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If you school through the summer and swim the same day

Excelsior! Academy

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Get up.

Eat breakfast.

Do school. (Only about 45 minutes)

Go to swim lessons.

Come back at eat lunch.

Depending on weather/mood/time/what was accomplished in the am....

Either do a bit more school or play outside/ride bikes/etc. (we live in a northern climate and sometimes have to wait for it to be warm enough to swim outside)

Go to the beach or pool.

Come back, fix dinner while the kids play outside

Eat dinner when dad comes home.

Try and talk dad into going to the beach or pool.

If successful, go back to beach or pool. If not, (dad is not really a fan of swimming) do some other family activity like bike ride or mini golf.

Go to bed so we can do the whole thing over again the next day!

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we are in SoCal high desert, where it can be 100 F by 10am.


so our routine:

up before 6.  feed chickens and do outside chores by 7:30am.

do one round of music practice

swim at 9am.

home by 10am.  


school, lunch, another round of music practice, more school, more music...

and then the sun sets,

and we can swim again and/or hang laundry out and/or eat dinner outside.


then after dinner we drive for them to dance or play in an orchestra.




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No.  Just hoping for ideas on how to schedule school and swim time at the neighborhood pool.  :)


Okay, that I am familiar with! 


My preference is swim first, because it gets insanely hot and sunburn-inducing in the afternoons around here. Plus, it's hard to concentrate when all you can think of is getting to the pool! 

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We like our pool to have most of the day to heat up…. so usually it's normal school in morning (although we do less in the summer), and then swim late afternoon.


I have a history of having a bunch of dysplastic nevi removed (precancerous)…so I don't let my kids in the water until 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. if possible.

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T'smom, that's a lot of pool time.  Ours isn't that convenient.  I am totally jealous!


myblessings3, gerka, contessa, Ours doesn't open until noon.  It used to open earlier.  I don't like the later opening time.


elfgivas, Wow. It can get that hot early here too.  I am impressed you are able to get up so early and accomplish so much!


katilac, I know.  It is hard to concentrate!


Mama-san, Evening hours aren't really an option for us.  Dh isn't really up for swimming at our neighborhood pool after working all day. 


umsami, Great point!  I hadn't thought about trying 3ish.  I have malasma, swimming later in the afternoon may be a good choice for us.


Whitehawk, I love the quiet time before the pool idea!

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we are in SoCal high desert, where it can be 100 F by 10am.


so our routine:

up before 6.  feed chickens and do outside chores by 7:30am.

do one round of music practice

swim at 9am.

home by 10am.  


school, lunch, another round of music practice, more school, more music...

and then the sun sets,

and we can swim again and/or hang laundry out and/or eat dinner outside.


then after dinner we drive for them to dance or play in an orchestra.





This was us too, when we lived in the desert.  Nobody wanted to be outside between the hours of 10 and 6 or 7.  I think we got more school done in the summer than during the "regular" school year! lol  even though we were at the pool in the morning and the evening.

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Way way way back then when mine were little... 8 -9:30 outside time like bikes or playground. 10 - 12 school stuff. 12 - 1 lunch clean up etc.... 1 -2 read aloud, quiet play. 2 -4 nap or room time. 4 -6 pool time. 6 -7 bath. 7 -8 dinner then stories then bed. Loved those days. Enjoymthem

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We stay in a condo complex which has a pool. We'll school and play indoors (too hot out) until hubby is back.  Then we hit the pools.  Both boys can be rowdy at the pool so it is easier with hubby watching as well, no lifeguards at our condo pool.  On weekends we sometimes hit the pool in the morning before heading for the library.

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Lolly, I wish we could stay that long. Good point about sunscreen. We use it, but I am not thrilled about slathering down with chemicals daily in the summer. Going later would allow us to use much less.

UPF-rated rash guards are a huge help with this. We have a pool in our backyard. Everyone has a few rash guards. I'm Casper white and prefer long sleeved.


I wouldn't totally rule out going after DH gets home. Friends of ours who do a pool membership have one night a week that he tries to get home early (he travels and works late frequently frequently), and they order pizza delivery at the pool. Her kids loooove it. :)

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I swim more in the winter than the summer. During the cold months I keep a membership at the gym/pool and head over there most days in the afternoon, around 2 or 3.


Our town has an outdoor pool that's open in the summer, and if we go there, we usually go around 4pm. The daycares and lots of folks clear out at the 4:00 break, the sun is not as strong, etc. They stay open until 7, so we can still enjoy the pool for a couple of hours. We don't do that every day, just because there's lots of other fun stuff to do in the summer, but we easily could do it if we wanted to.

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School Schedule:

Wake up, chores, breakfast-7:00-8:00 am

Bible-8:00-815 am

Daily Drill-8:15-8:30 am

Lang.- 8:30-9:00am

Prep to leave- 9:00-9:30 am

Family exercise-9:30-10:30 am (outdoor stroller class- kids play in park / do laps with mom on scooter while mom works out 3 days a week or go to gym daycare while I work out 2 days a week)

Return home / snack- 10:30-11:00 am

MHF / CRC-9:00-11:00 am (prep to leave, work out, return home, snack)

Math: 11:00-11:15 am

Spanish: 11:15-11:30 am

Electives: 11:30-12:00 am

Free play / Lunch: 12-1

Read Alouds: 1:00-1:30 pm

1:30-3 pm: nap / quiet time

3:00-4:00 pm: snack / get ready for lessons

4:15-4:45: swim lessons

4:45-5:30: Rec. swim

5:30-6:30: showers / wash clothes / etc

6:30-7:30: play outside

7:30-8:00: dinner

8:00-9:00: back outside

9:00-10:00: relax before bed

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We don't do a full school load over the summer, so it's a little easier. Also, we usually have a limited number of worthwhile swimming days. In a pool that's filled with well water. (Cold much???)

The little bit of school we do can be done by lunch, then we'll drive over (about a mile) for a quick dip on nice days.  If the evening stays warm, we'll go back after dinner.

If we manage to get a REALLY nice day, we'll skip school for that day and make the most of it. That tends to wind up being one or two weeks across the entire summer!

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Agreeing with school being half pace. Instead of 4 hrs we spend about 2 hours on school. It's more about keeping math and Lang up and doing some lite learning. We are at about half pace :)


Also I think we'd either chose an early lesson (before 10 am) or later afternoon (after 4 pm).

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when my kids were younger I avoided the pool during peak sun (11-3). So, we didn't go to the pool until mid/later afternoon. I like to make dinner in the morning in the summer. We could come home and have dinner almost immediately. I generally swim 4-6 days a week weather permitting in summer. 

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when my kids were younger I avoided the pool during peak sun (11-3). So, we didn't go to the pool until mid/later afternoon. I like to make dinner in the morning in the summer. We could come home and have dinner almost immediately. I generally swim 4-6 days a week weather permitting in summer.

I think you are in to something! I may have to try that because we eat late, around 7:30 / 8:00 because it's too stinking hot to cook earlier and then we get home later and I have to do chores after swim lessons. We typically grill and do no cook meals but it gets old. Maybe I can just do it super early and get it over with. Brilliant'

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