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How many people here vote absentee and why?

How do you vote (if you are in the US)?  

  1. 1. How do you vote (if you are in the US)?

    • I vote in person at the polls
    • I vote absentee
    • I don't vote but am eligible to vote in the US
    • I'm not eligible to vote in the US
    • Other

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I voted absentee in CA because it was easier, here in FL we have early voting for 2 weeks and it is WAYYYY easier to go do that as you are driving by on your schedule.


ETA: I voted other, because i didn't think that early voting was probably the same as going to the polling place election day.

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I started voting absentee years ago, I wanted to have time to think about what was on the ballot.


However our county switched recently to all absentee voting.


I would always take my ballot in to the polling station. I thought it was important to model the importance of filling my civic duty to my kids. Now with the absentee voting in place they have drop stations. So I lug all my kids down to the county auditors office to drop my ballot in. It works just as well.

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I love to vote by absentee. I love to pull out the voter pamphlet and any other information I need or research more online. My dh and I talk (and sometimes vote differently) and we include the kids. I have never missed a chance to vote if I can help it and this just makes it that much more convenient for people.

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However our county switched recently to all absentee voting.


Ours, too, Traci. I liked going to the polls. Now, to do our "civic duty" before our kids we talk about the issues/candidates in front of them, and they watch me fill out my ballot as well. They also babysit so I can run to the county office to turn in the ballot, lol.

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I hate it when I post a poll and people right away tell me I need another option, but...You need another option.:D An increasing number of areas only offer voting by mail, which is true of my county, unfortunately. I far preferred going to the polls in person.

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I started voting absentee years ago, I wanted to have time to think about what was on the ballot.


However our county switched recently to all absentee voting.


I would always take my ballot in to the polling station. I thought it was important to model the importance of filling my civic duty to my kids. Now with the absentee voting in place they have drop stations. So I lug all my kids down to the county auditors office to drop my ballot in. It works just as well.



Ha! I just had to laugh, that would be a pretty long trip for me, I'd have to cross an ocean! :lol: But I absolutely agree with the importance of being a good example in doing your civic duty.

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I vote by mail-in ballot when possible (which I think might be all the time now).


I like the idea of taking the boys to the polls, and we've done that before, but in reality I much prefer not having to take the boys to the polls. Instead we talk about the ballot at home, who I'm voting for and why, and any other topics that come up. We talk politics quite a bit around here, so the mail-in voting is just an extension.

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In the falls of 92, 96, 00, and 04, I was miserably pregnant (once), or had brand new babies (1 week to 5 weeks old). I loved not having to take them out. We all watch the news and discuss candidates and issues together, so I don't feel like we're missing out by not going to a polling place.



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We started voting absentee when we were stationed in Germany. Now I do it because I grew to like the sitting down and looking everything over, making my choices, signing, sealing and being done. We drop ours off in person, though--why, I don't know, but it always works out like that.;)

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I vote at the polls, shortly before voting officially starts--since I'm precinct judge I get to play canary in the coal mine in determining whether the equipment's working properly.


I've already had two anxiety dreams this summer regarding the upcoming election; while it makes a nice template change from having to find the building where I'm to take the final in the class I didn't know I was registered for, I am worried about how swamped the polls are going to be this fall. If anyone has the chance to do early voting of any sort, I would recommend it. Otherwise, you're likely to be standing in line for a long while with a few snarly individuals who never imagined anyone else might turn out at the same time to vote that they did and you can rest assured they're not going to be quiet enough to let you get in a bit of extra reading while you wait.

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I voted absentee when I was away at college. I did this by mail.


More recently I have voted absentee by voting at my police station a few weeks before the election. We can go into the police station and fill in the forms to vote absentee and then vote in a regular voting booth. I've done this because my due date was real close to the election one year. Dh did the same. Dh also did this when he realized he was scheduled for work travel over election day--he's done that 3 times.


Before I knew about voting at the police station I almost missed voting in what was key election. I got home from giving birth the day before. I'd had serious complications and was supposed to stay in bed. I demanded someone drive me to the polls. My mom took me, but she was upset about doing so--I was in bad shape. When I was pregnant and due at the same time 3 years later, I made other plans before the election.

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I have voted absentee in my home state for the last 15 years because I'm a military spouse.


However, I know lots of other people vote absentee just because it's easier than going to the polls. Do you prefer voting absentee or voting at the polls?


After all these years of voting absentee (military), we are finally back in TN and can vote in person!


And I got to take my ds with me to vote in the primary last week. His first foray into a voting booth. That was very cool. (Though he voted absentee once already while away at college.)

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I vote in person on election day except for one year when I was out of state on that day and it was an important election. It's way more convenient for me to vote at the polls which are very close to my house than drive to the neighboring town to do absentee voting. Plus I get excited about going to the polls on election day.

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I like voting in person, and always take the kidlets with me. But I can go when it's not busy, and don't have to wait in line.


I voted absentee in college, but for me, absentee is too much work t do unless I need to. Have to request/pick up the absentee ballot, and then make sure to mail it in/drop it off on time. Much easier to just show up on election day. I'm lazy like that.

