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WWYD if you found something sharp in a baked good from the grocery store?


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We went to a very well known grocery store last week and bought some fresh baked french bread. Towards the bottom of the loaf my daughter tore off a piece and bit into a sharp object. It looks to be like a twist tie and the paper is attached but not directly wrapped around the wire. We also noticed a staple hanging off the paper. Upon further inspection of the bread that was left we noticed another wire that is baked into the bread as well. So, three objects total in our loaf and not just paper but three wires!


So, I am going to take it back and show them but is there anything else I should do? I don't really know what I expect but hopefully they will be more aware and address this issue with their employees.



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Yikes! I would call and let them know so they can pull the rest of the batch ASAP. I got chunks of a rubberband ground into meat at Whole Foods. They were so apologetic, pulled the tray (I used it as soon as I got home though), replaced the amount of the meat plus the ingredients I had used making meatballs, plus a $50 GC.

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I have pictures. I wish I knew how to post...


https://www.flickr.com/photos/81484564@N03/13628094763/            this is the wire w/paper attached


https://www.flickr.com/photos/81484564@N03/13628434294/in/photostream/         this is the staple


https://www.flickr.com/photos/81484564@N03/13628092943/in/photostream/         this is the bread with baked in wire


Well see if this works. Not the best pics but you can sort of see what they are...

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I went into the store today and asked to speak to a manger and of course the first person I ask says that he is one and he was kind of cocky about it. I pulled out my baggie of goodies and he was pretty surprised and quickly called over another manager, of the food department. You could tell she wanted me out of there pretty quickly and wasn't even really listening to what I was saying. She pulled the bread apart where the one wire was still sitting - which I had avoided doing so they could see it. She then took the bag and just threw it away and said, "what can we do for you?" I was a bit surprised and told her that i had not come here for anything but I would appreciate if she took it back out of the garbage and used it as an educational lesson. I said that at least I expected her to have a discussion with her staff and show them what happened to help insure that it wouldn't happen again. She then seemed to calm down enough to talk to me and agreed that would be a "logical" thing to do. She ended up giving me more bread and a cake and thanked me for being nice. I said several times that I wasn't looking for anything other then that they learn from their mistake and take it seriously.


I bought the bread the other day so she couldn't pull any loafs. I should have thought of that the night it happened. Again, this is a reputable store so hopefully this was just a fluke. I am really glad it wasn't something disgusting in the bread, even though the wire is dangerous I would have been more appalled to see something like a bug and that would have been a different story.

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Her attitude would really tick me off.  If your child had swallowed that staple, or wire, there very well could have been major damage, and for her to basically blow you off and be so rude is unacceptable.  I would write to corporate, and let them know her response.  I know you aren't looking for anything, and you don't have to be, but they need to aware of the attitudes of their so called managers.

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I went into the store today and asked to speak to a manger and of course the first person I ask says that he is one and he was kind of cocky about it. I pulled out my baggie of goodies and he was pretty surprised and quickly called over another manager, of the food department. You could tell she wanted me out of there pretty quickly and wasn't even really listening to what I was saying. She pulled the bread apart where the one wire was still sitting - which I had avoided doing so they could see it. She then took the bag and just threw it away and said, "what can we do for you?" I was a bit surprised and told her that i had not come here for anything but I would appreciate if she took it back out of the garbage and used it as an educational lesson. I said that at least I expected her to have a discussion with her staff and show them what happened to help insure that it wouldn't happen again. She then seemed to calm down enough to talk to me and agreed that would be a "logical" thing to do. She ended up giving me more bread and a cake and thanked me for being nice. I said several times that I wasn't looking for anything other then that they learn from their mistake and take it seriously.



I think you handled the situation really well. I think her response should have been more proactive (it was clearly a hazard, not just moldy bread that got pushed to the back of the shelf and missed on mark-down day).

Some people don't think on their feet, including managers. She's probably used to people yelling at her and being demanding over mistakes, so "what can we do for you?" might have been sincere, given that you said she calmed down to talk to you. It gave you the opportunity to spell out your terms for satisfaction. It would have been nice if she had some sort of standard (but flexible) reply for such a situation, but it sounds like you did a great job of showing her how to handle the situation. Of course, you might be overly nice in your description here, so my thoughts might be way off the mark.


I worked in a grocery store as a teenager, and I can't tell you how many people would come in looking for a way to start a fight--they would create a tense scenario of their own making, wait for you to answer wrong (they usually set up the question in a way that they would get an answer that is a lose-lose), and then stomp off leaving a cart full of groceries, or rip you or the manager a new one. Truly. And I was just a teenaged cashier--the managers must see much worse. My husband works with the public all the time, and it's pretty sad how many people are motivated to cause trouble.

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