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I hate Dr. Phil.


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He's a quack and a charlatan. It amazes me how many people actually quote him as if he's some sort of reliable source.


I happened to turn on the tv and his show is on and I can't turn it off. It's like a train wreck.


Of course there are many people who disagree with me, but I cannot see it.


What's the draw?

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He's a quack and a charlatan. It amazes me how many people actually quote him as if he's some sort of reliable source.


I happened to turn on the tv and his show is on and I can't turn it off. It's like a train wreck.


Of course there are many people who disagree with me, but I cannot see it.


What's the draw?

I have no clue. There are freaking college educated people in my family that act like he is the stuff.


I had a run in with this recently. One of my family members watched a show where he was dealing with false memory syndrome and sexual assault.


They called to tell me all about it and to check to make sure my therapist wasn't suggesting the memories connected to my (more than a decade old) PTSD diagnosis.


Where is the screaming emoticon?

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Whenever I think of him, I think of that mom who punished her child by making him drink hot sauce, then go into a cold shower.  She tried to get on the show and Dr. Phil's team wrote her a letter saying her situation wasn't dire enough, so she tried again, with the hot sauce on tape.   Pretty reprehensible that they (1) encouraged her to be a worse parent (2) used the tape of her abusing her child on the air.

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That's what we've got Judge Judy for.

Judge Judy cracks me up.


She doesn't bug me because she is apparently exactly how she appears to be on TV. It's not a put-on. I say that because I have a friend who is a recovering addict who found himself in her court room in Atlanta before the tv show, and he told us about her. Wrote about her in his book, too. I like the no-nonsense approach if it's real and not a shtick.

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A family member stopped me at church to let me know that my dd didn't have arthritis, she was just depressed.  They knew this because of watching Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz.




I asked them if they thought an MRI would prove she had arthritis and they agreed yes, it would prove it.  I then informed her that the MRI was done 3 months ago.  The kid has arthritis, she might now be depressed because of the diagnois, but the pain it's self is real.


I am surround by quacks and idiots at times.

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Judge Judy cracks me up.


She doesn't bug me because she is apparently exactly how she appears to be on TV. It's not a put-on. I say that because I have a friend who is a recovering addict who found himself in her court room in Atlanta before the tv show, and he told us about her. Wrote about her in his book, too. I like the no-nonsense approach if it's real and not a shtick.


I've got a friend who was on Judge Judy about 12 years ago. (Is she still on the air?!) They picked a case out of the judicial dockets in the Seattle-area between my friend and her ex-boyfriend and convinced her to take it on air.  Very interesting.

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A family member stopped me at church to let me know that my dd didn't have arthritis, she was just depressed.  They knew this because of watching Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz.




I asked them if they thought an MRI would prove she had arthritis and they agreed yes, it would prove it.  I then informed her that the MRI was done 3 months ago.  The kid has arthritis, she might now be depressed because of the diagnois, but the pain it's self is real.


I am surround by quacks and idiots at times.


What jerks! Depression is common among people who suffer from chronic pain conditions. :(

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Whenever I think of him, I think of that mom who punished her child by making him drink hot sauce, then go into a cold shower.  She tried to get on the show and Dr. Phil's team wrote her a letter saying her situation wasn't dire enough, so she tried again, with the hot sauce on tape.   Pretty reprehensible that they (1) encouraged her to be a worse parent (2) used the tape of her abusing her child on the air.


I remember that story, but I didn't know the back-story about the show.  Wow.

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I can't stand Dr. Oz either.


I enjoyed very much that he got embarrassed in front of Congress yesterday or the day before.  


He totally ruined purple gloves for me.  



As for Dr. Phil, he's always bothered me.  I didn't know he was still on.  But I think I disliked Dr. Laura more.  


In general, I'm not a fan of "real" TV doctors or judges.

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Dr. Oz performed life saving surgery on my uncle before he became a tv celebrity. He is a fantastic surgeon.

I have heard many very positive comments about him -- both about his skills as a surgeon and his concern for his patients.


It sounds like he was an excellent surgeon and a nice man who got caught up in Oprah's web... and then he probably started believing his own hype.

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My favorite Dr. Phil moment.  I tell my neighbor, the teacher, that we've decided to homeschool and she says, "Well, Dr. Phil says that's fine in elementary and middle school, but not in high school."


To which I respond, "We're not in the habit of consulting Dr. Phil on parenting decisions."

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Dr. Oz performed life saving surgery on my uncle before he became a tv celebrity.  He is a fantastic surgeon.


He probably was to get to where he was, but honestly with his TV show and such, I would wonder how much time he has for actual patient care and surgeries.  I wonder if he's able to keep his cases up, and keep his skills up.  It would be a shame to lose that.

