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More reasons not to live in Australia

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I have seen those lists going around.  I figure that you just get used to the risks and eccentricities of a place.  Like, I could make a list of reasons not to live in North America and it would show...


* a truck totaled after hitting a caribou and the caribou walking away

* a brown recluse

* lots of poisonous snakes

* something quirky from Appalachia

* something tacky from...  oh, I dunno...  Florida?  Vegas?

* a deer eating your shrubbery

* a squirrel attacking you for food

* an opossum stuck in your trash can

* something disgusting on a fast food menu


And boom...  there.

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Guest submarines

You are positively obsessed with Australia. :smilielol5:


ETA: All those posts and photos make me want to live in Australia.

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I have seen those lists going around.  I figure that you just get used to the risks and eccentricities of a place.  Like, I could make a list of reasons not to live in North America and it would show...


* something quirky from Appalachia


And boom...  there.

I can HEAR you!

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I dunno, I might be happy to put up with the weather and mad critters if the men in Australia look anything like that fisherman...


..and my cat would take that koala down... :)


Your cat must be that hero cat that fights off mean dogs. ;)

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You really don't want to come here. The place is falling apart. We have a sleaze of a PM who wants us to be America without the good bits. The wildlife is the least of it.


I think you may have been born in the wrong place... ;)


Or is this like when I tell people not to move to North Carolina because it's terrible when I'm really thinking, too many yankees are ruining my home state...

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We've had a kangaroo snatch a 'snag' out of my daughter's hand while she was eating it. And, an emu steal them off the grill while they were cooking. Unfortunately, no pictures of that. But, lot's of fun memories.

That makes me think of Diary of a Wombat.


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We really must be a different breed.

Looking through those just made me even more pleased to live here.

I have traveled outside Australia and the fact that most of these just seem normal to me is why I love this place.


I kid!  I'd love to visit Australia.


We've had a kangaroo snatch a 'snag' out of my daughter's hand while she was eating it. And, an emu steal them off the grill while they were cooking. Unfortunately, no pictures of that. But, lot's of fun memories.


Um, what's a snag?


Here is our Canadian one. Fairly accurate, but not entirely  :tongue_smilie:


Hahahaha!  That was hilarious.  Canadians make me laugh.  In a good way.  

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What would a roo actually want with a snag? Aren't they herbivores?


I live in a place with poisonous spiders, scorpions, rattlesnakes, Velveeta, and several people featured on that Doomsday Preppers tv show...also downwind of a very large nuclear power plant. Did I mention the haboobs or that it's legal to shoot someone from your car in self defense? Or the packs of wild dogs that roam the suburbs? Temps in the 40C's...


The only part of Australia I've seen is Darwin. Trade minor details of wildlife (termites for fire ants, frilled lizards for horny toads), minority population (Aboriginal Australians for Mexicans), and remove the crocodile infested beach and 95% of the flies and it's Amarillo, Texas. It wouldn't take long for more to feel at home in Australia, I think.

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  eta: snag    except skip the ketchup 'cause ketchup is gross.


(((soul sister))))


I almost never eat ketchup. I never gave it to my dc. I decided it was evil when a friend came over for dinner with her family, and I served enchilada crepes, made from scratch, and she had to get up from the table and search my fridge for ketchup, because she had to have ketchup on everything. I purposed at that moment that I would not give it to my dc. :-p

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quote from Sadie" You really don't want to come here. The place is falling apart. We have a sleaze of a PM who wants us to be America without the good bits. The wildlife is the least of it."


Well I don't know. I voted for the first time of my life for the PM that we currently have. I wanted the budget back in balance- I think he is heading in the right direction, and yes I will be $$ impacted heavily if the proposed budget cuts pass.





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I have seen those lists going around.  I figure that you just get used to the risks and eccentricities of a place.  Like, I could make a list of reasons not to live in North America and it would show...


* a truck totaled after hitting a caribou and the caribou walking away

* a brown recluse

* lots of poisonous snakes

* something quirky from Appalachia

* something tacky from...  oh, I dunno...  Florida?  Vegas?