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I do need to state that the one thing I do NOT like about voting absentee is that I do not get an "I voted" sticker. :glare: I think it should come with my ballot. ;)




I voted absentee once because my due date was right around election day that year. I really enjoy going to the polls so dc can see the local candidates and see the whole process in action. It gives me chills, too.:D

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absentee whenever possible. i travel a lot so often i'm not in town on election day. when i am going to be home, i'd still rather send away for the ballot and drop it in the mailbox. saves time and fossil fuel since my polling place isn't really in safe walking distance. (it's not far but sidewalks are few and far between in this part of the world.)

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I do need to state that the one thing I do NOT like about voting absentee is that I do not get an "I voted" sticker. :glare: I think it should come with my ballot. ;)


LOL! It's ridiculous how much we miss that "I Voted" sticker. My dh saved them all and stuck them on the backside of the sun visor in his farm truck. We really REALLY miss the stickers!

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I have voted absentee in my home state for the last 15 years because I'm a military spouse.


However, I know lots of other people vote absentee just because it's easier than going to the polls. Do you prefer voting absentee or voting at the polls?

my whole county is absentee so I don't have a choice, but I do take my ballot to the ballot drop instead of mailing it. I prefer to go in person though- I guess I feel like my vote is more likely to get counted if I go in person. Also, I don't trust the mail to deliver my ballot.
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After waiting in line almost 4 hours the first time I voted in my state, I've voted absentee ever since. I made the mistake of voting at the polls for the primary this year, and it took an hour and a half. I had the flu, a riot almost broke out, and my kids were with me. I told them we needed to thank God we live in America where we can vote, even if the party chairman is an idiot and only opens one polling place for 60,000 registered voters. They asked if we had to go back for the general election and I said NO! We'll vote absentee. They refused to go with my husband for his primary:001_smile:

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I have voted absentee in my home state for the last 15 years because I'm a military spouse.


However, I know lots of other people vote absentee just because it's easier than going to the polls. Do you prefer voting absentee or voting at the polls?


I am a complete dork!!! I love to go to the polls and vote. I am NOT a morning person but the last 2 elections that I have voted in I was the first person there and so happy about it. :tongue_smilie: When we vote we feed our paper into the machine and it tells us what voter number we are.....So yeah big dork here!!! :D

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Another poll-dork here. I love going to the polling place an voting in person, I actually get kind of emotional about it. This is when the "people died for this right" aspect of our civic right really hits me.


In all my years I've never missed an election, even the silly small ones where there's almost nothing but dog-catcher on the ballot.


And now that I have a son, I take him in the booth with me and we punch the cards together. I had to watch him during the primary, since he wanted Hillary Clinton (and I'm an Obama man :D). And I too love getting the "I voted" sticker.



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Another poll-dork here. I love going to the polling place an voting in person, I actually get kind of emotional about it. This is when the "people died for this right" aspect of our civic right really hits me.


In all my years I've never missed an election, even the silly small ones where there's almost nothing but dog-catcher on the ballot.


And now that I have a son, I take him in the booth with me and we punch the cards together. I had to watch him during the primary, since he wanted Hillary Clinton (and I'm an Obama man :D). And I too love getting the "I voted" sticker.




Ok this dork is really getting jealous over these stickers! I have never gotten one, would I be to much of a dork to ask for one?? :001_huh:

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I go to the polls. I like to take the kids and lecture them about the privilege of voting and all that. Plus I just enjoy chatting with the other voters. There's this hopeful anticipation thing in the air. I just like it.


The best time I ever had at the polls was at the primaries this year. The dems and reps were voting in the same location. So my neighbors and I were all eyeing eachother in the two different lines. It made for some really fun conversation back at the 'hood! :D

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it makes a nice template change from having to find the building where I'm to take the final in the class I didn't know I was registered for,


At least you remembered your class. In my dream I forgot I was registered and never went to class until the final. I've dreamed that dream so many times it almost seems like it really happened (it didn't and I have the transcripts to prove it.)


I can see stressing out about being a poll worker after the last couple of elections, though.

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Absentee because it is just plain easier. I used to get all the information I needed, figure out for whom and what I was going to vote, go to the polls...and invariably the language was different than the information and I couldn't figure out which way to vote on issues. Plus, at that time I was lugging kids under 6 with me.


So dh and I started voting absentee. It is just SO much easier. The ballots are mailed out waaaaay in advance. We get mailings on the candidates and issues. We have TIME to sit and think and ponder and even discuss. Then we make our choices and fill out the ballots.


Part of me misses "dragging the kids to the polls" with me for the experience of voting. I make up for that, though, by talking about how we are voting and choosing and taking them with me to drop off the ballots. They take turns depositing the envelopes and everyone gets an "I voted" sticker. :)

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DH is in politics and I love the experience of voting at the polls. I know some of the candidates personally and I love to take the kids and have them share the experience with me. However, this will be the first time I will vote absentee because in 2004, I was pregnant and sick and stood in line to vote for President for two hours with a two year old! DH can't help me because it is a huge work day for him, so the civics lesson will be put on hold as long as we are having these tight elections with huge turn outs.

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