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I'm a regular

Night Elf

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I'll admit I have an addiction to Starbucks. There is one in my grocery store so I can just pop over anytime. When I went this morning, the lady behind the counter made my drink and then came over to ring me up. She didn't even ask me what I wanted. Granted, in all the time I've gone there, I've only changed my order one time and that was with a different lady who told me everyone liked to shake it up now and then. I think there are enough employees that know my order now, that it doesn't matter what time of day I go. They know me. At first I thought that was pretty cool. Then I realized just how much I go there.


We're also regulars at a Steak & Shake restaurant. Ds had a homeschool class on Wednesdays. We went out to eat after class every week. They don't even hand us menus anymore. They know we order the same thing every time. I told my kids that we'd still go there every Wednesday at the regular time through the summer. Dd, who is in public school, is happy that she gets to do that now, at least for the summer.

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The same thing happens to us at a couple of restaurants.  Especially our favorite pizza place -- all the waitresses know what kind/size pizzas we want and what we all want to drink.  Most of the time they'll bring our drinks and say "I guess y'all want your usual?"  And we'll say yes and the waitress will say "Good, 'cause I already put the order in."  LOL.

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I think it would be neat to be a regular.  The only time and place I've ever been a regular was 25+ years ago at a local neighborhood dive bar.  :lol:


But I am not sure I would like people starting my food or drink before I got to place my order.  What if I changed my mind?  I guess I would feel obligated to eat/drink whatever they gave me. 

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So is this something you want to change? ("Noooooo," she said vehemently... :laugh: )


If you do, or want to at least cut back, get a jar or an envelope or something and, one time out of every 3, choose not to go, and put the $ you would've spent in it.

Resist the urge to count it--wait a month, THEN pull out the savings and count it. Decide from there whether you want to cut back or are ok with spending the $ on yourself.


(Then splurge and treat everyone you know to Starbucks. NO, JUST KIDDING!)

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I think it would be neat to be a regular.  The only time and place I've ever been a regular was 25+ years ago at a local neighborhood dive bar.  :lol:


But I am not sure I would like people starting my food or drink before I got to place my order.  What if I changed my mind?  I guess I would feel obligated to eat/drink whatever they gave me. 


Not me. I did wonder about that but since I wanted me usual I didn't say anything. But I would have no problem saying 'oh, today I want something different.' I appreciate they know my regular order but I really do think she should have asked before she made it.

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So is this something you want to change? ("Noooooo," she said vehemently... :laugh: )


If you do, or want to at least cut back, get a jar or an envelope or something and, one time out of every 3, choose not to go, and put the $ you would've spent in it.

Resist the urge to count it--wait a month, THEN pull out the savings and count it. Decide from there whether you want to cut back or are ok with spending the $ on yourself.


(Then splurge and treat everyone you know to Starbucks. NO, JUST KIDDING!)


I'd buy you a Starbucks! But I don't think I could afford the whole group. :)

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We're regulars at our local pizza and Chinese places that are a short walk away. We mainly get take-out, but the first time we did dine-in at the Chinese place the lady was surprised that we were married. That meant A LOT of food was going to the same house :-/

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We have one restaurant where they know us like that. Probably because if we do have the chance to go out to eat (doesn't happen too often), we always, always go there. Best burger I've ever had, and I haven't ordered anything different in 13 years!


It makes me happy that they know us that well. I'm glad we're supporting a local business, and everybody likes to feel like Norm somewhere they go, right?

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I was a regular at the local coffee place and then they started changing baristas and not training them as well, so I haven't been as often recently. My favorite "regular customer" experience at the moment is the Thai restaurant we order takeout from regularly. Usually by mid phone order, the owner or his wife will interrupt me and say "for Amanda?" :-) Apparently we're the only family that orders our particular combo of items. DS and I always get the same thing, but DH alternates between a few different entrees. Funny to be recognized over the phone!

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Our local Starbucks knows the entire family's regular order and they recognize us even in the drive thru. I am not sure if they have a camera or if they just recognize our voices or if they place us from the first drink ordered but they do ask us if we want our regular order. And I am almost embarrassed to admit this but the guy at the local liquor store also knows what we buy on a regular basis. This is handy because sometimes my hubby will accidently pick up there wrong bottle and the guy ask him if that is what he meant to get. 

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We've been getting Chinese takeout for so long at the same place, that when I place my regular order, they ask, "M, will you or A (hubby) be picking the order up?"  without ever asking who it is first...


Dd had a class this year, and during it I went to the local B&N every week and got her a stuffed pretzel.  I'd get myself soup.  By the end of the year they'd start getting the pretzel and checking to see if the soup was ready practically before I got to the counter...

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So who what's your regular order? :D


Tall double espresso mocha, no whip cream. Basically, it's hot chocolate with espresso. I budget weight watchers points for it even. I've tried the vanilla machiato and it was just okay. It's better calorie wise, but not as good taste wise.

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We were fairly regular at a local Thai restaurant but quit going when I changed to Low Carb.  A few weeks ago though, we decided to eat there and the server who knows us was so excited to see us.  He even asked, "We haven't seen you in so long.  Did we do something wrong?"  I felt bad for him!  So then we ordered our usual appetizer but it wasn't our usual server who took the order.  When we got it, it wasn't what we ordered.  We flagged our regular guy down and explained.  He put his hand to his head and said, "I should've known he got it wrong!  I know what you order!"  :rofl:

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When they see our car pull into the lot at the Dunkin Donuts down the street, they start our drinks.  I love the looks I get when people are already standing at the counter waiting on the one person to make their drinks, and the other person has ours done before we even come in. :) 

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In my late teens/early twenties I grill cooked for a small, family restaurant.  There was this old farmer who came in every.single.morning like clockwork.  He always ordered 2 eggs over easy, bacon and white toast.  As soon as I saw him come in the door, I'd cook his food.  I'd usually have it done by the time he'd settled with his paper and the waitress would bring it to him with his coffee.  :D

We're regulars at the local Chinese restaurant.  They know me by name and if I come in without the kids, I hear, "Hi Rebecca!  Where's the kids today!?  They're always at least a couple little ones swarming around you..."  :P

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We regularly get take-out from a neighborhood place.  We have a regular order (although we go through phases.)  Right now our order is 3 orders of Chili Paneer and Veg Friend Rice.  Yes, 3 orders - it is THAT good.  So when I call and order only 1 order the guy on the phone usually questions if I got it right!  I feel they anticipate our orders - the food is often delivered before I have had time to set the table!!

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