* a deer eating your shrubbery

* a squirrel attacking you for food

* an opossum stuck in your trash can

* something disgusting on a fast food menu


And boom...  there.


As seen on tv gadgets: 

the pocket hose

the perfect bacon bowl



hot dog slicer

banana slicer


Grocery store: 

giant bottle of soda



Strange news (from my local news station this week): 

Teen Girl Kicked Out of Homeschool Prom (you know, that one)

Man Stole Bread Truck, Made Deliveries

Australia Alleges Smuggler had Bird Eggs in Pants (oh, wait, we're back to Australia, oops)

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we have terrible trouble around my area trying to BBQ sausages (Snags) , the Kookaburras swoop down and take them right off the BBQ, they will also swoop down and take them out of your hand as well.


SHUT UP!  That would scare the crap out of me.  Birds creep me out anyway, so this would just be horrible.  Don't get me wrong, I like looking at birds, but I don't actually like them.  I nearly had a heart attack at the Eiffel Tower when the pigeons swooped down and practically covered Indy when he held out bread in both his hands.  In Monaco, I had a sandwich, and was actually looking for a place to throw the little bit left away, when this HUGE bird swooped out and took it right out of my hand.  I actually screamed a little.  A police officer nearby (I was near the palace, so there were loads of police) came to see if I was okay, and laughed when I told him why I'd screamed.  He laughed and told me in his heavily accented English, that it happens all the time.  Ack!

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LOL, are we exempt from political discussion ? Maybe I'll err on the side of caution and just say that deregulation of the university system and the dismantling of the Medicare system are in nobody's interest except the elite. The Budget 'emergency' is manufactured in order to serve ideological reform. The Guardian has had some good articles on what's going on - look up Lenore Taylor's pieces for some unbiased info.

I wish my smilys were working and I would post the one with the toung sticking out. I think we can talk politics but Americans cannot ;-)


I believe any time the budget is in the read it is an "emergency". We, the people and the government need to live within our means.

I am directly impacted by University deregulation, having children at uniand other tertiary institutions and I myself, am currently going to Uni. My son is one of those people who can only go to Uni because he is the recipient of 2 commonwealth scholarships, plus gets youth allowance, plus a commonwealth student loan, all things that will continue in the new budget

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Mom in High Heals wrote "SHUT UP! That would scare the crap out of me" then you wouldn't like Australian Magpies. they swoop to drove people off when they are nesting. you have to wear something on your head to stop getting pecked, something like a box with eyes drawn on or a bike helmet or in an emergency you can hold you r hands up like wings above your head in the hope that the will hit your hands instead of your head.

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I don't agree with all the cuts. example.. I think it will be a mistake to increase the pension age to 70.


afraid we will have to disagree on the rest though. I am in the lowest of the low income earners- below the poverty line and will be negatively impacted- but believe the government HAS to start living within it's means.

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Mom in High Heals wrote "SHUT UP! That would scare the crap out of me" then you wouldn't like Australian Magpies. they swoop to drove people off when they are nesting. you have to wear something on your head to stop getting pecked, something like a box with eyes drawn on or a bike helmet or in an emergency you can hold you r hands up like wings above your head in the hope that the will hit your hands instead of your head.


Please tell me you're kidding!  Man, I've always, always wanted to go to Australia, but things like this terrify me.  Maybe if I just visited Sydney it wouldn't be an issue?

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In 5 years in Australia dh has been dive bombed by a Magpie while cycling, a joey (baby kangaroo) knocked over my son (then 4yrs) and boxed him, a couple of Very Poisonous snakes have crossed my path while I was out walking (regular walking on a paved path, not hiking) and the redback spiders and I have reached an agreement whereby they get the garden and shed, and I keep the house. Want to know what does worry me? I've twice had a breathalyser test before 2pm on a weekday (roadblock set up where every driver passing through is tested). I can only assume that allocating half a dozen or more police officers to the operation means that there are plenty of drunk drivers on the road at 2pm on an average week day. Now THAT scares me.

