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Would you let your five year old do this?


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I see you've decided! 


I would just add that I'd try to ride the first day with her, and I'd be sure to feed her a large snack or even lunch before she goes. That's because MY first day somewhere, I'd be too excited to eat much and because school lunches aren't that great--and you want her fully rested and not hungry when she is coping with all the new stuff in those two hours. 


And I completely understand about your anxiety.  :grouphug:

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Some of the most awful things I have ever experienced or witnessed happened while I was riding the bus to and from school.


Will she be on the bus with a large number of kids? Kids a lot older than she is? How long is the drive?


Those things would worry me more than her going to a public school for a few hours a week.


Can you attend with her and observe the first time to see the program in action and see how she reacts?


No, it's a special bus they send out just for the kids attending the lunch thing, so there won't be any older kids, and all the buses for the kids attending programs through the early childhood thing have an aide that rides along.  


I'm not sure if I can go the first time.  It's something I should definitely check into, though.  I'd probably be much less worried if I knew exactly what was going on.

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No, it's a special bus they send out just for the kids attending the lunch thing, so there won't be any older kids, and all the buses for the kids attending programs through the early childhood thing have an aide that rides along.


I'm not sure if I can go the first time. It's something I should definitely check into, though. I'd probably be much less worried if I knew exactly what was going on.

How far away from the school do you live? How long would it take you to get there if your dd needed you -- like if she got sick or injured?


When I posted earlier, I wasn't thinking of your car situation, but now I'm a bit concerned about it. If your dd needed to come home before the end of the day, you couldn't exactly pick her up on your bicycle, so you'd either need to live within close walking distance or have a very quick and reliable taxi that you could call.


I'm not trying to be discouraging -- it was just something that I was wondering about, and something that would concern me if I was in your situation.

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How far away from the school do you live? How long would it take you to get there if your dd needed you -- like if she got sick or injured?


When I posted earlier, I wasn't thinking of your car situation, but now I'm a bit concerned about it. If your dd needed to come home before the end of the day, you couldn't exactly pick her up on your bicycle, so you'd either need to live within close walking distance or have a very quick and reliable taxi that you could call.


I'm not trying to be discouraging -- it was just something that I was wondering about, and something that would concern me if I was in your situation.

If something like that came up, I would just take a cab and I could be there in under ten minutes.

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I would send her, and I am pretty anti-preschool (academic or full-day).  Plus, she gets her speech therapy.  

I also wouldn't worry about her being heartbroken when it ends.  It will end for everyone and the playground will be there when it ends. 


Although, I too would be worried.  I haven't had any alcohol probably since New Years just because I haven't felt like any.  But, I would probably be popping open a bottle of red when I got home.  


But, it seems like an ideal way to get in a step to brave independence for her, without any downside.  I would want it for my kid even though she doesn't need therapy.  

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I'd go for it, and enjoy the mini-mama break. And I'm super over-protective mama with OCD too. Yeah I'd worry the first day or so, but after that, as long as dd was happy it would be okay.


And can I just say I am totally jealous that it even exsists! Here it's all or nothing. DD would LOVE something like this, and so would I. Here we have a full day 2x a month program through a community group, and full day is just too much for dd. A couple of hours she could do though.

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I would definitely let her try it.  Since it is near the end of the program you have a perfect opportunity to try it for the month and have a natural end (all the kids will stop going so you can truthfully tell her the program is over.  If she loves it you can consider it as an option for next year and if she hates it you can end it immediately.  Sounds like a win-win to me (though I would probably take a cab over to the school and hang out and watch the first day).

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I would send her, and I am pretty anti-preschool (academic or full-day).  Plus, she gets her speech therapy.  

I also wouldn't worry about her being heartbroken when it ends.  It will end for everyone and the playground will be there when it ends. 


Although, I too would be worried.  I haven't had any alcohol probably since New Years just because I haven't felt like any.  But, I would probably be popping open a bottle of red when I got home.  


But, it seems like an ideal way to get in a step to brave independence for her, without any downside.  I would want it for my kid even though she doesn't need therapy.  


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Just to clarify, she wouldn't actually be attending a public school as a student. It's a sort of extracurricular thing for kids who want to get in some practice with their speech and social skills. Kind of like a socialization club that meets over lunch.

I would do it. My DD had speech issues. When she was 4 I sent her to preschool 3x a week for 3 hours for other reasons but a side effect was that her speech exploded and improved immensely. Lots of peers to model from really helps as well as having more chances to use language.


I had to drive my DD but I would have thought it a bonus if someone had picked her up in the bus.


I was really nervous at first too wondering how she would do...she also has SPD but she did fine and still looks back at it with fondness.


I still viewed myself as a homeschooler.....I called it my DD's "extra curricular activity" LOL.

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Thanks, everyone. I feel much better now. :) I'm still a bit anxious about sending her off, but I've stopped biting my nails until they bleed and wondering if I'm a terrible mother, lol.

Only a really great mother would have stressed over this the way you did. It's so obvious that you want what's best for your dd.


But definitely knock it off with the nail biting. Bleeding is bad. ;)

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I think it's a great idea. All areas may not be the same, but in a lot of places, the school busses for special needs are different from regular ones. Where I am, special needs kids going to programs in the local schools use small busses and have a short ride. We have always had super nice aides too. Our experience was always positive. Hope yours will be too.

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I'd do it. I think that this would have been about ideal for my DD at this age, because she needed the time with other kids, especially to work on social communications, but didn't need academics at the level a school would provide. Honestly, I kind of wish this were available to her now.



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I realize everyone's situation is a little different but DFD5 attends a partial day kindergarten three days a week.  She really enjoys going, has made some friends, and I would say overall it has been a positive experience for her.  DD4 will be either doing the same program or a slightly different multiage gifted program with similar hours in the fall. 

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