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Any one else winding down and eliminating activities?


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We have participated for 3 years straight, through summer as well, recreational gymnastics. We only go once a week. We also attend co-op and church activities. DH also is off midweek, so we spend more time with him on those days and then the weekend always has family or social activities typically. I found myself longing to just stay home. Co-op ends till fall this week and I told DH i wish gymnastics ended, too. He asked why not take a break? I considered it and we decided to say farewell to it until fall as well. We did join a local pool membership that runs from Memorial day to Labor day.

I'm ready for summertime swimming and dollar summer movies! We still school in the summer as well. I now have 2 months of no extracurricular activities and I'm so excited!

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Things are getting busier for us too.  We're in the middle of competitive gymnastics season.  Rowing is about to pick up to twice a day practices.  Ds is testing for his black belt this weekend and that has meant LOTS more practice.  Oldest ds is leaving for college in the fall and has had a TON of things to do with that (he's going to be in a coop program and needs to find a job!).  


Our school stuff is starting to wind down a little as we just want to get through now!  Seven weeks and counting.  

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Yep! Coop ends next Monday for us. We also decided that after this session of gymnastics we'll stop until sometime in the fall also. Ballet has 4 more weeks and that's done too.

We will continue with swimming lessons and ds has a sports class that starts next week and goes until Memorial Day.

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I'm having a baby at the end of the month and I have been trying to slow down for that. I really, really want to have a relaxing summer where I cuddle the new baby and the kids play on the beach and that is it! So, co-op is ending and I didn't sign up for art classes again BUT dh insisted that ds play both soccer and t-ball for a total of 3 days/week and he joined a softball league for another evening/week. But at least dh can take the big kids to those and if I don't feel like going, I don't have to.

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We've been taking a break from TKD for most of the past 3.5 months, but we need to get back into it.  Since there is a belt test this weekend, I'm thinking next week is the perfect time to get back into the swing of things.  ;)  And on days when we don't have a scheduled sport, we're hanging out at the park while the weather is nice.


But yeah, we're winding down on some academic stuff.  Not sure if it's a good idea, but we just aren't that into daily hours of supplementation any more.

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No, it's getting worse here. The rocket team is likely to be invited to compete at Nationals. So fundraisers, presentation competition, DC trip in May, etc. plus they are speaking at the Warren Tech Center to a group of GM engineers and assisting with "Take Your Child to Work Day". I am working with another person to plan the Easter service and music due to our Pastor's youngest child recently being diagnosed with a life threatening illness. Everyone is doing extra at church to ease his responsibilities as they navigate the uncertain future. Middle boy is farm sitting this week and I have to be out there regularly because one of the horses hurt herself rather badly and we've got a whole med routine to follow strictly which the horse does not appreciate so it takes two people. Oldest boy is running sound for some special community services, I have a taco dinner fundraiser to put on the for team this month, my dad is having another surgery, and we get a whole two weeks of breathing space at the end of May, regular 4- H meetings, the 4-H club has a community service project in June, then we go to Iceland, immediately following we have county fair and lots of 4-H responsibilities there, followed by Michigan Tech camps for each boy for one week, and then the air show at which the rocket team will be volunteering. I'm going to take the kids to the lake for a week in August in order to just CHILL and have time with their aunty who will be home from France, then I'll be helping sis move to her new digs, followed by the beginning of the new school year and that means college applications, college visits, and the new rocket team season starts all over again.


Talk to me when the youngest (almost 14) graduates. After I've slept for a month, I might slow down a little and enjoy some fun for myself for a change!

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Having just one kid at home makes my life simpler right away!

Dd's academic competition season is over (August-March, math competitions, robotics competitions, Science Olympiad). Her second full-length ballet of the year has finished (Nutcracker forever in the late fall/early winter, then the spring one Feb/March).

Ballet classes will continue until June. Summer intensives in July and August. Classes will resume in September.

I feel like I have so much free time now :D. Quick four-day trip to WDW comes at the end of this month, and then we go to China the second half of June!

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Co-op has 2 more weeks, and I'll be glad when it's over. Academic competitons are over except for the National Acience League exam in April. Dance, piano, and cheer recitals/competitions are all in May, so just as academics wind down,they pick up the pace, and then we'll have a MUCH more relaxed schedule for the summer, because while DD keeps most of her extracurriculars for the summer, if she has a daycamp, she can easily skip them-no performances, no recitals, and usually no stress.

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We'll still be plenty busy for a while yet. My son has a dance convention coming up in three weeks that will take us out of town for three or four days. And he has one more regular (regional) dance competition in May. (His teachers hope to take at least some of the team to at least one nationals competition, too.) He's also starting to prep for finals in his dual enrollment classes pretty soon, after which he needs to finish studying for and then take two CLEPs. His choir is gearing up for their summer tour to NYC to participate in a choir festival at Carnegie Hall, and he needs to prepare for his audition for the youth theatre summer program he wants to do.


My daughter is planning to move out and away this summer, and we have been asked to do various things to help her with that process.


After that, we'll segue directly into getting my son ready to move into his dorm in the fall.


So, no, definitely not slowing down here for the foreseeable future.



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We usually have a loose schedule, but this week is kind of crazy.


We are getting to the end of our activities this month and next. Then we start summer sports, classes, and activities which means at least one per day, much of that being a 50-120 round trip drive. 


I am always happy for mid July, when summer sports end and we can take a breather.


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We usually have a loose schedule, but this week is kind of crazy.


We are getting to the end of our activities this month and next. Then we start summer sports, classes, and activities which means at least one per day, much of that being a 50-120 round trip drive. 


I am always happy for mid July, when summer sports end and we can take a breather.


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Skating/ shinney hockey ended Friday and weekly skiing ended the week before.  I'm kind of sad about it actually, since it's the only extra-curricular, other than once a month youth choir, that the kids are involved in.


I'm thinking about getting a membership to the closest parks&rec pool, so that we at least get out and see other people once or twice a week  :tongue_smilie:


Eight weeks left until the end of the school year.  YAY!!!!

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I don't overschedule due to medical reasons, but we do have another month or so of club soccer, with a travel tournament and lots in-town games. No-coop, but we do like to get out and meet with other homeschoolers for park days and meet-ups every few weeks. We school year-round, so summer will be morning work, afternoon pool, and evening soccer practice starting mid-June.

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I'm so bummed about my summer I could scream. Youngest is at a ballet intensive and comes back right when oldest begins an every day, all day language program for 4 weeks. Youngest also starts a local intensive one week later, so for 3 weeks I'll be basically driving alll day shuttling them both back and forth (thankfully the times work out I can do that, otherwise I have no idea what I'd do!). Then 3 more weeks of daily intensive for youngest, and one week later school starts and the normal dance schedule. No time for a vacation (or money, lol) at all. Dh started a new job so he couldn't get off anyway...so...that's okay...what else would we do...right? Right?!

No sleeping in or math catch up or pool time for us. Sigh.

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I can't wait until all of our activities end for the summer! I like my down time. By May, soccer will end, American Heritage Girls will end, and AWANA will end. This is a MUCH more pared down schedule than we had last school year. I wasn't about to have a do-over of that.

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We are doing the same thing.  No activities except school until June.  We've dropped cheer, gymnastics, and violin.  I'm beat and we have to finish school before August (we aren't really that behind, but with all the junk it feels like we'll never get done).  I love the peaceful, quiet mornings with no rushing around to get to the next thing!

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