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  1. You can download the Glencoe Chemistry book chapter by chapter and a student resources guide here: http://iqa.evergreenps.org/science/textbooks/glencoe-chem/Glencoe_Chemistry.html
  2. I agree. The logic stage history section and the info on outlining In particular were clarified and explained more in the 09 edition.
  3. Ruth, Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to share your observations and opinions on these. This is exactly the sort of info that I really needed and couldn't find. :)
  4. These things all target different areas of LA, and like a pp said, you might want to consider a handwriting program too. I remember seeing somewhere, but where exactly I don't remember that they suggest not beginning a spelling program until lesson 115 in OPGtR and not beginning FLL until you reach lesson 140 in OPGtR.
  5. This is what I'm thinking to do as well. We had tried LFC before but, it was not received well by my dd. She enjoyed LL1 and I reasoned that with some extra translation from ecce romani why switch?
  6. I wish Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading and Phonics Pathway are 2 good solid inexpensive learn to read programs without all the distracting "extras". We haven't used Mark Kistler's online program but did use his book Draw Squad will much success. My kids love it. This year we plan to go through his You Can Draw in 30 Days book as it seemed to have some different and not just cartoony things (along with a sculpture book I got at a used curriculum sale). Drawing with Children was much too overwhelming for us so it just sits on my shelf...
  7. My daughter enjoyed reading the Whatever Happened to Penny Candy book.
  8. There is the table of contents and a sample of fiction weeks 1-4 & poetry weeks 1-4 on the PDF listing. I am also interested in hearing about people's experiences with it.
  9. I haven't really figured out a good methodology for this yet either. We come across some of the figures while reading but not all of them and there wind up being other things we come across to put on a timeline... So I'm :bigear:
  10. :iagree: Same here and this was with my myth loving child! The page on Memoria Press' site for the D'Aulaire's book has sample pages. This same format is repeated for each section. Take a look and see if it will work for your family.
  11. OUP is having a spring sale of up to 65% off including many of the books from The World in Ancient Times and the next series that comes after about the middle ages and early modern times. It wound up costing about $200 for all the books that make up the set. OUP history sale page
  12. I find washing soda in my grocery store's laundry aisle. It seems to typically be a bottom-shelf item. HTH
  13. This is a great original idea! It would give such a great visual. Thanks!
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