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What do you like to do with raspberries?


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Besides eating them, of course.  Raspberries are cheap, local, and always available here unlike any other place I've lived, so I need more recipes that use fresh raspberries.  I'm not looking for recipes that use lots of raspberries at once since I usually buy a liter at a time, and I don't really need to freeze them.


My two go-to recipes are for a cake topped with raspberries and a rustic galette filled with them. We've eaten a lot of both in the last few months.

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I make freezer jam with them.  :0)   I like to use a sieve to eliminate part of the seeds which means I get a lot less jam than the berries I started out with.  I would love to have easy access to cheap berries so I could do this with less concern about the $$ I am dumping in the garbage.

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*I put them on cereal or oatmeal.

*I put them on/in plain yogurt.

*I have made smoothies with them for my raspberry loving child. 

*I personally don't like them in salad but I have made salads with them for dinner parties during summer months when we have them fresh and others have enjoyed that. 

*We grow our own raspberries and I do freeze them because we have more than we can eat in the summer and they freeze well. 

*My children have been known to grab a handful right off the bushes.  (We don't spray ours with pesticides so it is perfectly safe for them to do so.)

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Drink them!

My aunt's raspberry vinegar cordial is the best! (Does cordial mean alcohol in America? Ours isn't alcoholic.) Kombucha with raspberry juice is pretty darn good too. Wish I had raspberries so I didn't have to pay too much a bottle to buy it.  :drool5:

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Put it on breakfast cereal or oatmeal.

Add it to pancake batter.

Topping on waffles!

Raspberry crumbles.

Raspberries in smoothies.

White chocolate and raspberries cheesecake and cookies (I buy these, never made them, but they are delicious!)

Raspberry in ice water (my son's favorite way to drink water) - we drop a few in a jug of water and let it sit for a half hour and then drink it - the water has a pleasant flavor of raspberry to it (we also do it with strawberries).


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eis mit heissen himbeeren




ice cream topped with hot raspberries.  we make it just by microwaving frozen raspberries, and pouring them over frozen yoghurt.


another nice one is pavlova with whipped cream and raspberries. 


or yoghurt breakfast parfaits with yoghurt, granola and raspberries....


i'm smiling; i think they are one of my favourite foods!

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