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I enjoyed very much that he got embarrassed in front of Congress yesterday or the day before.  


He totally ruined purple gloves for me.  



As for Dr. Phil, he's always bothered me.  I didn't know he was still on.  But I think I disliked Dr. Laura more.  


In general, I'm not a fan of "real" TV doctors or judges.


Dr Oz has been a  professor of surgery at Columbia University and Dr Phil is a psychologist. Dr Laura is just a nutjob  hack.


I might not like any of them but at least Dr Oz and Dr Phil have real qualifications.

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I have heard many very positive comments about him -- both about his skills as a surgeon and his concern for his patients.


It sounds like he was an excellent surgeon and a nice man who got caught up in Oprah's web... and then he probably started believing his own hype.

This.  He actually seems like a genuinely nice guy.  I just don't think it's possible to put oneself up on a pedestal and maintain any sort of balanced view of oneself.  Oprah has built a machine of arrogance that even the humblest person couldn't come out of unscathed.

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Ugh, Dr. Laura makes my blood boil.  Dr. Phil-laughable.  I am amazed people take him seriously.  Dr. Oz- we have covered how he got caught up in his own press.  But Dr. Laura-oh, if I believed in Satan she just might be it.

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Dr Oz has been a  professor of surgery at Columbia University and Dr Phil is a psychologist. Dr Laura is just a nutjob  hack.


I might not like any of them but at least Dr Oz and Dr Phil have real qualifications.


Yes, I know Dr. Oz is a real physician, surgeon, and affiliated with Columbia.  He has a great CV.  There was a good article on him in "The New Yorker" awhile back.  I remember this, and felt really bad for him:


"“The only question my father ever asked me was: Did anyone do better than you?†Oz said, with a wistful smile. “If I came home, proud and excited, with a ninety-seven on an exam, he would ask if somebody got a higher grade. And if George or Tom got a ninety-eight then I might as well have failed. When I made all-state football, which was a big deal for me, he didn’t ask me what it was or comment on it. He thought sports were a distraction. When his friends congratulated him at work the next day, he didn’t know what they were talking about.â€"


You caused me to actually look up Dr. Laura.  Apparently, she does have a PhD in physiology, and then went on to get certification in marriage and family counseling (but does not have an actual doctorate in psychology.)  

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You think Oprah is arrogant?  I never saw her that way.


Oprah is the worst of all of them, in my opinion.  The height of arrogance.  I can barely even stand to look at her face.


She didn't start out that way, but she ultimately got caught up in her own hype and became so far removed from her audience it's like she's not even of this planet.  


I just thought of a TV doctor that I do like, but then I got all pissed off about Oprah and forgot who it was.  hahaha

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Oh!  I remember!


Dr. Sanjay Gupta.  He has a fantastic reputation as a neurosurgeon, and even though he works for CNN he still carries a full case load.  It's not exactly the same, but he's technically still a TV doctor but has not lost one bit of credibility in my eyes because of it.  



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Yeah, before the show, I really respected him.  His occasional visit to Oprah, his books, all very solid advice and information.


And I too have heard he is top notch when it comes to surgery.  


I don't get why he sold himself out.



Dr. Oz performed life saving surgery on my uncle before he became a tv celebrity.  He is a fantastic surgeon.


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And he is hot.



Ooop......did I type that?



Oh!  I remember!


Dr. Sanjay Gupta.  He has a fantastic reputation as a neurosurgeon, and even though he works for CNN he still carries a full case load.  It's not exactly the same, but he's technically still a TV doctor but has not lost one bit of credibility in my eyes because of it.  


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And he is hot.



Ooop......did I type that?


He totally is.  And his wife is gorgeous.


I met him once.  I happened to go visit my husband at work (he was a piano salesman) and he was selling a piano to the good doctor and his wife.  Very nice and easy to deal with.


My husband's boss stepped in at the end to finish writing up the deal so we could go to lunch together.  The boss had no idea who was in his store, and said "so...what do you do for a living?"  And the reply was "Oh, I'm a doctor."  That was it.  No air of anything. It made me like him more.

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Yes, I know Dr. Oz is a real physician, surgeon, and affiliated with Columbia.  He has a great CV.  There was a good article on him in "The New Yorker" awhile back.  I remember this, and felt really bad for him:


"“The only question my father ever asked me was: Did anyone do better than you?†Oz said, with a wistful smile. “If I came home, proud and excited, with a ninety-seven on an exam, he would ask if somebody got a higher grade. And if George or Tom got a ninety-eight then I might as well have failed. When I made all-state football, which was a big deal for me, he didn’t ask me what it was or comment on it. He thought sports were a distraction. When his friends congratulated him at work the next day, he didn’t know what they were talking about.â€"


You caused me to actually look up Dr. Laura.  Apparently, she does have a PhD in physiology, and then went on to get certification in marriage and family counseling (but does not have an actual doctorate in psychology.)  