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Sydney has funnel webs though. They are pure evil. We see koalas all the time. In the otways they are practically at plague level! We've seen enormous roos on our property.... They've never nicked a snag though! The cockatoos are more likely to do it, they're big and there's hundreds!

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magpies are famous for dive bombing. They're a protected species too though. We had a nasty one at our old place, used to bomb into the backyard. We were told they could only relocate it if it's a male, and not very far away. As kids, particular parks you'd run past at certain times of year. Love that pamela Allen book about magpies, waddle giggle gargle.

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A few months back, a magpie dropped my husband a worm as a 'thank you' gesture. As my DH hand feeds him cheese daily. I told him he should have removed the worm, so it would've looked like he ate it, lol!


They are actually a really nice bird. They only attack if they have a nest and have been harassed by people before etc...

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Is there a reason you think taking money from pensioners instead of people earning over $100 000 and getting free tax breaks on their super is a grand idea ?


If you have investigated those things and come to your own conclusions about surplus being more important than fairness and social justice, then we'll just have to disagree.

They are taking money from people earning over $100 000... we earn just over and are being docked almost $5000 because we happen to be the worst case scenario...stay at home mum with 3 kids.


I'm not complaining too loudly...although that money funded our homeschooling so will have to cut back to find that.


But I am complaining about the medicare fee. I know people are thinking " oh what are you sooking about paying $7 when you earn so much money".


Well here is my whinge:


We don't qualify for a healthcare card and can't afford private insurance so I pay full price for dr visits and medication.


I live in the country where the only medical practice does not bulk bill...so every time I go to the Dr I currently pay $68 ....must pay upfront or they won't let me see a dr...DH has been refused service once when he didn't have the money. I also have to pay upfront cash for all xrays yada yada.


My medications cost me $78. I have been known to skip them occasionally when I can't afford them. Going to the dr just to renew my script costs $68 and then buying my meds on top of that can mean a $150 outlay for me.


So yes...I am whinging about the supposed $7 as I am sure I will be charged that on top of what I already pay.


We don't qualify for any electricity, gas,water etc discounts....so we pay full price for everything.


We are not "rich" as everyone supposes we must be because we earn more....we also pay more.


My kids wear Target clothes and don't do any extra curriculars cause we can't afford them after bills ....just like anyone else who earns less then we do.


OK. I could go on forever about how if I can't make ends meet and can't always afford a doctor then how are people on pensions supposed to.


I live in a low income/ welfare area. My kids went to playgroup with kids who were terribly ill all winter because their houses were freezing and they all slept in one bed to keep warm. I can't imagine how those poor kids will cope if they can't go to the DR for medication because their parents can't afford to take them. These are kids whose parents would pile the kids plate high with fruit on playgroup day because it was provided free and they couldn't afford it at home. I always stood at the back of the line with my kids ....my kids got fruit at home.


There really are poor people in Australia and yes...they really can't afford $7 for dr visits. If they can't afford fruit for their kids how will they afford University? People with chronic illnesses often go to the doctor once or more a week...it adds up. $7 seems nothing for the people who have it....but for those who don't it can mean the difference between getting their child antibiotics and stopping the illness before it turns into pneumonia and lands them in hospital for a week...which costs tax payers way more then the initial $7.


I won't even go into the effect on Aboriginal children in communities with social problems ....those children will never be taken to the dr if their parents need money to do it. Alice Springs Hospital already has a separate ward just for RSV because it is so common in Aboriginal children ..the ER will be jam packed with parents who don't have money to visit a Dr and parents won't bring their kids in till they are on deaths doorstep.



Now back to OP....anybody silly enough to be attacked by a croc gets no sympathy from me...it's not like they are lurking in every alleyway. There are signs posted were the crocs are... you deserve to be croc food if you swim or boat there...

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Sydney is safe. As long as you don't go in the water.

Because there are crocodiles? Are they in the ocean too? I once went swimming in the Indian Ocean and a small crocodile came out of the water right where I'd been. It scared the bejeezus out of me.

