: Whine and whine some more.

The laundry is done but I don't want to turn on the dryer and now I have to tear myself away from here to hang it up outside.


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Good Morning!


I'll be in the laundry room and the master bedroom closet today. If I can get that done in-between fielding phone calls, then I'll head out to the deep freeze and work on organizing it. Tonight should find me working in the garden :-)

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Morning, all!




extra sleep because dh drove ds to water polo :001_wub: and brought me Starbucks!


To do:


math with dd

help my mom with some decluttering, paper shredding

math and science with ds

target to return some clothing items

shoe shopping with dd

finish reading my latest book

online class, lesson planning


Hope everyone has a great day!

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My house has started remarkably clean with everyone home this week!

watching Veggie Tales w/#2

hopefully have the pool all set up and swimming later today--dh and #1 started setting it up last night

I may bake some cookies

May make taquitos for supper

Need to fold that load of towels that have been in the dryer for a couple of days


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Angi--hope you feel better!


Jen--have a safe and fun trip!


Lizzie-- :grouphug:


We slept in, had breakfast, and played Ticket to Ride while I finished a load of laundry.


We are going out to lunch, run some errands, and maybe hit Sonic happy hour. We might play some more games when we get back.


We are going to church tonight where we've visited the most. It will be our first Wednesday night.


Daddy comes tomorrow night, so tomorrow will be a big clean-up the house day. 



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Morning Girlies!

It has been so quiet around here since ds1 has been at camp. I feel bad saying it's been wonderful, but..... it has been wonderful!

** hit VBS stuff hard, get a lot done!

** make zucchini bread to take to VBS for volunteers

** little girls have swimming lessons

** Dollar Store trip


Have a great day gals!

Have fun, Jen!

Amy, congratulations.

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Good Morning Ladies!


To Do:


Fold Laundry-

Spend 1 hour organizing the homeschooling room (goal is to do 1 hour a day for the next week and get it all done)

Go to bank

go to post office

pay bills

45 mins on elliptical



Swim lessons

morning calls

read aloud to younger daughter


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So far today I've exchanged something at the lego store, bought dh his birthday gifts (nothing like waiting till the day of!) Folded towels, went grocery shopping, and took the trash out. I'm completely exhausted and think I may have over done it. The first trimester sucks but I'll take this suffering if it means the baby is still healthy! Still to do...


-pet sit

-reapply for insurance

-review budget and see what we can afford for a car payment

-put all laundry away

-make/buy dh whatever he wants for his birthday dinner


But first a nap

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So we bought a dishwasher last night. Obviously, some other big expense would pop up, we joked. This morning, the power sliding door on the minivan decides it won't work anymore. In a parking lot. In the open position. In 95 degrees heat. I couldn't even move it in manual. I spent 30 minutes with the baby screaming before I could finally close it so we could drive.


Anyway, left on the list today is


Stuff diapers

Take baby for shots

Wash boys


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Kathryn--so sorry!


Jean--how are you feeling lately? I think about you often and pray you have the best days possible.




We tried a new restaurant in town, which was bbq. Now my hair smells like a smokehouse. I'm wondering if I should wash it again before church.


We didn't go to Sonic but to a frozen yogurt place instead. None for me, though.


We are going to play another game or two before dinner. 



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Not as efficient as yesterday :)


--exercise early inside as the humidity is like 87%

--send dd her daily assignment

--write out developing country project (I have scribbled notes everywhere)

--buy dd's Arabic 1 books

--write out discussion questions for AP HG group tomorrow (each parent is writing two)

--drop dh at train station (going to NYC for a conference)

--run errands while out: a few groceries, library

--discuss fall ballet schedule with dd

--discuss robotics team choices w dd (she needs to put in applications)

--get takeout for dinner :D

--try to sleep without dh here (thankfully, he's only gone overnight twice a year!)


Dinner was yummy. The three of us got great books at the library. It's going to be a quiet night here, punctuated by laughter :)

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Still Wednesday here in TN.


Done Today:

Dd to music camp

Kohls to spend kohl's cash (found ds19 2 pairs of pants and 2 shirts on clearance - paid $5!)

Aldi for groceries

Tidied house - swept and mopped main floor

Gave cello lesson

Gas in car

Picked up dd

Figured out some stuff

Emailed some people

Family movie night at church (Lego Movie)

Figured out some more stuff and emailed more people.



Lunch - cottage cheese, fruit, chips

Dinner - stewed beef and carrots, salad

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