I know she has a phd she just doesn't have a phd in the field in which she is working.

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I like Oprah.


She is certainly dynamic and she is an amazing interviewer but some of the things she has on her show drive me insane.

For instance she had the author of that The Secret book on her show and suddenly all these people are running amok manifesting things. 


She has  a lot of influence, when she has all her loony friends on the show it gives them a huge platform from which to spread their loony ideas. That is what I don't like. 

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She is certainly dynamic and she is an amazing interviewer but some of the things she has on her show drive me insane.

For instance she had the author of that The Secret book on her show and suddenly all these people are running amok manifesting things. 


She has  a lot of influence, when she has all her loony friends on the show it gives them a huge platform from which to spread their loony ideas. That is what I don't like. 


I agree completely.  This is what turned me off about her ultimately.


But the visual that popped up in my head when I read the bolded part cracked me up.  

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Judge Judy cracks me up.


She doesn't bug me because she is apparently exactly how she appears to be on TV. It's not a put-on. I say that because I have a friend who is a recovering addict who found himself in her court room in Atlanta before the tv show, and he told us about her. Wrote about her in his book, too. I like the no-nonsense approach if it's real and not a shtick.

I actually find her funny as well.


DH cannot stand her.


Back when we still had regular tv, I used to TiVo her show and play it as a passive aggressive way to torture DH when irritated.

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Need more encouragement ?


I read Oprah's magazine sometimes. And I defend her in arguments with my spouse. Yes, we argue about Oprah.

I think Oprah is magnificent for putting BOOKS! front and centre - I love anyone who encourages us to read BOOKS!


Dh thinks Oprah has very pedestrian tastes in books.


You might need another bottle now.




Except, I read her magazine sometimes, too.  I like it better without Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, though.  And I do like that she encourages people to read, but I agree with your husband's view about her taste.


You know what did her in for me?  I can pinpoint the very minute I decided to not like her anymore.  I was watching an episode and she was talking about these t-shirts she just LOVES and cannot live without!  Everyone MUST go buy them RIGHT NOW because you should never sacrifice quality!  And they're worth every penny!  And she loves them so much she just bought a dozen of each color!   At $100 each.  $100.  Each.  For a t-shirt.  Is she effing kidding me?  Who spends $100 for a t-shirt, much less buys them by the dozen?   She had, at that moment proven to me that she had lost complete touch with her viewers.  And I know that there were people out there that could not afford to do it who rushed out to buy those damned t-shirts.  It was just as bad as Dr. Oz going on about how you just HAVE to add this or that miracle herb to your diet if you want to be healthy.  Pissed me off.  


Whew!  Glad I got that out.  I feel so purged and light now.  

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One of our daughters works at a natural foods type store. People, usually women, will come in wanting the latest thing Dr. Oz recommended. Once it was bananas!! They couldn't understand why they kept running out of bananas until they realized that Dr. Oz had recommended them. Apparently no one knew they were good for you before that. Dd also tells about people coming into the store asking for "something". "So you don't know the name of it. What does it do?" "I don't really know, but Dr. Oz recommended it."

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Judge Judy lives near DH's ex-boss.  Apparently, he sees her walking her dogs or pushing them in one of those dog strollers.  We only visited his house a few times, but I totally wanted to go for a walk and try and run into her.


Re: Oprah, I like a lot of things she does, but I think her wealth has basically insulated her from reality (as it would to most billionaires.)  Yes, she has her school in S. Africa, but she doesn't seem to get that $100 t-shirts are beyond what most people can afford.  I want to hope that she was hawking them just so she could give them away, but I'm not 100% sure that she understands that they are out of reach for most people.


I've enjoyed her Super Soul Sunday show.  She's brought some people on whom I would not have known about without her.


DH is a physician.  Even he bought a bottle of green coffee bean extract after reading something.  I laughed at him.  It didn't work.  Luckily, he only wasted $18 at Sam's Club.

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A family member stopped me at church to let me know that my dd didn't have arthritis, she was just depressed. They knew this because of watching Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz.




No way! I had no idea they were so dopey! My mom has this huge "medical" book that goes into great detail on how arthritis is caused by depression and MS is caused by bitterness and anger. Oh, and you should see the section on cancer! I mean, really, if people would just *get. with. the. program.* we could cure anything and everything with a few counseling sessions and maybe some hypnotherapy.


The only connection I feel with Oprah is that I have shopped in the Kroger where she used to sneak macadamia nuts. That was when she was quite poor, of course.

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