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Want to know what does worry me? I've twice had a breathalyser test before 2pm on a weekday (roadblock set up where every driver passing through is tested). I can only assume that allocating half a dozen or more police officers to the operation means that there are plenty of drunk drivers on the road at 2pm on an average week day. Now THAT scares me.

Isn't that the truth though? A year ago they set up a booze bus in our area on a public holiday and in 2 hrs they had caught over 300 people driving over the limit. We don't drive anywhere on major drinking holidays ie new years, australia day

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Because there are crocodiles? Are they in the ocean too? I once went swimming in the Indian Ocean and a small crocodile came out of the water right where I'd been. It scared the bejeezus out of me.

I think she means the sharks.. The crocs are usually inland in the rivers and lakes.

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Mom in High Heals wrote "SHUT UP! That would scare the crap out of me" then you wouldn't like Australian Magpies. they swoop to drove people off when they are nesting. you have to wear something on your head to stop getting pecked, something like a box with eyes drawn on or a bike helmet or in an emergency you can hold you r hands up like wings above your head in the hope that the will hit your hands instead of your head.


Sounds a bit like our mockingbirds except they'll stop attacking if you walk away from their tree. Yes, I've been attacked by a mockingbird and lived to tell the tale! :laugh:


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You all are scaring the crud out of me! I used to think I wanted to visit Australia. Now I'm afraid to step off the plane! :eek:



I could say the same thing when I stepped off the plane in LA and there were armed guards everywhere...as in big, huge guns slung over their shoulders ( this was just after 9/11). You don't see guns out in public like that in Australia...not even on police or guards...they have little hand guns tucked in holsters under their jackets.


I was petrified they were going to start shooting at me for having a restricted item in my bag...which I didn't and they probably would't ....but fear makes you a bit stupid LOL.


And all the Americans were walking around the airport like la dee da and I was grabbing my DH (Canadian so not so freaked about guns) and saying " They have guns, they have guns, what the heck, let me get behind you" LOL

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Mom in High Heals wrote "SHUT UP! That would scare the crap out of me" then you wouldn't like Australian Magpies. they swoop to drove people off when they are nesting. you have to wear something on your head to stop getting pecked, something like a box with eyes drawn on or a bike helmet or in an emergency you can hold you r hands up like wings above your head in the hope that the will hit your hands instead of your head.

North American Jays do this too.

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I think she means the sharks.. The crocs are usually inland in the rivers and lakes.



Because there are crocodiles? Are they in the ocean too? I once went swimming in the Indian Ocean and a small crocodile came out of the water right where I'd been. It scared the bejeezus out of me.


Um, Salt water crocs (those are the big nasty ones), do live in salt water. They also travel a long, long way up fresh water rivers but they like to live in salt water. Love mangroves.

My niece was cross because her mum wouldn't let her swim at the nice Darwin beaches, near the traps set for huge salties.

Most traps can only catch those under 6 metres.

They go from invisible under the water to suddenly launching metres straight out at their prey.

Very bejeezus scaring.


Welcome to Australia and have a nice day    :)

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You all are scaring the crud out of me! I used to think I wanted to visit Australia. Now I'm afraid to step off the plane! :eek:




OMG, me too!  Australia seems like a whacky place!  How did all those strange animals end up in one place???


I could say the same thing when I stepped off the plane in LA and there were armed guards everywhere...as in big, huge guns slung over their shoulders ( this was just after 9/11). You don't see guns out in public like that in Australia...not even on police or guards...they have little hand guns tucked in holsters under their jackets.


I was petrified they were going to start shooting at me for having a restricted item in my bag...which I didn't and they probably would't ....but fear makes you a bit stupid LOL.


And all the Americans were walking around the airport like la dee da and I was grabbing my DH (Canadian so not so freaked about guns) and saying " They have guns, they have guns, what the heck, let me get behind you" LOL


Hahaha!  Have you ever flown through Germany?  The Polezei are crazy scary.  They are known for their "shoot first, ask questions later," attitude.  They do not mess around.  I've never had a problem not feeling safe there though.  You know, as long as I don't do anything I shouldn't.

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