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How do you keep track of the homeschool material you own?

Karen FL

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Hmmmmmm........yes, it is all filed neatly in the original computer system, my brain! ;)


Seriously, I know what we own. I usually know exactly where it is (not quite so much right now b/c since we moved and unpacked, there are some things the kids unpacked that we haven't been using that I am not quite sure where they are)


I put everything on book shelves by subject. Some subjects have multiple shelves.


But, hey, my mental card catalog system has worked fine for 15 yrs. :)

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I have to check out the librarything thing. I have over 9000 books, and I am always buying books I already have, especially chapter books.


Right now my library is very organized, because I redid it this summer. Fiction is filed by author, except for picture books, which are mostly by size because my dd4 has access to them. History is organized by time period starting with biblical times and going up through modern, with general texts on their own set of shelves.


Science is shelved by general category, i.e bio., chem. etc., and general science books like books on animals are by topic. Language Arts and Foreign Language are by topic also. Spelling together etc. Literature/Great Books have their own set of shelves by author.


I have 13, 6 foot bookshelves, and 16 shorter bookshelves throughout the house, and some books are stored in our shed. I can usually find anything quickly, but as I stated I can't remember what I have. :001_smile:


My kids say they love living in my library. I say that I use homeschooling as an excuse to collect books.


Good luck organizing your books!!

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I use Readerware and a cuecat scanner, works great. No brain to remember everything I own. Like the others, I organize my books heavily.


history--by time period

picture books--in laundry baskets

fiction--by author

FIAR and extra special books--together


me books (parenting, teaching, etc.)

series that I collect


Curriculum stuff is by subject. I have a closet and the tm's get really heavy, tend to fall over, so I've been rearranging them, inserting milk crates every so often. They're handy because they create subject divisions, keep things upright, and allow me to put larger things like maps and stuff on top. So that way the supplemental materials for the subject are integrated right in with the tm's. I may not remember what I have, but it will be in the right place when I go to look for something nifty on that topic. :)

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-I do have most of our books cataloged at http://www.librarything.com but I need to update it. Sigh.

-I keep our games in easy reach and each quarter I make a purposeful effort to see if there is something to include in our studies.

-I keep our books organized by what year of the cycle we're in, Ancients, Middle Ages, Early Modern, Modern. We're limited on space right now, so I have Rubbermaid Totes for the books we're not immediately using. 2444-2245cedar.jpg


All of our science books are accessible because at any time, something may interest us. I keep music and art books available as well for the same reason, although we have a selected few that we will intentionally read during the year.


I keep all DVDs and CDs, including seminars and helps for me in CD cases in these


and I get rid of the extra packaging. I have one for Educational Videos, French, Classical Music, HS Helps and Kids' Movies. We have smaller ones for our own movies.


I use all kinds of storage



Love those over the door shoe holders!

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I used MS Excel 6 years ago when I decided to keep a list of what books I have. I typed each book in individually on the first column. The second column is for subject, and subsequent columns narrow it down more (i.e. US-Civil War, TOG Yr1, etc) Now when I get new books, I just add it to the list.


When I need to see what books I have for a certain subject or time period, I re-sort the list and can easily see what books I have.


As for storage, I have 2 big and 2 small bookcases. The books are roughly grouped into subjects. Then I have bins (lost count of how many) in the basement. Each bin is labeled TOG Yr. 1, math, science, etc.


Gonna look into the librarything and see if it's worth switching over.




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Right now? Since I'm just starting, I just put all my curriculum materials in a clear box I bought at my local supermarket, Publix. The whole "curriculum-in-a-box" gave me that idea. I just rounded up all the materials myself, but they're all easy to find. Everything I already have for next year, first grade, I have on one shelf separate from everything else.

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I've started using a library software. The one I use is called Delicious Library and it's for Macs. They just came out with a version 2, and I haven't yet upgraded (even though they gave me a link to upgrade for free.) But, you can catalog anything in there, not just books (though that's why I bought it.) You can enter information by entering the ISBN, Title, (or any other bit of information you might have) or you can scan the bar code with a scanner or with an isight camera. It searches online for matches and downloads the information right in there for you. You can search by keywords for things in your collection, and can also set up themed shelves. I use this for different periods in history and different science topics. You can also just browse your books in neat photo-realistic bookshelves.





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Here's the info at Case Logic, if you want a better price, you'll have to shop around



There are different capacities, 64, 96 and smaller ones that I think hold 20.

Thanks for this, Jessica! :001_smile:


I don't have an answer yet, so I'm reading these responses with interest.

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Ha! That at first made me laugh!


We're only starting first grade this year and I could see things quickly getting out of control! Our public library is.....well desperately lacking to put it gently, so I have to buy alot of books and I don't want to buy themn and then lose track of them and forget why I bought them!


I started listing of my curriculum and books into an excel spreadsheet like this:


File name: "First Grade 2008/2009 Books List"


Then subheadings for categories by subject headings:


Spine Book: SOTW

Supplemental books: blah, blah, blah....



Poetry: blah, blah

Fairy tales: blah

Bedtime: blah, blah



Spine: blah

Supplement: blah, blah, blah




Get the idea? You could do whatever categories and subs that you prefer this is just roughly how I did it.


It works GREAT for me so far since I go crazy if I can't keep track of things, and I'm just a spreadsheet lover anyway! :D

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I buy and own a lot of stuff, but it's not so bad I don't know what I have! If it got that much, I would sell some of it.


I have regular books (picture books, chapter books, etc.) on shelves throughout the house, and our pantry houses stuff that's being used particularly for school (math books, manipulatives, markers, art supplies, etc.).


There's a Rubbermaid bin in my closet with some curricula that I'm keeping to use with younger kids, but I pretty much know what's in it. A quick scan can refresh my memory. :001_smile:

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I'm not sure what you mean. I can't imagine owning so many homeschool resources that I'd have to create a document to keep track of it all. One child or another is typically using what I own. Any materials that are awaiting the next go 'round are just stored in a Rubbermaid container with an index card attached to the top, noting the contents.

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I'm not sure what you mean. I can't imagine owning so many homeschool resources that I'd have to create a document to keep track of it all. One child or another is typically using what I own. Any materials that are awaiting the next go 'round are just stored in a Rubbermaid container with an index card attached to the top, noting the contents.


I think she just means, "How do you keep track of the home school material you own?"


Apparently, some of us either have more home school materials than others, or perhaps just a worse memory. :D


Actual curriculum, like Singapore math, is easy enough to keep track of, but the extra little supplements and games tend to get away from me, and I don't have enough kids to be happy discovering a lost treasure in a few years.

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I don't keep track...which is why I have doubles of several reading books. :001_huh:



Im glad it's not just me! (I have four different copies of Edith Hamilton's Mythology:blushing:)


What a great thread, though. I had started using Librarything, but with the amount of work before me, I gave up. I never knew about Cuecat, though, maybe that would help, thank you guys!

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People do that? Really? :tongue_smilie:


Most of what we're currently using are on shelves and then I have many lovely cardboard boxes full of the others.


Do you have a system beyond listing them on your computer as a document?

Just curious...

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Well, I used Library Thing also, but it's not very well organized at the moment. For curriculum, I pretty much know what I have although every once in a while I come across something I had forgotten. I've run out of bookshelf space so I'm story curriculum in Rubbermaid totes until the time comes for me to get it out. All history and science is on the shelves.



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